Beispiel #1
def genGraph(infname, outfname, roixmlname=None, roirawname=None, bigGraph=False, outformat="graphml", numfibers=0, centroids=True, **atlases):
  Generate a sparse igraph from an MRI file based on input and output names.
  Outputs a graphml formatted graph by default

  positional args:
  infname - file name of _fiber.dat file
  outfname - Dir+fileName of output .mat file

  optional args:
  roixmlname - file name of _roi.xml file
  roirawname - file name of _roi.raw file
  bigGraph - boolean True or False on whether to process a bigraph=True or smallgraph=False
  numfibers - the number of fibers

  read_shape - **NOTE** Temp arg used compensate for incorrect reading of the adj mat dims
  from the xml. Will disappear in future releases.

  start = time()
  # Determine size of graph to be processed i.e pick a fibergraph module to import
  if bigGraph: from fibergraph_bg import FiberGraph
  else: from fibergraph_sm import FiberGraph

  # If these filenames are undefined then,
  # assume that there are ROI files in ../roi

  if not(roixmlname and roirawname):
    [ inpathname, inbasename ] = os.path.split ( infname )
    inbasename = str(inbasename).rpartition ( "_" )[0]
    roifp = os.path.normpath ( inpathname + "/../roi/" + inbasename )
    roixmlname = roifp + "_roi.xml"
    roirawname = roifp + "_roi.raw"

#  # Assume that there are mask files in ../mask
#  maskfp = os.path.normpath ( inpathname + "/../mask/" + inbasename )
#  maskxmlname = maskfp + "_mask.xml"
#  maskrawname = maskfp + "_mask.raw"

  # Get the ROIs

    roix = roi.ROIXML( roixmlname ) # Create object of type ROIXML
    rois = roi.ROIData ( roirawname, roix.getShape() )
    raise Exception("ROI files not found at: %s, %s" % (roixmlname, roirawname))

  # Get the mask
#  try:
#    maskx = mask.MaskXML( maskxmlname )
#    masks = mask.MaskData ( maskrawname, maskx.getShape() )
#  except:
#    print "Mask files not found at: ", maskxmlname, maskrawname
#    sys.exit (-1)

  # Create fiber reader
  reader = FiberReader( infname )

  # Create the graph object
  # get dims from reader
  fbrgraph = FiberGraph ( reader.shape, rois, None )

  print "Parsing MRI studio file {0}".format ( infname )

  # Print the high-level fiber information

  count = 0

  # iterate over all fibers
  for fiber in reader:
    count += 1
    # add the contribution of this fiber to the
    if numfibers > 0 and count >= numfibers:
    if count % 10000 == 0:
      print ("Processed {0} fibers".format(count) )

      #if count == 10000:
  del reader
  # Done adding edges
  fbrgraph.complete(centroids, atlases)

  fbrgraph.saveToIgraph(outfname, gformat=outformat)

  del fbrgraph
  print "\nGraph building complete in %.3f secs" % (time() - start)
Beispiel #2
def genGraph(infname, data_atlas_fn, outfname, bigGraph=False, \
    outformat="graphml", numfibers=0, centroids=True, graph_attrs={}, compress=False, **atlases):
	Generate a sparse igraph from an MRI file based on input and output names.
	We traverse fiber streamlines and map the voxels which they pass through to a brain region, as determined by an atlas. Big graphs have ROIs which are single voxels, whereas small graphs' ROIs are much larger and can be determined either by size, function, or any other method. Outputs a graphml formatted graph by default.

	**Positional Arguments**

			infname: [.dat; binary file]
					- MRIStudio format fiber streamlines.
			data_atlas_fn: [.nii; nifti image]
					- Region labels which will be used to parcellate the fibers.
			outfname: [.graphml; XML file]
					- Generated graph from fiber tracts.

	**Optional Arguments**
			bigGraph: [boolean] (default = False)
					- Flag indicating where to process a bigGraph=True or smallGraph=False.
			outformat: [string] (default = graphml)
					- Requested output format of graph. 	
			numfibers: [int] (default = 0)
					- The number of fibers to read/process. If 0, process all fibers.
			centroids: [boolean] (default = True)
					- Flag indicating whether to add centroids for the graph.
			graph_attrs: [dictionary] (default = {})
					- Dict with graph attributes to be added with key=attr_name, value=attr_value.
			atlases: [dictionary] (default = {})
					- Dict with key=atlas_fn, value=region_name_fn
			compress: [boolean] (default = False)
					- Flag for compressing graphs (useful for processing large quantities of big graphs)

  start = time()
  # Determine size of graph to be processed i.e pick a fibergraph module to import
  if bigGraph: from fibergraph_bg import FiberGraph
  else: from fibergraph_sm import FiberGraph

  # This ensures there is at least one atlas by default now
  if data_atlas_fn not in atlases:
    print "Adding default atlas"
    atlases[data_atlas_fn] = None

  rois = roi.ROIData(data_atlas_fn)

  # Create fiber reader
  reader = FiberReader(infname)

  # DM FIXME: Hacky -- we no longer read shape from fiber file so this happens :-/
  reader.shape =

  # Create the graph object
  # get dims from reader
  fbrgraph = FiberGraph (reader.shape, rois)

  print "Parsing MRI studio file {0}".format (infname)

  # Print the high-level fiber information
  print "Reader Header", reader

  count = 0

  # iterate over all fibers
  for fiber in reader:
    count += 1
    # add the contribution of this fiber to the
    if numfibers > 0 and count >= numfibers:
    if count % 10000 == 0:
      print ("Processed {0} fibers".format(count))

  del reader
  # Done adding edges
  fbrgraph.complete(centroids, graph_attrs, atlases)

  fbrgraph.saveToIgraph(outfname, gformat=outformat, compress=compress)

  del fbrgraph
  print "\nGraph building complete in %.3f secs" % (time() - start)