Beispiel #1
def fromFile(filename, **kwargs):
  """fromFile(filename, [background='' or True]): 
  Load Image from filename with optional background file or constant to subtract.

  fromFile('image.img', background = 'filename') => load background file and subtract (SLOW!)
  fromFile('background.img', background=True, [filter='median']) => load background.img as background file
  fromFile('image.img', background=100) => subtract 100 from image as background level

  bg = kwargs.pop('background', False)
  roi = kwargs.pop('roi', None)
    img = Stack(fileIO.add_img_ext(filename), **kwargs)
  except IOError:
    raise IOError("File %s can't be found/loaded" % filename)

  if bg is True:
    return img.toBackground(**kwargs)
  elif isinstance(bg,str):
    bg = Stack(bg)

  result = img - bg
  if roi is not None:
    rois = ROI.fromFile(roi)
  return result
Beispiel #2
def fromFile(filename, background=None, **kwargs):
  """fromFile(filename, [background='' or True]): 
  Load Image from filename with optional background file or constant to subtract.

  fromFile('image.img', background = 'filename') => load background file and subtract (SLOW!)
  fromFile('image.img', background=100) => subtract 100 from image as background level
  roi = kwargs.pop('roi', None)
  img = Stack.fromfile(fileIO.add_img_ext(filename))

  bgimg = fromBackground(background)
  bg_exposure = bgimg.metadata['exposurems']
  if not isinstance(bgimg, ConstantStack) and bg_exposure != img.metadata['exposurems']:
    print '''WARNING Trying to subtract background with exposure time {} 
      from image with exposure time {}'''.format(
  img.metadata['background'] = bgimg.metadata['filename'] or background
  img -= bgimg

  if roi is not None:
    if isinstance(roi, basestring):
      roi = ROI.fromFile(roi)
  return img
Beispiel #3
def loadimg(p, directory='.', **kwargs):
  '''Return the Stack image using ROI and background stored in experiment metadata.
  Must be in current or specified directory.
  filename = p.filename if directory=='.' else opath.join(directory, p.filename)
  meta = p.fret.metadata
  if 'roi' not in kwargs:
    # If keyword roi= is not specified,
    # get the ROIs from the experiment metadata
    rois = [ meta[roi_key] 
      for roi_key in ('roi_donor', 'roi_acceptor')
      if roi_key in meta
    kwargs['roi'] = map(ROI.fromDict, rois)
  kwargs.setdefault('background', meta.get('background', '') )
  return image.fromFile(fileIO.add_img_ext(filename), **kwargs)
Beispiel #4
 def loadimg(self, path='.', **kwargs):
   filename = self.filename
   return image.Stack(fileIO.add_img_ext(filename))
   return image.fromFile(filename, **kwargs)