def make_wtvsparamval(self, allparams=True, paramlist=None): ''' template usage vs parameter value ''' if allparams: paramlist = set(self.test_metadata.colnames) & set(pca.metadata.colnames) paramlist = [n for n in paramlist if self.test_metadata[n].shape == (len(self.test_metadata), )] paramlist = sorted(paramlist) gs, fig = figures_tools.gen_gridspec_fig( len(paramlist), border=(1., 1., 0.5, 0.5), space=(0.7, 0.4), spsize=(2.5, 1.25)) subplot_inds = iterprod(range(gs._nrows), range(gs._ncols)) fig_axes = {n: fig.add_subplot(gs[ii, jj]) for (ii, jj), n in zip(subplot_inds, paramlist)} for n, ax in fig_axes.items(): ax.hist(self.trn_metadata[n].data, weights=self.trn_usage_cts, histtype='step', density=True) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylabel(r'density', size='x-small') ax.tick_params(labelsize='x-small') ax.set_xlabel(n.replace('_', '\_')) figures_tools.savefig(fig, fname='wtsvsparams.png', fdir=self.workdir)
def make_wtvsparamval(self, allparams=True, paramlist=None): ''' template usage vs parameter value ''' if allparams: paramlist = set(self.test_metadata.colnames) & set( pca.metadata.colnames) paramlist = [ n for n in paramlist if self.test_metadata[n].shape == (len(self.test_metadata), ) ] paramlist = sorted(paramlist) gs, fig = figures_tools.gen_gridspec_fig(len(paramlist), border=(1., 1., 0.5, 0.5), space=(0.7, 0.4), spsize=(2.5, 1.25)) subplot_inds = iterprod(range(gs._nrows), range(gs._ncols)) fig_axes = { n: fig.add_subplot(gs[ii, jj]) for (ii, jj), n in zip(subplot_inds, paramlist) } for n, ax in fig_axes.items(): ax.hist(self.trn_metadata[n].data, weights=self.trn_usage_cts, histtype='step', density=True) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylabel(r'density', size='x-small') ax.tick_params(labelsize='x-small') ax.set_xlabel(n.replace('_', '\_')) figures_tools.savefig(fig, fname='wtsvsparams.png', fdir=self.workdir)
def make_cosmic_sfr(CSP_dir): SFHs_fnames = glob.glob(os.path.join(CSP_dir, 'SFHs_*.fits')) nsubpersfh = fits.getval(SFHs_fnames[0], ext=0, keyword='NSUBPER') SFHs = np.row_stack( [fits.getdata(fn_, 'allsfhs') / fits.getdata(fn_, 'mformed')[::nsubpersfh, None] for fn_ in SFHs_fnames]) ts = fits.getdata(SFHs_fnames[0], 'allts') zs, zmasks = zip(*[masked_z_at_value(WMAP9.age, t_ * u.Gyr) for t_ in ts]) zs =, mask=zmasks) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) SFRDmean = SFHs.mean(axis=0) / WMAP9.scale_factor(zs)**3. ax.plot(1. / WMAP9.scale_factor(zs), SFRDmean / SFRDmean.max()) ax.set_xlim([1., 1. / WMAP9.scale_factor(10.)]) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim([.009, 1.05]) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\frac{1}{a}$', size='x-small') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\log{\psi}$', size='x-small') ax.tick_params(labelsize='x-small', which='both') ax_ = ax.twiny() ax_.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) zticks = np.linspace(0., 10., 11) inv_sf_ticks = 1. / WMAP9.scale_factor(zticks) ax_.set_xticks(inv_sf_ticks, minor=False) ax_.set_xticklabels(zticks) ax_.tick_params(labelsize='x-small') ax_.set_xlabel(r'$z$', size='x-small') fig.suptitle('``Cosmic" SFR', size='small') savefig(fig, 'CosmicSFR.png', CSP_dir, close=True)
def make_weightfig(self, xqty, yqty, xbds=[None, None], ybds=[None, None], logx=False, logy=False, xbins=20, ybins=20, overplot_ngroups=0): xdata = self.trn_metadata[xqty].data ydata = self.trn_metadata[yqty].data if logx: xdata = np.log10(xdata) if logy: ydata = np.log10(ydata) xbds = figures_tools.decide_lims_pctls(xdata, bds=xbds) ybds = figures_tools.decide_lims_pctls(ydata, bds=ybds) xbinedges = np.linspace(*xbds, xbins + 1) ybinedges = np.linspace(*ybds, ybins + 1) xbinctrs = 0.5 * (xbinedges[:-1] + xbinedges[1:]) ybinctrs = 0.5 * (ybinedges[:-1] + ybinedges[1:]) rawhist, *_ = np.histogram2d(xdata, ydata, bins=[xbinedges, ybinedges]) wthist, *_ = np.histogram2d(xdata, ydata, bins=[xbinedges, ybinedges], weights=self.trn_usage_cts) Xgrid, Ygrid = np.meshgrid(xbinctrs, ybinctrs, indexing='ij') fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) raw_cs = ax.contour(Xgrid, Ygrid, rawhist, colors='C0', linewidths=0.25) wtd_cs = ax.contour(Xgrid, Ygrid, wthist, colors='C1', linewidths=0.25) raw_cs.collections[-1].set_label('all') wtd_cs.collections[-1].set_label('wtd') if overplot_ngroups > 0: self._overplot_models(overplot_ngroups, ax, xdata, ydata) if (xqty[0] == 'C') and (yqty[0] == 'C'): self._add_color_arrow(c1=xqty, c2=yqty, ax=ax) ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel(xqty.replace('_', '\_'), size='x-small') ax.set_ylabel(yqty.replace('_', '\_'), size='x-small') fname = '_'.join(('wtfig', xqty, yqty)) + '.png' figures_tools.savefig(fig, fname=fname, fdir=self.workdir)
def make_weighthist(self, **kwargs): ''' histogram of total template usage ''' fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) histkws = dict(histtype='step', normed=True) histkws.update(**kwargs) bins = np.unique( np.logspace(0, np.log10(len(self.trn_usage_cts) + 1), 21, dtype=int)) - .5 ax.hist(self.trn_usage_cts + 1, bins=bins, **histkws) ax.set_xlabel(r'$N + 1$', size='x-small') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') fname = 'wthist.png' figures_tools.savefig(fig, fname=fname, fdir=self.workdir)
def make_weighthist(self, **kwargs): ''' histogram of total template usage ''' fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) histkws = dict(histtype='step', normed=True) histkws.update(**kwargs) bins = np.unique( np.logspace( 0, np.log10(len(self.trn_usage_cts) + 1), 21, dtype=int)) - .5 ax.hist(self.trn_usage_cts + 1, bins=bins, **histkws) ax.set_xlabel(r'$N + 1$', size='x-small') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') fname = 'wthist.png' figures_tools.savefig(fig, fname=fname, fdir=self.workdir)
def make_weightfig(self, xqty, yqty, xbds=[None, None], ybds=[None, None], logx=False, logy=False, xbins=20, ybins=20, overplot_ngroups=0): xdata = self.trn_metadata[xqty].data ydata = self.trn_metadata[yqty].data if logx: xdata = np.log10(xdata) if logy: ydata = np.log10(ydata) xbds = figures_tools.decide_lims_pctls(xdata, bds=xbds) ybds = figures_tools.decide_lims_pctls(ydata, bds=ybds) xbinedges = np.linspace(*xbds, xbins + 1) ybinedges = np.linspace(*ybds, ybins + 1) xbinctrs = 0.5 * (xbinedges[:-1] + xbinedges[1:]) ybinctrs = 0.5 * (ybinedges[:-1] + ybinedges[1:]) rawhist, *_ = np.histogram2d(xdata, ydata, bins=[xbinedges, ybinedges]) wthist, *_ = np.histogram2d(xdata, ydata, bins=[xbinedges, ybinedges], weights=self.trn_usage_cts) Xgrid, Ygrid = np.meshgrid(xbinctrs, ybinctrs, indexing='ij') fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) raw_cs = ax.contour( Xgrid, Ygrid, rawhist, colors='C0', linewidths=0.25) wtd_cs = ax.contour( Xgrid, Ygrid, wthist, colors='C1', linewidths=0.25) raw_cs.collections[-1].set_label('all') wtd_cs.collections[-1].set_label('wtd') if overplot_ngroups > 0: self._overplot_models(overplot_ngroups, ax, xdata, ydata) if (xqty[0] == 'C') and (yqty[0] == 'C'): self._add_color_arrow(c1=xqty, c2=yqty, ax=ax) ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel(xqty.replace('_', '\_'), size='x-small') ax.set_ylabel(yqty.replace('_', '\_'), size='x-small') fname = '_'.join(('wtfig', xqty, yqty)) + '.png' figures_tools.savefig(fig, fname=fname, fdir=self.workdir)
def make_cosmic_sfr(CSP_dir): SFHs_fnames = glob.glob(os.path.join(CSP_dir, 'SFHs_*.fits')) nsubpersfh = fits.getval(SFHs_fnames[0], ext=0, keyword='NSUBPER') SFHs = np.row_stack([ fits.getdata(fn_, 'allsfhs') / fits.getdata(fn_, 'mformed')[::nsubpersfh, None] for fn_ in SFHs_fnames ]) ts = fits.getdata(SFHs_fnames[0], 'allts') zs, zmasks = zip(*[masked_z_at_value(WMAP9.age, t_ * u.Gyr) for t_ in ts]) zs =, mask=zmasks) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) SFRDmean = SFHs.mean(axis=0) / WMAP9.scale_factor(zs)**3. ax.plot(1. / WMAP9.scale_factor(zs), SFRDmean / SFRDmean.max()) ax.set_xlim([1., 1. / WMAP9.scale_factor(10.)]) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim([.009, 1.05]) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\frac{1}{a}$', size='x-small') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\log{\psi}$', size='x-small') ax.tick_params(labelsize='x-small', which='both') ax_ = ax.twiny() ax_.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) zticks = np.linspace(0., 10., 11) inv_sf_ticks = 1. / WMAP9.scale_factor(zticks) ax_.set_xticks(inv_sf_ticks, minor=False) ax_.set_xticklabels(zticks) ax_.tick_params(labelsize='x-small') ax_.set_xlabel(r'$z$', size='x-small') fig.suptitle('``Cosmic" SFR', size='small') savefig(fig, 'CosmicSFR.png', CSP_dir, close=True)
def make_color_compare(CSP_dir, mpl_v, n_obs=10, model_zcolors=False, randomseed=None, snr_min=5.): ''' make (g-r) vs (r-i) plot ''' if randomseed is not None: np.random.seed(randomseed) drpall = m.load_drpall(mpl_v, index='plateifu') drpall = drpall[(drpall['mngtarg2'] == 0) * (drpall['nsa_z'] != -9999)] plateifus = np.random.choice(drpall['plateifu'], replace=False, size=n_obs) # cols are g, r, and i fluxes in order obs_fluxes = [ m.get_gal_bpfluxes(*plateifu.split('-'), mpl_v, ['g', 'r', 'i'], snr_min) for plateifu in plateifus ] obs_ext = np.concatenate([ np.repeat(drpall.loc[plateifu]['nsa_extinction'][None, 3:6], f.shape[0], axis=0) for f, plateifu in zip(obs_fluxes, plateifus) ]) obs_fluxes = np.row_stack(obs_fluxes) integrated_g = drpall['nsa_elpetro_absmag'][:, 3] - \ drpall['nsa_extinction'][:, 3] integrated_r = drpall['nsa_elpetro_absmag'][:, 4] - \ drpall['nsa_extinction'][:, 4] integrated_i = drpall['nsa_elpetro_absmag'][:, 5] - \ drpall['nsa_extinction'][:, 5] integrated_gr = integrated_g - integrated_r integrated_ri = integrated_r - integrated_i obs_gr = -2.5 * np.log10(obs_fluxes[:, 0] / obs_fluxes[:, 1]) - \ (obs_ext[:, 0] - obs_ext[:, 1]) obs_ri = -2.5 * np.log10(obs_fluxes[:, 1] / obs_fluxes[:, 2]) - \ (obs_ext[:, 1] - obs_ext[:, 2]) models_fnames = glob.glob(os.path.join(CSP_dir, 'CSPs_*.fits')) if model_zcolors: color1 = 'Cgr_z015' color2 = 'Cri_z015' color1TeX = r'$^{.15}C_{gr}$' color2TeX = r'$^{.15}C_{ri}$' else: color1 = 'Cgr' color2 = 'Cri' color1TeX = r'$C_{gr}$' color2TeX = r'$C_{ri}$' models_colors = t.vstack( [[color1, color2] for fn_ in models_fnames]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='scatter_density') ax.scatter([-100], [-100], c='g', s=1, marker='s', label='models') ax.scatter([-100], [-100], c='b', s=1, marker='s', label='spax') ax.scatter([-100], [-100], c='r', s=1, marker='s', label='integrated') ax.scatter_density(obs_gr, obs_ri, color='b') ax.scatter_density(models_colors[color1], models_colors[color2], color='g') #ax.scatter_density(integrated_gr, integrated_ri, color='r') ax.set_xlim([-.2, 1.4]) ax.set_ylim([-.1, 0.6]) ax.set_xlabel(color1TeX, size='small') ax.set_ylabel(color2TeX, size='small') ax.legend(loc='best') fig.suptitle(CSP_dir.replace('_', '-'), size='x-small') fig.tight_layout() ax.tick_params(labelsize='x-small') basename = 'Cgr_Cri' if model_zcolors: basename = '_'.join((basename, 'z015')) savefig(fig, ''.join((basename, '.png')), CSP_dir, close=True)
def savefig(self): savefig(self.fig, fname='snr_vs_goodpdf.png', fdir='.')
def make_color_compare(CSP_dir, mpl_v, n_obs=10, model_zcolors=False, randomseed=None, snr_min=5.): ''' make (g-r) vs (r-i) plot ''' if randomseed is not None: np.random.seed(randomseed) drpall = m.load_drpall(mpl_v, index='plateifu') drpall = drpall[(drpall['mngtarg2'] == 0) * (drpall['nsa_z'] != -9999)] plateifus = np.random.choice(drpall['plateifu'], replace=False, size=n_obs) # cols are g, r, and i fluxes in order obs_fluxes = [m.get_gal_bpfluxes(*plateifu.split('-'), mpl_v, ['g', 'r', 'i'], snr_min) for plateifu in plateifus] obs_ext = np.concatenate( [np.repeat(drpall.loc[plateifu]['nsa_extinction'][None, 3:6], f.shape[0], axis=0) for f, plateifu in zip(obs_fluxes, plateifus)]) obs_fluxes = np.row_stack(obs_fluxes) integrated_g = drpall['nsa_elpetro_absmag'][:, 3] - \ drpall['nsa_extinction'][:, 3] integrated_r = drpall['nsa_elpetro_absmag'][:, 4] - \ drpall['nsa_extinction'][:, 4] integrated_i = drpall['nsa_elpetro_absmag'][:, 5] - \ drpall['nsa_extinction'][:, 5] integrated_gr = integrated_g - integrated_r integrated_ri = integrated_r - integrated_i obs_gr = -2.5 * np.log10(obs_fluxes[:, 0] / obs_fluxes[:, 1]) - \ (obs_ext[:, 0] - obs_ext[:, 1]) obs_ri = -2.5 * np.log10(obs_fluxes[:, 1] / obs_fluxes[:, 2]) - \ (obs_ext[:, 1] - obs_ext[:, 2]) models_fnames = glob.glob(os.path.join(CSP_dir, 'CSPs_*.fits')) if model_zcolors: color1 = 'Cgr_z015' color2 = 'Cri_z015' color1TeX = r'$^{.15}C_{gr}$' color2TeX = r'$^{.15}C_{ri}$' else: color1 = 'Cgr' color2 = 'Cri' color1TeX = r'$C_{gr}$' color2TeX = r'$C_{ri}$' models_colors = t.vstack([[color1, color2] for fn_ in models_fnames]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='scatter_density') ax.scatter([-100], [-100], c='g', s=1, marker='s', label='models') ax.scatter([-100], [-100], c='b', s=1, marker='s', label='spax') ax.scatter([-100], [-100], c='r', s=1, marker='s', label='integrated') ax.scatter_density(obs_gr, obs_ri, color='b') ax.scatter_density(models_colors[color1], models_colors[color2], color='g') #ax.scatter_density(integrated_gr, integrated_ri, color='r') ax.set_xlim([-.2, 1.4]) ax.set_ylim([-.1, 0.6]) ax.set_xlabel(color1TeX, size='small') ax.set_ylabel(color2TeX, size='small') ax.legend(loc='best') fig.suptitle(CSP_dir.replace('_', '-'), size='x-small') fig.tight_layout() ax.tick_params(labelsize='x-small') basename = 'Cgr_Cri' if model_zcolors: basename = '_'.join((basename, 'z015')) savefig(fig, ''.join((basename, '.png')), CSP_dir, close=True)