Beispiel #1
def init():
    # Init all variable
    global fs, fd, today_dir, index, img_path_map

    fs = FaceSearcher(**cfg.search_config)
    fd = FaceDetector(**cfg.detect_config)
    # Make folder
    today_dir = init_folder(cfg.data_path, cfg.wards)
    # If data exist ==> add them to graph
    w_paths = [os.path.join(today_dir, w, 'true') for w in cfg.wards]
    features = []
    for w_path in w_paths:
        for image_name in os.listdir(w_path):
            image_path = os.path.join(w_path, image_name)
            # Add path to path map
            # convert image to pytorch tensor
            image = pil_loader(image_path)
            image = ToTensor()(image)

            # extract all
            tensor = fd.extract_feature(image)
            # print(tensor.shape)

            index += 1
    # Add to graph
    print('Getting {} images'.format(index))
    if index > 0:
        features = np.array(features)
        # print(features.shape)
        fs.add_faces(features, np.arange(index))