Beispiel #1
def studentData(student_id):
    student_id = int(student_id)
    if not student_id: return
    name         = fetch.studentFullName(student_id)
    #rint ' popup details for student ', student_id, name
    school_name  = ''
    course_title = ''
    batch_name   = ''
    # bs.batch_id, n.nis, s.first_name, s.middle_name, s.last_name, \
    # s.birth_date, s.gender, s.ship_id, b.course_title_id, ct.school_id, s.national_no, ct.course_level
    studentDetails = fetch.studentSchDetails(student_id)
    age    = ''
    gender = ''
    ship   = ''
    if studentDetails:
        school_id    = studentDetails['school_id']
        school_name  = fetch.schoolName(school_id)
        course_title_id = studentDetails['course_title_id']
        course_title    = fetch.courseTitle(course_title_id)
        age    = studentDetails['birth_date']
        gender = fetch.gender(studentDetails['gender'])
        ship   = fetch.shipName(studentDetails['ship_id'])
    batch_id = fetch.batchID_forStudent(student_id)
    if batch_id:
        batch_name   = fetch.batchName(batch_id)

    schDetails(name, school_name, course_title, batch_name, age, gender, ship)
Beispiel #2
def forms_forMentor(cmb, staff_id):
    id_list = fetch.batches_forMentor(staff_id)
    #rint 'batches_forMentor , id_list', id_list
    originalIndex = int(cmb.GetSelection())
    if originalIndex > -1:origional_id = cmb.GetClientData(originalIndex) 
    else: origional_id = 0
    if not id_list:return
    cmb.Freeze()  # locks the combo so that other processes are not called
    select = 0
    index  = 0
    for id in id_list:
        title = fetch.batchName(id)
        cmb.Append(title, id)
        if id == origional_id:
            select = index
        index += 1
    if originalIndex > -1: cmb.Select(select)