Beispiel #1
	def tag_attr_add(soup, attrspec):
		if not soup: return ''
		soup = lxml_soup(soup)
		for attr in attrspec.split('|'):
			var, val = attr.split('=', 1)
			soup.attrib[var] = val
		return mark_safe(lxml_tostring(soup))
Beispiel #2
    def tag_attr_add(soup, attrspec):
        '''Add html attribute(s) to a root tag of a passed html fragment.
			Attributes should be specified in "{k1}={v1}|{k2}={v2}|..." form.
			Example: "class=pull-right clear|title=Some floater element"'''
        if not soup: return ''
        soup = lxml_soup(soup)
        for attr in attrspec.split('|'):
            var, val = attr.split('=', 1)
            soup.attrib[var] = val
        return mark_safe(lxml_tostring(soup))
Beispiel #3
	def tag_attr_add(soup, attrspec):
		'''Add html attribute(s) to a root tag of a passed html fragment.
			Attributes should be specified in "{k1}={v1}|{k2}={v2}|..." form.
			Example: "class=pull-right clear|title=Some floater element"'''
		if not soup: return ''
		soup = lxml_soup(soup)
		for attr in attrspec.split('|'):
			var, val = attr.split('=', 1)
			soup.attrib[var] = val
		return mark_safe(lxml_tostring(soup))
Beispiel #4
    def prettyhtml_nostyle(soup, autoescape=None):
        '''Cleans up html fragment, just like "prettyhtml" does,
			but also strips all style-affecting attributes (classes, width, size, etc) from it.'''
        if not soup: return ''
        soup = lxml_soup(soup)
        for e in soup.iter():
            attrs = e.attrib
            for name in attrs.keys():
                if name not in nostyle_allowed_attrs: del attrs[name]
        soup = lxml_tostring(soup)
        return escape(soup) if autoescape\
         and not isinstance(soup, SafeData) else mark_safe(soup)
Beispiel #5
	def prettyhtml_nostyle(soup, autoescape=None):
		'''Cleans up html fragment, just like "prettyhtml" does,
			but also strips all style-affecting attributes (classes, width, size, etc) from it.'''
		if not soup: return ''
		soup = lxml_soup(soup)
		for e in soup.iter():
			attrs = e.attrib
			for name in attrs.keys():
				if name not in nostyle_allowed_attrs: del attrs[name]
		soup = lxml_tostring(soup)
		return escape(soup) if autoescape\
			and not isinstance(soup, SafeData) else mark_safe(soup)
Beispiel #6
 def tag_pick(soup, xpaths):
     'Pick subset from passed html fragment by xpath.'
     for xpath in xpaths.split(u'||'):
         match = lxml_soup(soup).xpath(xpath)
         if match: return lxml_tostring(match[0])
     else: return soup
Beispiel #7
 def tag_pick_text(soup):
     'Strip all tags from passed html fragment, returning only text they contain.'
     return lxml_soup(soup).text_content()
Beispiel #8
	def tag_pick(soup, xpaths):
		'Pick subset from passed html fragment by xpath.'
		for xpath in xpaths.split(u'||'):
			match = lxml_soup(soup).xpath(xpath)
			if match: return lxml_tostring(match[0])
		else: return soup
Beispiel #9
	def tag_pick_text(soup):
		'Strip all tags from passed html fragment, returning only text they contain.'
		return lxml_soup(soup).text_content()
Beispiel #10
	def tag_pick(soup, xpaths):
		for xpath in xpaths.split(u'||'):
			match = lxml_soup(soup).xpath(xpath)
			if match: return lxml_tostring(match[0])
		else: return soup
Beispiel #11
	def tag_pick_text(soup):
		return mark_safe(lxml_soup(soup).text_content())