Beispiel #1
    def main(self, src, dst):

        graph =
        resultjson = facep.detect(src)
        if resultjson != -1:
            land_mark = resultjson

            # Operate area
            size = graph.size
            width = size[0]
            height = size[1]

            contour_left3 = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['contour_left3']['x'] * width / 100) / 2 * 2
            left_eyebrow_upper_middle = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eyebrow_upper_middle']['y'] * height / 100 * 0.97) / 2 * 2
            contour_right3 = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['contour_right3']['x'] * width / 100) / 2 * 2
            contour_right7 = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['contour_right7']['y'] * height / 100) / 2 * 2

            box = (contour_left3, left_eyebrow_upper_middle, contour_right3, contour_right7)
            self.graph = graph.crop(box)
            self.size = self.graph.size
            self.width = self.size[0]
            self.height = self.size[1]

            self.photometricDec = 10.0
            self.spatialDecay = 1.0

            self.gain_mu = (1.0 - self.spatialDecay) / (1.0 + self.spatialDecay)
            self.rho = 1.0 + self.spatialDecay
            self.c = -0.5/(self.photometricDec * self.photometricDec)

            self.hv_graph = ny.double(ny.zeros([self.height, self.width, 3]))
            self.vh_graph = ny.double(ny.zeros([self.height, self.width, 3]))
            self.result = ny.double(ny.zeros([self.height, self.width, 3]))
            self.graph = ny.double(self.graph)

            for d in range(3):
                self.hv_graph = self.graph[:, :, d]
                self.vh_graph = self.graph[:, :, d]


                for row in range(self.height):
                    for col in range(self.width):
                        self.result[row, col, d] = (self.vh_graph[row, col] + self.hv_graph[row, col]) / 2

            self.result = self.result[0:self.height-2, 0:self.width-2, :]
            self.result = Image.fromarray(ny.uint8(self.result)).convert('RGB')
            box = (contour_left3, left_eyebrow_upper_middle, contour_right3-2, contour_right7-2)
            graph.paste(self.result, box)
            return 0
            return -1
Beispiel #2
def baozou(src, dst):
    graph =
    resultjson = facep.detect(src)
    if resultjson != -1:
        land_mark = resultjson

        # Operate area
        size = graph.size
        width = size[0]
        height = size[1]

        left_eyebrow_left_corner = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eyebrow_left_corner']['x'] * width / 100) / 2 * 2
        left_eyebrow_upper_middle = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eyebrow_upper_middle']['y'] * height / 100 * 0.97) / 2 * 2
        contour_right7x = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['contour_right7']['x'] * width / 100) / 2 * 2
        contour_right7y = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['contour_right7']['y'] * height / 100) / 2 * 2

        box = (left_eyebrow_left_corner, left_eyebrow_upper_middle, contour_right7x, contour_right7y)
        result = graph.crop(box)
        result = ny.array(result)
        result = ny.matrix(0.3 * result[:, :, 1] + 0.59 * result[:, :, 2] + 0.11 * result[:, :, 2])
        R = Image.fromarray(ny.uint8(result)).convert('RGB')
        size = R.size
        width = size[0]
        height = size[1]
        # npercent = 2
        # average = 128
        brightness = sum(sum(result).T) / width / height / 128 / 2.8
        # result += brightness * 0.9
        result /= brightness
        # result = average + (result - average) * npercent
        for x in range(height):
            for y in range(width):
                if result[x, y] > 220:
                    result[x, y] *= (result[x, y] * 2.0 / 255)
                result[x, y] = max(0, min(255, result[x, y]))
        result = Image.fromarray(ny.uint8(result))

        template ='PhotoManager/Library/template.jpg')
        temp = (width + height) * 2
        template = template.resize([temp, temp])
        per = 0.30
        x1 = int(temp / 2 - width / 2) / 2 * 2
        y1 = int(temp * per - height / 2) / 2 * 2
        x2 = int(temp / 2 + width / 2) / 2 * 2
        y2 = int(temp * per + height / 2) / 2 * 2
        tbox = [x1, y1, x2, y2]
        template.paste(result, tbox)

        result = Image.fromarray(ny.uint8(template)).convert('RGB')
        return 0
        return -1
Beispiel #3
def enlarge(src, dst):
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    graph =
    resultjson = facep.detect(src)
    if resultjson != -1:
        land_mark = resultjson

        # Operate area
        size = graph.size
        width = size[0]
        height = size[1]

        pIn = ny.array(graph)
        ptemp = pIn

        cenX = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eye_bottom']['y'] *
                   height / 100)
        cenY = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eye_bottom']['x'] *
                   width / 100)
        left_eye_left_corner = int(
            land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eye_left_corner']['x'] *
            width / 100)
        left_eye_right_corner = int(
            land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eye_right_corner']['x'] *
            width / 100)
        left_eye_top = int(
            land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eye_top']['y'] * height /
        left_eye_bottom = int(
            land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eye_bottom']['y'] *
            height / 100)
        R = left_eye_right_corner - left_eye_left_corner
        # R = left_eye_bottom - left_eye_top
        R *= 1.1
        theta = math.pi
        for k in range(3):
            for x in range(1 - cenX, left_eye_bottom - cenX):
                for y in range(1 - cenY, width - cenY):
                    disX = int(1.2 * x)
                    disY = int(1.2 * y)

                    dis = disX * disX + disY * disY
                    r = math.sqrt(dis)
                    if r <= R and dis != 0:
                        xx = 2 * R * disX * math.acos(
                            math.sqrt(R * R - dis) / R) / (theta * r) + cenX
                        yy = 2 * R * disY * math.acos(
                            math.sqrt(R * R - dis) / R) / (theta * r) + cenY

                        xx = ny.around(ny.array(xx))
                        yy = ny.around(ny.array(yy))
                        if width >= yy >= 1 and height >= xx >= 1:
                            ptemp[x + cenX, y + cenY, k] = pIn[xx, yy, k]
                        ptemp[x + cenX, y + cenY, k] = pIn[x + cenX, y + cenY,

        pOut = ptemp
        bias = height / 64
        cenX = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['right_eye_bottom']['y']
                   * height / 100) + bias
        cenY = int(
            land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['right_eye_bottom']['x'] *
            width / 100)
        right_eye_left_corner = int(
            land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['right_eye_left_corner']['x'] *
            width / 100)
        right_eye_right_corner = int(
            land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['right_eye_right_corner']['x'] *
            width / 100)
        right_eye_top = int(
            land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['right_eye_top']['y'] * height /
        right_eye_bottom = int(
            land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['right_eye_bottom']['y'] *
            height / 100)
        R = right_eye_right_corner - right_eye_left_corner
        # R = left_eye_bottom - left_eye_top
        R *= 1.1
        for k in range(3):
            for x in range(1 - cenX, right_eye_bottom + bias - cenX):
                for y in range(1 - cenY, width - cenY):
                    disX = int(1.2 * x)
                    disY = int(1.2 * y)

                    dis = disX * disX + disY * disY
                    r = math.sqrt(dis)
                    if r <= R and dis != 0:
                        xx = 2 * R * disX * math.acos(
                            math.sqrt(R * R - dis) / R) / (theta * r) + cenX
                        yy = 2 * R * disY * math.acos(
                            math.sqrt(R * R - dis) / R) / (theta * r) + cenY

                        xx = ny.around(ny.array(xx))
                        yy = ny.around(ny.array(yy))
                        if width >= yy >= 1 and height >= xx >= 1:
                            pOut[x + cenX, y + cenY, k] = pIn[xx, yy, k]
                        pOut[x + cenX, y + cenY, k] = pIn[x + cenX, y + cenY,

        result = Image.fromarray(ny.uint8(pOut)).convert('RGB')
        return 0
        return -1
Beispiel #4
def baozou(src, dst):
    graph =
    resultjson = facep.detect(src)
    if resultjson != -1:
        land_mark = resultjson

        # Operate area
        size = graph.size
        width = size[0]
        height = size[1]

        left_eyebrow_left_corner = int(
            * width / 100) / 2 * 2
        left_eyebrow_upper_middle = int(
            ['y'] * height / 100 * 0.97) / 2 * 2
        contour_right7x = int(
            land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['contour_right7']['x'] * width /
            100) / 2 * 2
        contour_right7y = int(
            land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['contour_right7']['y'] *
            height / 100) / 2 * 2

        box = (left_eyebrow_left_corner, left_eyebrow_upper_middle,
               contour_right7x, contour_right7y)
        result = graph.crop(box)
        result = ny.array(result)
        result = ny.matrix(0.3 * result[:, :, 1] + 0.59 * result[:, :, 2] +
                           0.11 * result[:, :, 2])
        R = Image.fromarray(ny.uint8(result)).convert('RGB')
        size = R.size
        width = size[0]
        height = size[1]
        # npercent = 2
        # average = 128
        brightness = sum(sum(result).T) / width / height / 128 / 2.8
        # result += brightness * 0.9
        result /= brightness
        # result = average + (result - average) * npercent
        for x in range(height):
            for y in range(width):
                if result[x, y] > 220:
                    result[x, y] *= (result[x, y] * 2.0 / 255)
                result[x, y] = max(0, min(255, result[x, y]))
        result = Image.fromarray(ny.uint8(result))

        template ='PhotoManager/Library/template.jpg')
        temp = (width + height) * 2
        template = template.resize([temp, temp])
        per = 0.30
        x1 = int(temp / 2 - width / 2) / 2 * 2
        y1 = int(temp * per - height / 2) / 2 * 2
        x2 = int(temp / 2 + width / 2) / 2 * 2
        y2 = int(temp * per + height / 2) / 2 * 2
        tbox = [x1, y1, x2, y2]
        template.paste(result, tbox)

        result = Image.fromarray(ny.uint8(template)).convert('RGB')
        return 0
        return -1
Beispiel #5
    def main(self, src, dst):

        graph =
        resultjson = facep.detect(src)
        if resultjson != -1:
            land_mark = resultjson

            # Operate area
            size = graph.size
            width = size[0]
            height = size[1]

            contour_left3 = int(
                land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['contour_left3']['x'] *
                width / 100) / 2 * 2
            left_eyebrow_upper_middle = int(
                ['y'] * height / 100 * 0.97) / 2 * 2
            contour_right3 = int(
                land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['contour_right3']['x'] *
                width / 100) / 2 * 2
            contour_right7 = int(
                land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['contour_right7']['y'] *
                height / 100) / 2 * 2

            box = (contour_left3, left_eyebrow_upper_middle, contour_right3,
            self.graph = graph.crop(box)
            self.size = self.graph.size
            self.width = self.size[0]
            self.height = self.size[1]

            self.photometricDec = 10.0
            self.spatialDecay = 1.0

            self.gain_mu = (1.0 - self.spatialDecay) / (1.0 +
            self.rho = 1.0 + self.spatialDecay
            self.c = -0.5 / (self.photometricDec * self.photometricDec)

            self.hv_graph = ny.double(ny.zeros([self.height, self.width, 3]))
            self.vh_graph = ny.double(ny.zeros([self.height, self.width, 3]))
            self.result = ny.double(ny.zeros([self.height, self.width, 3]))
            self.graph = ny.double(self.graph)

            for d in range(3):
                self.hv_graph = self.graph[:, :, d]
                self.vh_graph = self.graph[:, :, d]


                for row in range(self.height):
                    for col in range(self.width):
                        self.result[row, col,
                                    d] = (self.vh_graph[row, col] +
                                          self.hv_graph[row, col]) / 2

            self.result = self.result[0:self.height - 2, 0:self.width - 2, :]
            self.result = Image.fromarray(ny.uint8(self.result)).convert('RGB')
            box = (contour_left3, left_eyebrow_upper_middle,
                   contour_right3 - 2, contour_right7 - 2)
            graph.paste(self.result, box)
            return 0
            return -1
Beispiel #6
def enlarge(src, dst):
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    graph =
    resultjson = facep.detect(src)
    if resultjson != -1:
        land_mark = resultjson

        # Operate area
        size = graph.size
        width = size[0]
        height = size[1]

        pIn = ny.array(graph)
        ptemp = pIn

        cenX = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eye_bottom']['y'] * height / 100)
        cenY = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eye_bottom']['x'] * width / 100)
        left_eye_left_corner = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eye_left_corner']['x'] * width / 100)
        left_eye_right_corner = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eye_right_corner']['x'] * width / 100)
        left_eye_top = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eye_top']['y'] * height / 100)
        left_eye_bottom = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['left_eye_bottom']['y'] * height / 100)
        R = left_eye_right_corner - left_eye_left_corner
        # R = left_eye_bottom - left_eye_top
        R *= 1.1
        theta = math.pi
        for k in range(3):
            for x in range(1 - cenX, left_eye_bottom - cenX):
                for y in range(1 - cenY, width - cenY):
                    disX = int(1.2 * x)
                    disY = int(1.2 * y)

                    dis = disX * disX + disY * disY
                    r = math.sqrt(dis)
                    if r <= R and dis != 0:
                        xx = 2 * R * disX * math.acos(math.sqrt(R * R - dis) / R) / (theta * r) + cenX
                        yy = 2 * R * disY * math.acos(math.sqrt(R * R - dis) / R) / (theta * r) + cenY

                        xx = ny.around(ny.array(xx))
                        yy = ny.around(ny.array(yy))
                        if width >= yy >= 1 and height >= xx >= 1:
                            ptemp[x + cenX, y + cenY, k] = pIn[xx, yy, k]
                        ptemp[x + cenX, y + cenY, k] = pIn[x + cenX, y + cenY, k]

        pOut = ptemp
        bias = height / 64
        cenX = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['right_eye_bottom']['y'] * height / 100) + bias
        cenY = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['right_eye_bottom']['x'] * width / 100)
        right_eye_left_corner = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['right_eye_left_corner']['x'] * width / 100)
        right_eye_right_corner = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['right_eye_right_corner']['x'] * width / 100)
        right_eye_top = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['right_eye_top']['y'] * height / 100)
        right_eye_bottom = int(land_mark['result'][0]['landmark']['right_eye_bottom']['y'] * height / 100)
        R = right_eye_right_corner - right_eye_left_corner
        # R = left_eye_bottom - left_eye_top
        R *= 1.1
        for k in range(3):
            for x in range(1 - cenX, right_eye_bottom + bias - cenX):
                for y in range(1 - cenY, width - cenY):
                    disX = int(1.2 * x)
                    disY = int(1.2 * y)

                    dis = disX * disX + disY * disY
                    r = math.sqrt(dis)
                    if r <= R and dis != 0:
                        xx = 2 * R * disX * math.acos(math.sqrt(R * R - dis) / R) / (theta * r) + cenX
                        yy = 2 * R * disY * math.acos(math.sqrt(R * R - dis) / R) / (theta * r) + cenY

                        xx = ny.around(ny.array(xx))
                        yy = ny.around(ny.array(yy))
                        if width >= yy >= 1 and height >= xx >= 1:
                            pOut[x + cenX, y + cenY, k] = pIn[xx, yy, k]
                        pOut[x + cenX, y + cenY, k] = pIn[x + cenX, y + cenY, k]

        result = Image.fromarray(ny.uint8(pOut)).convert('RGB')
        return 0
        return -1