Beispiel #1
def main(input_path, output_path):

    # Create model
    # net = SSD("onnx_export")
    # net.load_state_dict(torch.load(input_path))
    # net.eval()

    # Initialize detection model
    cfg = widerface_640
    thresh = cfg['conf_thresh']
    net = build_ssd('test', cfg['min_dim'],
                    cfg['num_classes'])  # initialize SSD
    print('Finished loading detection model!')

    # Generate a torch.jit.ScriptModule via tracing
    print('=> tracing module...')
    input = torch.rand(1, 3, 720, 1280)
    traced_script_module = torch.jit.trace(net, input)

    # Serialize script module
    # output_path = os.path.join(exp_dir, '')
    print("=> saving script module to '{}'".format(output_path))
Beispiel #2
def test_oneimage(args):
    # load net
    cfg = widerface_640
    num_classes = len(WIDERFace_CLASSES) + 1 # +1 background
    net = build_ssd('test', cfg['min_dim'], num_classes) # initialize SSD
    if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:  
        net = nn.DataParallel(net) #enabling data parallelism
    print('Finished loading model!')

    # evaluation
    cuda = args.cuda
    transform = TestBaseTransform((104, 117, 123))
    #save_path = args.save_folder
    #num_images = len(testset)
    # load data
    path = args.img_root
    img_id = 'face'
    img = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)

    max_im_shrink = ( (2000.0*2000.0) / (img.shape[0] * img.shape[1])) ** 0.5
    shrink = max_im_shrink if max_im_shrink < 1 else 1

    det0 = infer(net , img , transform , thresh , cuda , shrink)
    det1 = infer_flip(net , img , transform , thresh , cuda , shrink)
    # shrink detecting and shrink only detect big face
    st = 0.5 if max_im_shrink >= 0.75 else 0.5 * max_im_shrink
    det_s = infer(net , img , transform , thresh , cuda , st)
    index = np.where(np.maximum(det_s[:, 2] - det_s[:, 0] + 1, det_s[:, 3] - det_s[:, 1] + 1) > 30)[0]
    det_s = det_s[index, :]
    # enlarge one times
    factor = 2
    bt = min(factor, max_im_shrink) if max_im_shrink > 1 else (st + max_im_shrink) / 2
    det_b = infer(net , img , transform , thresh , cuda , bt)
    # enlarge small iamge x times for small face
    if max_im_shrink > factor:
        bt *= factor
        while bt < max_im_shrink:
            det_b = np.row_stack((det_b, infer(net , img , transform , thresh , cuda , bt)))
            bt *= factor
        det_b = np.row_stack((det_b, infer(net , img , transform , thresh , cuda , max_im_shrink) ))
    # enlarge only detect small face
    if bt > 1:
        index = np.where(np.minimum(det_b[:, 2] - det_b[:, 0] + 1, det_b[:, 3] - det_b[:, 1] + 1) < 100)[0]
        det_b = det_b[index, :]
        index = np.where(np.maximum(det_b[:, 2] - det_b[:, 0] + 1, det_b[:, 3] - det_b[:, 1] + 1) > 30)[0]
        det_b = det_b[index, :]
    det = np.row_stack((det0, det1, det_s, det_b))
    det = bbox_vote(det)
    vis_detections(img , det , img_id, args.visual_threshold, args.save_folder)
Beispiel #3
def test_oneimage():
    # load net
    cfg = widerface_640
    num_classes = len(WIDERFace_CLASSES) + 1 # +1 background
    net = build_ssd('test', cfg['min_dim'], num_classes) # initialize SSD
    print('Finished loading model!')

    # evaluation
    cuda = args.cuda
    transform = TestBaseTransform((104, 117, 123))
    #save_path = args.save_folder
    #num_images = len(testset)
    # load data
    path = args.img_root
    img_id = 'face'
    img = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)

    max_im_shrink = ( (2000.0*2000.0) / (img.shape[0] * img.shape[1])) ** 0.5
    shrink = max_im_shrink if max_im_shrink < 1 else 1

    det0 = infer(net , img , transform , thresh , cuda , shrink)
    det1 = infer_flip(net , img , transform , thresh , cuda , shrink)
    # shrink detecting and shrink only detect big face
    st = 0.5 if max_im_shrink >= 0.75 else 0.5 * max_im_shrink
    det_s = infer(net , img , transform , thresh , cuda , st)
    index = np.where(np.maximum(det_s[:, 2] - det_s[:, 0] + 1, det_s[:, 3] - det_s[:, 1] + 1) > 30)[0]
    det_s = det_s[index, :]
    # enlarge one times
    factor = 2
    bt = min(factor, max_im_shrink) if max_im_shrink > 1 else (st + max_im_shrink) / 2
    det_b = infer(net , img , transform , thresh , cuda , bt)
    # enlarge small iamge x times for small face
    if max_im_shrink > factor:
        bt *= factor
        while bt < max_im_shrink:
            det_b = np.row_stack((det_b, infer(net , img , transform , thresh , cuda , bt)))
            bt *= factor
        det_b = np.row_stack((det_b, infer(net , img , transform , thresh , cuda , max_im_shrink) ))
    # enlarge only detect small face
    if bt > 1:
        index = np.where(np.minimum(det_b[:, 2] - det_b[:, 0] + 1, det_b[:, 3] - det_b[:, 1] + 1) < 100)[0]
        det_b = det_b[index, :]
        index = np.where(np.maximum(det_b[:, 2] - det_b[:, 0] + 1, det_b[:, 3] - det_b[:, 1] + 1) > 30)[0]
        det_b = det_b[index, :]
    det = np.row_stack((det0, det1, det_s, det_b))
    det = bbox_vote(det)
    vis_detections(img , det , img_id, args.visual_threshold)
Beispiel #4
            cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) // args.reduce_scale),
                        cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) //

    out = cv2.VideoWriter(args.output, fourcc, cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS),
    total_frame = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
    f_count = 0
    e_time = None
    s_time = None

    cfg = widerface_640
    # load net
    num_classes = len(WIDERFace_CLASSES) + 1  # +1 background
    net = build_ssd('test', cfg['min_dim'], num_classes)  # initialize SSD
    print('Finished loading model!')

    shrink = 1

    while cap.isOpened():
        if args.verbose > 0 and e_time is not None:
            ittime = (e_time - s_time) * (total_frame - f_count)
            hour = int(ittime / 60.0 / 60.0)
            minute = int((ittime / 60.0) - (hour * 60))
            second = int(ittime % 60.0)

            print("Progress %d/%d(%.2f%%), Estimated time : %02d:%02d:%02d" %
        xmin = det[i][0]
        ymin = det[i][1]
        xmax = det[i][2]
        ymax = det[i][3]
        score = det[i][4]

        #f.write('{:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.3f}\n'.
        #        format(xmin, ymin, (xmax - xmin + 1), (ymax - ymin + 1), score))

        f.write('{:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f} {:.3f}\n'.
                format(np.floor(xmin), np.floor(ymin), np.ceil(xmax - xmin + 1), np.ceil(ymax - ymin + 1), score))

# load net
cfg = widerface_640
num_classes = len(WIDERFace_CLASSES) + 1 # +1 background
net = build_ssd('test', cfg['min_dim'], num_classes) # initialize SSD
print('Finished loading model!')

# load data

testset = WIDERFaceDetection(args.widerface_root, 'val' , None, WIDERFaceAnnotationTransform())
#testset = WIDERFaceDetection(args.widerface_root, 'test' , None, WIDERFaceAnnotationTransform())

def vis_detections(imgid, im,  dets, thresh=0.5):
    """Draw detected bounding boxes."""
    class_name = 'face'
    inds = np.where(dets[:, -1] >= thresh)[0]
def main(input_path, output_path, detection_model_path):
    cuda = True
    if cuda and torch.cuda.is_available():

    # Initialize detection model
    cfg = widerface_640
    thresh = cfg['conf_thresh']
    net = build_ssd('test', cfg['min_dim'], cfg['num_classes'])  # initialize SSD
    net = net.cuda()
    print('Finished loading detection model!')

    transform = TestBaseTransform((104, 117, 123))

    # Open target video file
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(input_path)
    if not cap.isOpened():
        raise RuntimeError('Failed to read video: ' + input_path)
    total_frames = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
    fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
    target_vid_width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
    target_vid_height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))

    # Initialize output video file
    if output_path is not None:
        if os.path.isdir(output_path):
            output_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_path))[0] + '.mp4'
            output_path = os.path.join(output_path, output_filename)
        fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'x264')
        out_vid = cv2.VideoWriter(output_path, fourcc, fps, (target_vid_width, target_vid_height))
        out_vid = None

    max_im_shrink = ((2000.0 * 2000.0) / (target_vid_height * target_vid_width)) ** 0.5
    shrink = max_im_shrink if max_im_shrink < 1 else 1

    # For each frame in the video
    for i in tqdm(range(total_frames)):
        ret, frame =
        if frame is None:

        # Process
        det0 = infer(net, frame, transform, thresh, True, shrink)
        det1 = infer_flip(net, frame, transform, thresh, True, shrink)
        # shrink detecting and shrink only detect big face
        st = 0.5 if max_im_shrink >= 0.75 else 0.5 * max_im_shrink
        det_s = infer(net, frame, transform, thresh, True, st)
        index = np.where(np.maximum(det_s[:, 2] - det_s[:, 0] + 1, det_s[:, 3] - det_s[:, 1] + 1) > 30)[0]
        det_s = det_s[index, :]

        det = np.row_stack((det0, det1, det_s))
        det = bbox_vote(det.astype(float))

        det = np.round(det[det[:, 4] > 0.5, :4]).astype(int)

        # Render
        render_img = frame
        for rect in det:
            # cv2.rectangle(render_img, tuple(rect[:2]), tuple(rect[:2] + rect[2:]), (0, 0, 255), 1)
            cv2.rectangle(render_img, tuple(rect[:2]), tuple(rect[2:]), (0, 0, 255), 1)
        if out_vid is not None:
        cv2.imshow('render_img', render_img)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):