Beispiel #1
def samples_to_features_bert_lm(sample, max_seq_len, tokenizer, next_sent_pred=True):
    Convert a raw sample (pair of sentences as tokenized strings) into a proper training sample with
    IDs, LM labels, padding_mask, CLS and SEP tokens etc.

    :param sample: Sample, containing sentence input as strings and is_next label
    :type sample: Sample
    :param max_seq_len: Maximum length of sequence.
    :type max_seq_len: int
    :param tokenizer: Tokenizer
    :return: InputFeatures, containing all inputs and labels of one sample as IDs (as used for model training)

    if next_sent_pred:
        tokens_a = sample.tokenized["text_a"]["tokens"]
        tokens_b = sample.tokenized["text_b"]["tokens"]

        # mask random words
        tokens_a, t1_label = mask_random_words(tokens_a, tokenizer.vocab,

        tokens_b, t2_label = mask_random_words(tokens_b, tokenizer.vocab,

        if tokenizer.is_fast:
            # Detokenize input as fast tokenizer can't handle tokenized input
            tokens_a = " ".join(tokens_a)
            tokens_a = re.sub(r"(^|\s)(##)", "", tokens_a)
            tokens_b = " ".join(tokens_b)
            tokens_b = re.sub(r"(^|\s)(##)", "", tokens_b)

        # convert lm labels to ids
        t1_label_ids = [-1 if tok == '' else tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tok) for tok in t1_label]
        t2_label_ids = [-1 if tok == '' else tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tok) for tok in t2_label]
        lm_label_ids = t1_label_ids + t2_label_ids

        # Convert is_next_label: Note that in Bert, is_next_labelid = 0 is used for next_sentence=true!
        if sample.clear_text["nextsentence_label"]:
            is_next_label_id = [0]
            is_next_label_id = [1]
        tokens_a = sample.tokenized["text_a"]["tokens"]
        tokens_b = None
        tokens_a, t1_label = mask_random_words(tokens_a, tokenizer.vocab,
        if tokenizer.is_fast:
            # Detokenize input as fast tokenizer can't handle tokenized input
            tokens_a = " ".join(tokens_a)
            tokens_a = re.sub(r"(^|\s)(##)", "", tokens_a)

        # convert lm labels to ids
        lm_label_ids = [-1 if tok == '' else tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tok) for tok in t1_label]

    if tokenizer.is_fast:
        inputs = tokenizer(text=tokens_a,

        seq_b_len = len(sample.tokenized["text_b"]["tokens"]) if "text_b" in sample.tokenized else 0
        if (len(inputs["input_ids"]) - inputs["special_tokens_mask"].count(1)) != \
           (len(sample.tokenized["text_a"]["tokens"]) + seq_b_len):
            logger.error(f"FastTokenizer encoded sample {sample.clear_text['text']} to "
                         f"{len(inputs['input_ids']) - inputs['special_tokens_mask'].count(1)} tokens, which differs "
                         f"from number of tokens produced in tokenize_with_metadata(). \n"
                         f"Further processing is likely to be wrong.")
        # encode string tokens to input_ids and add special tokens
        inputs = tokenizer.encode_plus(text=tokens_a,
                                       # We've already truncated our tokens before

    input_ids, segment_ids, special_tokens_mask = inputs["input_ids"], inputs["token_type_ids"], inputs[

    # account for special tokens (CLS, SEP, SEP..) in lm_label_ids
    lm_label_ids = insert_at_special_tokens_pos(lm_label_ids, special_tokens_mask, insert_element=-1)

    # The mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real
    # tokens are attended to.
    padding_mask = [1] * len(input_ids)

    # Zero-pad up to the sequence length.
    # Padding up to the sequence length.
    # Normal case: adding multiple 0 to the right
    # Special cases:
    # a) xlnet pads on the left and uses  "4" for padding token_type_ids
    if tokenizer.__class__.__name__ == "XLNetTokenizer":
        pad_on_left = True
        segment_ids = pad(segment_ids, max_seq_len, 4, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)
        pad_on_left = False
        segment_ids = pad(segment_ids, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)

    input_ids = pad(input_ids, max_seq_len, tokenizer.pad_token_id, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)
    padding_mask = pad(padding_mask, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)
    lm_label_ids = pad(lm_label_ids, max_seq_len, -1, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)

    feature_dict = {
        "input_ids": input_ids,
        "padding_mask": padding_mask,
        "segment_ids": segment_ids,
        "lm_label_ids": lm_label_ids,

    if next_sent_pred:
        feature_dict["nextsentence_label_ids"] = is_next_label_id

    assert len(input_ids) == max_seq_len
    assert len(padding_mask) == max_seq_len
    assert len(segment_ids) == max_seq_len
    assert len(lm_label_ids) == max_seq_len

    return [feature_dict]
Beispiel #2
def samples_to_features_ner(
    Generates a dictionary of features for a given input sample that is to be consumed by an NER model.

    :param sample: Sample object that contains human readable text and label fields from a single NER data sample
    :type sample: Sample
    :param tasks: A dictionary where the keys are the names of the tasks and the values are the details of the task (e.g. label_list, metric, tensor name)
    :type tasks: dict
    :param max_seq_len: Sequences are truncated after this many tokens
    :type max_seq_len: int
    :param tokenizer: A tokenizer object that can turn string sentences into a list of tokens
    :param non_initial_token: Token that is inserted into the label sequence in positions where there is a
                              non-word-initial token. This is done since the default NER performs prediction
                              only on word initial tokens
    :return: A list with one dictionary containing the keys "input_ids", "padding_mask", "segment_ids", "initial_mask"
             (also "label_ids" if not in inference mode). The values are lists containing those features.
    :rtype: list

    tokens = sample.tokenized["tokens"]

    if tokenizer.is_fast:
        text = sample.clear_text["text"]
        # Here, we tokenize the sample for the second time to get all relevant ids
        # This should change once we git rid of FARM's tokenize_with_metadata()
        inputs = tokenizer(text,

        if (len(inputs["input_ids"]) - inputs["special_tokens_mask"].count(1)) != len(sample.tokenized["tokens"]):
            logger.error(f"FastTokenizer encoded sample {sample.clear_text['text']} to "
                         f"{len(inputs['input_ids']) - inputs['special_tokens_mask'].count(1)} tokens, which differs "
                         f"from number of tokens produced in tokenize_with_metadata().\n"
                         f"Further processing is likely to be wrong!")
        inputs = tokenizer.encode_plus(text=tokens,

    input_ids, segment_ids, special_tokens_mask = inputs["input_ids"], inputs["token_type_ids"], inputs["special_tokens_mask"]

    # We construct a mask to identify the first token of a word. We will later only use them for predicting entities.
    # Special tokens don't count as initial tokens => we add 0 at the positions of special tokens
    # For BERT we add a 0 in the start and end (for CLS and SEP)
    initial_mask = [int(x) for x in sample.tokenized["start_of_word"]]
    initial_mask = insert_at_special_tokens_pos(initial_mask, special_tokens_mask, insert_element=0)
    assert len(initial_mask) == len(input_ids)

    for task_name, task in tasks.items():
            label_list = task["label_list"]
            label_name = task["label_name"]
            label_tensor_name = task["label_tensor_name"]
            labels_word = sample.clear_text[label_name]
            labels_token = expand_labels(labels_word, initial_mask, non_initial_token)
            # labels_token = add_cls_sep(labels_token, cls_token, sep_token)
            label_ids = [label_list.index(lt) for lt in labels_token]
        except ValueError:
            label_ids = None
            problematic_labels = set(labels_token).difference(set(label_list))
            logger.warning(f"[Task: {task_name}] Could not convert labels to ids via label_list!"
                           f"\nWe found a problem with labels {str(problematic_labels)}")
        except KeyError:
            # For inference mode we don't expect labels
            label_ids = None
            logger.warning(f"[Task: {task_name}] Could not convert labels to ids via label_list!"
                           "\nIf your are running in *inference* mode: Don't worry!"
                           "\nIf you are running in *training* mode: Verify you are supplying a proper label list to your processor and check that labels in input data are correct.")

        # This mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real
        # tokens are attended to.
        padding_mask = [1] * len(input_ids)

        # Padding up to the sequence length.
        # Normal case: adding multiple 0 to the right
        # Special cases:
        # a) xlnet pads on the left and uses  "4" for padding token_type_ids
        if tokenizer.__class__.__name__ == "XLNetTokenizer":
            pad_on_left = True
            segment_ids = pad(segment_ids, max_seq_len, 4, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)
            pad_on_left = False
            segment_ids = pad(segment_ids, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)

        input_ids = pad(input_ids, max_seq_len, tokenizer.pad_token_id, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)
        padding_mask = pad(padding_mask, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)
        initial_mask = pad(initial_mask, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)
        if label_ids:
            label_ids = pad(label_ids, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)

        feature_dict = {
            "input_ids": input_ids,
            "padding_mask": padding_mask,
            "segment_ids": segment_ids,
            "initial_mask": initial_mask,

        if label_ids:
            feature_dict[label_tensor_name] = label_ids

    return [feature_dict]
Beispiel #3
def sample_to_features_text(
    sample, tasks, max_seq_len, tokenizer
    Generates a dictionary of features for a given input sample that is to be consumed by a text classification model.

    :param sample: Sample object that contains human readable text and label fields from a single text classification data sample
    :type sample: Sample
    :param tasks: A dictionary where the keys are the names of the tasks and the values are the details of the task (e.g. label_list, metric, tensor name)
    :type tasks: dict
    :param max_seq_len: Sequences are truncated after this many tokens
    :type max_seq_len: int
    :param tokenizer: A tokenizer object that can turn string sentences into a list of tokens
    :return: A list with one dictionary containing the keys "input_ids", "padding_mask" and "segment_ids" (also "label_ids" if not
             in inference mode). The values are lists containing those features.
    :rtype: list

    if tokenizer.is_fast:
        text = sample.clear_text["text"]
        # Here, we tokenize the sample for the second time to get all relevant ids
        # This should change once we git rid of FARM's tokenize_with_metadata()
        inputs = tokenizer(text,

        if (len(inputs["input_ids"]) - inputs["special_tokens_mask"].count(1)) != len(sample.tokenized["tokens"]):
            logger.error(f"FastTokenizer encoded sample {sample.clear_text['text']} to "
                         f"{len(inputs['input_ids']) - inputs['special_tokens_mask'].count(1)} tokens, which differs "
                         f"from number of tokens produced in tokenize_with_metadata(). \n"
                         f"Further processing is likely to be wrong.")
        # TODO It might be cleaner to adjust the data structure in sample.tokenized
        tokens_a = sample.tokenized["tokens"]
        tokens_b = sample.tokenized.get("tokens_b", None)

        inputs = tokenizer.encode_plus(
            truncation=False,  # truncation_strategy is deprecated

    input_ids, segment_ids = inputs["input_ids"], inputs["token_type_ids"]

    # The mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real
    # tokens are attended to.
    padding_mask = [1] * len(input_ids)

    # Padding up to the sequence length.
    # Normal case: adding multiple 0 to the right
    # Special cases:
    # a) xlnet pads on the left and uses  "4"  for padding token_type_ids
    if tokenizer.__class__.__name__ == "XLNetTokenizer":
        pad_on_left = True
        segment_ids = pad(segment_ids, max_seq_len, 4, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)
        pad_on_left = False
        segment_ids = pad(segment_ids, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)

    input_ids = pad(input_ids, max_seq_len, tokenizer.pad_token_id, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)
    padding_mask = pad(padding_mask, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)

    assert len(input_ids) == max_seq_len
    assert len(padding_mask) == max_seq_len
    assert len(segment_ids) == max_seq_len

    feat_dict = {
        "input_ids": input_ids,
        "padding_mask": padding_mask,
        "segment_ids": segment_ids,

    # Add Labels for different tasks
    for task_name, task in tasks.items():
            label_name = task["label_name"]
            label_raw = sample.clear_text[label_name]
            label_list = task["label_list"]
            if task["task_type"] == "classification":
                # id of label
                    label_ids = [label_list.index(label_raw)]
                except ValueError as e:
                    raise ValueError(f'[Task: {task_name}] Observed label {label_raw} not in defined label_list')
            elif task["task_type"] == "multilabel_classification":
                # multi-hot-format
                label_ids = [0] * len(label_list)
                for l in label_raw.split(","):
                    if l != "":
                        label_ids[label_list.index(l)] = 1
            elif task["task_type"] == "regression":
                label_ids = [float(label_raw)]
                raise ValueError(task["task_type"])
        except KeyError:
            # For inference mode we don't expect labels
            label_ids = None
        if label_ids is not None:
            feat_dict[task["label_tensor_name"]] = label_ids
    return [feat_dict]
Beispiel #4
def samples_to_features_bert_lm(sample,
    Convert a raw sample (pair of sentences as tokenized strings) into a proper training sample with
    IDs, LM labels, padding_mask, CLS and SEP tokens etc.

    :param sample: Sample, containing sentence input as strings and is_next label
    :type sample: Sample
    :param max_seq_len: Maximum length of sequence.
    :type max_seq_len: int
    :param tokenizer: Tokenizer
    :return: InputFeatures, containing all inputs and labels of one sample as IDs (as used for model training)

    if next_sent_pred:
        tokens_a = sample.tokenized["text_a"]["tokens"]
        tokens_b = sample.tokenized["text_b"]["tokens"]

        # mask random words
        tokens_a, t1_label = mask_random_words(

        tokens_b, t2_label = mask_random_words(
        # convert lm labels to ids
        t1_label_ids = [
            -1 if tok == '' else tokenizer.vocab[tok] for tok in t1_label
        t2_label_ids = [
            -1 if tok == '' else tokenizer.vocab[tok] for tok in t2_label
        lm_label_ids = t1_label_ids + t2_label_ids

        # Convert is_next_label: Note that in Bert, is_next_labelid = 0 is used for next_sentence=true!
        if sample.clear_text["nextsentence_label"]:
            is_next_label_id = [0]
            is_next_label_id = [1]
        tokens_a = sample.tokenized["text_a"]["tokens"]
        tokens_b = None
        tokens_a, t1_label = mask_random_words(
        # convert lm labels to ids
        lm_label_ids = [
            -1 if tok == '' else tokenizer.vocab[tok] for tok in t1_label

    # encode string tokens to input_ids and add special tokens
    inputs = tokenizer.encode_plus(text=tokens_a,
                                   # We've already truncated our tokens before

    input_ids, segment_ids, special_tokens_mask = inputs["input_ids"], inputs[
        "token_type_ids"], inputs["special_tokens_mask"]

    # account for special tokens (CLS, SEP, SEP..) in lm_label_ids
    lm_label_ids = insert_at_special_tokens_pos(lm_label_ids,

    # The mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real
    # tokens are attended to.
    padding_mask = [1] * len(input_ids)

    # Zero-pad up to the sequence length.
    # Padding up to the sequence length.
    # Normal case: adding multiple 0 to the right
    # Special cases:
    # a) xlnet pads on the left and uses  "4" for padding token_type_ids
    if tokenizer.__class__.__name__ == "XLNetTokenizer":
        pad_on_left = True
        segment_ids = pad(segment_ids, max_seq_len, 4, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)
        pad_on_left = False
        segment_ids = pad(segment_ids, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)

    input_ids = pad(input_ids,
    padding_mask = pad(padding_mask, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)
    lm_label_ids = pad(lm_label_ids, max_seq_len, -1, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)

    feature_dict = {
        "input_ids": input_ids,
        "padding_mask": padding_mask,
        "segment_ids": segment_ids,
        "lm_label_ids": lm_label_ids,

    if next_sent_pred:
        feature_dict["nextsentence_label_ids"] = is_next_label_id

    assert len(input_ids) == max_seq_len
    assert len(padding_mask) == max_seq_len
    assert len(segment_ids) == max_seq_len
    assert len(lm_label_ids) == max_seq_len

    return [feature_dict]
Beispiel #5
def sample_to_features_text(sample, tasks, max_seq_len, tokenizer):
    Generates a dictionary of features for a given input sample that is to be consumed by a text classification model.

    :param sample: Sample object that contains human readable text and label fields from a single text classification data sample
    :type sample: Sample
    :param tasks: A dictionary where the keys are the names of the tasks and the values are the details of the task (e.g. label_list, metric, tensor name)
    :type tasks: dict
    :param max_seq_len: Sequences are truncated after this many tokens
    :type max_seq_len: int
    :param tokenizer: A tokenizer object that can turn string sentences into a list of tokens
    :return: A list with one dictionary containing the keys "input_ids", "padding_mask" and "segment_ids" (also "label_ids" if not
             in inference mode). The values are lists containing those features.
    :rtype: list

    #TODO It might be cleaner to adjust the data structure in sample.tokenized
    # Verify if this current quickfix really works for pairs
    tokens_a = sample.tokenized["tokens"]
    tokens_b = sample.tokenized.get("tokens_b", None)

    inputs = tokenizer.encode_plus(
        'do_not_truncate'  # We've already truncated our tokens before

    input_ids, segment_ids = inputs["input_ids"], inputs["token_type_ids"]

    # The mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real
    # tokens are attended to.
    padding_mask = [1] * len(input_ids)

    # Padding up to the sequence length.
    # Normal case: adding multiple 0 to the right
    # Special cases:
    # a) xlnet pads on the left and uses  "4"  for padding token_type_ids
    if tokenizer.__class__.__name__ == "XLNetTokenizer":
        pad_on_left = True
        segment_ids = pad(segment_ids, max_seq_len, 4, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)
        pad_on_left = False
        segment_ids = pad(segment_ids, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)

    input_ids = pad(input_ids,
    padding_mask = pad(padding_mask, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)

    assert len(input_ids) == max_seq_len
    assert len(padding_mask) == max_seq_len
    assert len(segment_ids) == max_seq_len

    feat_dict = {
        "input_ids": input_ids,
        "padding_mask": padding_mask,
        "segment_ids": segment_ids,

    # Add Labels for different tasks
    for task_name, task in tasks.items():
            label_name = task["label_name"]
            label_raw = sample.clear_text[label_name]
            label_list = task["label_list"]
            if task["task_type"] == "classification":
                # id of label
                    label_ids = [label_list.index(label_raw)]
                except ValueError as e:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f'[Task: {task_name}] Observed label {label_raw} not in defined label_list'
            elif task["task_type"] == "multilabel_classification":
                # multi-hot-format
                label_ids = [0] * len(label_list)
                for l in label_raw.split(","):
                    if l != "":
                        label_ids[label_list.index(l)] = 1
            elif task["task_type"] == "regression":
                label_ids = [float(label_raw)]
                raise ValueError(task["task_type"])
        except KeyError:
            # For inference mode we don't expect labels
            label_ids = None
        if label_ids is not None:
            feat_dict[task["label_tensor_name"]] = label_ids
    return [feat_dict]
Beispiel #6
def samples_to_features_ner(sample,
    Generates a dictionary of features for a given input sample that is to be consumed by an NER model.
    :param sample: Sample object that contains human readable text and label fields from a single NER data sample
    :type sample: Sample
    :param tasks: A dictionary where the keys are the names of the tasks and the values are the details of the task (e.g. label_list, metric, tensor name)
    :type tasks: dict
    :param max_seq_len: Sequences are truncated after this many tokens
    :type max_seq_len: int
    :param tokenizer: A tokenizer object that can turn string sentences into a list of tokens
    :param cls_token: Token used to represent the beginning of the sequence
    :type cls_token: str
    :param sep_token: Token used to represent the border between two sequences
    :type sep_token: str
    :param non_initial_token: Token that is inserted into the label sequence in positions where there is a
                              non-word-initial token. This is done since the default NER performs prediction
                              only on word initial tokens
    :return: A dictionary containing the keys "input_ids", "padding_mask", "segment_ids", "initial_mask"
             (also "label_ids" if not in inference mode). The values are lists containing those features.
    :rtype: dict
    # Tokenize words and extend the labels so they are aligned with the tokens
    # words = sample.clear_text["text"].split(" ")
    # tokens, initial_mask = words_to_tokens(words, tokenizer, max_seq_len)
    tokens = sample.tokenized["tokens"]
    custom_data = sample.tokenized["custom_data"]

    initial_mask = [int(x) for x in sample.tokenized["start_of_word"]]
    # initial_mask =
    # Add CLS and SEP tokens
    tokens = add_cls_sep(tokens, cls_token, sep_token)
    custom_data = [5] + custom_data + [4]
    initial_mask = [0] + initial_mask + [
    ]  # CLS and SEP don't count as initial tokens
    padding_mask = [1] * len(tokens)
    # Convert to input and labels to ids, generate masks
    input_ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens)
    for task_name, task in tasks.items():
            label_list = task["label_list"]
            label_name = task["label_name"]
            label_tensor_name = task["label_tensor_name"]
            labels_word = sample.clear_text[label_name]
            labels_token = expand_labels(labels_word, initial_mask,
            # labels_token = add_cls_sep(labels_token, cls_token, sep_token)
            #label_ids = [label_list.index(lt) for lt in labels_token]
            label_ids = [
                label_list.index(lt) for lt in sample.tokenized['ner_label']
        except ValueError:
            label_ids = None
            problematic_labels = set(labels_token).difference(set(label_list))
                f"[Task: {task_name}] Could not convert labels to ids via label_list!"
                f"\nWe found a problem with labels {str(problematic_labels)}")
        except KeyError:
            # For inference mode we don't expect labels
            label_ids = None
                f"[Task: {task_name}] Could not convert labels to ids via label_list!"
                "\nIf your are running in *inference* mode: Don't worry!"
                "\nIf you are running in *training* mode: Verify you are supplying a proper label list to your processor and check that labels in input data are corre"
        label_ids = [5] + label_ids + [4]
        segment_ids = []
        next_sent = False
        for x in input_ids:
            if x == 102:
                next_sent = True
            elif next_sent == True:
        segment_ids[len(segment_ids) - 1] = 1
        # Pad
        input_ids = pad(input_ids, max_seq_len, 0)
        if label_ids:
            label_ids = pad(label_ids, max_seq_len, 0)
        initial_mask = pad(initial_mask, max_seq_len, 0)
        padding_mask = pad(padding_mask, max_seq_len, 0)
        custom_data = pad(custom_data, max_seq_len, 0)
        segment_ids = pad(segment_ids, max_seq_len, 0)
        feature_dict = {
            "input_ids": input_ids,
            "padding_mask": padding_mask,
            "segment_ids": segment_ids,
            "initial_mask": initial_mask,
            "custom_data": custom_data,
        if label_ids:
            feature_dict[label_tensor_name] = label_ids
    return [feature_dict]
Beispiel #7
def samples_to_features_ner(sample,
    Generates a dictionary of features for a given input sample that is to be consumed by an NER model.

    :param sample: Sample object that contains human readable text and label fields from a single NER data sample
    :type sample: Sample
    :param label_list: A list of all unique labels
    :type label_list: list
    :param max_seq_len: Sequences are truncated after this many tokens
    :type max_seq_len: int
    :param tokenizer: A tokenizer object that can turn string sentences into a list of tokens
    :param cls_token: Token used to represent the beginning of the sequence
    :type cls_token: str
    :param pad_token: Token used to represent sequence padding
    :type pad_token: str
    :param sep_token: Token used to represent the border between two sequences
    :type sep_token: str
    :param non_initial_token: Token that is inserted into the label sequence in positions where there is a
                              non-word-initial token. This is done since the default NER performs prediction
                              only on word initial tokens
    :return: A dictionary containing the keys "input_ids", "padding_mask", "segment_ids", "initial_mask"
             (also "label_ids" if not in inference mode). The values are lists containing those features.
    :rtype: dict

    # Tokenize words and extend the labels so they are aligned with the tokens
    # words = sample.clear_text["text"].split(" ")
    # tokens, initial_mask = words_to_tokens(words, tokenizer, max_seq_len)

    tokens = sample.tokenized["tokens"]
    initial_mask = [int(x) for x in sample.tokenized["start_of_word"]]

    # initial_mask =
    # Add CLS and SEP tokens
    tokens = add_cls_sep(tokens, cls_token, sep_token)
    initial_mask = [0] + initial_mask + [
    ]  # CLS and SEP don't count as initial tokens
    padding_mask = [1] * len(tokens)

    # Convert to input and labels to ids, generate masks
    input_ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens)

    if "label" in sample.clear_text:
        labels_word = sample.clear_text["label"]
        labels_token = expand_labels(labels_word, initial_mask,
        # labels_token = add_cls_sep(labels_token, cls_token, sep_token)
        label_ids = [label_list.index(lt) for lt in labels_token]
    # Inference mode
        label_ids = None
    segment_ids = [0] * max_seq_len

    # Pad
    input_ids = pad(input_ids, max_seq_len, 0)
    if label_ids:
        label_ids = pad(label_ids, max_seq_len, 0)
    initial_mask = pad(initial_mask, max_seq_len, 0)
    padding_mask = pad(padding_mask, max_seq_len, 0)

    feature_dict = {
        "input_ids": input_ids,
        "padding_mask": padding_mask,
        "segment_ids": segment_ids,
        "initial_mask": initial_mask,

    if label_ids:
        feature_dict["label_ids"] = label_ids

    return [feature_dict]
Beispiel #8
def samples_to_features_admission_discharge_match(sample, max_seq_len,
    Convert a raw sample (pair of sentences as tokenized strings) into a proper training sample with
    IDs, LM labels, padding_mask, CLS and SEP tokens etc.

    :param sample: Sample, containing sentence input as strings and is_next label
    :type sample: Sample
    :param max_seq_len: Maximum length of sequence.
    :type max_seq_len: int
    :param tokenizer: Tokenizer
    :return: InputFeatures, containing all inputs and labels of one sample as IDs (as used for model training)

    tokens_a = sample.tokenized["text_a"]["tokens"]
    tokens_b = sample.tokenized["text_b"]["tokens"]

    # Convert is_next_label: Note that in Bert, is_next_labelid = 0 is used for next_sentence=true!
    if sample.clear_text["nextsentence_label"]:
        is_next_label_id = [0]
        is_next_label_id = [1]

    # encode string tokens to input_ids and add special tokens
    inputs = tokenizer.encode_plus(
        # We've already truncated our tokens before

    input_ids, special_tokens_mask = inputs["input_ids"], inputs[

    # Use existing segment ids or set them according to a and b text length (with special tokens considered)
    segment_ids = inputs["token_type_ids"] if "token_type_ids" in inputs else [
    ] * (len(tokens_a) + 2) + [1] * (len(tokens_b) + 2)

    # The mask has 1 for real tokens and 0 for padding tokens. Only real
    # tokens are attended to.
    padding_mask = [1] * len(input_ids)

    # Zero-pad up to the sequence length.
    # Padding up to the sequence length.
    # Normal case: adding multiple 0 to the right
    # Special cases:
    # a) xlnet pads on the left and uses  "4" for padding token_type_ids
    if tokenizer.__class__.__name__ == "XLNetTokenizer":
        pad_on_left = True
        segment_ids = pad(segment_ids, max_seq_len, 4, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)
        pad_on_left = False
        segment_ids = pad(segment_ids, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)

    input_ids = pad(input_ids,
    padding_mask = pad(padding_mask, max_seq_len, 0, pad_on_left=pad_on_left)

    sample_id = random.randint(0, 1000000)

    feature_dict = {
        "input_ids": input_ids,
        "padding_mask": padding_mask,
        "segment_ids": segment_ids,
        "text_classification_ids": is_next_label_id,
        "sample_id": sample_id

    assert len(input_ids) == max_seq_len
    assert len(padding_mask) == max_seq_len
    assert len(segment_ids) == max_seq_len

    return [feature_dict]