Beispiel #1
def LineMeshCylindric(Ntheta=11,
    Define the mesh of a line in cylindrical coordinates  

    Ntheta : int
        Numbers of nodes along the angular coordinate (default = 11).
    theta_min, theta_max : int,float
        The boundary of the line defined by the angular coordinate (default : 0, 3.14).
    ElementShape : {'lin2', 'lin3', 'lin4'}
        The shape of the elements (default='lin2')
        * 'lin2' -- 2 node line
        * 'lin3' -- 3 node line
        * 'lin4' -- 4 node line  
    init_rep_loc : {0, 1} 
        if init_rep_loc is set to 1, the local frame is initialized with the cylindrical local basis.

        The generated geometry in Mesh format. See the Mesh class for more details.
    See Also
    LineMesh : Mesh of a line whith choosen dimension
    RectangleMesh : Surface mesh of a rectangle
    BoxMesh : Volume mesh of a box 
    GridMeshCylindric : Surface mesh of a grid in cylindrical coodrinate 
    LineMeshCylindric : Line mesh in cylindrical coordinate
    # init_rep_loc = 1 si on veut initialiser le repère local (0 par défaut)
    m = LineMesh1D(Ntheta, theta_min, theta_max, ElementShape, ID)
    theta = m.GetNodeCoordinates()[:, 0]
    elm = m.GetElementTable()

    LocalFrame = np.array([[[np.sin(t), -np.cos(t)], [np.cos(t),
                           for t in theta])

    crd = np.c_[r * np.cos(theta), r * np.sin(theta)]

    ReturnedMesh = Mesh(crd, elm, ElementShape, LocalFrame, ID)
    ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("left"), "left")
    ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("right"), "right")

    return ReturnedMesh
Beispiel #2
def LineMesh1D(N=11, x_min=0, x_max=1, ElementShape='lin2', ID=""):
    Define the mesh of a line with corrdinates in 1D. 

    N : int
        Numbers of nodes (default = 11).
    x_min, x_max : int,float
        The boundary of the line (default : 0, 1).
    ElementShape : {'lin2', 'lin3', 'lin4'}
        The shape of the elements (default='lin2')

        * 'lin2' -- 2 node line
        * 'lin3' -- 3 node line
        * 'lin4' -- 4 node line  

        The generated geometry in Mesh format. See the Mesh class for more details.
    See Also
    LineMesh : Mesh of a line whith choosen dimension
    RectangleMesh : Surface mesh of a rectangle
    BoxMesh : Volume mesh of a box 
    GridMeshCylindric : Surface mesh of a grid in cylindrical coodrinate 
    LineMeshCylindric : Line mesh in cylindrical coordinate
    if ElementShape == 'lin2':  #1D element with 2 nodes
        crd = np.c_[np.linspace(x_min, x_max, N)]  #Nodes coordinates
        elm = np.c_[range(N - 1), np.arange(1, N)]  #Elements
    elif ElementShape == 'lin3':  #1D element with 3 nodes
        N = N // 2 * 2 + 1  #In case N is not initially odd
        crd = np.c_[np.linspace(x_min, x_max, N)]  #Nodes coordinates
        elm = np.c_[np.arange(0, N - 2, 2),
                    np.arange(1, N - 1, 2),
                    np.arange(2, N, 2)]  #Elements
    elif ElementShape == 'lin4':
        N = N // 3 * 3 + 1
        crd = np.c_[np.linspace(x_min, x_max, N)]  #Nodes coordinates
        elm = np.c_[np.arange(0, N - 3, 3),
                    np.arange(1, N - 2, 3),
                    np.arange(2, N - 1, 3),
                    np.arange(3, N, 3)]  #Elements

    ReturnedMesh = Mesh(crd, elm, ElementShape, None, ID)
    ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes([0], "left")
    ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes([N - 1], "right")

    return ReturnedMesh
Beispiel #3
def LineMesh(N=11, x_min=0, x_max=1, ElementShape='lin2', ID=""):
    Define the mesh of a line  

    N : int
        Numbers of nodes (default = 11).
    x_min, x_max : int,float,list
        The boundary of the line as scalar (1D) or list (default : 0, 1).
    ElementShape : {'lin2', 'lin3', 'lin4'}
        The shape of the elements (default='lin2')
        * 'lin2' -- 2 node line
        * 'lin3' -- 3 node line
        * 'lin4' -- 4 node line  

        The generated geometry in Mesh format. See the Mesh class for more details.
    See Also
    RectangleMesh : Surface mesh of a rectangle
    BoxMesh : Volume mesh of a box 
    GridMeshCylindric : Surface mesh of a grid in cylindrical coodrinate 
    LineMeshCylindric : Line mesh in cylindrical coordinate
    if np.isscalar(x_min):
        m = LineMesh1D(N, x_min, x_max, ElementShape, ID)
        if ProblemDimension.Get() in ['2Dplane', '2Dstress']: dim = 2
        else: dim = 3
        crd = np.c_[m.GetNodeCoordinates(), np.zeros((N, dim - 1))]
        elm = m.GetElementTable()
        ReturnedMesh = Mesh(crd, elm, ElementShape, None, ID)
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("left"), "left")
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("right"), "right")
        m = LineMesh1D(N, 0., 1., ElementShape, ID)
        crd = m.GetNodeCoordinates()
        crd = (np.array(x_max) - np.array(x_min)) * crd + np.array(x_min)
        elm = m.GetElementTable()
        ReturnedMesh = Mesh(crd, elm, ElementShape, None, ID)
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("left"), "left")
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("right"), "right")

    return ReturnedMesh
Beispiel #4
def GridMeshCylindric(Nr=11, Ntheta=11, r_min=0, r_max=1, theta_min=0, theta_max=1, ElementShape = 'quad4', init_rep_loc = 0, ID = ""):  
    Define the mesh as a grid in cylindrical coordinate

    Nx, Ny : int
        Numbers of nodes in the x and y axes (default = 11).
    x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max : int,float
        The boundary of the square (default : 0, 1, 0, 1).
    ElementShape : {'tri3', 'quad4', 'quad8', 'quad9'}
        The type of the element generated (default='quad4')
        * 'tri3' -- 3 node linear triangular mesh
        * 'quad4' -- 4 node quadrangular mesh
        * 'quad8' -- 8 node quadrangular mesh (à tester)      
        * 'quad9' -- 9 node quadrangular mesh
    init_rep_loc : {0, 1} 
        if init_rep_loc is set to 1, the local basis is initialized with the global basis.

        The generated geometry in Mesh format. See the Mesh class for more details.
    See Also
    LineMesh : 1D mesh of a line    
    RectangleMesh : Surface mesh of a rectangle
    BoxMesh : Volume mesh of a box     
    LineMeshCylindric : Line mesh in cylindrical coordinate    
    if theta_min<theta_max: 
        m = RectangleMesh(Nr, Ntheta, r_min, r_max, theta_min, theta_max, ElementShape, ID)
        m = RectangleMesh(Nr, Ntheta, r_min, r_max, theta_max, theta_min, ElementShape, ID)

    r = m.GetNodeCoordinates()[:,0]
    theta = m.GetNodeCoordinates()[:,1]
    crd = np.c_[r*np.cos(theta) , r*np.sin(theta)] 
    ReturnedMesh = Mesh(crd, m.GetElementTable(), ElementShape, m.GetLocalFrame(), ID)

    if theta_min<theta_max: 
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("left"), "bottom")
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("right"), "top")
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("bottom"), "left")
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("top"), "right")
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("left"), "bottom")
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("right"), "top")
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("top"), "left")
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(m.GetSetOfNodes("bottom"), "right")
    return ReturnedMesh
Beispiel #5
def BoxMesh(Nx=11,
    Define the mesh of a box  

    Nx, Ny, Nz : int
        Numbers of nodes in the x, y and z axes (default = 11).
    x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max : int,float
        The boundary of the box (default : 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1).
    ElementShape : {'hex8', 'hex20'}
        The type of the element generated (default='hex8')
        * 'hex8' -- 8 node hexahedron
        * 'hex20' -- 20 node second order hexahedron

        The generated geometry in Mesh format. See the Mesh class for more details.        
    See Also
    LineMesh : 1D mesh of a line    
    RectangleMesh : Surface mesh of a rectangle
    GridMeshCylindric : Surface mesh of a grid in cylindrical coodrinate 
    LineMeshCylindric : Line mesh in cylindrical coord

    Y, Z, X = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(y_min, y_max, Ny),
                          np.linspace(z_min, z_max, Nz),
                          np.linspace(x_min, x_max, Nx))
    crd = np.c_[np.reshape(X, (-1, 1)),
                np.reshape(Y, (-1, 1)),
                np.reshape(Z, (-1, 1))]

    if ElementShape == 'hex20':
        dx = (x_max - x_min) / (Nx - 1.)
        dy = (y_max - y_min) / (Ny - 1.)
        dz = (z_max - z_min) / (Nz - 1.)
        Y, Z, X = np.meshgrid(
            np.linspace(y_min, y_max, Ny), np.linspace(z_min, z_max, Nz),
            np.linspace(x_min + dx / 2.,
                        x_max + dx / 2.,
                        Nx - 1,
        crd2 = np.c_[np.reshape(X, (-1, 1)),
                     np.reshape(Y, (-1, 1)),
                     np.reshape(Z, (-1, 1))]
        Y, Z, X = np.meshgrid(
            np.linspace(y_min, y_max, Ny),
            np.linspace(z_min + dz / 2.,
                        z_max + dz / 2.,
                        Nz - 1,
                        endpoint=False), np.linspace(x_min, x_max, Nx))
        crd3 = np.c_[np.reshape(X, (-1, 1)),
                     np.reshape(Y, (-1, 1)),
                     np.reshape(Z, (-1, 1))]
        Y, Z, X = np.meshgrid(
            np.linspace(y_min + dy / 2.,
                        y_max + dy / 2.,
                        Ny - 1,
                        endpoint=False), np.linspace(z_min, z_max, Nz),
            np.linspace(x_min, x_max, Nx))
        crd4 = np.c_[np.reshape(X, (-1, 1)),
                     np.reshape(Y, (-1, 1)),
                     np.reshape(Z, (-1, 1))]

        crd = np.vstack((crd, crd2, crd3, crd4))

        elm = [[Nx*j+i+(k*Nx*Ny), Nx*j+i+1+(k*Nx*Ny), Nx*(j+1)+i+1+(k*Nx*Ny), Nx*(j+1)+i+(k*Nx*Ny), \
                Nx*j+i+(k*Nx*Ny)+Nx*Ny, Nx*j+i+1+(k*Nx*Ny)+Nx*Ny, Nx*(j+1)+i+1+(k*Nx*Ny)+Nx*Ny, Nx*(j+1)+i+(k*Nx*Ny)+Nx*Ny, \
                Nx*Ny*Nz+(Nx-1)*j+i+k*(Nx-1)*Ny,Nx*j+i+1+Nx*Ny*Nz+(Nx-1)*Ny*Nz+(Nz-1)*Nx*Ny+(k*Nx*(Ny-1)),Nx*Ny*Nz+(Nx-1)*(j+1)+i+k*(Nx-1)*Ny,Nx*j+i+Nx*Ny*Nz+(Nx-1)*Ny*Nz+(Nz-1)*Nx*Ny+(k*Nx*(Ny-1)), \
                Nx*Ny*Nz+(Nx-1)*Ny*Nz+Nx*j+i+k*Ny*Nx,Nx*Ny*Nz+(Nx-1)*Ny*Nz+Nx*j+i+1+k*Ny*Nx,Nx*Ny*Nz+(Nx-1)*Ny*Nz+Nx+Nx*j+i+1+k*Ny*Nx,Nx*Ny*Nz+(Nx-1)*Ny*Nz+Nx+Nx*j+i+k*Ny*Nx, \
                Nx*Ny*Nz+(Nx-1)*Ny+(Nx-1)*j+i+k*(Nx-1)*Ny,Nx*j+i+1+Nx*Ny*Nz+(Nx-1)*Ny*Nz+(Nz-1)*Nx*Ny+Nx*(Ny-1)+(k*Nx*(Ny-1)),Nx*Ny*Nz+(Nx-1)*Ny+(Nx-1)*(j+1)+i+k*(Nx-1)*Ny,Nx*j+i+Nx*Ny*Nz+(Nx-1)*Ny*Nz+(Nz-1)*Nx*Ny+Nx*(Ny-1)+(k*Nx*(Ny-1))] for k in range(Nz-1) for j in range(Ny-1) for i in range(Nx-1)]

        bottom = [nd for nd in range(Ny * Nx)] + range(
            Nx * Ny * Nz, (Nx - 1) * Ny + Nx * Ny * Nz) + range(
                Nx * Ny * Nz + (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz +
                (Nz - 1) * Nx * Ny, Nx * Ny * Nz + (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz +
                (Nz - 1) * Nx * Ny + (Ny - 1) * Nx)
        top = [nd for nd in range((Nz - 1) * Ny * Nx, Nz * Nx * Ny)] + range(
            Nx * Ny * Nz + (Nx - 1) * Ny * (Nz - 1), Nx * Ny * Nz +
            (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz) + range(
                Nx * Ny * Nz + (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz + (Nz - 1) * Nx * Ny +
                (Ny - 1) * Nx * (Nz - 1), Nx * Ny * Nz + (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz +
                (Nz - 1) * Nx * Ny + (Ny - 1) * Nx * Nz)
        left = list(
                range(i * Nx * Ny, i * Nx * Ny + Nx * Ny, Nx)
                for i in range(Nz)
            ])) + range(Nx * Ny * Nz + (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz, Nx * Ny * Nz +
                        (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz + (Nz - 1) * Nx * Ny, Nx) + range(
                            Nx * Ny * Nz + (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz +
                            (Nz - 1) * Nx * Ny, Nx * Ny * Nz +
                            (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz + (Nz - 1) * Nx * Ny + Nx *
                            (Ny - 1) * Nz, Nx)
        right = list(
                range(i * Nx * Ny + Nx - 1, i * Nx * Ny + Nx * Ny, Nx)
                for i in range(Nz)
            ])) + range(Nx * Ny * Nz +
                        (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz + Nx - 1, Nx * Ny * Nz +
                        (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz + (Nz - 1) * Nx * Ny, Nx) + range(
                            Nx * Ny * Nz + (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz +
                            (Nz - 1) * Nx * Ny + Nx - 1, Nx * Ny * Nz +
                            (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz + (Nz - 1) * Nx * Ny + Nx *
                            (Ny - 1) * Nz, Nx)
        front = list(
                range(i * Nx * Ny, i * Nx * Ny + Nx) for i in range(Nz)
            ])) + list(
                    range(i * (Nx - 1) * Ny + Nx * Ny * Nz,
                          i * (Nx - 1) * Ny + Nx * Ny * Nz + Nx - 1)
                    for i in range(Nz)
                ])) + list(
                            i * Nx * Ny + Nx * Ny * Nz +
                            (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz, i * Nx * Ny + Nx * Ny * Nz +
                            (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz + Nx) for i in range(Nz - 1)
        back = list(
                range(i * Nx * Ny + Nx * Ny - Nx, i * Nx * Ny + Nx * Ny)
                for i in range(Nz)
            ])) + list(
                        i * (Nx - 1) * Ny + Nz * Nx * Ny + (Nx - 1) * (Ny - 1),
                        i * (Nx - 1) * Ny + Nz * Nx * Ny + (Nx - 1) *
                        (Ny - 1) + Nx - 1) for i in range(Nz)
                ])) + list(
                            i * Nx * Ny + Nz * Nx * Ny + (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz +
                            (Ny - 1) * Nx, i * Nx * Ny + Nz * Nx * Ny +
                            (Nx - 1) * Ny * Nz + (Ny - 1) * Nx + Nx)
                        for i in range(Nz - 1)

    if ElementShape == 'hex8':
        elm = [[
            Nx * j + i + (k * Nx * Ny), Nx * j + i + 1 + (k * Nx * Ny),
            Nx * (j + 1) + i + 1 + (k * Nx * Ny),
            Nx * (j + 1) + i + (k * Nx * Ny),
            Nx * j + i + (k * Nx * Ny) + Nx * Ny,
            Nx * j + i + 1 + (k * Nx * Ny) + Nx * Ny,
            Nx * (j + 1) + i + 1 + (k * Nx * Ny) + Nx * Ny,
            Nx * (j + 1) + i + (k * Nx * Ny) + Nx * Ny
        ] for k in range(Nz - 1) for j in range(Ny - 1) for i in range(Nx - 1)]

        front = list(
                [range(i * Nx * Ny, i * Nx * Ny + Nx) for i in range(Nz)])
        )  # [item for sublist in bas for item in sublist] #flatten a list
        back = list(
                range(i * Nx * Ny + Nx * Ny - Nx, i * Nx * Ny + Nx * Ny)
                for i in range(Nz)
        left = list(
                range(i * Nx * Ny, i * Nx * Ny + Nx * Ny, Nx)
                for i in range(Nz)
        right = list(
                range(i * Nx * Ny + Nx - 1, i * Nx * Ny + Nx * Ny, Nx)
                for i in range(Nz)
        bottom = [nd for nd in range(Ny * Nx)]
        top = [nd for nd in range((Nz - 1) * Ny * Nx, Nz * Nx * Ny)]

        raise NameError(
            'Element not implemented. Only support hex8 and hex20 elements')

    N = np.shape(crd)[0]
    elm = np.array(elm)

    ReturnedMesh = Mesh(crd, elm, ElementShape, None, ID)
    for i, ndSet in enumerate([right, left, top, bottom, front, back]):
        ndSetId = ('right', 'left', 'top', 'bottom', 'front', 'back')[i]
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes(ndSet, ndSetId)

    return ReturnedMesh
Beispiel #6
def RectangleMesh(Nx=11,
    Define the mesh of a rectangle.

    Nx, Ny : int
        Numbers of nodes in the x and y axes (default = 11).
    x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max : int,float
        The boundary of the square (default : 0, 1, 0, 1).
    ElementShape : {'tri3', 'quad4', 'quad8', 'quad9'}
        The type of the element generated (default='quad4')

        * 'tri3' -- 3 node linear triangular mesh
        * 'tri6' -- 6 node linear triangular mesh
        * 'quad4' -- 4 node quadrangular mesh
        * 'quad8' -- 8 node quadrangular mesh (à tester)      
        * 'quad9' -- 9 node quadrangular mesh

        The generated geometry in Mesh format. See the Mesh class for more details.

    See Also
    LineMesh : 1D mesh of a line    
    RectangleMesh : Surface mesh of a rectangle
    BoxMesh : Volume mesh of a box 
    GridMeshCylindric : Surface mesh of a grid in cylindrical coodrinate 
    LineMeshCylindric : Line mesh in cylindrical coordinate

    if ElementShape == 'quad9' or ElementShape == 'tri6':
        Nx = int(Nx // 2 * 2 + 1)
        Ny = int(Ny // 2 * 2 + 1)  #pour nombre impair de noeuds
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x_min, x_max, Nx),
                       np.linspace(y_min, y_max, Ny))
    crd = np.c_[np.reshape(X, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(Y, (-1, 1))]
    if ElementShape == 'quad8':
        dx = (x_max - x_min) / (Nx - 1.)
        dy = (y_max - y_min) / (Ny - 1.)
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(
            np.linspace(x_min + dx / 2., x_max - dx / 2., Nx - 1),
            np.linspace(y_min, y_max, Ny))
        crd2 = np.c_[np.reshape(X, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(Y, (-1, 1))]
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x_min, x_max, Nx),
                           np.linspace(y_min + dy / 2, y_max - dy / 2, Ny - 1))
        crd3 = np.c_[np.reshape(X, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(Y, (-1, 1))]
        crd = np.vstack((crd, crd2, crd3))
        elm = [[
            Nx * j + i, Nx * j + i + 1, Nx * (j + 1) + i + 1, Nx * (j + 1) + i,
            Nx * Ny + (Nx - 1) * j + i,
            Nx * Ny + (Nx - 1) * Ny + Nx * j + i + 1,
            Nx * Ny + (Nx - 1) * (j + 1) + i,
            Nx * Ny + (Nx - 1) * Ny + Nx * j + i
        ] for j in range(0, Ny - 1) for i in range(0, Nx - 1)]
    elif ElementShape == 'quad4':
        elm = [[
            Nx * j + i, Nx * j + i + 1, Nx * (j + 1) + i + 1, Nx * (j + 1) + i
        ] for j in range(Ny - 1) for i in range(Nx - 1)]
    elif ElementShape == 'quad9':
        elm = [[
            Nx * j + i, Nx * j + i + 2, Nx * (j + 2) + i + 2, Nx * (j + 2) + i,
            Nx * j + i + 1, Nx * (j + 1) + i + 2, Nx * (j + 2) + i + 1,
            Nx * (j + 1) + i, Nx * (j + 1) + i + 1
        ] for j in range(0, Ny - 2, 2) for i in range(0, Nx - 2, 2)]
    elif ElementShape == 'tri3':
        elm = []
        for j in range(Ny - 1):
            elm += [[Nx * j + i, Nx * j + i + 1, Nx * (j + 1) + i]
                    for i in range(Nx - 1)]
            elm += [[Nx * j + i + 1, Nx * (j + 1) + i + 1, Nx * (j + 1) + i]
                    for i in range(Nx - 1)]
    elif ElementShape == 'tri6':
        elm = []
        for j in range(0, Ny - 2, 2):
            elm += [[
                Nx * j + i, Nx * j + i + 2, Nx * (j + 2) + i, Nx * j + i + 1,
                Nx * (j + 1) + i + 1, Nx * (j + 1) + i
            ] for i in range(0, Nx - 2, 2)]
            elm += [[
                Nx * j + i + 2, Nx * (j + 2) + i + 2, Nx * (j + 2) + i,
                Nx * (j + 1) + i + 2, Nx * (j + 2) + i + 1,
                Nx * (j + 1) + i + 1
            ] for i in range(0, Nx - 2, 2)]

    elm = np.array(elm)

    ReturnedMesh = Mesh(crd, elm, ElementShape, None, ID)
    if ElementShape != 'quad8':
        N = ReturnedMesh.GetNumberOfNodes()
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes([nd for nd in range(Nx)], 'bottom')
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes([nd for nd in range(N - Nx, N)], 'top')
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes([nd for nd in range(0, N, Nx)], 'left')
        ReturnedMesh.AddSetOfNodes([nd for nd in range(Nx - 1, N, Nx)],
        print('Warning: no boundary set of nodes defined for quad8 elements')

    return ReturnedMesh