def update_e(self):
        super(CylindricalLangevin, self).update_e()
   [:] -= (0.5 * self.dt / co.epsilon_0
                         * avg(self.j_(R), axis=R))
        self.ez.v[:] -= (0.5 * self.dt / co.epsilon_0
                         * avg(self.j_(Z_), axis=Z_))
        self.ephi.v[:] -= (0.5 * self.dt / co.epsilon_0
                         * self.j_(PHI))

def semi_step():
    """ Performs a timestep from n - 1/2 to n + 1/2.
    Here it means updating J. """

    # The b.c. here is J=0 at the boundaries
    J[1:-1] = (A[1:-1] * J[1:-1] 
               + (0.5 * co.epsilon_0 * wp2[1:-1] * K[1:-1]) * avg(E))
def panel(sim, profile, ofile, mun=2e24, **kwargs):
    pylab.figure(figsize=(20, 8))

    pylab.subplots_adjust(left=0.065, right=0.98, wspace=0.07, top=0.95)
    jr = sum(avg(sim.j_(R), axis=R), axis=-1)
    jz = sum(avg(sim.j_(Z_), axis=Z_), axis=-1)
    jphi = sum(avg(sim.j_(PHI), axis=PHI), axis=-1)
    eabs = sqrt(sum(sim.e**2, axis=-1))
    En = (eabs * co.elementary_charge / 
          (mun *[:, :, 0] * co.electron_mass))
    En[:] = where(isfinite(En), En, 0.0)

    logargs = dict(vmin=1e-2, vmax=1e4, norm=LogNorm())
    freelogargs = dict(norm=LogNorm())

    VProfile = namedtuple("VProfile", "var label args")
    profiles = {
        "fields": [VProfile(sim.hphi.v.T, "$H_\phi$ [SI]", {}),
                   VProfile(sim.ez.v.T, "$E_z$ [V/m]", {}),
                   VProfile(, "$H_r$ [SI]", {}),
                   VProfile(, "$E_r$ [V/m]", {})],

        "logfields": [VProfile(abs(sim.hphi.v.T), "$H_\phi$ [SI]", logargs),
                      VProfile(abs(sim.ez.v.T), "$E_z$ [V/m]", logargs),
                      VProfile(abs(, "$H_r$ [SI]", logargs),
                      VProfile(abs(, "$E_r$ [V/m]", logargs)],

        "freelogfields": [VProfile(abs(sim.hphi.v.T), "$H_\phi$ [SI]", 
                          VProfile(abs(sim.ez.v.T), "$E_z$ [V/m]", 
                          VProfile(abs(, "$H_r$ [SI]", 
                          VProfile(abs(, "$E_r$ [V/m]", 

        "reduced": [VProfile(abs(jz.T), "$J_z$ [A/m$^\\mathdefault{2}$]", 
                    VProfile(abs(jz.T), "$J_z$ [A/m$^\\mathdefault{2}$]", 
                    VProfile(En.T / Td,  "$E/N$ [Td]", {}),
                    VProfile(abs(, "$E_z$ [V/m]", {})],

        "logreduced": [VProfile(abs(jz.T), "$J_z$ [A/m$^\\mathdefault{2}$]", 
                       VProfile(abs(, "$E_r$ [V/m]", logargs),
                       VProfile(En.T / Td,  "$E/N$ [Td]", logargs),
                       VProfile(abs(sim.ez.v.T), "$E_z$ [V/m]", logargs)]}

    print("\teabs : ", amin(eabs), amax(eabs))
    pylab.title("t = %.4d $\mu$s" % (sim.te / co.micro))

    for i, vp in enumerate(profiles[profile]):
        pylab.subplot(2, 2, i + 1)
        args = kwargs.copy()

        plot(sim, vp.var, label=vp.label, **args)

    except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e:
        warn("Error saving the figure")
def int_step():
    """ Performs a timestep from n to n + 1.  Here it means updating E. 
    E[:] = E - (0.5 * dt / co.epsilon_0) * avg(J)
from numpy import *
import scipy.constants as co
import pylab
from saturn2d import ne, nt, peak
from fdtd import avg

# Number of cell (centers)
nc = 1000

# Number of faces
nf = nc + 1

z0, z1 = 900 * co.kilo, 1000 * co.kilo

zf = linspace(z0, z1, nf)
zc = 0.5 * avg(zf)

# The electric field is defined on cell centers
E = zeros((nc,))

# The current is defined on cell faces
J = zeros((nf,))

sz0 = 950 * co.kilo
sz1 = 960 * co.kilo
szc = (sz0 + sz1) / 2
ssigma = (sz1 - sz0) / 6
isz0, isz1 = [argmin(abs(zc - z)) for z in (sz0, sz1)]

# Here we assume a constant mu * N.  Later, we can use field-dependent
# mobility.
def jphi(sim, params):
    return sum(avg(sim.j_(PHI), axis=PHI), axis=-1)
def jz(sim, params):
    "$j_z [$\\mathdefault{A/m^2}$]"
    return avg(sim.j_(Z_), axis=Z_)
def jr(sim, params):
    "$j_r [$\\mathdefault{A/m^2}$]"
    return sum(avg(sim.j_(R), axis=R), axis=-1)