Beispiel #1
oc = OptionChain.fetch(client, stock["id"], symbol)
ed = oc['expiration_dates'][0]
ops = Option.in_chain(client, oc["id"], expiration_dates=[ed])

# enrich options with market data
ops = Option.mergein_marketdata_list(client, ops)

# genrate vertical spread table
width = 1
spread_type = "put"
spread_kind = "sell"
df = Vertical.gen_df(ops, width, spread_type, spread_kind)

# select the 4th row (should be a deep OTM put, credit spread)
index = int(len(ops) / 4)
vertical = df.iloc[[index]]

# create the order
direction = "credit"

legs = [{
    "side": spread_kind,
    "option": vertical["instrument"].values[0],
Beispiel #2
stock = Stock.mergein_marketdata_list(client, [stock])[0]

oc = OptionChain.fetch(client, stock["id"], symbol)
ed = oc['expiration_dates'][3]
ops = Option.in_chain(client, oc["id"], expiration_dates=[ed])

# enrich options with market data
ops = Option.mergein_marketdata_list(client, ops)

# genrate vertical spread table
width = 1
df = Vertical.gen_df(ops, width, "put", "sell")

# select the 4th row (should be a deep OTM put, credit spread)
vertical = df.iloc[[4]]

# create the order
direction = "credit"

legs = [{
    "side": "sell",
    "option": vertical["instrument"].values[0],
    "position_effect": "open",