Beispiel #1
def find_power_larminie(current_density, fuel_cell, sign=1.0):
    Function that determines the power output per cell, based on in 
    input current density
    None(calls other functions)
    current_density      [Amps/m**2]
    fuel cell.
        interface area   [m**2]
    power_out            [W]
    # sign variable is used so that you can maximize the power, by minimizing the -power
    i1            = current_density
    A             = fuel_cell.interface_area
    v             = find_voltage_larminie(fuel_cell,current_density)  #useful voltage vector
    power_out     = sign* np.multiply(v,i1)*A       #obtain power output in W/cell
    #want to minimize
    return power_out
def find_power_larminie(current_density, fuel_cell, sign=1.0):
    Function that determines the power output per cell, based on in 
    input current density
    None(calls other functions)
    current_density      [Amps/m**2]
    fuel cell.
        interface area   [m**2]
    power_out            [W]

    # sign variable is used so that you can maximize the power, by minimizing the -power
    i1 = current_density
    A = fuel_cell.interface_area
    v = find_voltage_larminie(fuel_cell,
                              current_density)  #useful voltage vector
    power_out = sign * np.multiply(v, i1) * A  #obtain power output in W/cell

    #want to minimize
    return power_out
def find_power_larminie(current_density, fuel_cell, sign=1.0): #adds a battery that is optimized based on power and energy requirements and technology
    #sign variable is used so that you can maximize the power, by minimizing the -power
    i1            = current_density/(Units.mA/(**2.)) 
    A             = fuel_cell.interface_area/(**2.)
    v             = find_voltage_larminie(fuel_cell,current_density)                                          #useful voltage vector
    power_out     = sign* np.divide(np.multiply(v,i1),1000.0)*A              #obtain power output in W/cell
    #want to minimize
    return power_out
Beispiel #4
def find_power_larminie(current_density, fuel_cell, sign=1.0):

    # sign variable is used so that you can maximize the power, by minimizing the -power
    i1 = current_density / (Units.mA / (**2.))
    A = fuel_cell.interface_area / (**2.)
    v = find_voltage_larminie(fuel_cell,
                              current_density)  #useful voltage vector
    power_out = sign * np.divide(np.multiply(v, i1),
                                 1000.0) * A  #obtain power output in W/cell

    #want to minimize
    return power_out
Beispiel #5
def larminie(
    fuel_cell, conditions, numerics
):  #adds a battery that is optimized based on power and energy requirements and technology
    power = fuel_cell.inputs.power_in
    lb = .1 * Units.mA / (**2.
                          )  #lower bound on fuel cell current density
    ub = 1200.0 * Units.mA / (**2.)
    current_density = np.zeros_like(power)
    for i in range(len(power)):
        current_density[i] = sp.optimize.fminbound(find_power_diff_larminie,
                                                   args=(fuel_cell, power[i]))
    v = find_voltage_larminie(fuel_cell, current_density)
    efficiency = np.divide(v, fuel_cell.ideal_voltage)
    print 'efficiency=', efficiency
    print 'current_density=', current_density
    print 'v=', v
    mdot = np.divide(
        power, np.multiply(fuel_cell.propellant.specific_energy, efficiency))
    A             = fuel_cell.interface_area/(**2.)
    r             = fuel_cell.r/(Units.kohm/(**2))
    Eoc           = fuel_cell.Eoc 
    A1            = fuel_cell.A1  
    m             = fuel_cell.m   
    n             = fuel_cell.n   
    power         = fuel_cell.inputs.power_in  
    i1            = np.linspace(.1,1200.0,200.0)*Units.mA/**2                                                     #current density(mA cm^-2): use vector of these with interpolation to find values
    v             = Eoc-r*i1-A1*np.log(i1)-m*np.exp(n*i1)                                                                 #useful voltage vector
    efficiency    = np.divide(v,1.48)                                                                                     #efficiency of the cell vs voltage
    p             = fuel_cell.number_of_cells* np.divide(np.multiply(v,i1),1000.0)*A                                      #obtain power output in W
    imax          = np.argmax(p)
    if power.any()>p[imax]:            
        print "Warning, maximum power output of fuel cell exceeded"
    p             = np.resize(p,imax+1)                                                                                  #resize vector such that it only goes to max power to prevent ambiguity
    print len(power)
    print len(efficiency)
    mdot_vec      = np.divide(power,np.multiply(fuel_cell.propellant.specific_energy,efficiency))                        #mass flow rate of the fuel based on fuel cell efficiency              
    ip            = np.argmin(np.abs(p-power))                                                                           #find index such that that operating power is equal to required power 
    v1            = v[ip]                                                                                                #operating voltage of a single stack    
    efficiency_out= efficiency[ip] 
    mdot          = np.divide(power,np.multiply(fuel_cell.propellant.specific_energy,efficiency_out))                    #mass flow rate of hydrogen
    return mdot
def larminie(fuel_cell,conditions,numerics): #adds a battery that is optimized based on power and energy requirements and technology
    power           = fuel_cell.inputs.power_in  
    lb              =.1*Units.mA/(**2.)    #lower bound on fuel cell current density
    ub              =1200.0*Units.mA/(**2.)
    current_density =np.zeros_like(power)
    for i in range(len(power)):
        current_density[i] =sp.optimize.fminbound(find_power_diff_larminie, lb, ub, args=(fuel_cell, power[i]))
    v               =find_voltage_larminie(fuel_cell,current_density)
    efficiency      =np.divide(v, fuel_cell.ideal_voltage)
    print 'efficiency=', efficiency
    print 'current_density=', current_density
    print 'v=', v
    mdot            = np.divide(power,np.multiply(fuel_cell.propellant.specific_energy,efficiency))
    A             = fuel_cell.interface_area/(**2.)
    r             = fuel_cell.r/(Units.kohm/(**2))
    Eoc           = fuel_cell.Eoc 
    A1            = fuel_cell.A1  
    m             = fuel_cell.m   
    n             = fuel_cell.n   
    power         = fuel_cell.inputs.power_in  
    i1            = np.linspace(.1,1200.0,200.0)*Units.mA/**2                                                     #current density(mA cm^-2): use vector of these with interpolation to find values
    v             = Eoc-r*i1-A1*np.log(i1)-m*np.exp(n*i1)                                                                 #useful voltage vector
    efficiency    = np.divide(v,1.48)                                                                                     #efficiency of the cell vs voltage
    p             = fuel_cell.number_of_cells* np.divide(np.multiply(v,i1),1000.0)*A                                      #obtain power output in W
    imax          = np.argmax(p)
    if power.any()>p[imax]:            
        print "Warning, maximum power output of fuel cell exceeded"
    p             = np.resize(p,imax+1)                                                                                  #resize vector such that it only goes to max power to prevent ambiguity
    print len(power)
    print len(efficiency)
    mdot_vec      = np.divide(power,np.multiply(fuel_cell.propellant.specific_energy,efficiency))                        #mass flow rate of the fuel based on fuel cell efficiency              
    ip            = np.argmin(np.abs(p-power))                                                                           #find index such that that operating power is equal to required power 
    v1            = v[ip]                                                                                                #operating voltage of a single stack    
    efficiency_out= efficiency[ip] 
    mdot          = np.divide(power,np.multiply(fuel_cell.propellant.specific_energy,efficiency_out))                    #mass flow rate of hydrogen
    return mdot
Beispiel #7
def larminie(fuel_cell, conditions, numerics):
    function that determines the mass flow rate based on a required power input
    None (calls other functions)
            power_in       [W]
        ideal_voltage      [V] 
        mdot               [kg/s]

    power = fuel_cell.inputs.power_in
    lb = .1 * Units.mA / (**2.
                          )  #lower bound on fuel cell current density
    ub = 1200.0 * Units.mA / (**2.)
    current_density = np.zeros_like(power)

    for i in xrange(len(power)):
        current_density[i] = sp.optimize.fminbound(find_power_diff_larminie,
                                                   args=(fuel_cell, power[i]))

    v = find_voltage_larminie(fuel_cell, current_density)
    efficiency = np.divide(v, fuel_cell.ideal_voltage)
    mdot = np.divide(
        power, np.multiply(fuel_cell.propellant.specific_energy, efficiency))

    print 'efficiency=', efficiency
    print 'current_density=', current_density
    print 'v=', v

    return mdot
Beispiel #8
def larminie(fuel_cell,conditions,numerics):

    power           = fuel_cell.inputs.power_in  
    lb              = .1*Units.mA/(**2.)    #lower bound on fuel cell current density
    ub              = 1200.0*Units.mA/(**2.)
    current_density = np.zeros_like(power)
    for i in xrange(len(power)):
        current_density[i] = sp.optimize.fminbound(find_power_diff_larminie, lb, ub, args=(fuel_cell, power[i]))
    v          = find_voltage_larminie(fuel_cell,current_density)    
    efficiency = np.divide(v, fuel_cell.ideal_voltage)
    mdot       = np.divide(power,np.multiply(fuel_cell.propellant.specific_energy,efficiency))

    print 'efficiency=', efficiency
    print 'current_density=', current_density
    print 'v=', v
    return mdot
Beispiel #9
def larminie(fuel_cell, conditions, numerics):

    power = fuel_cell.inputs.power_in
    lb = .1 * Units.mA / (**2.
                          )  #lower bound on fuel cell current density
    ub = 1200.0 * Units.mA / (**2.)
    current_density = np.zeros_like(power)

    for i in xrange(len(power)):
        current_density[i] = sp.optimize.fminbound(find_power_diff_larminie,
                                                   args=(fuel_cell, power[i]))

    v = find_voltage_larminie(fuel_cell, current_density)
    efficiency = np.divide(v, fuel_cell.ideal_voltage)
    mdot = np.divide(
        power, np.multiply(fuel_cell.propellant.specific_energy, efficiency))

    print 'efficiency=', efficiency
    print 'current_density=', current_density
    print 'v=', v

    return mdot