Beispiel #1
    def convolveWithBeam(self, ell, B_ell, threads=1):
        Return a liteMap object holding the data convolved with the beam 
        specified as input in Fourier space
        ell : array_like
            The 1D ell values corresponding to the beam.
        B_ell : array_like, 
            The 1D beam values in Fourier space.
        threads : int, optional
            Number of threads to use in pyFFTW calculations. Default is 1.
        beamFT = self.fillFourierTransform(ell,
        mapFT = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self, threads=threads)

        mapFT.kMap[:] *= beamFT.kMap[:]

        if have_pyFFTW:
            data_conv = numpy.real(ifft2(mapFT.kMap, threads=threads))
            data_conv = numpy.real(ifft2(mapFT.kMap))
        out = self.copy()[:] = data_conv[:]
        return out
Beispiel #2
def phiToKappa(phiMap):
    kappaMap = phiMap.copy()
    phiF = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(phiMap)
    kappaF = phiF.copy()
    kappaF.kMap *= kappaF.modLMap**2 / 2.[:] = kappaF.mapFromFFT( setMeanToZero = True)
    return kappaMap
Beispiel #3
    def convolveWithBeam(self, ell, B_ell, threads=1):
        Return a liteMap object holding the data convolved with the beam 
        specified as input in Fourier space
        ell : array_like
            The 1D ell values corresponding to the beam.
        B_ell : array_like, 
            The 1D beam values in Fourier space.
        threads : int, optional
            Number of threads to use in pyFFTW calculations. Default is 1.
        beamFT = self.fillFourierTransform(ell, B_ell, elTrim=numpy.amax(ell), threads=threads)
        mapFT = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self, threads=threads)

        mapFT.kMap[:] *= beamFT.kMap[:]

        if have_pyFFTW:
            data_conv = numpy.real(ifft2(mapFT.kMap, threads=threads))
            data_conv = numpy.real(ifft2(mapFT.kMap))
        out = self.copy()[:] = data_conv[:]
        return out
Beispiel #4
def makeTemplate(m, wl, ell, maxEll, outputFile = None):
        For a given map (m) return a 2D k-space template from a 1D specification wl
        ell = 2pi * i / deltaX
        (m is not overwritten)
    ell = numpy.array(ell)
    wl  = numpy.array(wl)
    fT = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(m)
    print "max_lx, max_ly", fT.lx.max(),
    print "m_dx, m_dy", m.pixScaleX, m.pixScaleY
    print "m_nx, m_ny", m.Nx, m.Ny
    l_f = numpy.floor(fT.modLMap)
    l_c = numpy.ceil(fT.modLMap)
    fT.kMap[:,:] = 0.
    for i in xrange(numpy.shape(fT.kMap)[0]):
        for j in xrange(numpy.shape(fT.kMap)[1]):
            if l_f[i,j] > maxEll or l_c[i,j] > maxEll:
            w_lo = wl[l_f[i,j]]
            w_hi = wl[l_c[i,j]]
            trueL = fT.modLMap[i,j]
            w = (w_hi-w_lo)*(trueL - l_f[i,j]) + w_lo
            fT.kMap[i,j] = w
    m = m.copy() = abs(fT.kMap)
    if outputFile != None:
        m.writeFits(outputFile, overWrite = True)
    return m
Beispiel #5
def fillWithGaussianRandomField(self,ell,Cell,bufferFactor = 1):

    ft = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self)
    Ny = self.Ny*bufferFactor
    Nx = self.Nx*bufferFactor
    bufferFactor = int(bufferFactor)
    realPart = numpy.zeros([Ny,Nx])
    imgPart  = numpy.zeros([Ny,Nx])
    ly = numpy.fft.fftfreq(Ny,d = self.pixScaleY)*(2*numpy.pi)
    lx = numpy.fft.fftfreq(Nx,d = self.pixScaleX)*(2*numpy.pi)
    modLMap = numpy.zeros([Ny,Nx])
    iy, ix = numpy.mgrid[0:Ny,0:Nx]
    modLMap[iy,ix] = numpy.sqrt(ly[iy]**2+lx[ix]**2)
    s = splrep(ell,Cell,k=3)
    ll = numpy.ravel(modLMap)
    kk = splev(ll,s)
    id = numpy.where(ll>ell.max())
    kk[id] = Cell[-1] 

    area = Nx*Ny*self.pixScaleX*self.pixScaleY
    p = numpy.reshape(kk,[Ny,Nx]) /area * (Nx*Ny)**2
    realPart = numpy.sqrt(p)*numpy.random.randn(Ny,Nx)
    imgPart = numpy.sqrt(p)*numpy.random.randn(Ny,Nx)
    kMap = realPart+1j*imgPart
    data = numpy.real(numpy.fft.ifft2(kMap))
    b = bufferFactor = data[(b-1)/2*self.Ny:(b+1)/2*self.Ny,(b-1)/2*self.Nx:(b+1)/2*self.Nx]
Beispiel #6
def phiToKappa(phiMap):
    kappaMap = phiMap.copy()
    phiF = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(phiMap)
    kappaF = phiF.copy()
    kappaF.kMap *= kappaF.modLMap**2 / 2.[:] = kappaF.mapFromFFT( setMeanToZero = True)
    return kappaMap
Beispiel #7
def kappaToPhi(kappaMap):
    phiMap = kappaMap.copy()
    kappaF = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(kappaMap)
    phiF = kappaF.copy()
    phiF.kMap /= (phiF.modLMap**2 / 2.)
    phiF.kMap[0,0] = 0[:] = phiF.mapFromFFT( setMeanToZero = True)
    return phiMap
Beispiel #8
    def fillWithGaussianRandomField(self, ell, Cell, bufferFactor=1, threads=1):
        Generate a Gaussian random field from an input power spectrum specified 
        as ell, Cell.
        BufferFactor = 1 means the map will have periodic boundary function, while
        BufferFactor > 1 means the map will be genrated on a patch bufferFactor 
        times larger in each dimension and then cut out so as to have 
        non-periodic boundary conditions.
        Fills the data field of the map with the GRF realization.
        ft = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self, threads=threads)
        Ny = self.Ny * bufferFactor
        Nx = self.Nx * bufferFactor

        bufferFactor = int(bufferFactor)

        realPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])
        imgPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])

        ly = fftfreq(Ny, d=self.pixScaleY) * (2 * numpy.pi)
        lx = fftfreq(Nx, d=self.pixScaleX) * (2 * numpy.pi)
        # print ly
        modLMap = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])
        iy, ix = numpy.mgrid[0:Ny, 0:Nx]
        modLMap[iy, ix] = numpy.sqrt(ly[iy] ** 2 + lx[ix] ** 2)

        s = splrep(ell, Cell, k=3)

        ll = numpy.ravel(modLMap)
        kk = splev(ll, s)
        id = numpy.where(ll > ell.max())
        kk[id] = 0.0
        # add a cosine ^2 falloff at the very end
        # id2 = numpy.where( (ll> (ell.max()-500)) & (ll<ell.max()))
        # lEnd = ll[id2]
        # kk[id2] *= numpy.cos((lEnd-lEnd.min())/(lEnd.max() -lEnd.min())*numpy.pi/2)

        # pylab.loglog(ll,kk)

        area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY
        p = numpy.reshape(kk, [Ny, Nx]) / area * (Nx * Ny) ** 2

        realPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx)
        imgPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx)

        kMap = realPart + 1j * imgPart

        if have_pyFFTW:
            data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap, threads=threads))
            data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap))
        b = bufferFactor = data[(b - 1) / 2 * self.Ny : (b + 1) / 2 * self.Ny, (b - 1) / 2 * self.Nx : (b + 1) / 2 * self.Nx]
Beispiel #9
    def fillWithGaussianRandomField(self,ell,Cell,bufferFactor = 1):
        Generates a GRF from an input power spectrum specified as ell, Cell 
        BufferFactor =1 means the map will be periodic boundary function
        BufferFactor > 1 means the map will be genrated on  a patch bufferFactor times 
        larger in each dimension and then cut out so as to have non-periodic bcs.
        Fills the data field of the map with the GRF realization
        ft = fftFromLiteMap(self)
        Ny = self.Ny*bufferFactor
        Nx = self.Nx*bufferFactor
        bufferFactor = int(bufferFactor)
        realPart = np.zeros([Ny,Nx])
        imgPart  = np.zeros([Ny,Nx])
        ly = np.fft.fftfreq(Ny,d = self.pixScaleY)*(2*np.pi)
        lx = np.fft.fftfreq(Nx,d = self.pixScaleX)*(2*np.pi)
        #print ly
        modLMap = np.zeros([Ny,Nx])
        iy, ix = np.mgrid[0:Ny,0:Nx]
        modLMap[iy,ix] = np.sqrt(ly[iy]**2+lx[ix]**2)
        s = splrep(ell,Cell,k=3)
        ll = np.ravel(modLMap)
        kk = splev(ll,s)
        id = np.where(ll>ell.max())
        kk[id] = 0.
        #add a cosine ^2 falloff at the very end
        #id2 = np.where( (ll> (ell.max()-500)) & (ll<ell.max()))
        #lEnd = ll[id2]
        #kk[id2] *= np.cos((lEnd-lEnd.min())/(lEnd.max() -lEnd.min())*np.pi/2)

        area = Nx*Ny*self.pixScaleX*self.pixScaleY
        p = np.reshape(kk,[Ny,Nx]) /area * (Nx*Ny)**2
        assert np.all(p>=0)
        realPart = np.sqrt(p)*np.random.randn(Ny,Nx)
        imgPart = np.sqrt(p)*np.random.randn(Ny,Nx)
        kMap = realPart+1j*imgPart
        data = np.real(fftfast.ifft(kMap,axes=[-2,-1],normalize=True))
        b = bufferFactor = data[(b-1)/2*self.Ny:(b+1)/2*self.Ny,(b-1)/2*self.Nx:(b+1)/2*self.Nx]
Beispiel #10
    def fillWithGaussianRandomField(self,ell,Cell,bufferFactor = 1):
        Generates a GRF from an input power spectrum specified as ell, Cell 
        BufferFactor =1 means the map will be periodic boundary function
        BufferFactor > 1 means the map will be genrated on  a patch bufferFactor times 
        larger in each dimension and then cut out so as to have non-periodic bcs.
        Fills the data field of the map with the GRF realization
        ft = fftFromLiteMap(self)
        Ny = self.Ny*bufferFactor
        Nx = self.Nx*bufferFactor
        bufferFactor = int(bufferFactor)
        realPart = np.zeros([Ny,Nx])
        imgPart  = np.zeros([Ny,Nx])
        ly = np.fft.fftfreq(Ny,d = self.pixScaleY)*(2*np.pi)
        lx = np.fft.fftfreq(Nx,d = self.pixScaleX)*(2*np.pi)
        #print ly
        modLMap = np.zeros([Ny,Nx])
        iy, ix = np.mgrid[0:Ny,0:Nx]
        modLMap[iy,ix] = np.sqrt(ly[iy]**2+lx[ix]**2)
        s = splrep(ell,Cell,k=3)
        ll = np.ravel(modLMap)
        kk = splev(ll,s)
        id = np.where(ll>ell.max())
        kk[id] = 0.
        #add a cosine ^2 falloff at the very end
        #id2 = np.where( (ll> (ell.max()-500)) & (ll<ell.max()))
        #lEnd = ll[id2]
        #kk[id2] *= np.cos((lEnd-lEnd.min())/(lEnd.max() -lEnd.min())*np.pi/2)

        area = Nx*Ny*self.pixScaleX*self.pixScaleY
        p = np.reshape(kk,[Ny,Nx]) /area * (Nx*Ny)**2
        assert np.all(p>=0)
        realPart = np.sqrt(p)*np.random.randn(Ny,Nx)
        imgPart = np.sqrt(p)*np.random.randn(Ny,Nx)
        kMap = realPart+1j*imgPart
        data = np.real(fftfast.ifft(kMap,axes=[-2,-1],normalize=True))
        b = bufferFactor = data[(b-1)/2*self.Ny:(b+1)/2*self.Ny,(b-1)/2*self.Nx:(b+1)/2*self.Nx]
Beispiel #11
 def filterFromList(self, lFl, setMeanToZero=False):
     @brief Given an l-space filter as a tuple [\f$\ell,F_\ell\f$] returns a filtered map
     @param lFl A tuple [\f$\ell,F_\ell\f$], where \f$\ell\f$ and \f$ F_\ell \f$
     are 1-D arrays representing the filter.
     @return The filtered liteMap
     ft = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self)
     filtData = ft.mapFromFFT(kFilterFromList=lFl, setMeanToZero=setMeanToZero)
     filtMap = self.copy()[:] = filtData[:]
     del ft
     del filtData
     return filtMap
Beispiel #12
 def filterFromList(self,lFl,setMeanToZero=False):
     @brief Given an l-space filter as a tuple [\f$\ell,F_\ell\f$] returns a filtered map
     @param lFl A tuple [\f$\ell,F_\ell\f$], where \f$\ell\f$ and \f$ F_\ell \f$
     are 1-D arrays representing the filter.
     @return The filtered liteMap
     ft = fftFromLiteMap(self)
     filtData = ft.mapFromFFT(kFilterFromList=lFl,setMeanToZero=setMeanToZero)
     filtMap = self.copy()[:] = filtData[:]
     del ft
     del filtData
     return filtMap
Beispiel #13
    def fillFourierTransform(self, ell, cl, ftMap=None, elTrim=30000, threads=1):
        Fill the fourier transform of the map with the 1D values specified by 
        (ell, cl).
        ell : array_like 
            The 1D array of ell values to fill in.
        cl : array_like
            The 1D array of cl values to fill in.
        ftMap : fftTools.fft2D, optional
            If given, fill this fourier transform object to save time., Default
            is ``None``. This will not be overwritten.
        elTrim : float, optional 
            Only fill in values ell < elTrim. Default is 30000.
        threads : int, optional
            Number of threads to use in pyFFTW calculations. Default is 1.
        ft : fftTools.fft2D 
            The fft2D object with `kMap` attribute filled as specified
        # set the max ell to infty if not specified
        if elTrim == None:
            elTrim = numpy.inf

        # the fourier transform
        if ftMap is None:
            ft = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self, threads=threads)
            ft = ftMap.copy()
        ft.kMap[:] = 0.0

        # make an interpolation function for real and imaginary parts
        sreal = splrep(ell, cl.real)

        doImag = False
        if cl.dtype == complex and len(numpy.nonzero(cl.imag)[0]) > 0:
            doImag = True
            simag = splrep(ell, cl.imag)

        # get indices of pixels that have values of ell less than elMax
        idx = numpy.where((ft.lx < elTrim) & (ft.lx > -elTrim))[0]
        idy = numpy.where(( < elTrim) & ( > -elTrim))[0]

        # make a meshgrid of indices
        ix, iy = numpy.meshgrid(idx, idy)

        # flatten the indices
        iy_flat, ix_flat = iy.flatten(), ix.flatten()

        # fill in the FT with the interpolated values
        if not doImag:
            ft.kMap[iy_flat, ix_flat] = splev(ft.modLMap[iy_flat, ix_flat], sreal)
            ft.kMap[iy_flat, ix_flat] = splev(ft.modLMap[iy_flat, ix_flat], sreal) + 1j * splev(
                ft.modLMap[iy_flat, ix_flat], simag

        # avoid weird extrapolations
        id = numpy.where(ft.modLMap > elTrim)
        ft.kMap[id] = 0.0

        return ft
Beispiel #14
    def fillFourierTransform(self,
        Fill the fourier transform of the map with the 1D values specified by 
        (ell, cl).
        ell : array_like 
            The 1D array of ell values to fill in.
        cl : array_like
            The 1D array of cl values to fill in.
        ftMap : fftTools.fft2D, optional
            If given, fill this fourier transform object to save time., Default
            is ``None``. This will not be overwritten.
        elTrim : float, optional 
            Only fill in values ell < elTrim. Default is 30000.
        threads : int, optional
            Number of threads to use in pyFFTW calculations. Default is 1.
        ft : fftTools.fft2D 
            The fft2D object with `kMap` attribute filled as specified
        # set the max ell to infty if not specified
        if elTrim == None:
            elTrim = numpy.inf

        # the fourier transform
        if ftMap is None:
            ft = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self, threads=threads)
            ft = ftMap.copy()
        ft.kMap[:] = 0.

        # make an interpolation function for real and imaginary parts
        sreal = splrep(ell, cl.real)

        doImag = False
        if cl.dtype == complex and len(numpy.nonzero(cl.imag)[0]) > 0:
            doImag = True
            simag = splrep(ell, cl.imag)

        # get indices of pixels that have values of ell less than elMax
        idx = numpy.where((ft.lx < elTrim) & (ft.lx > -elTrim))[0]
        idy = numpy.where(( < elTrim) & ( > -elTrim))[0]

        # make a meshgrid of indices
        ix, iy = numpy.meshgrid(idx, idy)

        # flatten the indices
        iy_flat, ix_flat = iy.flatten(), ix.flatten()

        # fill in the FT with the interpolated values
        if not doImag:
            ft.kMap[iy_flat, ix_flat] = splev(ft.modLMap[iy_flat, ix_flat],
            ft.kMap[iy_flat, ix_flat] = splev(
                ft.modLMap[iy_flat, ix_flat],
                sreal) + 1j * splev(ft.modLMap[iy_flat, ix_flat], simag)

        # avoid weird extrapolations
        id = numpy.where(ft.modLMap > elTrim)
        ft.kMap[id] = 0.

        return ft
Beispiel #15
    def fillWithGaussianRandomField(self,
        Generate a Gaussian random field from an input power spectrum specified 
        as ell, Cell.
        BufferFactor = 1 means the map will have periodic boundary function, while
        BufferFactor > 1 means the map will be genrated on a patch bufferFactor 
        times larger in each dimension and then cut out so as to have 
        non-periodic boundary conditions.
        Fills the data field of the map with the GRF realization.
        ft = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self, threads=threads)
        Ny = self.Ny * bufferFactor
        Nx = self.Nx * bufferFactor

        bufferFactor = int(bufferFactor)

        realPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])
        imgPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])

        ly = fftfreq(Ny, d=self.pixScaleY) * (2 * numpy.pi)
        lx = fftfreq(Nx, d=self.pixScaleX) * (2 * numpy.pi)
        #print ly
        modLMap = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])
        iy, ix = numpy.mgrid[0:Ny, 0:Nx]
        modLMap[iy, ix] = numpy.sqrt(ly[iy]**2 + lx[ix]**2)

        s = splrep(ell, Cell, k=3)

        ll = numpy.ravel(modLMap)
        kk = splev(ll, s)
        id = numpy.where(ll > ell.max())
        kk[id] = 0.
        #add a cosine ^2 falloff at the very end
        # id2 = numpy.where( (ll> (ell.max()-500)) & (ll<ell.max()))
        # lEnd = ll[id2]
        # kk[id2] *= numpy.cos((lEnd-lEnd.min())/(lEnd.max() -lEnd.min())*numpy.pi/2)


        area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY
        p = numpy.reshape(kk, [Ny, Nx]) / area * (Nx * Ny)**2

        realPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx)
        imgPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx)

        kMap = realPart + 1j * imgPart

        if have_pyFFTW:
            data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap, threads=threads))
            data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap))
        b = bufferFactor = data[(b - 1) / 2 * self.Ny:(b + 1) / 2 * self.Ny,
                         (b - 1) / 2 * self.Nx:(b + 1) / 2 * self.Nx]
Beispiel #16
def addLiteMapsWithSpectralWeighting(liteMap1, liteMap2, kMask1Params=None, kMask2Params=None, signalMap=None):
    @brief add two maps, weighting in Fourier space
    Maps must be the same size.
    @param kMask1Params mask params for liteMap1 (see fftTools.power2D.createKspaceMask)
    @param kMask2Params mask params for liteMap2 (see fftTools.power2D.createKspaceMask)
    @param signalMap liteMap with best estimate of signal to use when estimating noise weighting
    @return new map
    # Get fourier weights
    trace.issue("liteMap", 0, "Computing Weights")
    # np1 = fftTools.noisePowerFromLiteMaps(liteMap1, liteMap2, applySlepianTaper = False)
    # np2 = fftTools.noisePowerFromLiteMaps(liteMap2, liteMap1, applySlepianTaper = False)
    data1 = copy.copy(
    data2 = copy.copy(
    if signalMap != None:[:] = ( -[:][:] = ( -[:]
    np1 = fftTools.powerFromLiteMap(liteMap1)  # , applySlepianTaper = True)
    np2 = fftTools.powerFromLiteMap(liteMap2)  # ), applySlepianTaper = True)
    print "testing", == data1[:] = data1[:][:] = data2[:]

    n1 = np1.powerMap

    n2 = np2.powerMap
    #     n1[numpy.where( n1<n1.max()*.002)] = n1.max()*.001
    #     n2[numpy.where( n2<n2.max()*.002)] = n2.max()*.001

    w1 = 1 / n1
    w2 = 1 / n2

    m1 = numpy.median(w1)
    m2 = numpy.median(w2)
    w1[numpy.where(abs(w1) > 4 * m1)] = 4 * m1
    w2[numpy.where(abs(w2) > 4 * m2)] = 4 * m2

    # w1[:] = 1.
    # w2[:] = 1.
    # pylab.hist(w1.ravel())
    # pylab.savefig("hist1.png")
    # pylab.clf()
    yrange = [4, 5000]
    np1.powerMap = w1
    # np1.plot(pngFile="w1.png", log=True, zoomUptoL=8000, yrange = yrange)
    np2.powerMap = w2
    # np2.plot(pngFile="w2.png", log=True, zoomUptoL=8000, yrange = yrange)

    if kMask1Params != None:
        w1 *= np1.kMask

    if kMask2Params != None:
        w2 *= np2.kMask

    invW = 1.0 / (w1 + w2)
    invW[numpy.where(numpy.isnan(invW))] = 0.0
    invW[numpy.where(numpy.isinf(invW))] = 0.0

    trace.issue("liteMap", 3, "NaNs in inverse weight: %s" % str(numpy.where(numpy.isnan(invW))))
    trace.issue("liteMap", 3, "Infs in inverse weight: %s" % str(numpy.where(numpy.isinf(invW))))

    trace.issue("liteMap", 2, "Adding Maps")
    f1 = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(liteMap1, applySlepianTaper=False)
    f2 = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(liteMap2, applySlepianTaper=False)
    kTot = (f1.kMap * w1 + f2.kMap * w2) * invW
    trace.issue("liteMap", 3, "NaNs in filtered transform: %s" % str(numpy.where(numpy.isnan(kTot))))
    f1.kMap = kTot
    finalMap = liteMap1.copy()[:] = 0.0 = f1.mapFromFFT()
    return finalMap
Beispiel #17
    def fillWithGRFFromTemplate(self, twodPower, bufferFactor=1, threads=1):
        Generate a Gaussian random field from an input power spectrum 
        specified as a 2d powerMap
        BufferFactor = 1 means the map will have periodic boundary function, while
        BufferFactor > 1 means the map will be genrated on a patch bufferFactor 
        times larger in each dimension and then cut out so as to have 
        non-periodic boundary conditions.
        Fills the data field of the map with the GRF realization.

        ft = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self, threads=threads)
        Ny = self.Ny * bufferFactor
        Nx = self.Nx * bufferFactor

        bufferFactor = int(bufferFactor)
        assert (bufferFactor >= 1)

        realPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])
        imgPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])

        ly = fftfreq(Ny, d=self.pixScaleY) * (2 * numpy.pi)
        lx = fftfreq(Nx, d=self.pixScaleX) * (2 * numpy.pi)
        #print ly
        modLMap = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])
        iy, ix = numpy.mgrid[0:Ny, 0:Nx]
        modLMap[iy, ix] = numpy.sqrt(ly[iy]**2 + lx[ix]**2)

        # divide out area factor
        area = twodPower.Nx * twodPower.Ny * twodPower.pixScaleX * twodPower.pixScaleY
        twodPower.powerMap *= (twodPower.Nx * twodPower.Ny)**2 / area

        if bufferFactor > 1 or twodPower.Nx != Nx or twodPower.Ny != Ny:

            lx_shifted = fftshift(twodPower.lx)
            ly_shifted = fftshift(
            twodPower_shifted = fftshift(twodPower.powerMap)

            f_interp = interp2d(lx_shifted, ly_shifted, twodPower_shifted)

            # ell = numpy.ravel(twodPower.modLMap)
            # Cell = numpy.ravel(twodPower.powerMap)
            # print ell
            # print Cell
            # s = splrep(ell,Cell,k=3)
            # ll = numpy.ravel(modLMap)
            # kk = splev(ll,s)

            kk = f_interp(fftshift(lx), fftshift(ly))
            kk = ifftshift(kk)

            # id = numpy.where(modLMap > ell.max())
            # kk[id] = 0.
            # add a cosine ^2 falloff at the very end
            # id2 = numpy.where( (ll> (ell.max()-500)) & (ll<ell.max()))
            # lEnd = ll[id2]
            # kk[id2] *= numpy.cos((lEnd-lEnd.min())/(lEnd.max() -lEnd.min())*numpy.pi/2)

            # pylab.loglog(ll,kk)

            area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY
            #p = numpy.reshape(kk,[Ny,Nx]) /area * (Nx*Ny)**2
            p = kk  #/ area * (Nx*Ny)**2
            area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY
            p = twodPower.powerMap  #/area*(Nx*Ny)**2

        realPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx)
        imgPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx)

        kMap = realPart + 1j * imgPart
        if have_pyFFTW:
            data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap, threads=threads))
            data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap))

        b = bufferFactor = data[(b - 1) / 2 * self.Ny:(b + 1) / 2 * self.Ny,
                         (b - 1) / 2 * self.Nx:(b + 1) / 2 * self.Nx]
Beispiel #18
    def fillWithGRFFromTemplate(self,twodPower,bufferFactor = 1):
        Generates a GRF from an input power spectrum specified as a 2d powerMap
        BufferFactor =1 means the map will be periodic boundary function
        BufferFactor > 1 means the map will be genrated on  a patch bufferFactor times 
        larger in each dimension and then cut out so as to have non-periodic bcs.
        Fills the data field of the map with the GRF realization
        ft = fftFromLiteMap(self)
        Ny = self.Ny*bufferFactor
        Nx = self.Nx*bufferFactor
        bufferFactor = int(bufferFactor)
        realPart = numpy.zeros([Ny,Nx])
        imgPart  = numpy.zeros([Ny,Nx])
        ly = numpy.fft.fftfreq(Ny,d = self.pixScaleY)*(2*numpy.pi)
        lx = numpy.fft.fftfreq(Nx,d = self.pixScaleX)*(2*numpy.pi)
        #print ly
        modLMap = numpy.zeros([Ny,Nx])
        iy, ix = numpy.mgrid[0:Ny,0:Nx]
        modLMap[iy,ix] = numpy.sqrt(ly[iy]**2+lx[ix]**2)

        if bufferFactor > 1:
            ell = numpy.ravel(twodPower.modLMap)
            Cell = numpy.ravel(twodPower.powerMap)
            print ell
            print Cell
            s = splrep(ell,Cell,k=3)
            ll = numpy.ravel(modLMap)
            kk = splev(ll,s)
            id = numpy.where(ll>ell.max())
            kk[id] = 0.
            # add a cosine ^2 falloff at the very end
            # id2 = numpy.where( (ll> (ell.max()-500)) & (ll<ell.max()))
            # lEnd = ll[id2]
            # kk[id2] *= numpy.cos((lEnd-lEnd.min())/(lEnd.max() -lEnd.min())*numpy.pi/2)
            # pylab.loglog(ll,kk)

            area = Nx*Ny*self.pixScaleX*self.pixScaleY
            p = numpy.reshape(kk,[Ny,Nx]) /area * (Nx*Ny)**2
            area = Nx*Ny*self.pixScaleX*self.pixScaleY
            p = twodPower.powerMap/area*(Nx*Ny)**2
        realPart = numpy.sqrt(p)*numpy.random.randn(Ny,Nx)
        imgPart = numpy.sqrt(p)*numpy.random.randn(Ny,Nx)
        kMap = realPart+1j*imgPart
        data = numpy.real(numpy.fft.ifft2(kMap)) 
        b = bufferFactor = data[(b-1)/2*self.Ny:(b+1)/2*self.Ny,(b-1)/2*self.Nx:(b+1)/2*self.Nx]
Beispiel #19
    def fillWithGRFFromTemplate(self, twodPower, bufferFactor=1, threads=1):
        Generate a Gaussian random field from an input power spectrum 
        specified as a 2d powerMap
        BufferFactor = 1 means the map will have periodic boundary function, while
        BufferFactor > 1 means the map will be genrated on a patch bufferFactor 
        times larger in each dimension and then cut out so as to have 
        non-periodic boundary conditions.
        Fills the data field of the map with the GRF realization.

        ft = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(self, threads=threads)
        Ny = self.Ny * bufferFactor
        Nx = self.Nx * bufferFactor

        bufferFactor = int(bufferFactor)
        assert bufferFactor >= 1

        realPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])
        imgPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])

        ly = fftfreq(Ny, d=self.pixScaleY) * (2 * numpy.pi)
        lx = fftfreq(Nx, d=self.pixScaleX) * (2 * numpy.pi)
        # print ly
        modLMap = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])
        iy, ix = numpy.mgrid[0:Ny, 0:Nx]
        modLMap[iy, ix] = numpy.sqrt(ly[iy] ** 2 + lx[ix] ** 2)

        # divide out area factor
        area = twodPower.Nx * twodPower.Ny * twodPower.pixScaleX * twodPower.pixScaleY
        twodPower.powerMap *= (twodPower.Nx * twodPower.Ny) ** 2 / area

        if bufferFactor > 1 or twodPower.Nx != Nx or twodPower.Ny != Ny:

            lx_shifted = fftshift(twodPower.lx)
            ly_shifted = fftshift(
            twodPower_shifted = fftshift(twodPower.powerMap)

            f_interp = interp2d(lx_shifted, ly_shifted, twodPower_shifted)

            # ell = numpy.ravel(twodPower.modLMap)
            # Cell = numpy.ravel(twodPower.powerMap)
            # print ell
            # print Cell
            # s = splrep(ell,Cell,k=3)
            # ll = numpy.ravel(modLMap)
            # kk = splev(ll,s)

            kk = f_interp(fftshift(lx), fftshift(ly))
            kk = ifftshift(kk)

            # id = numpy.where(modLMap > ell.max())
            # kk[id] = 0.
            # add a cosine ^2 falloff at the very end
            # id2 = numpy.where( (ll> (ell.max()-500)) & (ll<ell.max()))
            # lEnd = ll[id2]
            # kk[id2] *= numpy.cos((lEnd-lEnd.min())/(lEnd.max() -lEnd.min())*numpy.pi/2)

            # pylab.loglog(ll,kk)

            area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY
            # p = numpy.reshape(kk,[Ny,Nx]) /area * (Nx*Ny)**2
            p = kk  # / area * (Nx*Ny)**2
            area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY
            p = twodPower.powerMap  # /area*(Nx*Ny)**2

        realPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx)
        imgPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx)

        kMap = realPart + 1j * imgPart
        if have_pyFFTW:
            data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap, threads=threads))
            data = numpy.real(ifft2(kMap))

        b = bufferFactor = data[(b - 1) / 2 * self.Ny : (b + 1) / 2 * self.Ny, (b - 1) / 2 * self.Nx : (b + 1) / 2 * self.Nx]
Beispiel #20
def addLiteMapsWithSpectralWeighting( liteMap1, liteMap2, kMask1Params = None, kMask2Params = None, signalMap = None ):
    @brief add two maps, weighting in Fourier space
    Maps must be the same size.
    @param kMask1Params mask params for liteMap1 (see fftTools.power2D.createKspaceMask)
    @param kMask2Params mask params for liteMap2 (see fftTools.power2D.createKspaceMask)
    @param signalMap liteMap with best estimate of signal to use when estimating noise weighting
    @return new map
    #Get fourier weights
    flTrace.issue("liteMap", 0, "Computing Weights")
    #np1 = fftTools.noisePowerFromLiteMaps(liteMap1, liteMap2, applySlepianTaper = False)
    #np2 = fftTools.noisePowerFromLiteMaps(liteMap2, liteMap1, applySlepianTaper = False)
    data1 = copy.copy(
    data2 = copy.copy(
    if signalMap != None:[:] = ( -[:][:] = ( -[:]
    np1 = fftTools.powerFromLiteMap(liteMap1)#, applySlepianTaper = True)
    np2 = fftTools.powerFromLiteMap(liteMap2)#), applySlepianTaper = True)
    print "testing", == data1[:] = data1[:][:] = data2[:]

    n1 = np1.powerMap
    n2 = np2.powerMap
#     n1[np.where( n1<n1.max()*.002)] = n1.max()*.001
#     n2[np.where( n2<n2.max()*.002)] = n2.max()*.001

    w1 = 1/n1
    w2 = 1/n2
    m1 = np.median(w1)
    m2 = np.median(w2)

    #w1[:] = 1.
    #w2[:] = 1.
    yrange = [4,5000]
    np1.powerMap = w1
    #np1.plot(pngFile="w1.png", log=True, zoomUptoL=8000, yrange = yrange)
    np2.powerMap = w2
    #np2.plot(pngFile="w2.png", log=True, zoomUptoL=8000, yrange = yrange)

    if kMask1Params != None:
        w1 *= np1.kMask
    if kMask2Params != None:
        w2 *= np2.kMask
    invW = 1.0/(w1+w2)
    invW[np.where(np.isnan(invW))] = 0.
    invW[np.where(np.isinf(invW))] = 0.

    flTrace.issue("liteMap", 3, "NaNs in inverse weight: %s" % str(np.where(np.isnan(invW))))
    flTrace.issue("liteMap", 3, "Infs in inverse weight: %s" % str(np.where(np.isinf(invW))))

    flTrace.issue("liteMap", 2, "Adding Maps")
    f1  = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap( liteMap1, applySlepianTaper = False )
    f2  = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap( liteMap2, applySlepianTaper = False )
    kTot = (f1.kMap*w1 + f2.kMap*w2)*invW
    flTrace.issue("liteMap", 3, "NaNs in filtered transform: %s" % str(np.where(np.isnan(kTot))))
    f1.kMap = kTot
    finalMap = liteMap1.copy()[:] = 0. = f1.mapFromFFT()
    return finalMap
Beispiel #21
    def fillWithGRFFromTemplate(self, twodPower, bufferFactor=1):
        Generates a GRF from an input power spectrum specified as a 2d powerMap
        BufferFactor =1 means the map will be periodic boundary function
        BufferFactor > 1 means the map will be genrated on  a patch bufferFactor times 
        larger in each dimension and then cut out so as to have non-periodic bcs.
        Fills the data field of the map with the GRF realization

        ft = fftFromLiteMap(self)
        Ny = self.Ny * bufferFactor
        Nx = self.Nx * bufferFactor

        bufferFactor = int(bufferFactor)
        assert (bufferFactor >= 1)

        realPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])
        imgPart = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])

        ly = numpy.fft.fftfreq(Ny, d=self.pixScaleY) * (2 * numpy.pi)
        lx = numpy.fft.fftfreq(Nx, d=self.pixScaleX) * (2 * numpy.pi)
        #print ly
        modLMap = numpy.zeros([Ny, Nx])
        iy, ix = numpy.mgrid[0:Ny, 0:Nx]
        modLMap[iy, ix] = numpy.sqrt(ly[iy]**2 + lx[ix]**2)

        if bufferFactor > 1:
            ell = numpy.ravel(twodPower.modLMap)
            Cell = numpy.ravel(twodPower.powerMap)
            print ell
            print Cell
            s = splrep(ell, Cell, k=3)

            ll = numpy.ravel(modLMap)
            kk = splev(ll, s)

            id = numpy.where(ll > ell.max())
            kk[id] = 0.
            # add a cosine ^2 falloff at the very end
            # id2 = numpy.where( (ll> (ell.max()-500)) & (ll<ell.max()))
            # lEnd = ll[id2]
            # kk[id2] *= numpy.cos((lEnd-lEnd.min())/(lEnd.max() -lEnd.min())*numpy.pi/2)

            # pylab.loglog(ll,kk)

            area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY
            p = numpy.reshape(kk, [Ny, Nx]) / area * (Nx * Ny)**2
            area = Nx * Ny * self.pixScaleX * self.pixScaleY
            p = twodPower.powerMap / area * (Nx * Ny)**2

        realPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx)
        imgPart = numpy.sqrt(p) * numpy.random.randn(Ny, Nx)

        kMap = realPart + 1j * imgPart

        data = numpy.real(numpy.fft.ifft2(kMap))

        b = bufferFactor = data[(b - 1) / 2 * self.Ny:(b + 1) / 2 * self.Ny,
                         (b - 1) / 2 * self.Nx:(b + 1) / 2 * self.Nx]
Beispiel #22
def kappaToPhi(kappaMap):
    phiMap = kappaMap.copy()
    kappaF = fftTools.fftFromLiteMap(kappaMap)
    phiF = kappaF.copy()
    phiF.kMap /= (phiF.modLMap**2 / 2.)
    phiF.kMap[0,0] = 0[:] = phiF.mapFromFFT( setMeanToZero = True)
    return phiMap