Beispiel #1
def segment(folder, params):
	Segment all layers in a folder
    #create folders for the output
        params.inputfolder + '../segmented/masks/glomeruli/' + folder,
        params.inputfolder + '../segmented/masks/kidney/' + folder,
        params.inputfolder + '../log/' + folder

    start = time.time()
    #list all files in the folder
    files = filelib.list_image_files(params.inputfolder + folder)

    params.folder = folder

    #segment all layers in parallel
                       procname='Segmentation of glomeruli')
    #	segment_layer(files[50], params)
    t = pd.Series({
        'Segmentation': time.time() - start,
        'threads': params.max_threads
    t.to_csv(params.inputfolder + '../log/' + folder + 'Segmentation.csv',
def quantify(folder, params):
	Quantify a stack
	if not os.path.exists(params.inputfolder + '../statistics/' + folder[:-1] + '.csv'):
		#list files in the folder
		files = filelib.list_image_files(params.inputfolder + folder)

		#create a folder for statistics
		filelib.make_folders([params.inputfolder + '../statistics/' + filelib.return_path(folder[:-1] + '.csv')])

		#extract voxel size
		xsize, zsize = extract_zoom(folder)

		#compute volume of the kidney
		kidney_volume = 0

		for i in range(len(files)):
			ind = np.load(params.inputfolder + '../segmented/masks/' + folder + files[i][:-4] + '.npy')
			kidney_volume = kidney_volume + len(ind[0])

		stat = pd.DataFrame()		
		stat['Kidney_volume'] = [kidney_volume*xsize**2*zsize]
		stat['Image_name'] = folder[:-1]
		stat.to_csv(params.inputfolder + '../statistics/' + folder[:-1] + '.csv', sep = '\t')
def segment(folder, params):
	Segment all layers in a folder

	#create folders for the output
	filelib.make_folders([params.inputfolder + '../segmented/outlines/' + folder, params.inputfolder + '../segmented/masks/' + folder])

	#list all files in the folder
	files = filelib.list_image_files(params.inputfolder + folder)
	ind = np.int_(np.arange(0, len(files), 10))
	files = np.array(files)[ind]

	if not len(filelib.list_image_files(params.inputfolder + '../segmented/masks/' + folder)) == len(files):
		params.folder = folder

		#segment all layers in parallel
		boost.run_parallel(process = segment_layer, files = files, params = params, procname = 'Segmentation of glomeruli')
Beispiel #4
def quantify(folder, params):
	Quantify a stack
    start = time.time()
    #list files in the folder
    files = filelib.list_image_files(params.inputfolder + folder)

    #create a folder for statistics
        params.inputfolder + '../statistics/' +
        filelib.return_path(folder[:-1] + '.csv')

    #extract voxel size
    xsize, zsize = extract_zoom(folder)

    #compute volume of the kidney
    kidney_volume = 0

    for i in range(len(files)):
        ind = np.load(params.inputfolder + '../segmented/masks/kidney/' +
                      folder + files[i][:-4] + '.npy')
        kidney_volume = kidney_volume + len(ind[0])

    #compute glomeruli characteristics
    maxvol = 4. / 3 * np.pi * float(params.maxrad)**3  #maximal allowed volume
    minvol = 4. / 3 * np.pi * float(params.minrad)**3  #minimal allowed volume

    print 'load data', len(files)
    ind0 = []
    ind1 = []
    ind2 = []
    label = []

    for i in range(len(files)):
        ind = np.load(params.inputfolder + '../segmented/labels/glomeruli/' +
                      folder + files[i][:-4] + '.npy')
        ind0.append(np.ones_like(ind[1]) * i)

    ind0 = np.hstack(ind0)
    ind1 = np.hstack(ind1)
    ind2 = np.hstack(ind2)
    label = np.hstack(label)

    llist = np.unique(label)
    volumes = ndimage.sum((label > 0) * 1., label, llist) * xsize**2 * zsize
    ind = np.where((volumes < maxvol) & (volumes > minvol))
    volumes = volumes[ind]
    llist = llist[ind]
    sizes = 2 * pow(3. / 4 * volumes / np.pi, 1. / 3)
    stat = pd.DataFrame({'Label': llist, 'Diameter': sizes, 'Volume': volumes})
    stat['Image_name'] = folder[:-1]
    stat['Kidney_volume'] = kidney_volume * xsize**2 * zsize

    stat.to_csv(params.inputfolder + '../statistics/' + folder[:-1] + '.csv',

    t = pd.Series({'Quantification': time.time() - start})
    t.to_csv(params.inputfolder + '../log/' + folder + 'Quantification.csv',
Beispiel #5
def label_cells(folder, params):
	label connected objects in a stack
    start = time.time()

    #list files in the folder
    files = filelib.list_image_files(params.inputfolder + folder)

    #make output folder for labels
        [params.inputfolder + '../segmented/labels/glomeruli/' + folder])

    #initiate labelling
    num = 0
    shape = tifffile.imread(
        params.inputfolder + folder + files[0][:-4] +
        '.tif').shape  #get image dimensions from the first image
    mask = load_mask(params.inputfolder + '../segmented/masks/glomeruli/' +
                     folder + files[0][:-4] + '.npy',
                     shape)  #load the first mask
    l0 = np.zeros_like(mask)

    labels = []
    limsize = int(float(params.maxrad))
    nfiles = list(np.array(files))

    for i in range(len(files)):
        mask = load_mask(
            params.inputfolder + '../segmented/masks/glomeruli/' + folder +
            files[i][:-4] + '.npy', shape)
        l, n = ndimage.label(mask)
        mask = (mask > 0) * 1.

        for j in range(n):
            ind = np.where(l == j + 1)
            ls = np.unique(l0[ind])
            ls = ls[np.where(ls > 0)]
            if len(ls) == 0:
                num += 1
                labels[-1][ind] = num

            if len(ls) == 1:
                labels[-1][ind] = ls[0]

            if len(ls) > 1:
                labels[-1][ind] = ls[0]
                for k in range(1, len(ls)):
                    for s in range(len(labels)):
                        labels[s] = np.where(labels[s] == ls[k], ls[0],
        l0 = labels[-1]

        #if number of layers exceeds limit, save the first layer
        if len(labels) > limsize:
            mask = labels.pop(0)
            fname = nfiles.pop(0)
            ind = np.where(mask > 0)
            lb = mask[ind]
                params.inputfolder + '../segmented/labels/glomeruli/' +
                folder + fname[:-4] + '.npy', np.array([lb, ind[0], ind[1]]))

    #save remaining layers
    for i in range(len(labels)):
        mask = labels.pop(0)
        fname = nfiles.pop(0)
        ind = np.where(mask > 0)
        lb = mask[ind]
            params.inputfolder + '../segmented/labels/glomeruli/' + folder +
            fname[:-4] + '.npy', np.array([lb, ind[0], ind[1]]))

    t = pd.Series({'Labelling': time.time() - start})
    t.to_csv(params.inputfolder + '../log/' + folder + 'Labelling.csv',
Beispiel #6
def quantify(folder, params):
	Quantify a stack
    start = time.time()
    #list files in the folder
    files = filelib.list_image_files(params.inputfolder + folder)

    #create a folder for statistics
        params.inputfolder + '../statistics/' +
        filelib.return_path(folder[:-1] + '.csv')

    #extract voxel size
    xsize, zsize = extract_zoom(folder)
    print("xsize: " + str(xsize) + ", zsize: " + str(zsize))

    #compute volume of the kidney
    kidney_volume = 0

    for i in range(len(files)):
        ind = np.load(params.inputfolder + '../segmented/masks/kidney/' +
                      folder + files[i][:-4] + '.npy')
        kidney_volume = kidney_volume + len(ind[0])

    #compute glomeruli characteristics
    maxvol = np.pi * float(params.maxrad)**2  #maximal allowed area
    minvol = np.pi * float(params.minrad)**2  #minimal allowed area

    print 'load data', len(files)
    ind0 = []
    ind1 = []
    ind2 = []
    label = []

    for i in range(len(files)):
        ind = np.load(params.inputfolder + '../segmented/labels/glomeruli/' +
                      folder + files[i][:-4] + '.npy')
        ind0.append(np.ones_like(ind[1]) * i)

    ind0 = np.hstack(ind0)
    ind1 = np.hstack(ind1)
    ind2 = np.hstack(ind2)
    label = np.hstack(label)

    llist = np.unique(label)
    volumes = ndimage.sum(
        (label > 0) * 1., label,
        llist) * xsize * xsize  # Modification: Calculate areas
    ind = np.where((volumes < maxvol) & (volumes > minvol))
    volumes = volumes[ind]
    llist = llist[ind]
    sizes = 2 * np.sqrt(volumes / np.pi)
    stat = pd.DataFrame({'Label': llist, 'Diameter': sizes, 'Volume': volumes})
    stat['Image_name'] = folder[:-1]
    stat['Kidney_volume'] = kidney_volume * xsize**2

    stat.to_csv(params.inputfolder + '../statistics/' + folder[:-1] + '.csv',

    t = pd.Series({'Quantification': time.time() - start})
    t.to_csv(params.inputfolder + '../log/' + folder + 'Quantification.csv',

    shape = tifffile.imread(
        params.inputfolder + folder + files[0][:-4] +
        '.tif').shape  # get image dimensions from the first image
    for i in range(len(files)):
        ind = np.load(params.inputfolder + '../segmented/labels/glomeruli/' +
                      folder + files[i][:-4] + '.npy')
        lbl = ind[0]
        mask = np.ones(len(lbl), np.bool)
        mask[not lbl in llist] = 0
        lbl[mask] = 0
        lbl = np.reshape(lbl, shape)
            params.inputfolder + '../segmented/labels/glomeruli/' +
            params.folder + files[i][:-4] + '.tif', lbl.astype(
Beispiel #7
def label_cells(folder, params):
	label connected objects in a stack
    start = time.time()

    #list files in the folder
    files = filelib.list_image_files(params.inputfolder + folder)

    #make output folder for labels
        [params.inputfolder + '../segmented/labels/glomeruli/' + folder])

    #initiate labelling
    num = 0
    shape = tifffile.imread(
        params.inputfolder + folder + files[0][:-4] +
        '.tif').shape  #get image dimensions from the first image
    mask = load_mask(params.inputfolder + '../segmented/masks/glomeruli/' +
                     folder + files[0][:-4] + '.npy',
                     shape)  #load the first mask
    l0 = np.zeros_like(mask)  # Label for last layer

    labels = []
    limsize = int(float(params.maxrad))
    nfiles = list(np.array(files))

    for i in range(len(files)):  # Go through each image (in order)
        mask = load_mask(
            params.inputfolder + '../segmented/masks/glomeruli/' + folder +
            files[i][:-4] + '.npy', shape)
        l, n = ndimage.label(mask)  # Label the image
        mask = (mask > 0) * 1.

        )  # Create a new label image initialized with 0 and add it to the list
        for j in range(n):  # For each label:
            ind = np.where(
                l == j +
                1)  ## Get all indices where the current label is (j + 1)
            ls = np.unique(
            )  # Get all labels in last layer where current label is (j + 1)
            ls = ls[np.where(ls > 0)]  # Only consider non-background
            if len(ls) == 0:  # If there is no connection, create a new label
                num += 1
                labels[-1][ind] = num

            if len(
            ) == 1:  # If there is a connection to 1 specific id, rename the current layer (labels[-1]) label
                labels[-1][ind] = ls[0]

            if len(
            ) > 1:  # If there are multiple connections, synchronize them
                labels[-1][ind] = ls[
                    0]  # Assign current label from last label (for the first)
                for k in range(
                        1, len(ls)
                ):  # Go through all last labels (except the first one)
                    for s in range(len(
                            labels)):  # Go through the list of stored labels
                        labels[s] = np.where(
                            labels[s] == ls[k], ls[0],
                            labels[s])  #Replace all ls[k] with ls[0]
        l0 = labels[-1]

        #if number of layers exceeds limit, save the first layer
        if len(labels) > limsize:
            mask = labels.pop(0)
            fname = nfiles.pop(0)
            ind = np.where(mask > 0)
            lb = mask[ind]
                params.inputfolder + '../segmented/labels/glomeruli/' +
                folder + fname[:-4] + '.npy', np.array([lb, ind[0], ind[1]]))

    #save remaining layers
    for i in range(len(labels)):
        mask = labels.pop(0)
        fname = nfiles.pop(0)
        ind = np.where(mask > 0)
        lb = mask[ind]
            params.inputfolder + '../segmented/labels/glomeruli/' + folder +
            fname[:-4] + '.npy', np.array([lb, ind[0], ind[1]]))

    t = pd.Series({'Labelling': time.time() - start})
    t.to_csv(params.inputfolder + '../log/' + folder + 'Labelling.csv',