Beispiel #1
def main():
    """Main function for calling others"""
    parsing = ArgumentParser()
    rooms_file, students_file = parsing.args_info()
    example = FileReader()
    rooms = example.file_reader(rooms_file)
    students = example.file_reader(students_file)
    new_info = Distribution(rooms, students).student_distribution()
    result = JsonExporter(new_info).unloading()
Beispiel #2
# importing the needed stuff
from custom_map import IndexMap
from file_reader import FileReader

# creating an instance of the indexMap map > and read the index file to extract the map from it
current_index_map = IndexMap()
index_map = current_index_map.read_file()

# ask the user what document he wants to use ** the user must have added the document to the file collection  or it
# wont work > then ask the user if he want the document with stopwords or not
# I have added some documents to the collection if you want to try them out
document_name = input(
    'what is the name of the document that you want to index? ')
should_remove = str.lower(
    input('should I index with the stop words pls answer with yes or no? '))

# creating an instance of the FileReader
files = FileReader(doc_id=document_name,
# read the file

# write it back to the index document