Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.cmds = CmdHelp()
        self.cmds.description = "Development environment for big data applications"
        self.cmds.version = ferry.__version__
        self.cmds.usage = "ferry COMMAND [arg...]"
        self.cmds.add_option("-b", "--build", "Build Ferry default images")
        self.cmds.add_option("-c", "--conf", "Deployment configuration")
        self.cmds.add_option("-d", "--dns", "Specify DNS servers")
        self.cmds.add_option("-k", "--key", "Specify key directory")
        self.cmds.add_option("-l", "--log", "Log configuration file")
        self.cmds.add_option("-m", "--mode", "Deployment mode")
        self.cmds.add_option("-n", "--naked", "Start in naked mode")
        self.cmds.add_option("-r", "--retry", "Retry action on failure")
        self.cmds.add_option("-t", "--net", "Use host network device")
        self.cmds.add_option("-u", "--upgrade", "Upgrade Ferry")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("build", "Build a Dockerfile")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("clean", "Clean zombie Ferry processes")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("help", "Print this help message")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("info", "Print version information")
                          "Return low-level information on a service")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("install", "Install the Ferry images")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("login", "Login to Ferry servers")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("logs", "Copy over the logs to the host")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("ls", "View installed applications")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("ls-images", "View installed images")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("ps", "List deployed and running services")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("pull", "Pull a remote image")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("push", "Push an image to a remote registry")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("rm", "Remove a service or snapshot")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("server", "Start all the servers")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("snapshot", "Take a snapshot")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("snapshots", "List all snapshots")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("ssh", "Connect to a client/connector")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("start", "Start a new service or snapshot")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("stop", "Stop a running service")
        self.cmds.add_cmd("quit", "Stop the Ferry servers")

        self.ferry_server = ''
        self.default_user = '******'
        self.installer = Installer(self)