Beispiel #1
def getDefaults (check , warning , critical ) :
	if check == 'backends' : 
		# only whole digits and percentages allowed, an or separator is also allowed 
		return fac.getNumberPercentMix (warning, critical, '80%', '90%' )
	elif check == 'wals' :
		# -- warning 70%Max count
		# -- critical 80%Max count
		return fac.getNumberPercentMix (warning, critical, '70%', '80%' )
	elif check == 'autovacuum' or check == 'vacuum' or check == 'autoanalyze' or check == 'analyze':
		# -- warning = 1 week
		# -- critical = 2 weeks
		return fac.getTimeDefaults (warning, critical , '1wk', '2wks',0.8)
	elif check == 'table_bloat' or check == 'index_bloat' :
		#  Warning and/or Critical must be provided
		return fac.warningAndOrCriticalProvided (warning,critical,0.8)
	elif check == 'table_size' or check == 'index_size' or check == 'database_size' :
		# warning and/or critical value must be supplied
		return fac.warningAndOrCriticalProvided (warning,critical,0.5) 
	elif check == 'nonblocking' or check == 'blocking' :
		# --warning = 2min
		# critical = 3min
		return fac.getTimeDefaults (warning, critical , '1min', '2mins', 0.8) 
	elif check == 'checkpoints' :
		# warning and/or critical value must be supplied
		return None
	elif check == 'replica_lag' :
		# -- warning = 5 wal files
		# -- critical = 10 wal files 
		return fac.getNumberPercentMix (warning, critical, '5', '10' ) 
	elif check == 'connections' :
		return {'warning':'dummy', 'critical' :'dummy'}	
Beispiel #2
def getLocks( param=None ) :

        item_name = 'POSTGRES_'
        status = []
        perfdata = '-'
        output = ''
        if param != None :
		check = (param['check']).lower()
		findText = param.get('find')
		item_name = item_name + check.upper() + '_LOCKS'
		dbnames = param.get('dbname')
		user = param['user']
		password = param.get('password')
		host = param['host'][0]
		port = param['port'][0]
		warning = []
		critical = []

		query = "SELECT substring(version() FROM '(\d.\d)')::double precision"
                results = sql.getSQLResult ( {'host': host , 'port' : port, 'dbname': dbnames[0], 'user' : param['user'] ,'password' : param['password'] } ,query )
		if results[0] == None :
                        return str('2') + ' ' + str(item_name) + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + str(results[1])

		version = (results[1])[0][0]
		retvals = fac.getTimeDefaults ( param.get('warning'), param.get('critical') ) 
		if retvals !=None :
			warning = retvals.get('warning')
			critical = retvals.get('critical')
		else :
			return '2' + ' ' + item_name + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + 'Invalid parameter passed !'
		results = []
		exclude_db = param.get('exclude_db')
		for db in exclude_db :
			if db in dbnames :

		for dbname in dbnames :
			if check == 'nonblocking' :
				results = sql.getSQLResult ( {'host': host , 'port' : port , 'dbname': dbname,\
					 'user' : user ,'password' : password } ,getNonBlockingVersionQuery(version,warning[0], warning[1])  )
			elif check == 'blocking' :
				results  = sql.getSQLResult ( {'host': host , 'port' : port , 'dbname': dbname,\
                                	 'user' : user ,'password' : password } ,getBlockingVersionQuery(version)  )

			if results[0] == None :
				return str('2') + ' ' + str(item_name) + ' ' + str(perfdata) + ' ' + str(results[1])

			retval = {}
			if len(results[1]) > 0 and check == 'nonblocking' : 	
				retval = getNonBlockingIterator(results[1],'POSTGRES_NONBLOCKING_LOCKS',warning,critical, status)
			elif len(results[1]) > 0 and check == 'blocking' :
				retval = getBlockingIterator(results[1],'POSTGRES_BLOCKING_LOCKS',findText, status,warning,critical)

			if perfdata != '-' and len(results[1]) > 0 :
				perfdata = perfdata + retval.get('perfdata')
				output = retval.get('output')
			elif perfdata == '-' and len(results[1]) > 0  :
				perfdata = retval.get('perfdata')
				output = output + ';\n' + retval.get('output')	

		if perfdata != '-' :
			return str(status[0]) + ' ' + str(item_name) + ' ' +  str(perfdata)  + ' ' + str(output)
		else : 
			return '0' + ' ' + item_name + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + 'OK'	
Beispiel #3
def getVacuums( param=None ) :
        item_name = 'POSTGRES_'
        status = []
        perfdata = '-'
        output = ''
	warning = []
	critical = []
        if param != None :
		dbnames = param.get('dbname')
		check = param['check']
		item_name = item_name + check.upper()
		index =  getReturnIndex(check)
		retval = fac.getTimeDefaults ( param.get('warning'), param.get('critical') )
		if retval != None :
			warning = retval.get('warning') 
			critical = retval.get('critical') 
		else  :
			return '2' + ' ' + item_name  + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + 'Invalid Parameters supplied !'	 

		query = "SELECT table_name,vacuum_time FROM ( \
                                SELECT (schemaname || '.' || relname) table_name,\
                                CASE WHEN {0:s} IS NULL  AND {1:s} IS NULL THEN  \
                                        date_part('epoch',clock_timestamp() - '1970-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp ) /60  \
                                WHEN {0:s} IS NOT NULL  AND {1:s} IS NULL THEN \
                                        date_part('epoch',clock_timestamp() - {0:s} ) /60 \
                                WHEN {0:s} IS NULL  AND {1:s} IS NOT NULL THEN \
                                       date_part('epoch',clock_timestamp() - {1:s} ) /60 \
                               WHEN {0:s} IS NOT NULL  AND {1:s} IS NOT NULL THEN \
                                       GREATEST(date_part('epoch',clock_timestamp() - {0:s} ) /60, \
                                               date_part('epoch',clock_timestamp() - {1:s} ) /60 ) \
                                END AS vacuum_time \
                         FROM \
                               pg_stat_user_tables \
                                ) foo \
			 WHERE \
				( vacuum_time )  >=  ( {2:d} * {3:d} ) \
				ORDER BY vacuum_time DESC LIMIT 5".format( index[1],index[2] , int(warning[0]) , int(warning[1]) )

                exclude_db = param.get('exclude_db')
                for db in exclude_db :
                        if db in dbnames :

		for dbname in dbnames :
                	results = sql.getSQLResult ( {'host': param['host'][0] , 'port' : param['port'][0], 'dbname': dbname, 'user' : param['user'] ,'password' : param['password'] } ,query )
			if results[0] == None : 
				return '2' + ' ' + item_name  + ' ' + perfdata + ' ' + str(results[1])
			rows = results[1]

			if len(rows) > 0 :
                		for row in rows : 
					status.append( st.getStatus( int(row[index[0]]) , int(warning[0]) * int(warning[1]) , int(critical[0]) * int(critical[1]) )  ) 
					out_unit = str ( int(row[1]/(60*24)) ) + ' days ago ' 
                        		if perfdata == '-' :
                                		perfdata = perf.getPerfStm (row[0],str(row[index[0]]),str(warning[0]),str(critical[0]))
                                		output =  '{0:s} last {1:s} time was {2:s} '.format(row[0],check,out_unit)
                        		elif perfdata != '-'  :
                                		perfdata = perfdata + '|' + perf.getPerfStm (row[0],str(row[index[0]]),str(warning[0]),str(critical[0])) 
                                		output =  output + ';\n {0:s} last {1:s} time was {2:s}'.format(row[0],check,out_unit)
				status.sort( reverse=True )

		if perfdata != '-' :
                	return str(status[0]) + ' ' + item_name + ' ' + str(perfdata) + ' ' + output 
		else :
			return str('0') + ' ' + item_name + ' ' + '-'  + ' ' + 'OK'
Beispiel #4
def getVacuums(param=None):
    item_name = 'POSTGRES_'
    status = []
    perfdata = '-'
    output = ''
    warning = []
    critical = []
    if param != None:

        dbnames = param.get('dbname')
        check = param['check']
        item_name = item_name + check.upper()
        index = getReturnIndex(check)
        retval = fac.getTimeDefaults(param.get('warning'),
        if retval != None:
            warning = retval.get('warning')
            critical = retval.get('critical')
            return '2' + ' ' + item_name + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + 'Invalid Parameters supplied !'

        query = "SELECT table_name,vacuum_time FROM ( \
                                SELECT (schemaname || '.' || relname) table_name,\
                                CASE WHEN {0:s} IS NULL  AND {1:s} IS NULL THEN  \
                                        date_part('epoch',clock_timestamp() - '1970-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp ) /60  \
                                WHEN {0:s} IS NOT NULL  AND {1:s} IS NULL THEN \
                                        date_part('epoch',clock_timestamp() - {0:s} ) /60 \
                                WHEN {0:s} IS NULL  AND {1:s} IS NOT NULL THEN \
                                       date_part('epoch',clock_timestamp() - {1:s} ) /60 \
                               WHEN {0:s} IS NOT NULL  AND {1:s} IS NOT NULL THEN \
                                       GREATEST(date_part('epoch',clock_timestamp() - {0:s} ) /60, \
                                               date_part('epoch',clock_timestamp() - {1:s} ) /60 ) \
                                END AS vacuum_time \
                         FROM \
                               pg_stat_user_tables \
                                ) foo \
			 WHERE \
				( vacuum_time )  >=  ( {2:d} * {3:d} ) \
				ORDER BY vacuum_time DESC LIMIT 5".format(index[1], index[2],
                                              int(warning[0]), int(warning[1]))

        exclude_db = param.get('exclude_db')
        for db in exclude_db:
            if db in dbnames:

        for dbname in dbnames:
            results = sql.getSQLResult(
                    'host': param['host'][0],
                    'port': param['port'][0],
                    'dbname': dbname,
                    'user': param['user'],
                    'password': param['password']
                }, query)

            if results[0] == None:
                return '2' + ' ' + item_name + ' ' + perfdata + ' ' + str(

            rows = results[1]

            if len(rows) > 0:
                for row in rows:
                                     int(warning[0]) * int(warning[1]),
                                     int(critical[0]) * int(critical[1])))
                    out_unit = str(int(row[1] / (60 * 24))) + ' days ago '
                    if perfdata == '-':
                        perfdata = perf.getPerfStm(row[0], str(row[index[0]]),
                        output = '{0:s} last {1:s} time was {2:s} '.format(
                            row[0], check, out_unit)
                    elif perfdata != '-':
                        perfdata = perfdata + '|' + perf.getPerfStm(
                            row[0], str(row[index[0]]), str(warning[0]),
                        output = output + ';\n {0:s} last {1:s} time was {2:s}'.format(
                            row[0], check, out_unit)


        if perfdata != '-':
            return str(status[0]) + ' ' + item_name + ' ' + str(
                perfdata) + ' ' + output
            return str('0') + ' ' + item_name + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + 'OK'