def _get_image_not_found ( cls ):
        """ Returns the 'image not found' image resource.
        if cls._image_not_found is None:
            from facets.ui.ui_facets import image_for

            cls._image_not_found = image_for( '@facets:image_not_found' )

        return cls._image_not_found

#-- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beispiel #2
def bitmap_cache ( name, standard_size, path = None ):
    """ Converts an image file name to a cached bitmap.
    global app_path, facets_path

    if name[:1] == '@':
        image = image_for( name.replace( ' ', '_' ).lower() )
        if image is not None:
            return image.create_image().ConvertToBitmap()

    if path is None:
        if facets_path is None:
           import  facets.ui.wx.editors
           facets_path = join( dirname( facets.ui.wx.editors.__file__ ),
                               'images' )
        path = facets_path
    elif path == '':
        if app_path is None:
            app_path = join( dirname( sys.argv[ 0 ] ), '..', 'images' )
        path = app_path

    filename = abspath(
                   join( path, name.replace( ' ', '_' ).lower() + '.gif' ) )
    bitmap   = _bitmap_cache.get( filename + ( '*'[ not standard_size: ] ) )
    if bitmap is not None:
        return bitmap

    std_bitmap = bitmap = wx.BitmapFromImage( wx.Image( filename ) )
    _bitmap_cache[ filename ] = bitmap

    dx = bitmap.GetWidth()
    if dx < standard_bitmap_width:
        dy = bitmap.GetHeight()
        std_bitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap( standard_bitmap_width, dy )
        dc1 = wx.MemoryDC()
        dc2 = wx.MemoryDC()
        dc1.SelectObject( std_bitmap )
        dc2.SelectObject( bitmap )
        dc1.SetPen( wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN )
        dc1.SetBrush( wx.WHITE_BRUSH )
        dc1.DrawRectangle( 0, 0, standard_bitmap_width, dy )
        dc1.Blit( ( standard_bitmap_width - dx ) / 2, 0, dx, dy, dc2, 0, 0 )

    _bitmap_cache[ filename + '*' ] = std_bitmap

    if standard_size:
        return std_bitmap

    return bitmap
Beispiel #3
def pixmap_cache ( name ):
    """ Return the QPixmap corresponding to a filename.  If the filename does
        not contain a path component then the local 'images' directory is used.
    if name[:1] == '@':
        image = image_for( name )
        if image is not None:
            return image.bitmap

    path, _ = os.path.split( name )
    if not path:
        name = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ), 'images', name )

    pm = QPixmap()

    if not QPixmapCache.find( name, pm ):
        pm.load( name )
        QPixmapCache.insert( name, pm )

    return pm
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  'connection' metadata filter:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def is_connection(value):
    return isinstance(value, Connection)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Constants:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Images used to create the composite feature image:
unlinked_image = image_for("@facets:connect_unlinked_feature")
linked_image = image_for("@facets:connect_linked_feature")
drag_image = image_for("@facets:connect_drag_feature")
to_image = image_for("@facets:connect_to_feature")
from_image = image_for("@facets:connect_from_feature")
file_image = image_for("@facets:connect_file_feature")
object_image = image_for("@facets:connect_object_feature")

# Menu to display when there are no available connections/disconnections:
no_connections = Menu(Action(name="No connections available", enabled=False), name="popup")

PermanentConnections = "facets.extra.features.ConnectFeature." "permanent_connections"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  'Connection' class:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beispiel #5
    def _image_default ( self ):
        from facets.ui.ui_facets import image_for

        return image_for( '@facets:pyface.jpg' )
Beispiel #6
    import facet_db

from \
    import Menu, Action

from facets.ui.dock.api \
    import DockWindowFeature

from facets.ui.ui_facets \
    import image_for

#  Constants:

no_connections_image = image_for( '@facets:no_connections_feature' )
connections_image    = image_for( '@facets:connections_feature' )

# Menu to display when there are no available connections/disconnections:
no_connections = Menu(
    Action( name    = 'No connections available',
            enabled = False ),
    name = 'popup'

PermanentConnections = 'facets.extra.features.ConnectFeature.' \

#  Filter for extracting facets which support the 'connect' protocol:
Beispiel #7
#-- Imports --------------------------------------------------------------------

from facets.api \
    import HasFacets, Any, Range, Int, PrototypedFrom, View, VSplit, Item, \

from facets.ui.custom_control_editor \
    import CustomControlEditor, ControlEditor

from facets.ui.ui_facets \
    import image_for

#-- Global data ----------------------------------------------------------------

# The base images the LED digits are derived from:
LEDDigits = [ image_for( '@led:D%s?H32S~H14l11S|l16' % c )
              for c in '0123456789MB' ]
LEDRatio  = float( LEDDigits[0].width ) / LEDDigits[0].height

#-- _LEDEditor class -----------------------------------------------------------

class _LEDEditor ( ControlEditor ):

    #-- Facet Definitions ------------------------------------------------------

    # The number of digits to display:
    digits = PrototypedFrom( 'factory' )

    # The images used to display each of the digits:
    images = Any
#  Constants:

a_file_position = FilePosition()

# Valid 'drop styles' and their corresponding types:
valid_types = (
    ( 'file_positions', [ a_file_position ] ),
    ( 'file_position',  a_file_position ),
    ( 'file_names',     [ '\\test' ] ),
    ( 'file_name',      '\\test' )

# Feature images:
feature_images = (
    image_for( '@facets:drop_file_feature' ),
    image_for( '@facets:drag_file_feature' )

#  Defines the 'drop_file' metadata filter:

def drop_file_filter ( value ):
    return ((value is True) or
            isinstance( value, ( str, list, tuple, DropFile ) ))

#  'DropFileFeature' class:
Beispiel #9
    import on_facet_set

from facets.ui.dock.api \
    import DockWindowFeature

from facets.ui.ui_facets \
    import image_for

from facets.extra.api \
    import Saveable

#  Constants:

save_feature = image_for( '@facets:save_feature' )

#  'SaveFeature' class:

class SaveFeature ( DockWindowFeature ):

    #-- Facet Definitions ------------------------------------------------------

    # The tooltip to display when the mouse is hovering over the image:
    tooltip = 'Click to save.'

    #-- Facet Event Handlers ---------------------------------------------------

    @on_facet_set( 'dock_control:object:needs_save' )
from dock_control \
    import DockControl

from dock_region \
    import DockRegion

from dock_section \
    import DockSection

#  Constants:

# DockWindowShell frame icon:
FrameIcon = image_for( '@facets:shell.ico' ).create_icon()

# DockWindowShell window style:
shell_style = set( [ 'frame', 'resizable', 'min_max', 'float' ] )

#  'DockWindowShell' class:

class DockWindowShell ( HasPrivateFacets ):

    #-- Facet Definitions ------------------------------------------------------

    # The adapted toolkit window which is the actual shell:
    control = Instance( Control )
Beispiel #11

context_menu = Menu(
    name = 'popup'

#  Images:

feature_images = {
    'object':       image_for( '@facets:debug_object_feature' ),
    'dock_control': image_for( '@facets:debug_dock_control_feature' ),
    'control':      image_for( '@facets:debug_control_feature' ),
    'ui':           image_for( '@facets:debug_ui_feature' )

#  'DebugFeature' class:

class DebugFeature ( DockWindowFeature ):

    #-- Class Constants --------------------------------------------------------

    # The user interface name of the feature:
    feature_name = 'Debug'