def check_group_environement_foo_existence(step, stored, name, existence):
    model = EnvironmenttypeModel()
    name = model.get_stored_or_store_name(stored, name)

                                   existence = existence,
                                   params = {"name": name,
                                             "groupType": True})
def check_group_environmenttype_with_name(step, stored, name, is_group):
    envtypeModel = EnvironmenttypeModel()

    name = envtypeModel.get_stored_or_store_name(stored, name)
    groupType = (is_group.strip() == "a group")

    env_type = envtypeModel.get_by_name(name)

    eq_(env_type[ns("groupType")], groupType, "GroupType match check")
def create_environmentgroup_with_name(step, stored, name, type_name):
    model = EnvironmentgroupModel()
    name = model.get_stored_or_store_name(stored, name)

    type_resid = EnvironmenttypeModel().get_resid(type_name)[0]

    post_payload = {
                    "name": name,
                    "description": "oh, this old thing...",
                    "companyId": CompanyModel().get_seed_resid()[0],
                    "environmentTypeId": type_resid
def create_environmentgroups(step):
    model = EnvironmentgroupModel()

    for envgrp in step.hashes:

        type_resid = EnvironmenttypeModel().get_resid(envgrp["environmenttype name"],)[0]

        post_payload = {
                        "name": envgrp["name"],
                        "description": envgrp["description"],
                        "companyId": CompanyModel().get_seed_resid()[0],
                        "environmentTypeId": type_resid
def create_environmenttype_with_name(step, group, stored, name):
        This creates an environmenttype that applies to an environmentGroup object
    groupType = (group.strip() == "group environmenttype")
    envtypeModel = EnvironmenttypeModel()
    name = envtypeModel.get_stored_or_store_name(stored, name)

    post_payload = {
                    "name": name,
                    "groupType": groupType,
                    "companyId": CompanyModel().get_seed_resid()[0]
def at_least_these_environments_exist(step):
    model = EnvironmentModel()
    env_list = model.get_all_list()

    # walk through all the expected roles and make sure it has them all
    # note, it doesn't check that ONLY these roles exist.  That should be a different
    # method.
    for env in step.hashes:
        env_name = env["name"]
        envtype_id = EnvironmenttypeModel().get_resid(env["type"])[0]
        found_env = [x for x in env_list if ((x[ns("name")] == env_name) and (x[ns("environmentTypeId")] == envtype_id))]

        assert (len(found_env) == 1), \
            "Expected to find environment with name %s and environmentTypeId of %s in:\n%s" % \
            (env_name, envtype_id, jstr(env_list))
def create_environment_with_name(step, stored, name, type_name):
        This creates an environmenttype that applies to an environment object
    model = EnvironmentModel()
    name = model.get_stored_or_store_name(stored, name)

    type_resid = EnvironmenttypeModel().get_resid(type_name)[0]

    params = {
              "name": name,
              "companyId": CompanyModel().get_seed_resid()[0],
              "environmentTypeId": type_resid

def check_environementtype_existence(step, stored, name, existence):
    model = EnvironmenttypeModel()
    name = model.get_stored_or_store_name(stored, name)
    model.verify_existence_on_root(name, existence = existence)
def delete_environmenttype_with_name(step, stored, name):
    envtypeModel = EnvironmenttypeModel()
    name = envtypeModel.get_stored_or_store_name(stored, name)