Beispiel #1
    def test_get_teams_active(self, api_key):
        API call get_current_week
        response = FantasyData(api_key).get_teams_active()

        assert isinstance(response, list), "response not list"
        assert len(response), "response empty list"

        assert isinstance(response[0]["City"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'City'"
Beispiel #2
    def test_get_upcoming_season_invalid_api_key(self):
        Invalid API key

            The FantasyData API is available
            A invalid API key
            I call get_upcoming_season() on a FantasyData object
            It throws an exception stating "Error: Invalid API key"
        invalid_api_key = 'invalid api key'
        with pytest.raises(FantasyDataError):
Beispiel #3
    def test_get_upcoming_season_api_is_unavailable(self):
        API is unavailable

            The FantasyData API is not available over the network
            A valid API key
            I call get_upcoming_season() on a FantasyData object
            It throws an exception stating "Error: Cannot connect to the FantasyData API"
        invalid_api_key = 'invalid api key'
        with pytest.raises(FantasyDataError):
Beispiel #4
    def test_get_team_roster_and_depth_charts(self, api_key, team):
        API call get_team_roster_and_depth_charts
        Test response type and items structure
        response = FantasyData(api_key).get_team_roster_and_depth_charts(team)

        assert isinstance(response, list), "response not list"
        assert len(response), "response empty list"

        # item = response[0]
        required_fields = {"Active", "Age", "AverageDraftPosition", "BirthDate", "BirthDateString", "ByeWeek",
                           "College", "DepthDisplayOrder", "DepthOrder", "DepthPosition", "DepthPositionCategory",
                           "Experience", "ExperienceString", "FantasyPosition", "FirstName", "Height", "InjuryStatus",
                           "LastName", "LatestNews", "Name", "Number", "PhotoUrl", "PlayerID", "Position",
                           "PositionCategory", "ShortName", "Status", "Team", "UpcomingGameOpponent",
                           "UpcomingGameWeek", "Weight", "PlayerSeason"}
        for item in response:
            item_keys = set(map(str, item.keys()))
            assert item_keys & required_fields == required_fields, "incorrect structure in response item"

            item["BirthDate"] and self._check_date(item["BirthDate"], "unexpected type of key 'BirthDate'")
            assert isinstance(item["Active"], bool), "unexpected type of key 'Active'"
            assert item["Age"] is None or isinstance(item["Age"], int), "unexpected type of key 'Age'"
            assert item["BirthDateString"] is None or isinstance(item["BirthDateString"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'BirthDateString'"
            assert isinstance(item["ByeWeek"], int), "unexpected type of key 'ByeWeek'"
            assert isinstance(item["College"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'College'"
            assert isinstance(item["Experience"], int), "unexpected type of key 'Experience'"
            assert isinstance(item["ExperienceString"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'ExperienceString'"
            assert isinstance(item["FantasyPosition"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'FantasyPosition'"
            assert isinstance(item["FirstName"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'FirstName'"
            assert item["Height"] is None or isinstance(item["Height"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'Height'"
            assert isinstance(item["LastName"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'LastName'"
            assert isinstance(item["LatestNews"], list), "unexpected type of key 'LatestNews'"
            assert isinstance(item["Name"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'Name'"
            assert item["Number"] is None or isinstance(item["Number"], int), "unexpected type of key 'Number'"
            assert isinstance(item["PhotoUrl"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'PhotoUrl'"
            assert isinstance(item["PlayerID"], int), "unexpected type of key 'PlayerID'"
            assert item["PlayerSeason"] is None or isinstance(item["PlayerSeason"], dict), "unexpected type of key 'PlayerSeason'"
            assert isinstance(item["Position"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'Position'"
            assert isinstance(item["PositionCategory"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'PositionCategory'"
            assert isinstance(item["ShortName"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'ShortName'"
            assert isinstance(item["Status"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'Status'"
            assert isinstance(item["Team"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'Team'"
            assert isinstance(item["UpcomingGameOpponent"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'UpcomingGameOpponent'"
            assert isinstance(item["UpcomingGameWeek"], int), "unexpected type of key 'UpcomingGameWeek'"
            assert item["Weight"] is None or isinstance(item["Weight"], int), "unexpected type of key 'Weight'"
Beispiel #5
    def test_get_schedules_for_season(self, api_key, season):
        API call get_schedules_for_season.
        Test response type and items structure
        response = FantasyData(api_key).get_schedules_for_season(season)

        assert isinstance(response, list), "response not list"
        assert len(response), "response empty list"

        # item = response[0]
        required_fields = {"AwayTeam", "Channel", "Date", "HomeTeam", "OverUnder", "PointSpread", "Season", "Week"}
        for item in response:
            item_keys = set(map(str, item.keys()))
            assert item_keys & required_fields == required_fields, "incorrect structure in response item"

            item["Date"] and self._check_date(item["Date"], "unexpected type of key 'Date'")
            assert isinstance(item["AwayTeam"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'AwayTeam'"
            assert item["Channel"] is None or isinstance(item["Channel"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'Channel'"
            assert isinstance(item["HomeTeam"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'HomeTeam'"
            assert item["OverUnder"] is None or isinstance(item["OverUnder"], (float, int)), "unexpected type of key 'OverUnder'"
            assert item["PointSpread"] is None or isinstance(item["PointSpread"], (float, int)), "unexpected type of key 'PointSpread'"
            assert isinstance(item["Season"], int), "unexpected type of key 'Season'"
            assert isinstance(item["Week"], int), "unexpected type of key 'Week'"
Beispiel #6
    def test_get_players_game_stats_for_season_for_week(self, api_key, season, week):
        API call players_game_stats_for_season_for_week
        Test response type and items structure
        response = FantasyData(api_key).get_players_game_stats_for_season_for_week(season, week)

        assert isinstance(response, list), "response not list"
        assert len(response), "response empty list"

        # item = response[0]
        required_fields = {"Started", "Week", "Stadium", "ShortName", "Name", "HomeOrAway", "PlayerGameID", "GameDate",
                           "Played", "IsGameOver", "GameKey", "Position", "PlayerID", "Opponent", "Team", "SeasonType",
                           "Season", "ScoringDetails"}
        for item in response:
            item_keys = set(map(str, item.keys()))
            assert item_keys & required_fields == required_fields, "incorrect structure in response item"

            self._check_date(item["GameDate"], "unexpected type of key 'GameDate'")
            assert isinstance(item["ScoringDetails"], list), "unexpected type of key 'ScoringDetails'"
            assert isinstance(item["Started"], int), "unexpected type of key 'Started'"
            assert isinstance(item["Week"], int), "unexpected type of key 'Week'"
            assert isinstance(item["Stadium"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'Stadium'"
            assert isinstance(item["ShortName"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'ShortName'"
            assert isinstance(item["Name"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'Name'"
            assert isinstance(item["HomeOrAway"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'HomeOrAway'"
            assert isinstance(item["PlayerGameID"], int), "unexpected type of key 'PlayerGameID'"
            assert isinstance(item["Played"], int), "unexpected type of key 'Played'"
            assert isinstance(item["IsGameOver"], bool), "unexpected type of key 'IsGameOver'"
            assert isinstance(item["GameKey"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'GameKey'"
            assert isinstance(item["Position"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'Position'"
            assert isinstance(item["PlayerID"], int), "unexpected type of key 'PlayerID'"
            assert isinstance(item["Opponent"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'Opponent'"
            assert isinstance(item["Team"], six.text_type), "unexpected type of key 'Team'"
            assert isinstance(item["SeasonType"], int), "unexpected type of key 'SeasonType'"
            assert isinstance(item["Season"], int), "unexpected type of key 'Season'"
Beispiel #7
 def test_get_current_week(self, api_key):
     API call get_current_week
     assert isinstance(FantasyData(api_key).get_current_week(), int), "Invalid value type"
Beispiel #8
 def test_get_upcoming_season(self, api_key):
     API call get_upcoming_season
     assert isinstance(FantasyData(api_key).get_upcoming_season(), int), "Invalid value type"