Beispiel #1
    def _get_dl(self, s):

        if self.dataset == "opportunity":
            from filternet.datasets.opportunity import get_x_y_contig
        elif self.dataset == "smartphone_hapt":
            from filternet.datasets.smartphone_hapt import get_x_y_contig
        elif self.dataset == "har":
            from filternet.datasets.har import get_x_y_contig
        elif self.dataset == "intention_recognition":
            from filternet.datasets.intention_recognition import get_x_y_contig
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown dataset {self.dataset}")

        kwargs = {}
        if self.y_cols:
            kwargs["y_cols"] = self.y_cols
        if self.sensor_subset:
            kwargs["sensor_subset"] = self.sensor_subset

        Xc, ycs, data_spec = get_x_y_contig(s, **kwargs)

        if s == "train":
            # Training shuffles, and we set epoch size to length of the dataset. We can set train_step as
            # small as we want to get more windows; we'll only run len(Sc)/win_len of them in each training
            # epoch.
            self.epoch_iters = int(len(Xc) / self.decimation)
            X, ys = sliding_window_x_y(
                Xc, ycs, win_len=self.win_len, step=self.train_step, shuffle=False
            # Set the overall data spec using the training set,
            #  and modify later if more info is needed.
            self.data_spec = data_spec
            # Val and test data are not shuffled.
            # Each point is inferred ~twice b/c step = win_len/2
            X, ys = sliding_window_x_y(
                step=int(self.win_len / 2),
                shuffle=False,  # Cannot be true with windows

        dl = DataLoader(
            TensorDataset(torch.Tensor(X), *[torch.Tensor(y).long() for y in ys]),
            shuffle=True if s == "train" else False,
        return dl
Beispiel #2
def x_y_dict():
    wl = 64
    xys = {}
    for which_set in ["train", "val", "test"]:
        Xc, ycs, data_spec = opp.get_x_y_contig(which_set)

        X, ys = sliding_window_x_y(Xc, ycs, win_len=wl)

        assert X.shape[1] == 113
        assert X.shape[2] == wl
        assert ys[0].shape[1] == wl

        xys["X_" + which_set] = torch.Tensor(X)
        xys["ys_" + which_set] = [torch.Tensor(y).long() for y in ys]
    xys["win_len"] = wl
    return xys
def test_get_x_y(dfs_dict):
    lens = {}
    for which_set in ["train", "train+val", "val", "test"]:
        Xc, ycs, data_spec = ds.get_x_y_contig(which_set, dfs_dict=dfs_dict)
        wl = 128
        X, ys = sliding_window_x_y(Xc, ycs, win_len=wl)

        assert X.shape[1] == data_spec["input_channels"]
        assert X.shape[2] == wl
        for y in ys:
            assert y.shape[1] == wl

        lens[which_set] = len(Xc)
        assert len(data_spec["input_features"]) == data_spec["input_channels"]
        assert data_spec["n_outputs"] == len(data_spec["output_spec"])

        for o in data_spec["output_spec"]:
            assert "name" in o
            assert o["num_classes"] == len(o["classes"])

        assert "dataset_name" in data_spec

    assert lens["train"] + lens["val"] == lens["train+val"]