Beispiel #1
    def train(self, trainImages, k):
        Function: Train
        Given a set of training images, and a number of centroids to learn,
        k, calculate any information you will need in order to make
        predictions in the testing phase.
        assert not self.trained

        # We are going to use the Feature Learner you programmed
        # in the first two parts of the assignment.
        self.featureLearner = FeatureLearner(k)

        # First run your K-means function. After, you will be
        # able to use the extractFeatures method that you wrote.

        # Initialize weight vector
        numPatches = (util.image_x / util.patch_dim)**2
        self.theta = 1e-2 * np.random.randn(k * numPatches + 1)

        ### YOUR CODE HERE ###

        # Extract features
        X = [
            for image in trainImages

        X = np.vstack(X).transpose()  # featdim by num samples
        X = np.vstack([np.ones(X.shape[1]), X])

        # label array
        Y = np.array([image.getLabel() for image in trainImages])

        # run gradient descent on learned features
        for i in range(self.maxIter):

            # logistic probabilities
            probs = 1 / (1 + np.exp(

            cost = -(np.sum(np.log(probs[Y==1]))+ \

            if i % 100 == 0:
                print "Logistic Regression: Cost on iteration %d is %f" % (
                    i, cost)

            grad = np.sum((probs - Y) * X, axis=1)  # calculates gradient
            self.theta = self.theta - self.alpha * grad

        ### END CODE ###

        self.trained = True
Beispiel #2
    def train(self, trainImages, k):
        assert not self.trained

        # We are going to use the Feature Learner you programmed 
        # in the first two parts of the assignment.
        self.featureLearner = FeatureLearner(k)

        # First run your k-means function. After, you will be
        # able to use the extractFeatures method that you wrote.

        ### YOUR CODE HERE ###
        # Initialize the weight vector from a zero-mean gaussian with 0.01 standard deviation.
        numPatches = len(trainImages[0].getPatches())
        numParams = k * numPatches
        self.theta = np.random.randn(numParams) * 0.01
        # Initialize bookkeeping variables
        numImages = len(trainImages)
        iterations = 0
        oldTheta = None

        imageFeatures = [self.featureLearner.extractFeatures(trainImages[i]) for i in range(numImages)]
        while not self.shouldStop(oldTheta, self.theta, iterations):
            oldTheta = self.theta
            iterations += 1            
            self.theta -= self.alpha * sum([(self.logisticFn(imageFeatures[i]) - trainImages[i].getLabel()) * imageFeatures[i] for i in range(numImages)])

        self.trained = True
Beispiel #3
class Classifier(object):

    # Constructor
    # -----------
    # Called when the classifier is first created.
    def __init__(self):
        self.trained = False
        self.alpha = 1e-5 # learning rate
        self.maxIter = 5000 # max num iterations
        self.featureLearner = None
        self.theta = None # parameter vector for logistic regression

    # Function: Train
    # -------------
    # Given a set of training images, and a number of centroids
    # to learn k,
    # calculate any information you will need in order to make 
    # predictions in the testing phase. This function will be
    # called only once. Your training must feature select!
    def train(self, trainImages, k):
        assert not self.trained

        # We are going to use the Feature Learner you programmed 
        # in the first two parts of the assignment.
        self.featureLearner = FeatureLearner(k)

        # First run your k-means function. After, you will be
        # able to use the extractFeatures method that you wrote.

        ### YOUR CODE HERE ###
        # Initialize the weight vector from a zero-mean gaussian with 0.01 standard deviation.
        numPatches = len(trainImages[0].getPatches())
        numParams = k * numPatches
        self.theta = np.random.randn(numParams) * 0.01
        # Initialize bookkeeping variables
        numImages = len(trainImages)
        iterations = 0
        oldTheta = None

        imageFeatures = [self.featureLearner.extractFeatures(trainImages[i]) for i in range(numImages)]
        while not self.shouldStop(oldTheta, self.theta, iterations):
            oldTheta = self.theta
            iterations += 1            
            self.theta -= self.alpha * sum([(self.logisticFn(imageFeatures[i]) - trainImages[i].getLabel()) * imageFeatures[i] for i in range(numImages)])

        self.trained = True

    def shouldStop(self, oldTheta, theta, iterations):
        return iterations >= self.maxIter

    def logisticFn(self, features):
        return 1.0/(1.0 + math.exp(-np.inner(self.theta, features)))

    # Function: Test
    # -------------
    # Given a set of testing images
    # calculate a list of predictions for those images. You
    # may assume that the train function has already been called. 
    # This function will be called multiple times.
    def test(self, testImages):
        assert self.trained

        # populate this list with best guess for each image
        predictions = []
        for i in range(len(testImages)):
            prediction = np.inner(self.featureLearner.extractFeatures(testImages[i]), self.theta)
            if prediction > 0.0:
                if prediction < 0.0:
                    predictions.append(random.randrange(0, 2, 1))

        ### YOUR CODE HERE ###

        return predictions
Beispiel #4
class Classifier(object):
    def __init__(self):
        Called when the classifier is first created.
        self.trained = False
        self.alpha = 1e-5
        self.maxIter = 5000
        self.featureLearner = None
        self.theta = None

    def train(self, trainImages, k):
        Function: Train
        Given a set of training images, and a number of centroids to learn,
        k, calculate any information you will need in order to make
        predictions in the testing phase.
        assert not self.trained

        # We are going to use the Feature Learner you programmed
        # in the first two parts of the assignment.
        self.featureLearner = FeatureLearner(k)

        # First run your K-means function. After, you will be
        # able to use the extractFeatures method that you wrote.

        # Initialize weight vector
        numPatches = (util.image_x / util.patch_dim)**2
        self.theta = 1e-2 * np.random.randn(k * numPatches + 1)

        ### YOUR CODE HERE ###

        # Extract features
        X = [
            for image in trainImages

        X = np.vstack(X).transpose()  # featdim by num samples
        X = np.vstack([np.ones(X.shape[1]), X])

        # label array
        Y = np.array([image.getLabel() for image in trainImages])

        # run gradient descent on learned features
        for i in range(self.maxIter):

            # logistic probabilities
            probs = 1 / (1 + np.exp(

            cost = -(np.sum(np.log(probs[Y==1]))+ \

            if i % 100 == 0:
                print "Logistic Regression: Cost on iteration %d is %f" % (
                    i, cost)

            grad = np.sum((probs - Y) * X, axis=1)  # calculates gradient
            self.theta = self.theta - self.alpha * grad

        ### END CODE ###

        self.trained = True

    def test(self, testImages):
        Function: Test
        Given a set of testing images make a prediction for each
        image. You may assume that the train function has already been
        assert self.trained

        # populate this list with best guess for each image
        predictions = []

        ### YOUR CODE HERE ###

        # Extract features
        X = [
            self.featureLearner.extractFeatures(image) for image in testImages

        X = np.vstack(X).transpose()  # featdim by num samples
        X = np.vstack([np.ones(X.shape[1]), X])

        # probabilities
        probs = 1 / (1 + np.exp(

        predictions = np.zeros(probs.shape)
        predictions[probs > 0.5] = 1
        predictions = predictions.tolist()

        ### END CODE ###

        return predictions