def __init__(self, size, margin, weights, device, select_largest, images): print("Loading network.....") current = time.time() self.device = device self.mtcnn = MTCNN(image_size=size, margin=margin, keep_all=False, device=device, select_largest=True) self.model = InceptionResnetV1(pretrained='vggface2', device=device) state_dict = torch.load(weights, map_location="cpu") self.model.load_state_dict(state_dict) self.images = images elapse = time.time() - current print("Network successfully loaded, process time: %.2fs" % elapse) # eval mode self.model.eval()
def extract_faces(videopath): mtcnn = MTCNN(device='cuda', image_size=299, margin=0.3 / 1.3 * 299).eval() reader = cv2.VideoCapture(videopath) frame_list = [] frame_num = 0 while reader.isOpened(): success, frame = if not success: break image = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) frame_list.append(image) frame_num += 1 reader.release() # print(len(frame_list[:10])) faces = [] with torch.no_grad(): face = mtcnn(frame_list[:2]) faces.extend(face) faces = [f for f in faces if f is not None] return faces[0]
def __init__(self): self.device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' self.cnn = MTCNN(device=self.device, keep_all=True) self.cnn0 = MTCNN(device=self.device) self.rnn1 = InceptionResnetV1(device=self.device, pretrained='vggface2').eval()
def __init__(self, master, opt): self.parent = master self.parent.title("Semi Automatic Image Annotation Tool") self.frame = Frame(self.parent) self.frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.parent.resizable(width=False, height=False) # setup yolov5 model self.opt = opt opt.augment = True opt.update = False opt.agnostic_nms = False # initialize set_logging() device = select_device(opt.device) self.device = device # load yolo5 object detection model model = attempt_load(opt.weights, map_location=device) # load FP32 model self.img_size = check_img_size(opt.img_size, s=model.stride.max()) # check img_size half = device.type != 'cpu' # half precision only supported on CUDA self.half = half if half: model.half() # to FP16 self.object_model = model # get object detection names self.names = ['person'] # load face detect model self.face_model = MTCNN(keep_all=True, margin=opt.face_margin, device=device) self.face_landmarks = opt.face_landmarks # Initialize class variables self.img = None self.tkimg = None self.imageDir = '' self.imageDirPathBuffer = '' self.imageList = [] self.imageTotal = 0 self.imageCur = 0 self.cur = 0 self.bboxIdList = [] self.bboxList = [] self.bboxPointList = [] self.o1 = None self.o2 = None self.o3 = None self.o4 = None self.bboxId = None self.currLabel = None self.editbboxId = None self.currBboxColor = None self.zoomImgId = None self.zoomImg = None self.zoomImgCrop = None self.tkZoomImg = None self.hl = None self.vl = None self.editPointId = None self.filename = None self.filenameBuffer = None self.objectLabelList = [] self.EDIT = False # record image names for saving previous results self.annoList = {} # initialize mouse state self.STATE = {'x': 0, 'y': 0} self.STATE_COCO = {'click': 0} # initialize annotation file self.anno_filename = 'annotations.csv' self.annotation_file = open('annotations/' + self.anno_filename, 'w+') self.annotation_file.write("") self.annotation_file.close() # ------------------ GUI --------------------- # Control Panel self.ctrlPanel = Frame(self.frame) self.ctrlPanel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W + N) self.openBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text='Open', command=self.open_image) self.openBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.openDirBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text='Open Dir', command=self.open_image_dir) self.openDirBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.nextBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text='Next -->', command=self.open_next) self.nextBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.previousBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text='<-- Previous', command=self.open_previous) self.previousBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.saveBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text='Save', self.saveBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.semiAutoBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text="Show Suggestions", command=self.automate) self.semiAutoBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.disp = Label(self.ctrlPanel, text='Coordinates:') self.disp.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.mb = Menubutton(self.ctrlPanel, text="COCO Classes for Suggestions", relief=RAISED) self.mb.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) = Menu(self.mb, tearoff=0) self.mb["menu"] = self.addCocoBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text="+", command=self.add_labels_coco) self.addCocoBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.zoomPanelLabel = Label(self.ctrlPanel, text="Precision View Panel") self.zoomPanelLabel.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.zoomcanvas = Canvas(self.ctrlPanel, width=150, height=150) self.zoomcanvas.pack(fill=X, side=TOP, anchor='center') # Image Editing Region self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame, width=self.img_size, height=self.img_size) self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W + N) self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.mouse_click) self.canvas.bind("<Motion>", self.mouse_move, "+") self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.mouse_drag) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.mouse_release) self.parent.bind("<Key-Left>", self.open_previous) self.parent.bind("<Key-Right>", self.open_next) self.parent.bind("Escape", self.cancel_bbox) # Labels and Bounding Box Lists Panel self.listPanel = Frame(self.frame) self.listPanel.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=W + N) self.listBoxNameLabel = Label(self.listPanel, text="List of Objects").pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.objectListBox = Listbox(self.listPanel, width=40) self.objectListBox.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.delObjectBtn = Button(self.listPanel, text="Delete", command=self.del_bbox) self.delObjectBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.clearAllBtn = Button(self.listPanel, text="Clear All", command=self.clear_bbox) self.clearAllBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.classesNameLabel = Label(self.listPanel, text="Classes").pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.textBox = Entry(self.listPanel, text="Enter label") self.textBox.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.addLabelBtn = Button(self.listPanel, text="+", command=self.add_label).pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.delLabelBtn = Button(self.listPanel, text="-", command=self.del_label).pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.labelListBox = Listbox(self.listPanel) self.labelListBox.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) for name in self.names + ['face']: self.labelListBox.insert(END, str(name)) self.cocoLabels = config.labels_to_names.values() self.cocoIntVars = [] for idxcoco, label_coco in enumerate(self.cocoLabels): self.cocoIntVars.append(IntVar()), variable=self.cocoIntVars[idxcoco]) # print(self.cocoIntVars) # STATUS BAR self.statusBar = Frame(self.frame, width=500) self.statusBar.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W + N) self.processingLabel = Label(self.statusBar, text=" ") self.processingLabel.pack(side="left", fill=X) self.imageIdxLabel = Label(self.statusBar, text=" ") self.imageIdxLabel.pack(side="right", fill=X)
class MainGUI: def __init__(self, master, opt): self.parent = master self.parent.title("Semi Automatic Image Annotation Tool") self.frame = Frame(self.parent) self.frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.parent.resizable(width=False, height=False) # setup yolov5 model self.opt = opt opt.augment = True opt.update = False opt.agnostic_nms = False # initialize set_logging() device = select_device(opt.device) self.device = device # load yolo5 object detection model model = attempt_load(opt.weights, map_location=device) # load FP32 model self.img_size = check_img_size(opt.img_size, s=model.stride.max()) # check img_size half = device.type != 'cpu' # half precision only supported on CUDA self.half = half if half: model.half() # to FP16 self.object_model = model # get object detection names self.names = ['person'] # load face detect model self.face_model = MTCNN(keep_all=True, margin=opt.face_margin, device=device) self.face_landmarks = opt.face_landmarks # Initialize class variables self.img = None self.tkimg = None self.imageDir = '' self.imageDirPathBuffer = '' self.imageList = [] self.imageTotal = 0 self.imageCur = 0 self.cur = 0 self.bboxIdList = [] self.bboxList = [] self.bboxPointList = [] self.o1 = None self.o2 = None self.o3 = None self.o4 = None self.bboxId = None self.currLabel = None self.editbboxId = None self.currBboxColor = None self.zoomImgId = None self.zoomImg = None self.zoomImgCrop = None self.tkZoomImg = None self.hl = None self.vl = None self.editPointId = None self.filename = None self.filenameBuffer = None self.objectLabelList = [] self.EDIT = False # record image names for saving previous results self.annoList = {} # initialize mouse state self.STATE = {'x': 0, 'y': 0} self.STATE_COCO = {'click': 0} # initialize annotation file self.anno_filename = 'annotations.csv' self.annotation_file = open('annotations/' + self.anno_filename, 'w+') self.annotation_file.write("") self.annotation_file.close() # ------------------ GUI --------------------- # Control Panel self.ctrlPanel = Frame(self.frame) self.ctrlPanel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W + N) self.openBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text='Open', command=self.open_image) self.openBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.openDirBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text='Open Dir', command=self.open_image_dir) self.openDirBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.nextBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text='Next -->', command=self.open_next) self.nextBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.previousBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text='<-- Previous', command=self.open_previous) self.previousBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.saveBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text='Save', self.saveBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.semiAutoBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text="Show Suggestions", command=self.automate) self.semiAutoBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.disp = Label(self.ctrlPanel, text='Coordinates:') self.disp.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.mb = Menubutton(self.ctrlPanel, text="COCO Classes for Suggestions", relief=RAISED) self.mb.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) = Menu(self.mb, tearoff=0) self.mb["menu"] = self.addCocoBtn = Button(self.ctrlPanel, text="+", command=self.add_labels_coco) self.addCocoBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.zoomPanelLabel = Label(self.ctrlPanel, text="Precision View Panel") self.zoomPanelLabel.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.zoomcanvas = Canvas(self.ctrlPanel, width=150, height=150) self.zoomcanvas.pack(fill=X, side=TOP, anchor='center') # Image Editing Region self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame, width=self.img_size, height=self.img_size) self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W + N) self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.mouse_click) self.canvas.bind("<Motion>", self.mouse_move, "+") self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.mouse_drag) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.mouse_release) self.parent.bind("<Key-Left>", self.open_previous) self.parent.bind("<Key-Right>", self.open_next) self.parent.bind("Escape", self.cancel_bbox) # Labels and Bounding Box Lists Panel self.listPanel = Frame(self.frame) self.listPanel.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=W + N) self.listBoxNameLabel = Label(self.listPanel, text="List of Objects").pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.objectListBox = Listbox(self.listPanel, width=40) self.objectListBox.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.delObjectBtn = Button(self.listPanel, text="Delete", command=self.del_bbox) self.delObjectBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.clearAllBtn = Button(self.listPanel, text="Clear All", command=self.clear_bbox) self.clearAllBtn.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.classesNameLabel = Label(self.listPanel, text="Classes").pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.textBox = Entry(self.listPanel, text="Enter label") self.textBox.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.addLabelBtn = Button(self.listPanel, text="+", command=self.add_label).pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.delLabelBtn = Button(self.listPanel, text="-", command=self.del_label).pack(fill=X, side=TOP) self.labelListBox = Listbox(self.listPanel) self.labelListBox.pack(fill=X, side=TOP) for name in self.names + ['face']: self.labelListBox.insert(END, str(name)) self.cocoLabels = config.labels_to_names.values() self.cocoIntVars = [] for idxcoco, label_coco in enumerate(self.cocoLabels): self.cocoIntVars.append(IntVar()), variable=self.cocoIntVars[idxcoco]) # print(self.cocoIntVars) # STATUS BAR self.statusBar = Frame(self.frame, width=500) self.statusBar.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W + N) self.processingLabel = Label(self.statusBar, text=" ") self.processingLabel.pack(side="left", fill=X) self.imageIdxLabel = Label(self.statusBar, text=" ") self.imageIdxLabel.pack(side="right", fill=X) def open_image(self): self.filename = filedialog.askopenfilename( title="Select Image", filetypes=(("jpeg files", "*.jpg"), ("all files", "*.*"))) # update annotation file self.anno_filename = '{}_anno.csv'.format( self.filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) self.annotation_file = open('annotations/' + self.anno_filename, 'w+') self.annotation_file.write("") self.annotation_file.close() if not self.filename: return None self.filenameBuffer = self.filename self.load_image(self.filenameBuffer) def open_image_dir(self): self.imageDir = filedialog.askdirectory( title="Select Dataset Directory") if not self.imageDir: return None # filename filename = self.imageDir.split('/') filename = filename[-2] + '_' + filename[-1] # update annotation file self.anno_filename = '{}_anno.csv'.format(filename) # check if there is already an annotation file exist = False all_files = glob('annotations/*.csv') for file in all_files: if self.anno_filename in file: exist = True break if exist: self.annotation_file = open('annotations/' + self.anno_filename, 'r') # add to self.annoList for line in self.annotation_file: line = line.strip() filename = line.split(',')[0].split('/')[-1] self.annoList[filename] = line + '\n' else: self.annotation_file = open('annotations/' + self.anno_filename, 'w+') self.annotation_file.write("") self.annotation_file.close() self.imageList = os.listdir(self.imageDir) self.imageList = sorted(self.imageList) self.imageTotal = len(self.imageList) self.filename = None self.imageDirPathBuffer = self.imageDir self.load_image(self.imageDirPathBuffer + '/' + self.imageList[self.cur]) def load_image(self, file): self.img = self.imageCur = self.cur + 1 self.imageIdxLabel.config(text=' || Image Number: %d / %d' % (self.imageCur, self.imageTotal)) # Resize to Pascal VOC format w, h = self.img.size if w >= h: baseW = self.img_size wpercent = (baseW / float(w)) hsize = int((float(h) * float(wpercent))) self.img = self.img.resize((baseW, hsize), Image.BICUBIC) else: baseH = self.img_size wpercent = (baseH / float(h)) wsize = int((float(w) * float(wpercent))) self.img = self.img.resize((wsize, baseH), Image.BICUBIC) self.tkimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.img) self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=self.tkimg, anchor=NW) self.clear_bbox() anno_name = file.split('/')[-1] if anno_name in self.annoList: self.load_anno(anno_name) else: self.automate() def open_next(self, event=None): if self.cur < len(self.imageList): self.cur += 1 self.load_image(self.imageDirPathBuffer + '/' + self.imageList[self.cur]) self.processingLabel.config(text=" ") self.processingLabel.update_idletasks() def open_previous(self, event=None): if self.cur > 0: self.cur -= 1 self.load_image(self.imageDirPathBuffer + '/' + self.imageList[self.cur]) self.processingLabel.config(text=" ") self.processingLabel.update_idletasks() def save(self): if self.filenameBuffer is None: # writer = csv.writer(self.annotation_file) # key = self.imageDirPathBuffer + '/' + self.imageList[self.cur] + ',' # value = dict() save_string = self.imageDirPathBuffer + '/' + self.imageList[ self.cur] + ',' for idx, item in enumerate(self.bboxList): save_string += ','.join(map( str, self.bboxList[idx])) + ',' + str( self.objectLabelList[idx] + ',') # value[str(self.objectLabelList[idx])] = self.bboxList[idx] else: save_string = self.imageDirPathBuffer + '/' + self.imageList[ self.cur] + ',' for idx, item in enumerate(self.bboxList): save_string += ','.join(map( str, self.bboxList[idx])) + ',' + str( self.objectLabelList[idx] + ',') if self.imageList[self.cur] in self.annoList: if save_string != self.annoList[self.imageList[self.cur]]: self.annoList[self.imageList[self.cur]] = save_string filename = save_string.split(',')[0] # replace with open('annotations/' + self.anno_filename, 'r') as f: all_data = f.readlines() with open('annotations/' + self.anno_filename, 'w') as f: for i, line in enumerate(all_data): if filename in line: f.writelines(save_string + '\n') else: f.writelines(line) else: self.annotation_file = open('annotations/' + self.anno_filename, 'a') self.annotation_file.write(save_string + '\n') self.annotation_file.close() self.annoList[self.imageList[self.cur]] = save_string def mouse_click(self, event): # Check if Updating BBox if self.canvas.find_enclosed(event.x - 5, event.y - 5, event.x + 5, event.y + 5): self.EDIT = True self.editPointId = int( self.canvas.find_enclosed(event.x - 5, event.y - 5, event.x + 5, event.y + 5)[0]) else: self.EDIT = False # Set the initial point if self.EDIT: idx = self.bboxPointList.index(self.editPointId) self.editbboxId = self.bboxIdList[math.floor(idx / 4.0)] self.bboxId = self.editbboxId pidx = self.bboxIdList.index(self.editbboxId) pidx = pidx * 4 self.o1 = self.bboxPointList[pidx] self.o2 = self.bboxPointList[pidx + 1] self.o3 = self.bboxPointList[pidx + 2] self.o4 = self.bboxPointList[pidx + 3] if self.editPointId == self.o1: a, b, c, d = self.canvas.coords(self.o3) elif self.editPointId == self.o2: a, b, c, d = self.canvas.coords(self.o4) elif self.editPointId == self.o3: a, b, c, d = self.canvas.coords(self.o1) elif self.editPointId == self.o4: a, b, c, d = self.canvas.coords(self.o2) self.STATE['x'], self.STATE['y'] = int((a + c) / 2), int( (b + d) / 2) else: self.STATE['x'], self.STATE['y'] = event.x, event.y def mouse_drag(self, event): self.mouse_move(event) if self.bboxId: self.currBboxColor = self.canvas.itemcget(self.bboxId, "outline") self.canvas.delete(self.bboxId) self.canvas.delete(self.o1) self.canvas.delete(self.o2) self.canvas.delete(self.o3) self.canvas.delete(self.o4) if self.EDIT: self.bboxId = self.canvas.create_rectangle( self.STATE['x'], self.STATE['y'], event.x, event.y, width=2, outline=self.currBboxColor) else: self.currBboxColor = config.COLORS[len(self.bboxList) % len(config.COLORS)] self.bboxId = self.canvas.create_rectangle( self.STATE['x'], self.STATE['y'], event.x, event.y, width=2, outline=self.currBboxColor) def mouse_move(self, event): self.disp.config(text='x: %d, y: %d' % (event.x, event.y)) self.zoom_view(event) if self.tkimg: # Horizontal and Vertical Line for precision if self.hl: self.canvas.delete(self.hl) self.hl = self.canvas.create_line(0, event.y, self.tkimg.width(), event.y, width=2) if self.vl: self.canvas.delete(self.vl) self.vl = self.canvas.create_line(event.x, 0, event.x, self.tkimg.height(), width=2) # elif (event.x, event.y) in self.bboxBRPointList: # pass def mouse_release(self, event): try: labelidx = self.labelListBox.curselection() self.currLabel = self.labelListBox.get(labelidx) except: pass if self.EDIT: self.update_bbox() self.EDIT = False x1, x2 = min(self.STATE['x'], event.x), max(self.STATE['x'], event.x) y1, y2 = min(self.STATE['y'], event.y), max(self.STATE['y'], event.y) self.bboxList.append((x1, y1, x2, y2)) o1 = self.canvas.create_oval(x1 - 3, y1 - 3, x1 + 3, y1 + 3, fill="red") o2 = self.canvas.create_oval(x2 - 3, y1 - 3, x2 + 3, y1 + 3, fill="red") o3 = self.canvas.create_oval(x2 - 3, y2 - 3, x2 + 3, y2 + 3, fill="red") o4 = self.canvas.create_oval(x1 - 3, y2 - 3, x1 + 3, y2 + 3, fill="red") self.bboxPointList.append(o1) self.bboxPointList.append(o2) self.bboxPointList.append(o3) self.bboxPointList.append(o4) self.bboxIdList.append(self.bboxId) self.bboxId = None self.objectLabelList.append(str(self.currLabel)) self.objectListBox.insert( END, '(%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)' % (x1, y1, x2, y2) + ': ' + str(self.currLabel)) self.objectListBox.itemconfig(len(self.bboxIdList) - 1, fg=self.currBboxColor) self.currLabel = None def zoom_view(self, event): try: if self.zoomImgId: self.zoomcanvas.delete(self.zoomImgId) self.zoomImg = self.img.copy() self.zoomImgCrop = self.zoomImg.crop( ((event.x - 25), (event.y - 25), (event.x + 25), (event.y + 25))) self.zoomImgCrop = self.zoomImgCrop.resize((150, 150)) self.tkZoomImg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.zoomImgCrop) self.zoomImgId = self.zoomcanvas.create_image(0, 0, image=self.tkZoomImg, anchor=NW) hl = self.zoomcanvas.create_line(0, 75, 150, 75, width=2) vl = self.zoomcanvas.create_line(75, 0, 75, 150, width=2) except: pass def update_bbox(self): idx = self.bboxIdList.index(self.editbboxId) self.bboxIdList.pop(idx) self.bboxList.pop(idx) self.objectListBox.delete(idx) self.currLabel = self.objectLabelList[idx] self.objectLabelList.pop(idx) idx = idx * 4 self.canvas.delete(self.bboxPointList[idx]) self.canvas.delete(self.bboxPointList[idx + 1]) self.canvas.delete(self.bboxPointList[idx + 2]) self.canvas.delete(self.bboxPointList[idx + 3]) self.bboxPointList.pop(idx) self.bboxPointList.pop(idx) self.bboxPointList.pop(idx) self.bboxPointList.pop(idx) def cancel_bbox(self, event): if self.STATE['click'] == 1: if self.bboxId: self.canvas.delete(self.bboxId) self.bboxId = None self.STATE['click'] = 0 def del_bbox(self): sel = self.objectListBox.curselection() if len(sel) != 1: return idx = int(sel[0]) self.canvas.delete(self.bboxIdList[idx]) self.canvas.delete(self.bboxPointList[idx * 4]) self.canvas.delete(self.bboxPointList[(idx * 4) + 1]) self.canvas.delete(self.bboxPointList[(idx * 4) + 2]) self.canvas.delete(self.bboxPointList[(idx * 4) + 3]) self.bboxPointList.pop(idx * 4) self.bboxPointList.pop(idx * 4) self.bboxPointList.pop(idx * 4) self.bboxPointList.pop(idx * 4) self.bboxIdList.pop(idx) self.bboxList.pop(idx) self.objectLabelList.pop(idx) self.objectListBox.delete(idx) def clear_bbox(self): for idx in range(len(self.bboxIdList)): self.canvas.delete(self.bboxIdList[idx]) for idx in range(len(self.bboxPointList)): self.canvas.delete(self.bboxPointList[idx]) self.objectListBox.delete(0, len(self.bboxList)) self.bboxIdList = [] self.bboxList = [] self.objectLabelList = [] self.bboxPointList = [] def add_label(self): if self.textBox.get() is not '': curr_label_list = self.labelListBox.get(0, END) curr_label_list = list(curr_label_list) if self.textBox.get() not in curr_label_list: self.labelListBox.insert(END, str(self.textBox.get())) self.textBox.delete(0, 'end') def del_label(self): labelidx = self.labelListBox.curselection() self.labelListBox.delete(labelidx) def add_labels_coco(self): for listidxcoco, list_label_coco in enumerate(self.cocoLabels): if self.cocoIntVars[listidxcoco].get(): curr_label_list = self.labelListBox.get(0, END) curr_label_list = list(curr_label_list) if list_label_coco not in curr_label_list: self.labelListBox.insert(END, str(list_label_coco)) def automate(self): self.clear_bbox() self.processingLabel.config(text="Processing ") self.processingLabel.update_idletasks() open_cv_image0 = np.array(self.img) # Padded resize open_cv_image = letterbox(open_cv_image0, new_shape=self.img_size)[0] # Convert open_cv_image = open_cv_image[:, :, ::-1].transpose( 2, 0, 1) # BGR to RGB, to 3x416x416 open_cv_image = np.ascontiguousarray(open_cv_image) img = torch.from_numpy(open_cv_image).to(self.device) img = img.half() if self.half else img.float() # uint8 to fp16/32 img /= 255.0 # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0 if img.ndimension() == 3: img = img.unsqueeze(0) # inference object detection pred = self.object_model(img, augment=opt.augment)[0] # Apply NMS pred = non_max_suppression(pred, self.opt.conf_thres, self.opt.iou_thres, classes=self.opt.classes, agnostic=self.opt.agnostic_nms) # process detections det = pred[0] # gn = torch.tensor(open_cv_image0.shape)[[1, 0, 1, 0]] # normalization gain whwh if det is not None and len(det): # Rescale boxes from img_size to im0 size det[:, :4] = scale_coords(img.shape[2:], det[:, :4], open_cv_image0.shape).round() for idx, (*xyxy, conf, cls) in enumerate(reversed(det)): if conf < 0.5: continue xyxy = torch.tensor(xyxy).view(-1).cpu().numpy().astype( label = config.labels_to_names[int(cls)] curr_label_list = self.labelListBox.get(0, END) curr_label_list = list(curr_label_list) if label not in curr_label_list: continue b = xyxy.tolist() self.bboxId = self.canvas.create_rectangle( b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], width=2, outline=config.COLORS[len(self.bboxList) % len(config.COLORS)]) self.bboxList.append((b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3])) o1 = self.canvas.create_oval(b[0] - 3, b[1] - 3, b[0] + 3, b[1] + 3, fill="red") o2 = self.canvas.create_oval(b[2] - 3, b[1] - 3, b[2] + 3, b[1] + 3, fill="red") o3 = self.canvas.create_oval(b[2] - 3, b[3] - 3, b[2] + 3, b[3] + 3, fill="red") o4 = self.canvas.create_oval(b[0] - 3, b[3] - 3, b[0] + 3, b[3] + 3, fill="red") self.bboxPointList.append(o1) self.bboxPointList.append(o2) self.bboxPointList.append(o3) self.bboxPointList.append(o4) self.bboxIdList.append(self.bboxId) self.bboxId = None self.objectLabelList.append(str(label)) self.objectListBox.insert( END, '(%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)' % (b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]) + ': ' + str(label)) self.objectListBox.itemconfig( len(self.bboxIdList) - 1, fg=config.COLORS[(len(self.bboxIdList) - 1) % len(config.COLORS)]) # inference faces frame = Image.fromarray(open_cv_image0[:, :, ::-1]) # detect faces boxes, probs = self.face_model.detect(frame, landmarks=False) if boxes is None: boxes = [] probs = [] for box, conf in zip(boxes, probs): if conf < 0.5: continue # box in xyxy format b = box.astype( label = 'face' curr_label_list = self.labelListBox.get(0, END) curr_label_list = list(curr_label_list) if label not in curr_label_list: continue self.bboxId = self.canvas.create_rectangle( b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], width=2, outline=config.COLORS[len(self.bboxList) % len(config.COLORS)]) self.bboxList.append((b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3])) o1 = self.canvas.create_oval(b[0] - 3, b[1] - 3, b[0] + 3, b[1] + 3, fill="red") o2 = self.canvas.create_oval(b[2] - 3, b[1] - 3, b[2] + 3, b[1] + 3, fill="red") o3 = self.canvas.create_oval(b[2] - 3, b[3] - 3, b[2] + 3, b[3] + 3, fill="red") o4 = self.canvas.create_oval(b[0] - 3, b[3] - 3, b[0] + 3, b[3] + 3, fill="red") self.bboxPointList.append(o1) self.bboxPointList.append(o2) self.bboxPointList.append(o3) self.bboxPointList.append(o4) self.bboxIdList.append(self.bboxId) self.bboxId = None self.objectLabelList.append(str(label)) self.objectListBox.insert( END, '(%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)' % (b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]) + ': ' + str(label)) self.objectListBox.itemconfig( len(self.bboxIdList) - 1, fg=config.COLORS[(len(self.bboxIdList) - 1) % len(config.COLORS)]) self.processingLabel.config(text="Done") def load_anno(self, file): annotations = self.annoList[file].strip().split(',') for i in range(1, len(annotations), 5): if annotations[i] == '' or annotations[i] == '\n': continue x1, y1, x2, y2 = annotations[i:i + 4] label = annotations[i + 4] b = [int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2)] self.bboxId = self.canvas.create_rectangle( b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], width=2, outline=config.COLORS[len(self.bboxList) % len(config.COLORS)]) self.bboxList.append((b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3])) o1 = self.canvas.create_oval(b[0] - 3, b[1] - 3, b[0] + 3, b[1] + 3, fill="red") o2 = self.canvas.create_oval(b[2] - 3, b[1] - 3, b[2] + 3, b[1] + 3, fill="red") o3 = self.canvas.create_oval(b[2] - 3, b[3] - 3, b[2] + 3, b[3] + 3, fill="red") o4 = self.canvas.create_oval(b[0] - 3, b[3] - 3, b[0] + 3, b[3] + 3, fill="red") self.bboxPointList.append(o1) self.bboxPointList.append(o2) self.bboxPointList.append(o3) self.bboxPointList.append(o4) self.bboxIdList.append(self.bboxId) self.bboxId = None self.objectLabelList.append(str(label)) self.objectListBox.insert( END, '(%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)' % (b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]) + ': ' + str(label)) self.objectListBox.itemconfig( len(self.bboxIdList) - 1, fg=config.COLORS[(len(self.bboxIdList) - 1) % len(config.COLORS)])
extract_face( img, box, save_path=save_path.joinpath(f'{img_name}_detected_face_{i}.jpg'))'{img_name}_annotate_faces.jpg')) return True def draw_img(model, img_dir, save_dir): images = [] for suffix in ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png']: images.extend(glob.glob(str(img_dir.joinpath(f'*/*.{suffix}')))) for img in images: img_path = pathlib.Path(img) save_path = save_dir.joinpath(img_path.parent.stem) extract_img(model, img_path, save_path) if __name__ == "__main__": model = MTCNN(keep_all=True) resnet = InceptionResnetV1(pretrained='vggface2') data_dir = pathlib.Path('dataset/images/') test_dir = pathlib.Path('dataset/test/') draw_img(model, data_dir, test_dir) def collate_fn(x): return x[0] # dataset = datasets.ImageFolder(data_dir) # loader = DataLoader(dataset, collate_fn=collate_fn)
class faceapp(): def __init__(self, size, margin, weights, device, select_largest, images): print("Loading network.....") current = time.time() self.device = device self.mtcnn = MTCNN(image_size=size, margin=margin, keep_all=False, device=device, select_largest=True) self.model = InceptionResnetV1(pretrained='vggface2', device=device) state_dict = torch.load(weights, map_location="cpu") self.model.load_state_dict(state_dict) self.images = images elapse = time.time() - current print("Network successfully loaded, process time: %.2fs" % elapse) # eval mode self.model.eval() def realtime(self): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(3, 1280) cap.set(4, 720) prev_frame_time = 0 new_frame_time = 0 assert cap.isOpened(), 'Cannot capture source' frames = 0 start = time.time() while cap.isOpened(): ret, frame = if ret: boxes, probs, points = self.mtcnn.detect(frame, landmarks=True) if boxes is None: continue dst = draw_boxes(frame, boxes, probs) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN new_frame_time = time.time() try: fps = 1 / (new_frame_time - prev_frame_time) except ZeroDivisionError: continue prev_frame_time = new_frame_time fps = int(fps) fps = str(fps) cv2.putText(dst, "FPS:%s" % fps, (10, 25), font, 1, [0, 0, 255], 1) cv2.imshow('temp', dst) key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cv2.destroyAllWindows() def collect(self, img): img_cropped, prob = self.mtcnn(img, return_prob=True) if img_cropped is not None: boxes, probs, points = self.mtcnn.detect(img, landmarks=True) # draw bbox in image dst = draw_boxes(img, boxes, probs) img_cropped = # Calculate embedding (unsqueeze to add batch dimension) img_embedding = self.model(img_cropped.unsqueeze(0)).to('cpu') return ErrEnum.No_problem, img_embedding, dst else: print("No face detected, Try again!!!") return ErrEnum.No_face_detected, None, None def recognize(self, img, threshold): img_cropped, prob = self.mtcnn(img, return_prob=True) if img_cropped is not None: boxes, probs, points = self.mtcnn.detect(img, landmarks=True) img_cropped = # Calculate embedding (unsqueeze to add batch dimension) img_embedding = self.model(img_cropped.unsqueeze(0)).to('cpu') smallest_dist = 999 embs = glob.glob(osp.realpath(self.images) + '\\*.embs') for emb in embs: dist = calc_dist(img_embedding.detach().numpy(), emb2numpy(emb)) if smallest_dist > dist: smallest_dist = dist recog_name = emb.split('\\')[-1].split('.')[0] if smallest_dist > threshold: # print('recognize unreliable!') return ErrEnum.Unreliable_recognize, "", None else: print("#" * 50) print('Staff identified! Welcome: {}'.format(recog_name)) print("login time is: {}".format('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'))) print("#" * 50) dst = draw_boxes(img, boxes, recog_name) cv2.putText(dst, str(smallest_dist), (10, 710), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, [225, 255, 255], 1) return ErrEnum.No_problem, recog_name, dst else: print("No face detected, Try again!!!") return ErrEnum.No_face_detected, None, None