def food_search(user_id, search_string): """Searches the specified query in the FS database. :param user_id: BotMother user platform_id. :type user_id: int :param search_string: Search query for FS food search. :type search_string: str """ user = BotUser.objects.get(bot_user_id=user_id) session_token = user.fatsecret_oauth_token, user.fatsecret_oauth_token_secret fs = Fatsecret(settings.CONSUMER_KEY, settings.CONSUMER_SECRET, session_token=session_token) food_names = [] food_ids = [] try: results = fs.foods_search(search_string)[:4] except KeyError: # Found nothing, eg query in Russian return for food_item in results: food_names.append(food_item["food_name"]) food_ids.append(food_item["food_id"]) return {"success": True, "food_names": food_names, "food_ids": food_ids}
def create_fatsecret_profile(request): """ Creates new FatSecret profile in this FS app for the specified user. :response_field boolean success """ fs = Fatsecret(settings.CONSUMER_KEY, settings.CONSUMER_SECRET) user_id = request.POST['user_id'] if BotUser.objects.filter(bot_user_id=user_id).first() is None: return JsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "User with this id doesn't exist"}) try: session_token = fs.profile_create(str(user_id)) except FSParameterError: # This user already has a new FS account session_token = fs.profile_get_auth(str(user_id)) # Update user fields user = BotUser.objects.get(bot_user_id=user_id) user.fatsecret_account = 'NEW' user.fatsecret_oauth_token = session_token[0] user.fatsecret_oauth_token_secret = session_token[1] return JsonResponse({"success": True})
def load_recipes(request): """ Required for ajax to show dynamically recipes when select a type """ fs = Fatsecret(settings.CONSUMER_KEY, settings.CONSUMER_SECRET) recipe_type = fs.recipe_types_get().get('recipe_type') recipe_type2 = int(request.GET.get('recipe_type')) recipe_type_number = [] [recipe_type_number.append(x) for x in range(len(recipe_type))] recipe_type = dict(zip(recipe_type_number, recipe_type)) for x in recipe_type: if x == recipe_type2: recipe_type = recipe_type[x] recipes = fs.recipes_search(search_expression='', recipe_type=recipe_type) recipes_list = [] cont = 0 for x in range(len(recipes)): recipes_list.append(recipes[x]['recipe_id']) cont = cont + 1 cont = 0 for x in recipes: recipes[cont] = recipes[cont]['recipe_name'] cont = cont + 1 recipes = dict(zip(recipes_list, recipes)) return render(request, 'nutrition/recipe_dropdown_list_options.html', {'recipes': recipes})
def create_food_entry(request): """ Creates food entry in the specified user's food diary. :request_field integer user_id: BotMother user platform_id. :request_field string food_id: FS food_id. :request_field string serving_id: FS serving_id. :request_field float number_of_units: FS number_of_units. :response_field string entry_id: FS food_entry_id. :response_field boolean success """ user_id = int(request.POST['user_id']) food_id = str(request.POST['food_id']) serving_id = str(request.POST['serving_id']) number_of_units = float(request.POST['number_of_units']) if number_of_units <= 0: return JsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "Number of units must be positive"}) # Getting parameters for food entry creation user = BotUser.objects.get(bot_user_id=user_id) session_token = user.fatsecret_oauth_token, user.fatsecret_oauth_token_secret fs = Fatsecret(settings.CONSUMER_KEY, settings.CONSUMER_SECRET, session_token=session_token) # Requesting datetime in my timezone dt = now().astimezone(pytz.timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE)).replace(tzinfo=None) meal = hour_to_meal(dt.hour) entry_name = "{}: {}".format(dt.ctime(), fs.food_get(food_id)['food_name']) # Creating food entry in FS database entry_id_dict = fs.food_entry_create(food_id, entry_name, serving_id, number_of_units, meal) return JsonResponse({"success": True, "entry_id": entry_id_dict["value"]})
def get_calories_today(request): """ Tells whether the specified user ate more or less calories than recommended today. :request_field integer user_id: BotMother user platform_id. :response_field string message: Tells to user about calories eaten today. :response_field boolean success """ user_id = int(request.POST['user_id']) user = BotUser.objects.get(bot_user_id=user_id) session_token = user.fatsecret_oauth_token, user.fatsecret_oauth_token_secret fs = Fatsecret(settings.CONSUMER_KEY, settings.CONSUMER_SECRET, session_token=session_token) # Requesting datetime in my timezone dt = now().astimezone(pytz.timezone(settings.TIME_ZONE)).replace(tzinfo=None) # Reading recommended calories number with open("recommended.json") as f: calories_recommended = json.load(f)["calories"] # Requesting recent eaten food recent_eaten = fs.food_entries_get(date=dt) if not recent_eaten: return JsonResponse({"success": True, "message": "Похоже, сегодня вы ничего не добавляли в наш помощник."}) # Calculating eaten calories calories_eaten = sum([int(food_item['calories']) for food_item in recent_eaten]) # Answering if calories_eaten > calories_recommended: return JsonResponse({"success": True, "message": "Похоже, сегодня вы съели слишком много калорий."}) else: return JsonResponse({"success": True, "message": "Сегодня вы съели не слишком много калорий."})
def authenticate(request): """ Page where user is redirected from a FS account binding confirmation page to complete FS account binding. """ fs = Fatsecret(settings.CONSUMER_KEY, settings.CONSUMER_SECRET) if request.GET.get('oauth_verifier', None): user_id = int(request.GET['user_id']) verifier_pin = request.GET['oauth_verifier'] # Changing FS instance to use variables from 1st step of 3-Legged OAuth user = BotUser.objects.get(bot_user_id=user_id) fs.request_token = user.fs_request_token fs.request_token_secret = user.fs_request_token_secret session_token = fs.authenticate(verifier_pin)"Successful authentication. Token is {}, user id is {}".format(session_token, user_id)) # Updating user fields user.fatsecret_account = 'OLD' user.fatsecret_oauth_token = session_token[0] user.fatsecret_oauth_token_secret = session_token[1] return render(request, "fat_secret_api/auth_complete.html") else: return JsonResponse({"error": "Authentication cannot be completed: OAUTH verifier is not set"})
def __init__(self): with open('keys.txt', 'r') as f: keys = self.consumer_key = keys[0] self.consumer_secret = keys[1] self.fs = Fatsecret(self.consumer_key, self.consumer_secret) self.ignore = { 'measurement_description', 'metric_serving_amount', 'metric_serving_unit', 'number_of_units', 'serving_description', 'serving_id', 'serving_url' } self.units = { 'calories': 'kcal', 'cholesterol': 'mg', 'sodium': 'mg', 'potassium': 'mg', 'vitamin_d': 'mcg', 'vitamin_a': 'mcg', 'vitamin_c': 'mg', 'calcium': 'mg', 'iron': 'mg' } self.essential = { 'calories', 'carbohydrate', 'protein', 'fat', 'fiber', 'sugar' }
def show(food_name): fs = Fatsecret(consumer_key, consumer_secret) foods = fs.foods_search(food_name) #print("Food Search Results: {}".format(len(foods))) #print("{}\n".format(foods)) food_id = str(foods[0]["food_id"]) #print(food_id) f = open('helloworld.html', 'w') message1 = """<!DOCTYPE html > <html> <head> <title>Sample Code</title> <style> body { font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; } .title{ font-size: 200%; font-weight:bold; margin-bottom:20px; } .holder{ width:300px; margin:0 auto; padding: 10px; } </style> <script src=""></script> <script> function doLoad(){ fatsecret.setContainer('container'); fatsecret.setCanvas("food.get", {food_id: """ message2 = """}); } </script> </head> <body onload="doLoad()"> <div class="holder"> <div class="title"><script>fatsecret.writeHolder("foodtitle");</script></div> <script>fatsecret.writeHolder("nutritionpanel");</script> <div id="container"></div> </div> </body> </html>""" f.write(message1 + food_id + message2) f.close() #Change path to reflect file location filename = 'file:///Users/wd4446/Box Sync/Adv_Predictive_Modeling/Image_Recognition/model2.0/demo_test/' + 'helloworld.html' webbrowser.open_new_tab(filename)
class SofiaAPI: def __init__(self, intent_request, session): self.session = session self.fs = Fatsecret(oauth_consumer_key, oauth_secret_key) self.calorie_count = 0 # self.request_date = datetime.strptime(intent_request['timestamp'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") # ------- Interface with the Intents ---------- #def save_exercise(self, exercise_name, duration): #method = "method":"exercises.get" # response = encode([method]) # if response is not None: # exercise_name = response.exercise_types.exercise[0].exercise_name # method = "exercise_entries.commit_day" # #return encode([method, self.auth_token]) def calculate(self, response_type): if self.calorie_count < 500: return "You have eaten way too little today! Only "+ calorie_count + " calories!" elif self.calorie_count < 1000 and calorie_count > 500: return "You are doing well today. You have eaten "+ calorie_count + " calories!" elif self.calorie_count > 1000: return "You have eaten way too much, you fatty!" def add_food(self, food_name): foods = self.fs.foods_search(food_name) if foods is not None: food_description = foods[0]['food_description'] print(food_description) food_id = foods[0]['food_id'] food_name = foods[0]['food_name'] #self.fs.food_entry_create(food_id, food_name, 0, 1, "breakfast", date=None) print(food_description) return self.get_calories(food_description) return "Could not find this food type." def get_calories(self, str): index = str.find("Calories: ") if index != -1: str = str[index+9: index+13] cals = str.strip(' ') self.calorie_count = self.calorie_count + int(cals) return cals else: return 0 def configure_me(self, height, weight, age, gender): return "2000" # self.fs.profile_create(user_id=None) # if weight: # if height: # return self.set_weight(weight, height) # else: # return self.set_weight(weight, 180) def set_weight(self, weight, height): self.fs.weight_update(weight, date=None, weight_type='kg', height_type='cm', goal_weight_kg=None, current_height_cm=None, comment=None)
def food_calorie(): if request.method == "GET": if 'lastSearchedFoodItem' in session.keys(): return render_template('food_calorie.html', food=session['lastSearchedFoodItem'], foodList=enumerate( session['lastSearchedFoodList']), diet=enumerate(session['diet'].items()), summary=totalCalories(session['diet'])) else: return render_template('food_calorie.html', diet=session['diet']) elif request.method == "POST": # Handling the Search Bar if "search" in request.form: print(request.form) foodItem = request.form.get('fooditem') fs = Fatsecret(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET) foodItems = fs.foods_search(foodItem) foodList = [] for food in foodItems: foodList.append(record_to_dict(food)) session['lastSearchedFoodList'] = foodList session['lastSearchedFoodItem'] = foodItem session.modified = True return render_template('food_calorie.html', food=foodItem, foodList=enumerate(foodList), diet=enumerate(session['diet'].items()), summary=totalCalories(session['diet'])) # Updation to the Account Page else: # Here we are by default updating the food entries # in terms of each field like Calories and Carbs for id, record in session['diet'].items(): record = updatedQuantityRecord(record) foodItem = Food(name=record['food_name'], quantity=record['quantity'], perServing=record['serving_size'], totalCalorie=record['Calories'], totalCarbs=record['Carbs'], totalFat=record["Fat"], totalProtein=record['Protein'],, foodEater=current_user) db.session.add(foodItem) db.session.commit() session['diet'] = {} return redirect(url_for('account'))
def __init__(self, name=None, speech_input=False, facebook_input=False): self.phrases = Phrases() self.speech = Speech() self.knowledge = Knowledge(weather_api_token=weather_api_token) = name self.facebook_input = facebook_input if self.facebook_input: self.facebook_response = list() self.speech_input = speech_input self.witai = Wit("S73IKQDWJ22OJMOSD6AOT4CSJOWXIPX6") self.fs = Fatsecret("90fe184a283449ed8a83e35790c04d65", "054e80b2be154337af191be2c9e11c28") self.translator = Translator()
def main(): filename = "tags.txt" badTags = [ "no person", "fruit", "food", "nutrition", "confection", "health", "tropical", "bunch", "healthy", "glass", "foam", "alcohol", "pub", "drink", "lager", "sesame", "unhealthy", "fast", "lunch", "mayonnaise", "bird", "poultry", "hen", "animal", "feather", "farm", "nature", "desktop", "wing", "meat", "barbecue", "fillet", "dinner", "vegetable", "pastry", "delicious", "refreshment", "delicious", "homemade", "citrus", "juice", "juicy", "isolated", "desktop", "meal", "plate", "bowl", "cuisine", "cooking", "person", "calcium", "cream", "glass", "cold", "closeup", "diet", "epicure", "close", "skin", "texture", "breakfast", "half", "moon", "grow", "one", "old", "wood", "stick" ] f0 = open(filename) lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f0] f0.close #print(lines) #remove bad tags from the list goodList = [x for x in lines if x not in badTags] consumerkey = "916c5699f1614b4bb2b939a76df609b1" consumersecret = "ec94e8fc8be7483f810a81f7cba32c14" fs = Fatsecret(consumerkey, consumersecret) #print(goodList) try: foods = fs.foods_search(goodList[0], 0, 1) except Exception: print("titty tats") foods = str(fs.foods_search("chicken tenders", 0, 1)[0]) pass if isinstance(foods, list): stringFood = str(foods[0]) #first entry else: stringFood = str(foods) s = stringFood.replace("u'", "\"") #strip u' 's s2 = s.replace("\'", "\"") #turn single quotes to double quotes # Open a file to write our shit to fo = open("guac.json", "w") fo.write(s2) # Close opend file fo.close()
def load_recipes_table(request): """ Required for ajax to show dynamically recipes info when select a recipe """ fs = Fatsecret(settings.CONSUMER_KEY, settings.CONSUMER_SECRET) recipe = request.GET.get('recipe') url_image = '' recipe_info = fs.recipe_get(recipe) ingredients = recipe_info['ingredients'] ingredients = ingredients['ingredient'] ingredients_list = [] cooking_time_min = recipe_info.get('cooking_time_min') for x in ingredients: ingredients_list.append(x.get('ingredient_description')) image = recipe_info.get('recipe_images', '') if image: url_image = image.get('recipe_image') direction = recipe_info.get('directions') direction_list = direction['direction'] cont = 0 description = [] if direction: for x in direction_list: try: description.append( direction['direction']['direction_description']) break except: description.append( direction['direction'][cont].get('direction_description')) cont = cont + 1 else: description = '' nutrients = recipe_info['serving_sizes'] nutrients = nutrients.get('serving') return render( request, 'nutrition/recipes_table.html', { 'url_image': url_image, 'description': description, 'nutrients': nutrients, 'ingredients_list': ingredients_list, 'cooking_time_min': cooking_time_min })
def auth_user(self): return Fatsecret( settings.FATSECRET["consumer_key"], settings.FATSECRET["consumer_secret"], session_token=( self.fatsecret_user.access_token, self.fatsecret_user.access_token_secret, ), )
def main(): filename="tags.txt" badTags=["no person", "fruit", "food", "nutrition", "confection", "health", "tropical", "bunch", "healthy", "glass", "foam", "alcohol", "pub", "drink", "lager", "sesame", "unhealthy", "fast", "lunch", "mayonnaise", "bird", "poultry", "hen", "animal", "feather", "farm", "nature", "desktop", "wing", "meat", "barbecue", "fillet", "dinner", "vegetable", "pastry", "delicious", "refreshment", "delicious", "homemade", "citrus", "juice", "juicy", "isolated", "desktop", "meal", "plate", "bowl", "cuisine", "cooking", "person", "calcium", "cream", "glass", "cold"] consumerkey = "916c5699f1614b4bb2b939a76df609b1" consumersecret = "ec94e8fc8be7483f810a81f7cba32c14" #read file tags.txt into a list f0 = open(filename) lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f0] f0.close #print(lines) #remove bad tags from the list goodList = [x for x in lines if x not in badTags] #print(goodList) #write the goodList to a new file tags2.txt f1 = open("tags2.txt", "w") for item in goodList: f1.write("%s\n" % item) f1.close() fs = Fatsecret(consumerkey, consumersecret) foods = fs.foods_search(goodList[0], 0, 1) #print(foods) stringFood = str(foods[0]) #top good tag used here s=stringFood.replace("u'","\"") #strip u' 's s2=s.replace("\'","\"") #turn single quotes to double quotes #print(s2) # Open a file to write our result to, then close it f2 = open("guac.json", "w") f2.write(s2) f2.close()
def get_serving_for_food_id(request): """ Gets the serving we need for the specified food item. :request_field integer food_id: FS food_id. :response_field string measure: Metric serving unit (g, ml). :response_field string serving_id: Metric serving unit (g, ml). :response_field boolean success """ food_id = str(request.POST['food_id']) fs = Fatsecret(settings.CONSUMER_KEY, settings.CONSUMER_SECRET) servings = fs.food_get(food_id)["servings"]["serving"] if isinstance(servings, dict): needed_serving = servings else: # Branded food, only one serving option, not list of servings needed_serving = servings[-1] measure = needed_serving["metric_serving_unit"] serving_id = needed_serving["serving_id"] return JsonResponse({"success": True, "measure": measure, "serving_id": serving_id})
def get_auth_url(request): """ Requests url for an existing FS account binding to the specified user. :response_field string url: FS account binding URL. :response_field boolean success """ fs = Fatsecret(settings.CONSUMER_KEY, settings.CONSUMER_SECRET) user_id = request.POST['user_id'] if BotUser.objects.filter(bot_user_id=user_id).first() is None: return JsonResponse({"success": False, "error": "User with this id doesn't exist"}) # Creating auth_url where token contains callback_url to our server page callback_url = urljoin(settings.REDIRECT_HOST, reverse('authenticate')) callback_url = urljoin(callback_url, '?user_id={}'.format(user_id)) auth_url = fs.get_authorize_url(callback_url=callback_url) # Saving request token and secret for further FS instance creation in 'authenticate' user = BotUser.objects.get(bot_user_id=user_id) user.fs_request_token = fs.request_token user.fs_request_token_secret = fs.request_token_secret return JsonResponse({"success": True, "url": auth_url})
def recipe_data(request): """ Access to Fatsecret API to obtain info for the recipe """ fs = Fatsecret(settings.CONSUMER_KEY, settings.CONSUMER_SECRET) recipe_type = fs.recipe_types_get().get('recipe_type') recipe = fs.recipes_search(search_expression='', recipe_type='lunch') recipes_list = [] [recipes_list.append(x['recipe_name']) for x in recipe] recipes_number = [] [recipes_number.append(x) for x in range(len(recipes_list))] recipes_list = dict(zip(recipes_number, recipes_list)) recipes_type_number = [] [recipes_type_number.append(x) for x in range(len(recipe_type))] recipe_type = dict(zip(recipes_list, recipe_type)) form = RecipeForm(instance=recipe_type, recipes=recipes_list), 'Lista de recetas de la API Fatsecret') return render(request, 'nutrition/recipe_data.html', { 'recipe_type': recipe_type, 'form': form })
def __init__(self): '''Start the gui ''' super().__init__() self.ingredients = [] self.values = {} ck = 'b06a262d0e0b4321981d8c15d2cb866b' cs = 'bf6c1708b7ec4fedb7c3d0381ea7a2db' fs = Fatsecret(ck, cs) self.fs = fs self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) main_widget = QWidget(self) layout = QVBoxLayout(main_widget) button = QPushButton('Values') button.clicked.connect(self.get_values) layout.addWidget(button) self.w_search_ingredient = QLineEdit('pita') self.w_search_ingredient.returnPressed.connect( button = QPushButton('RecipeIt!') button.clicked.connect(self.get_recipe) layout.addWidget(button) button = QPushButton('remove') button.clicked.connect(self.remove) layout.addWidget(button) layout.addWidget(self.w_search_ingredient) # hlayout.addWidget(search_ingredient) self.w_ingredient_list = QListWidget() layout.addWidget(self.w_ingredient_list) self.ingredients = {} self.setWindowTitle('Reciper version %s' % __version__) main_widget.setFocus() self.setCentralWidget(main_widget)
def create_food_attributes(food, amount=None, measurement=None): consumer_key = '2430c39a9a3545fe95340690808444f7' consumer_secret = '9d60923bee3c4a209b053bcacd8f7159' fs = Fatsecret(consumer_key, consumer_secret) searchResults = fs.foods_search(str(food), max_results=10) finalFood = None for result in searchResults: servingTypes = fs.food_get(result['food_id'])['servings']['serving'] if(not measurement or not amount): finalFood = servingTypes[0] break #endif for serving in servingTypes: if(not isinstance(serving, str) and measurement in serving['measurement_description'] and int(float(serving['number_of_units'])) == 1): finalFood = serving break #endif if(finalFood == None): finalFood = servingTypes[0] #endif # endfor # endfor fs.close() calories = int(int(finalFood['calories']) * (1 if amount == None else (amount/servingSize))) fat = int(round(float(finalFood['fat']) * (1 if amount == None else (amount/servingSize)))) carbs = int(round(float(finalFood['carbohydrate']) * (1 if amount == None else (amount/servingSize)))) protein = int(round(float(finalFood['protein']) * (1 if amount == None else (amount/servingSize)))) return {"carbs": carbs, "protein": protein, "fat": fat, "calories": calories}
class Bot(object): def __init__(self, name=None, speech_input=False, facebook_input=False): self.phrases = Phrases() self.speech = Speech() self.knowledge = Knowledge(weather_api_token=weather_api_token) = name self.facebook_input = facebook_input if self.facebook_input: self.facebook_response = list() self.speech_input = speech_input self.witai = Wit("S73IKQDWJ22OJMOSD6AOT4CSJOWXIPX6") self.fs = Fatsecret("90fe184a283449ed8a83e35790c04d65", "054e80b2be154337af191be2c9e11c28") self.translator = Translator() def gr_to_en(self, text): return self.translator.translate(text, 'en', 'el').text def en_to_gr(self, text): return self.translator.translate(text, 'el', 'en').text def start(self): if self.speech_input or self.facebook_input: self.decide_action() else: print("Γεία σου! Πως θα μπορούσα να σε βοηθήσω;") while 1: self.decide_action() def learn_action(self, filename, phraseslist): Knowledge.learn_default_responses(file=filename, phrases=phraseslist) def decide_action(self, facebook_input=None): if self.speech_input or self.facebook_input: if self.speech_input: recognizer, audio = self.speech.listen_for_audio() # received audio data, now we'll recognize it using Google Speech Recognition bot_input = self.speech.google_speech_recognition(recognizer, audio) if self.facebook_input: self.facebook_response[:] = [] bot_input = facebook_input else: bot_input = input() if bot_input is not None: try: resp = self.witai.message(bot_input) entities = None intent = None if 'entities' in resp and 'intent' in resp['entities']: entities = resp['entities'] intent = resp['entities']['intent'][0]["value"] # print('Intent: {intent}'.format(intent=intent)) if intent == 'greeting': self.__text_action(self.phrases.get_phrases('greetings_phrases')) elif intent == 'tutorial': self.__tutorial_action() elif intent == 'name': if is not None: self.__text_action(self.phrases.get_phrases('name_phrases').replace('<name>', else: self.__text_action('Οι δημιουργοί μου δεν μου έδωσαν κάποιο όνομα') elif intent == 'swear': self.__text_action(self.phrases.get_phrases('swear_phrases')) elif intent == 'funny': self.__text_action(self.phrases.get_phrases('funny_phrases')) elif intent == 'sex_type': self.__text_action('Λίγο απ\'όλα') elif intent == 'user_joke': self.__text_action('χαχαχα') elif intent == 'personal_status': self.__personal_status() elif intent == 'joke': self.__joke_action() elif intent == 'datetime': # print(resp) self.__datetime_action(entities) elif intent == 'weather': self.__weather_action() elif intent == 'search': self.__search_action(entities) elif intent == 'food_det': self.__food_action(entities) elif intent == 'recipe': self.__recipe_action(entities) elif intent == 'thanksgiving': self.__text_action(self.phrases.get_phrases('thanks_phrases')) elif intent == 'sticker': self.__text_action('Επίσης') else: # No recognized intent # print('Intent not recognized') self.__text_action(self.phrases.get_phrases('unrecognized_intent_phrases')) return except Exception as e: print("Exception occured") print(e) traceback.print_exc() self.__text_action("Έγινε κάποιο λάθος") return def __text_action(self, text=None): if text is not None: if self.speech_input: self.speech.synthesize_text(text) if self.facebook_input: self.facebook_response.append(text) if not (self.facebook_input or self.speech_input): print(text) def __tutorial_action(self): self.__text_action(self.phrases.get_phrases('tutorial_phrases')) def __personal_status(self): self.__text_action(self.phrases.get_phrases('personal_status_phrases')) def __joke_action(self): joke = self.phrases.get_phrases('joke_phrases') self.__text_action(joke) def __datetime_action(self, entities): dt = None if 'date' in entities: dt = entities['date'][0]['value'] print('Datetime: {dt}'.format(dt=dt)) if str(dt) == 'hour': self.__text_action('Η ώρα είναι {time}'.format(time=self.knowledge.get_time())) elif str(dt) == 'day': self.__text_action('Σήμερα είναι {weekday}'.format(weekday=self.knowledge.get_weekday())) elif str(dt) == 'date': self.__text_action('Σήμερα είναι {date}'.format(date=self.knowledge.get_date())) def __weather_action(self): weather_obj = self.knowledge.find_weather() self.__text_action('Η θερμοκρασία είναι ' + str(weather_obj['temperature']) + '° Κελσίου.') def __search_action(self, entities=None): self.__text_action(self.phrases.get_phrases('search_phrases')) if 'wikipedia_search_query' in entities: query = entities['wikipedia_search_query'][0]['value'] # print('wikipedia query: {query}'.format(query=query)) wikipedia.set_lang("el") try: self.__text_action(re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=1))) except wikipedia.PageError as e: print(e) self.__text_action('Δεν βρήκα κάποιο αποτέλεσμα') else: self.__text_action('Δεν μου είπες τί να ψάξω') def __food_action(self, entities): self.__text_action(self.phrases.get_phrases('search_phrases')) inp = self.gr_to_en(entities['wikipedia_search_query'][0]['value']) try: resp = self.fs.foods_search(inp) food = self.fs.food_get(resp[0]['food_id']) if 'nutrient_type' in entities.keys(): self.__text_action( self.en_to_gr( '{type} - 1 {serving}'.format(serving=food['servings']['serving'][0]['measurement_description'], type=resp[0]["food_name"]))) for nutrient in entities['nutrient_type']: self.__text_action(self.en_to_gr('{nutrient}: {value}'.format(nutrient=nutrient['value'], value= food['servings']['serving'][0][ nutrient['value']]))) else: self.__text_action(self.en_to_gr(resp[0]["food_name"] + "\n" + resp[0]["food_description"])) except Exception as e: self.__text_action( "Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες διατροφικές πληροφορίες για " + entities['wikipedia_search_query'][0]['value']) self.__search_action(entities) def __recipe_action(self, entities): self.__text_action(self.phrases.get_phrases('search_phrases')) inp = self.gr_to_en(entities['wikipedia_search_query'][0]['value']) try: resp = self.fs.recipes_search(inp) recipe = self.fs.recipe_get(resp[0]['recipe_id']) if self.facebook_input: self.__text_action("Μπορείς να δεις την συνταγή στο παρακάτω link:") self.__text_action(recipe['recipe_url']) else: self.__text_action(self.en_to_gr(recipe['recipe_name'] + "\n")) self.__text_action("Οδηγίες") for dir in recipe['directions']['direction']: self.__text_action(self.en_to_gr(dir['direction_description'])) self.__text_action("Συστατικά") for ing in recipe['ingredients']['ingredient']: self.__text_action(self.en_to_gr(ing['ingredient_description'])) except Exception as e: self.__text_action( "Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη συνταγή για " + entities['wikipedia_search_query'][0]['value']) self.__search_action(entities)
from rest_framework.views import APIView # Also adding these - Adam from .models import * from .serializers import * from fatsecret import Fatsecret from dotenv import load_dotenv import json from .recipe_api import * load_dotenv() consumer_key = os.getenv("FATSECRETS_CONSUMER_KEY") consumer_secret = os.getenv("FATSECRETS_CONSUMER_SECRET") fs = Fatsecret(consumer_key, consumer_secret) def search_recipes(request): query ='q') results = fs.foods_search(query) return json.dumps(results) # from fatsecret import Fatsecret consumer_key = os.getenv("FATSECRETS_CONSUMER_KEY") consumer_secret = os.getenv("FATSECRETS_CONSUMER_SECRET") fs = Fatsecret(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
def main(): filename = "tags.txt" badTags = [ "no person", "fruit", "food", "nutrition", "confection", "health", "tropical", "bunch", "healthy", "glass", "foam", "alcohol", "pub", "drink", "lager", "sesame", "unhealthy", "fast", "lunch", "mayonnaise", "bird", "poultry", "hen", "animal", "feather", "farm", "nature", "desktop", "wing", "meat", "barbecue", "fillet", "dinner", "vegetable", "pastry", "delicious", "refreshment", "delicious", "homemade", "citrus", "juice", "juicy", "isolated", "desktop", "meal", "plate", "bowl", "cuisine", "cooking", "person", "calcium", "cream", "glass", "cold", "closeup", "diet", "epicure", "close", "skin", "texture", "breakfast", "half", "moon", "grow", "one", "old", "wood", "stick", ] f0 = open(filename) lines = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in f0] f0.close # print(lines) # remove bad tags from the list goodList = [x for x in lines if x not in badTags] consumerkey = "916c5699f1614b4bb2b939a76df609b1" consumersecret = "ec94e8fc8be7483f810a81f7cba32c14" fs = Fatsecret(consumerkey, consumersecret) # print(goodList) try: foods = fs.foods_search(goodList[0], 0, 1) except Exception: print("titty tats") foods = str(fs.foods_search("chicken tenders", 0, 1)[0]) pass if isinstance(foods, list): stringFood = str(foods[0]) # first entry else: stringFood = str(foods) s = stringFood.replace("u'", '"') # strip u' 's s2 = s.replace("'", '"') # turn single quotes to double quotes # Open a file to write our shit to fo = open("guac.json", "w") fo.write(s2) # Close opend file fo.close()
from tkinter import * import tkinter from fatsecret import Fatsecret import webbrowser import tkinter.messagebox as tkmessagebox fs = Fatsecret("53d896611f274c93918b1ecfc3163e98", "53419fc7c2db4861b3360d0b7b89653f") root = Tk() root.geometry('800x800') # root.attributes("-fullscreen" , True) def enterDetails(): global bmi, bmiLabel, b, n, a h = float(Height1.get()) w = float(Weight1.get()) n = Name1.get() a = int(Age1.get()) hh = float(h * h) b = float(w / hh) f1 = Frame(root, bg="#172c3e"), width=800) bmiLabel = Label(f1, text="Your BMI is : ", fg="yellow", font=("Arial", 25, "bold italic"), bg="#172c3e"), y=70)
client = MongoClient() db = user_database = db.lookup def get_food_info(item, name, fs): try: foods = fs.food_get(item) print foods exit() except Exception, e: print e def populate(fs, filename): f = open(filename, 'r') dictio = {} for x in f: name, ide = x.rstrip().split(':') dictio[ide] = name f.close() for x in dictio.keys(): time.sleep(1.1) get_food_info(x, dictio[x], fs) print dictio[x] if __name__ == "__main__": fs = Fatsecret(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) z = populate(fs, sys.argv[3])
from .models import Food from fatsecret import Fatsecret api_key = "2a56ae2c434b429dbaaae13b500041c4" api_secret = "242498e295b042a69c470fb4612fdf0a" fs = Fatsecret(api_key, api_secret) base_google_url = "" user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009021910 Firefox/3.0.7' headers={'User-Agent':user_agent,} # Called in to get info of the food either from database or API def get_food_info(food): results = Food.objects.filter(name=food) if results.count() == 0: calories, serving_size = get_food_nutrition_from_API(food) else: food_object = results[0] calories, serving_size = food_object.calories, food_object.serving_size return calories, serving_size # Function to get food info from API if it is not in the database def get_food_nutrition_from_API(food_query): foods = fs.foods_search(food_query) print foods calories = 0
from fatsecret import Fatsecret # Be sure to add your own keys consumer_key = None consumer_secret = None fs = Fatsecret(consumer_key, consumer_secret) # Test Calls w/o authentication print("\n\n ---- No Authentication Required ---- \n\n") foods = fs.foods_search("Tacos") print("Food Search Results: {}".format(len(foods))) print("{}\n".format(foods)) food = fs.food_get("1345") print("Food Item 1345") print("{}\n".format(food)) recipes = fs.recipes_search("Tomato Soup") print("Recipe Search Results:") print("{}\n".format(recipes)) recipe = fs.recipe_get("88339") print("Recipe 88339") print("{}\n".format(recipe)) # Test Calls with 3 Legged Oauth print("\n\n ------ OAuth Example ------ \n\n")
from fatsecret import Fatsecret from flask import Flask, render_template, request from import vision from import types import json import requests import random app = Flask(__name__) fs = Fatsecret("e0f89e5553d34ffd972e75f869bd551f","35db6d8a8b98446b817c1c7d54ef1351") @app.route('/product',methods=["POST"]) def response(): value = request.files['Upload'] #encodedImage = base64.b64encode( encodedImage = result = get_vision(encodedImage) return render_template("Product.html", result = result) def get_vision(content): client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() image = types.Image(content=content) response = client.web_detection(image=image).web_detection food_item = response.web_entities[0].description foods = fs.foods_search(food_item,1,10) options = {} for food in foods: options[food['food_id']] = food['food_name'] return options
from fatsecret import Fatsecret # Be sure to add your own keys consumer_key = None consumer_secret = None fs = Fatsecret(consumer_key, consumer_secret) # Test Calls w/o authentication print("\n\n ---- No Authentication Required ---- \n\n") foods = fs.foods_search("Tacos") print("Food Search Results: {}".format(len(foods))) print("{}\n".format(foods)) food = fs.food_get("1345") print("Food Item 1345") print("{}\n".format(food)) recipes = fs.recipes_search("Tomato Soup") print("Recipe Search Results:") print("{}\n".format(recipes)) recipe = fs.recipe_get("88339") print("Recipe 88339") print("{}\n".format(recipe)) # Test Calls with 3 Legged Oauth
#Importing the Libraries import pandas as pd import numpy as np from flask import Flask, request, render_template from flask_cors import CORS import os from sklearn.externals import joblib from keras.models import load_model import pickle import flask from imageio import imread from PIL import Image from keras.preprocessing import image from fatsecret import Fatsecret fs = Fatsecret('d82e5cd4d5674be99e298020286a1bd5', '823bef07377d4560ba7c3fa4a5c0b521') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg import base64 from io import BytesIO categories = pd.read_csv('category.csv', index_col=['Unnamed: 0']) #Loading Flask and assigning the model variable app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) app = flask.Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates') model = joblib.load('model.pkl') @app.route('/')
ws = root.winfo_screenwidth() hs = root.winfo_screenheight() #calculate position x, y x = (ws / 2) - (w / 2) y = (hs / 2) - (h / 2) root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y)) global root, f1 root = tkinter.Tk() root.title("Personal Nutritionist") root.geometry("1366x768") #You want the size of the app to be 500x500 root.resizable(0, 0) center_window(1366, 768) root.attributes('-fullscreen', False) fs = Fatsecret('16fab56f70d1452ea8fbc4619b11f3ae', 'ed2efbca053542d688b24b360df70277') global id_mob global bmi_w, bmi_h bmi_h = 0 bmi_w = 0 ########################################## ''' users_list = [] fo = open("Users.pkl", "wb") pickle.dump(users_list, fo) fo.close() '''
from fatsecret import Fatsecret fs = Fatsecret('fd1d348919f0451894bd32b2d3de6e5c', '1a36ce0def3949229b8c638dd5838383') foods = fs.foods_search("Tacos") print(foods)
def system_fatsecret_instance(self): return Fatsecret(settings.FATSECRET["consumer_key"], settings.FATSECRET["consumer_secret"])