def normal_motion ( self, event ): """ Handles the mouse moving in normal mode. """ self.state = 'normal' if len( self.factory.operations ) > 0: item = self._item_at( event.x, event.y ) active_item = self.active_item if item is not active_item: self.active_item = item inn( active_item ).refresh() inn( item ).refresh() self.mode = ('normal' if item is None else 'hover') return (self.active_item is not None)
def _mode_set ( self ): """ Handles the 'mode' facet being set. """ inn( self.active_item ).refresh()
def normal_leave ( self ): """ Handles the mouse leaving the control in normal mode. """ active_item, self.active_item = self.active_item, None inn( active_item ).refresh()