Beispiel #1
    def set_error_serializer(self, serializer):
        """Override the default serializer for instances of :class:`~.HTTPError`.

        When a responder raises an instance of :class:`~.HTTPError`,
        Falcon converts it to an HTTP response automatically. The
        default serializer supports JSON and XML, but may be overridden
        by this method to use a custom serializer in order to support
        other media types.

            If a custom media type is used and the type includes a
            "+json" or "+xml" suffix, the default serializer will
            convert the error to JSON or XML, respectively.

            The default serializer will not render any response body for
            :class:`~.HTTPError` instances where the `has_representation`
            property evaluates to ``False`` (such as in the case of types
            that subclass :class:`falcon.http_error.NoRepresentation`).
            However a custom serializer will be called regardless of the
            property value, and it may choose to override the
            representation logic.

        The :class:`~.HTTPError` class contains helper methods,
        such as `to_json()` and `to_dict()`, that can be used from
        within custom serializers. For example::

            def my_serializer(req, resp, exception):
                representation = None

                preferred = req.client_prefers(('application/x-yaml',

                if exception.has_representation and preferred is not None:
                    if preferred == 'application/json':
                        representation = exception.to_json()
                        representation = yaml.dump(exception.to_dict(),
                    resp.body = representation
                    resp.content_type = preferred

                resp.append_header('Vary', 'Accept')

            serializer (callable): A function taking the form
                ``func(req, resp, exception)``, where `req` is the request
                object that was passed to the responder method, `resp` is
                the response object, and `exception` is an instance of


        if len(get_argnames(serializer)) == 2:
            serializer = helpers.wrap_old_error_serializer(serializer)

        self._serialize_error = serializer
Beispiel #2
    def set_error_serializer(self, serializer):
        """Override the default serializer for instances of HTTPError.

        When a responder raises an instance of HTTPError, Falcon converts
        it to an HTTP response automatically. The default serializer
        supports JSON and XML, but may be overridden by this method to
        use a custom serializer in order to support other media types.

        The ``falcon.HTTPError`` class contains helper methods, such as
        `to_json()` and `to_dict()`, that can be used from within
        custom serializers. For example::

            def my_serializer(req, resp, exception):
                representation = None

                preferred = req.client_prefers(('application/x-yaml',

                if preferred is not None:
                    if preferred == 'application/json':
                        representation = exception.to_json()
                        representation = yaml.dump(exception.to_dict(),
                    resp.body = representation
                    resp.content_type = preferred

                resp.append_header('Vary', 'Accept')

            If a custom media type is used and the type includes a
            "+json" or "+xml" suffix, the default serializer will
            convert the error to JSON or XML, respectively. If this
            is not desirable, a custom error serializer may be used
            to override this behavior.

            serializer (callable): A function taking the form
                ``func(req, resp, exception)``, where `req` is the request
                object that was passed to the responder method, `resp` is
                the response object, and `exception` is an instance of


        if len(get_argnames(serializer)) == 2:
            serializer = helpers.wrap_old_error_serializer(serializer)

        self._serialize_error = serializer
Beispiel #3
    def set_error_serializer(self, serializer):
        """Override the default serializer for instances of HTTPError.

        When a responder raises an instance of HTTPError, Falcon converts
        it to an HTTP response automatically. The default serializer
        supports JSON and XML, but may be overridden by this method to
        use a custom serializer in order to support other media types.

        The ``falcon.HTTPError`` class contains helper methods, such as
        `to_json()` and `to_dict()`, that can be used from within
        custom serializers. For example::

            def my_serializer(req, resp, exception):
                representation = None

                preferred = req.client_prefers(('application/x-yaml',

                if preferred is not None:
                    if preferred == 'application/json':
                        representation = exception.to_json()
                        representation = yaml.dump(exception.to_dict(),
                    resp.body = representation
                    resp.content_type = preferred

                resp.append_header('Vary', 'Accept')

            If a custom media type is used and the type includes a
            "+json" or "+xml" suffix, the default serializer will
            convert the error to JSON or XML, respectively. If this
            is not desirable, a custom error serializer may be used
            to override this behavior.

            serializer (callable): A function taking the form
                ``func(req, resp, exception)``, where `req` is the request
                object that was passed to the responder method, `resp` is
                the response object, and `exception` is an instance of


        if len(get_argnames(serializer)) == 2:
            serializer = helpers.wrap_old_error_serializer(serializer)

        self._serialize_error = serializer