Beispiel #1
	if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), folder_name)):
		shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), folder_name))
	os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), folder_name))
	os.chdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), folder_name))
	return os.getcwd()

filepath = '/Users/harrison/Desktop/Thesis_Test/Kesha - Cmon copy/Stems'
csv_path = create_folder_above(filepath)

for stem in os.listdir(filepath):
	file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(stem)
	if file_extension == '.wav':
		# Get discretized audio to run through features
		print "Importing %s for analysis" % file_name
		data, fs, t = feature_extraction.import_audio(os.path.join(filepath, stem))

		# Calculate Dynamics Features
		print "Calculating dynamics features for %s" % file_name
		loudness_momentary, t_ = feature_extraction.calc_loudness(data, measurement = 'momentary')
		print "done!"
		loudness_short, t_ = feature_extraction.calc_loudness(data, measurement = 'short')
		print "done!"
		loudness_integrated = feature_extraction.calc_loudness(data, measurement = 'integrated')
		print "done!"
		lra = feature_extraction.calc_loudness(data, measurement = 'lra')
		print "done!"
		crest_factor_1s, t_ = feature_extraction.calc_crest_factor(data, win_size=1000, fs=44100)
		print "done!"
		crest_factor_100ms, t_ = feature_extraction.calc_crest_factor(data, win_size=100, fs=44100)
		print "done!"
def normalize_multitracks(filepath):
	filepath: string pointing to audio file on disk

	This function takes a directory of .wav multi-track files 
	and normalizes them such that the track with the highest peak-level
	is normalized as normal, and then all other tracks are raised
	the same amount of dB as the track with the highest peak-level.
	returns: A new directory of normalized data
	peak_amplitudes = []
	tracks = os.listdir(filepath)
	norm_path = filepath + "/normalized_tracks"

	# Create the normalized data folder to house all our normalized data
	print("Creating folder to store normalized data")

	# Scan tracks, and get the peak amplitudes of each track
	for track in tracks:
		file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(track)
		if file_extension == '.wav':
			data, fs, t = feature_extraction.import_audio(filepath + "/" + track)
			peak_amplitude = calc_peak(data)

	# Find the highest amplitude track by index
	idxs_norm = np.argwhere(peak_amplitudes == np.amax(peak_amplitudes))
	idxs_norm = idxs_norm.flatten().tolist()

	# Normalize the highest amplitude tracks and write them out
	track_num = -1
	for track in tracks:
		file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(track)
		if file_extension == '.wav': 
			track_num += 1
			if track_num in idxs_norm:
				data, fs, t = feature_extraction.import_audio(filepath + "/" + track)
				write_path = (norm_path + "/" + file_name + "_normalized" + file_extension)
				print("Normalizing %s") % track
				librosa.output.write_wav(write_path, data, sr=44100, norm=True)

	# Find the indexes of all the other tracks that need to be raised relative to those normalized to 0
	idxs_relative = np.argwhere(peak_amplitudes != np.amax(peak_amplitudes))
	idxs_relative = idxs_relative.flatten().tolist()

	# This value will be used to scale all other tracks to those normalized
	scalar = np.amax(peak_amplitudes)

	# Raise the amplitude of all tracks the same amount that those normalized to 0 were raised
	track_num = -1
	for track in tracks:
		file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(track)
		if file_extension == '.wav':
			track_num += 1
			if track_num in idxs_relative:
				data, fs, t = feature_extraction.import_audio(filepath + "/" + track)
				# Perform the Relative Normalization
				data = data/scalar
				write_path = (norm_path + "/" + file_name + "_normalized" + file_extension)
				print("Normalizing %s") % track
				librosa.output.write_wav(write_path, data, sr=44100, norm=False)