import faceVoiceMain faceVoiceMain.init()
def init(): print 'Please wait initializing system...' import sys import pickle import barCode import fingerCode import doorcheck import buzzer import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time as time import servoCode import os import barMain import allModulesMain import faceVoiceMain import fingerMain import voiceFingerMain print 'System initialized! Usage can begin now !' time.sleep(2) os.system('clear') GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setwarnings(False) mat = [['1', '2', '3', 'A'], ['4', '5', '6', 'B'], ['7', '8', '9', 'C'], ['*', '0', '#', 'D']] row = [7, 11, 13, 15] col = [12, 16, 18, 32] pin = '1234' changeModulePin = '62018' entered = ['0'] countEntered = 0 for j in range(4): GPIO.setup(col[j], GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(col[j], 1) for i in range(4): GPIO.setup(row[i], GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) switchpin = 37 GPIO.setup(switchpin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) passCorrectFlag = False try: while (True): input_state = GPIO.input(switchpin) if input_state == False: print '\nOpening Lock!' servoCode.turnmotor(-80) buzzer.passAccepted() doorcheck.checkWhenClosed() countEntered = 0 for j in range(4): GPIO.output(col[j], 0) for i in range(4): if GPIO.input(row[i]) == 0: countEntered += 1 if (countEntered > len(entered)): entered.append(mat[i][j]) else: entered[countEntered - 1] = mat[i][j] if (i == 0 and j == 3): # Key: A #print "Backspace" countEntered -= 2 os.system('clear') elif (i == 3 and j == 3): # Key : D countEntered -= 1 #print "Enter" p = len(entered) - 1 while (entered[p] != 'D'): del entered[p] p -= 1 del entered[p] enteredpin = ''.join(entered) if enteredpin == pin: print '\nCorrect Pin!\nOpening Lock!' servoCode.turnmotor(-80) buzzer.passAccepted() doorcheck.checkWhenClosed() elif enteredpin == changeModulePin: print 'Change Module!' time.sleep(0.5) os.system('clear') print 'Please select the module you wish to use:' print '1. Barcode Recognition\t2. Barcode+Finger recognition' print '3. Face+Voice recognition\t4. Voice+Finger recognition' print '5.Finger recognition\t6. All modules together\nChoice:' GPIO.output(col[j], 1) numEntered = False while (numEntered == False): for x in range(4): GPIO.output(col[x], 0) for z in range(4): if GPIO.input(row[z]) == 0: print z, x keyentered = mat[z][x] try: ip = int(keyentered) if (ip < 1 or ip > 6): print 'Select valid choice!' else: numEntered = True break except: print 'Select valid choice!' if numEntered == True: break GPIO.output(col[x], 1) time.sleep(0.1) GPIO.output(col[j], 0) if ip == 1: barMain.init() elif ip == 2: print 'It is the current module!\n' elif ip == 3: faceVoiceMain.init() elif ip == 4: voiceFingerMain.init() elif ip == 5: fingerMain.init() elif ip == 6: allModulesMain.init() else: print '\nWrong pin!' countEntered = 0 elif (i == 1 and j == 3): # Key : B print "\n Please enter the pin to add user:\n" time.sleep(1.5) os.system('clear') keyentered = '0' countKey = 0 keyid = [] GPIO.output(col[j], 1) time.sleep(0.1) while (keyentered != mat[3][3] or countKey == 0): for q in range(4): GPIO.output(col[q], 0) for w in range(4): if GPIO.input(row[w]) == 0: keyentered = mat[w][q] if (keyentered == 'D'): break elif (keyentered == 'A'): countKey -= 1 os.system('clear') else: os.system('clear') countKey += 1 if (countKey > len(keyid)): keyid.append(keyentered) else: keyid[countKey - 1] = keyentered z = 0 for z in range(countKey): print keyid[z], print '' while (GPIO.input(row[w]) == 0): pass GPIO.output(col[q], 1) time.sleep(0.1) p = len(keyid) - 1 while (p >= countKey): del keyid[p] p -= 1 keyid = ''.join(keyid) if keyid == pin: print "\nInitializing User Adding protocol..." print "\nPlease enter numeric id number you wish to give for user" time.sleep(1.5) os.system('clear') keyentered = '0' countKey = 0 keyid = [] GPIO.output(col[j], 1) time.sleep(0.1) while (keyentered != mat[3][3] or countKey == 0): for q in range(4): GPIO.output(col[q], 0) for w in range(4): if GPIO.input(row[w]) == 0: keyentered = mat[w][q] if (keyentered == 'D'): break elif (keyentered == 'A'): countKey -= 1 os.system('clear') else: os.system('clear') countKey += 1 if (countKey > len(keyid)): keyid.append( keyentered) else: keyid[countKey - 1] = keyentered z = 0 for z in range(countKey): print keyid[z], print '' while (GPIO.input(row[w]) == 0): pass GPIO.output(col[q], 1) time.sleep(0.1) p = len(keyid) - 1 while (p >= countKey): del keyid[p] p -= 1 keyid = ''.join(keyid) barCode.train(keyid) print 'Barcode added to data, moving to fingerprint enrollment!' result = fingerCode.enroll(keyid) if result == 'Sensor Error': print 'The Sensor is not working properly. Please contact the service personnel. Sorry for the inconvinience!' elif result == 'Unknown Error': print 'Some unknown error occured. Please contact the service personnel. Sorry for the inconvinience!' countEntered = 0 else: print 'User not authorized!' countEntered = 0 elif (i == 2 and j == 3): # Key : C #print "Remove User" print "\n Please enter the pin to remove user:\n" time.sleep(1.5) os.system('clear') keyentered = '0' countKey = 0 keyid = [] GPIO.output(col[j], 1) time.sleep(0.1) while (keyentered != mat[3][3] or countKey == 0): for q in range(4): GPIO.output(col[q], 0) for w in range(4): if GPIO.input(row[w]) == 0: keyentered = mat[w][q] if (keyentered == 'D'): break elif (keyentered == 'A'): countKey -= 1 os.system('clear') else: os.system('clear') countKey += 1 if (countKey > len(keyid)): keyid.append(keyentered) else: keyid[countKey - 1] = keyentered z = 0 for z in range(countKey): print keyid[z], print '' while (GPIO.input(row[w]) == 0): pass GPIO.output(col[q], 1) time.sleep(0.1) p = len(keyid) - 1 while (p >= countKey): del keyid[p] p -= 1 keyid = ''.join(keyid) if keyid == pin: print "\nInitializing User Deleting protocol..." print "\nPlease enter numeric id number you wish to delete:" time.sleep(1.5) os.system('clear') keyentered = '0' countKey = 0 keyid = [] GPIO.output(col[j], 1) time.sleep(0.1) while (keyentered != mat[3][3] or countKey == 0): for q in range(4): GPIO.output(col[q], 0) for w in range(4): if GPIO.input(row[w]) == 0: keyentered = mat[w][q] if (keyentered == 'D'): break elif (keyentered == 'A'): countKey -= 1 os.system('clear') else: os.system('clear') countKey += 1 if (countKey > len(keyid)): keyid.append( keyentered) else: keyid[countKey - 1] = keyentered z = 0 for z in range(countKey): print keyid[z], print '' while (GPIO.input(row[w]) == 0): pass GPIO.output(col[q], 1) time.sleep(0.1) p = len(keyid) - 1 while (p >= countKey): del keyid[p] p -= 1 keyid = ''.join(keyid) print 'Initializing barcode deletion...' time.sleep(1) result = barCode.delete(keyid) if result == 'Key Not Present': print 'Invalid Key Entered!' else: print 'Initializing fingerprint deletion...' time.sleep(1) result = fingerCode.delete(keyid) if result == 'Key Not Present': print 'Invalid Key Entered' countEntered = 0 else: print 'User not authorized!' countEntered = 0 elif (i == 3 and j == 0): # Key : * #print "Recognise" print 'Initializing barcode recognition...' result1 = barCode.recog() if result1 == 'No Data': print 'No data available for recognition!' if result1 == 'Not Found': print 'Barcode not recognised!' buzzer.passRejected() else: print 'Barcode Recognised. Initialising fingerprint recognition...' result2 = while (result2 == 'Not Accurate'): print 'Not Very Accurate! Please try again!' result2 = if result2 == 'No Data': print 'No data available for recognition!' if result2 == 'Sensor Error': print 'The Sensor is not working properly. Please contact the service personnel. Sorry for the inconvinience!' elif result2 == 'Unknown Error': print 'Some unknown error occured. Please contact the service personnel. Sorry for the inconvinience!' elif result2 == 'Not Found': print 'Fingerprint not recognised!' buzzer.passRejected() else: if result1 == result2: print 'Opening lock for id key:%s' % ( result1) servoCode.turnmotor(-80) buzzer.passAccepted() doorcheck.checkWhenClosed() else: print 'Users of Barcode and Fingerprint recognition do not match!' countEntered = 0 elif (i == 3 and j == 2): # Key : # print 'You wish to change pin!\n' print 'Please enter the current pin!' time.sleep(1.5) os.system('clear') keyentered = '0' countKey = 0 keyid = [] GPIO.output(col[j], 1) time.sleep(0.1) while (keyentered != mat[3][3] or countKey == 0): for q in range(4): GPIO.output(col[q], 0) for w in range(4): if GPIO.input(row[w]) == 0: keyentered = mat[w][q] if (keyentered == 'D'): break elif (keyentered == 'A'): countKey -= 1 os.system('clear') else: os.system('clear') countKey += 1 if (countKey > len(keyid)): keyid.append(keyentered) else: keyid[countKey - 1] = keyentered z = 0 for z in range(countKey): print keyid[z], print '' while (GPIO.input(row[w]) == 0): pass GPIO.output(col[q], 1) time.sleep(0.1) p = len(keyid) - 1 while (p >= countKey): del keyid[p] p -= 1 keyid = ''.join(keyid) if keyid == pin: print 'Pin verified !\n\nPlease enter the new pin!' time.sleep(1.5) os.system('clear') keyentered = '0' countKey = 0 keyid = [] GPIO.output(col[j], 1) time.sleep(0.1) while (keyentered != mat[3][3] or countKey == 0): for q in range(4): GPIO.output(col[q], 0) for w in range(4): if GPIO.input(row[w]) == 0: keyentered = mat[w][q] if (keyentered == 'D'): break elif (keyentered == 'A'): countKey -= 1 os.system('clear') elif (keyentered == '*' or keyentered == '#' or keyentered == 'B' or keyentered == 'C'): print 'Please use only numbers!' else: os.system('clear') countKey += 1 if (countKey > len(keyid)): keyid.append( keyentered) else: keyid[countKey - 1] = keyentered z = 0 for z in range(countKey): print keyid[z], print '' while (GPIO.input(row[w]) == 0): pass GPIO.output(col[q], 1) time.sleep(0.1) p = len(keyid) - 1 while (p >= countKey): del keyid[p] p -= 1 keyid = ''.join(keyid) pin = keyid print 'Pin Changed!' else: print 'Old pin not correct!' else: os.system('clear') p = 0 for p in range(countEntered): print entered[p], print '' while (GPIO.input(row[i]) == 0): pass GPIO.output(col[j], 1) time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: GPIO.cleanup()