Beispiel #1
    def remove(self, activity):
        if not self.contains(activity):
            raise feedly_exceptions.ActivityNotFound()

        if len(self.activities) == 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'removing this activity would leave an empty aggregation')

        # remove the activity

        # now time to update the times
        self.updated_at = self.last_activity.time

        # adjust the count
        if self.minimized_activities:
            self.minimized_activities -= 1
Beispiel #2
    def remove(self, activity):
        if not self.contains(activity):
            raise feedly_exceptions.ActivityNotFound()

        if len(self.activities) == 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'removing this activity would leave an empty aggregation')

        # remove the activity
        activity_id = getattr(activity, 'serialization_id', activity)
        self.activities = [
            a for a in self.activities if a.serialization_id != activity_id

        # now time to update the times
        self.updated_at = self.last_activity.time

        # adjust the count
        if self.minimized_activities:
            self.minimized_activities -= 1