Beispiel #1
def test_dmi_field():
    Simulation 1 is computing H_dmi=dE_dM via assemble.
    Simulation 2 is computing H_dmi=g*M with a suitable pre-computed matrix g.
    Simulation 3 is computing g using a petsc matrix.

    We show that the three methods give equivalent results (this relies
    on H_dmi being linear in M).

    m_initial = df.Expression(
        ('(2*x[0]-L)/L', 'sqrt(1 - ((2*x[0]-L)/L)*((2*x[0]-L)/L))', '0'),
    m = Field(V)
    dmi1 = DMI(D=5e-3, method="box-assemble")
    dmi1.setup(m, Field(df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0), 8.6e5))
    dmi2 = DMI(D=5e-3, method="box-matrix-numpy")
    dmi2.setup(m, Field(df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0), 8.6e5))
    dmi3 = DMI(D=5e-3, method="box-matrix-petsc")
    dmi3.setup(m, Field(df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0), 8.6e5))

    H_dmi1 = dmi1.compute_field()
    H_dmi2 = dmi2.compute_field()
    H_dmi3 = dmi3.compute_field()

    diff12 = np.max(np.abs(H_dmi1 - H_dmi2))
    diff13 = np.max(np.abs(H_dmi1 - H_dmi3))

    print "Difference between H_dmi1 and H_dmi2: max(abs(H_dmi1-H_dmi2))=%g" % diff12
    print "Max value = %g, relative error = %g " % (max(H_dmi1),
                                                    diff12 / max(H_dmi1))
    print "Difference between H_dmi1 and H_dmi3: max(abs(H_dmi1-H_dmi3))=%g" % diff13
    print "Max value = %g, relative error = %g " % (max(H_dmi1),
                                                    diff13 / max(H_dmi1))

    assert diff12 < 5e-8
    assert diff13 < 5e-8
    assert diff12 / max(H_dmi1) < 1e-14
    assert diff13 / max(H_dmi1) < 1e-14
Beispiel #2
def test_dmi_uses_unit_length_2dmesh():
    Set up a helical state in two meshes (one expressed in SI units
    the other expressed in nanometers) and compute energies and fields.

    A = 8.78e-12  # J/m
    D = 1.58e-3  # J/m^2
    Ms = 3.84e5  # A/m

    energies = []

    # unit_lengths 1e-9 and 1 are common, let's throw in an intermediate length
    # just to challenge the system a little:
    for unit_length in (1, 1e-4, 1e-9):
        radius = 200e-9 / unit_length
        maxh = 5e-9 / unit_length
        helical_period = (4 * pi * A / D) / unit_length
        k = 2 * pi / helical_period
        # HF 27 April 2014: The next command fails in dolfin 1.3
        # mesh = df.CircleMesh(df.Point(0, 0), radius, maxh)
        # The actual shape of the domain shouldn't matter for the test,
        # so let's use a Rectangular mesh which should work the same:

        nx = ny = int(round(radius / maxh))
        mesh = df.RectangleMesh(df.Point(0, 0), df.Point(radius, radius), nx,

        S3 = df.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1, dim=3)
        m_expr = df.Expression(("0", "cos(k * x[0])", "sin(k * x[0])"),
        m = Field(S3, m_expr, name='m')
        dmi = DMI(D)
        Ms_dg = Field(df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0), Ms)
        dmi.setup(m, Ms_dg, unit_length=unit_length)

        H = df.Function(S3)
        H.vector()[:] = dmi.compute_field()
        print H(0.0, 0.0)

        print "Using unit_length = {}.".format(unit_length)
        print "Helical period {}.".format(helical_period)
        print "Energy {}.".format(dmi.compute_energy())

    rel_diff_energies = abs(energies[0] - energies[1]) / abs(energies[1])
    print "Relative difference of energy {}.".format(rel_diff_energies)
    assert rel_diff_energies < 1e-13

    rel_diff_energies2 = abs(energies[0] - energies[2]) / abs(energies[2])
    print "Relative difference2 of energy {}.".format(rel_diff_energies2)
    assert rel_diff_energies2 < 1e-13
Beispiel #3
def test_dmi_pbc2d():
    mesh = df.BoxMesh(df.Point(0, 0, 0), df.Point(1, 1, 0.1), 2, 2, 1)

    pbc = PeriodicBoundary2D(mesh)
    S3 = df.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1, constrained_domain=pbc)
    m_expr = df.Expression(("0", "0", "1"), degree=1)
    m = Field(S3, m_expr, name='m')

    dmi = DMI(1)
    dmi.setup(m, Field(df.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0), 1))
    field = dmi.compute_field()

    assert np.max(field) < 1e-15
Beispiel #4
def run_finmag():

    sim = Sim(mesh, Ms, unit_length=unit_length)
    sim.alpha = 0.5

    exchange = Exchange(13.0e-12)

    dmi = DMI(4e-3)

    dmi_direct = DMI(4e-3, method='direct', name='dmi_direct')

    df.plot(sim.m_field.f, title='m')

    fun = df.interpolate(HelperExpression(), sim.S3)
    df.plot(fun, title='exact')

    df.plot(Field(sim.S3, dmi.compute_field()).f, title='dmi_petsc')
    df.plot(Field(sim.S3, dmi_direct.compute_field()).f,