def iris_roi_from_face_landmarks(
        face_landmarks: Sequence[Landmark],
        image_size: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[Rect, Rect]:
    """Extract iris landmark detection ROIs from face landmarks.

    Use this function to get the ROI for the left and right eye. The resulting
    bounding boxes are suitable for passing to `IrisDetection` as the ROI
    parameter. This is a pre-processing step originally found in the
    MediaPipe sub-graph "iris_landmark_landmarks_to_roi":

        def iris_detection(image, face_landmarks, iris_landmark_model):
            # extract left- and right eye ROI from face landmarks
            roi_left_eye, roi_right_eye = iris_roi_from_face_landmarks(
            # use ROIs with iris detection
            iris_results_left = iris_landmark_model(image, roi_left_eye)
            iris_results_right = iris_landmark_model(image, roi_right_eye,
            return iris_result_left, iris_results_right

        landmarks (list): Result of a `FaceLandmark` call containing face
            landmark detection results.

        image_size (tuple): Tuple of `(width, height)` representing the size
            of the image in pixels. The image must be the same as the one used
            for face lanmark detection.

        (Rect, Rect) Tuple of ROIs containing the absolute pixel coordinates
        of the left and right eye regions. The ROIs can be passed to
        `IrisDetetion` together with the original image to detect iris
    left_eye_landmarks = (face_landmarks[LEFT_EYE_START],
    bbox = bbox_from_landmarks(left_eye_landmarks)
    rotation_keypoints = [(point.x, point.y) for point in left_eye_landmarks]
    w, h = image_size
    left_eye_roi = bbox_to_roi(bbox, (w, h), rotation_keypoints, ROI_SCALE,

    right_eye_landmarks = (face_landmarks[RIGHT_EYE_START],
    bbox = bbox_from_landmarks(right_eye_landmarks)
    rotation_keypoints = [(point.x, point.y) for point in right_eye_landmarks]
    right_eye_roi = bbox_to_roi(bbox, (w, h), rotation_keypoints, ROI_SCALE,

    return left_eye_roi, right_eye_roi
Beispiel #2
def _get_iris_location(results: IrisResults,
                       image_size: _Size) -> Tuple[_Rect, _Size]:
    """Return iris location and -size"""
    bbox = bbox_from_landmarks(results.iris).absolute(image_size)
    width, height = int(bbox.width + 1), int(bbox.height + 1)
    size = (width, height)
    left, top = int(bbox.xmin), int(bbox.ymin)
    location = (left, top, left + width, top + height)
    return location, size
def _get_iris_mask(
    results: IrisResults,
    iris_location: _Rect,
    iris_size: _Size,
    image_size: _Size
) -> PILImage:
    """Return a mask for the visible portion of the iris inside eye landmarks.
    left, top, _, bottom = iris_location
    iris_width, iris_height = iris_size
    img_width, img_height = image_size
    # sort lexicographically by x then y
    eyeball_sorted = sorted([(int(pt.x * img_width), int(pt.y * img_height))
                             for pt in results.eyeball_contour])
    bbox = bbox_from_landmarks(results.eyeball_contour).absolute(image_size)
    x_ofs = left
    y_ofs = top
    y_start = int(max(bbox.ymin, top))
    y_end = int(min(bbox.ymax, bottom))
    mask = np.zeros((iris_height, iris_width), dtype=np.uint8)
    # iris ellipse radii (horizontal and vertical radius)
    a = iris_width // 2
    b = iris_height // 2
    # iris ellipse foci (horizontal and vertical)
    cx = left + a
    cy = top + b
    box_center_y = int(bbox.ymin + bbox.ymax) // 2
    b_sqr = b**2
    for y in range(y_start, y_end):
        # evaluate iris ellipse at y
        x = int(a * np.math.sqrt(b_sqr - (y-cy)**2) / b)
        x0, x1 = cx - x, cx + x
        A, B = _find_contour_segment(eyeball_sorted, (x0, y))
        left_inside = _is_below_segment(A, B, (x0, y), box_center_y)
        C, D = _find_contour_segment(eyeball_sorted, (x1, y))
        right_inside = _is_below_segment(C, D, (x1, y), box_center_y)
        if not (left_inside or right_inside):
        elif not left_inside:
            x0 = int(max((B[0] - A[0])/(B[1] - A[1]) * (y - A[1]) + A[0], x0))
        elif not right_inside:
            x1 = int(min((D[0] - C[0])/(D[1] - C[1]) * (y - C[1]) + C[0], x1))
        # mark ellipse row as visible
        mask[(y - y_ofs), int(x0 - x_ofs):int(x1 - x_ofs)] = 255
    return Image.fromarray(mask, mode='L')