Beispiel #1
        model.plot_strategy_leverage()  # plot the leverage of the portfolio
        )  # plot the individual trade P&Ls
        )  # plot all the cumulative P&Ls of each component
        )  # plot all the IR of individual components
        )  # plot all the individual leverages

        from finmarketpy.backtest import TradeAnalysis

        ta = TradeAnalysis()

        # create statistics for the model returns using both finmarketpy and pyfolio
        ta.run_strategy_returns_stats(model, engine='finmarketpy')
        # ta.run_strategy_returns_stats(model, engine='pyfolio')

        # model.plot_strategy_group_benchmark_annualised_pnl()

    # create a FX CTA strategy, then examine how P&L changes with different vol targeting
    # and later transaction costs
    if True:
        strategy = TradingModelFXTrend_Example()

        from finmarketpy.backtest import TradeAnalysis

        ta = TradeAnalysis()
        ta.run_strategy_returns_stats(model, engine='finmarketpy')

        # which backtesting parameters to change
            'signal_vol_adjust': False

        pretty_portfolio_names = \
            ['Vol target',
             'No vol target']

        parameter_type = 'vol target'


        # now examine sensitivity to different transaction costs
        tc = [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0]
        ta.run_tc_shock(strategy, tc=tc)

        # how does P&L change on day of month

    # create a FX CTA strategy then use TradeAnalysis (via pyfolio) to analyse returns
    if True:
        from finmarketpy.backtest import TradeAnalysis
        model = TradingModelFXTrend_Example()

        tradeanalysis = TradeAnalysis()

        model.plot_strategy_pnl()                        # plot the final strategy
        model.plot_strategy_leverage()                   # plot the leverage of the portfolio
        model.plot_strategy_group_pnl_trades()           # plot the individual trade P&Ls
        model.plot_strategy_group_benchmark_pnl()        # plot all the cumulative P&Ls of each component
        model.plot_strategy_group_benchmark_pnl_ir()     # plot all the IR of individual components
        model.plot_strategy_group_leverage()             # plot all the individual leverages

        from finmarketpy.backtest import TradeAnalysis

        ta = TradeAnalysis()

        # create statistics for the model returns using both finmarketpy and pyfolio
        ta.run_strategy_returns_stats(model, engine='finmarketpy')
        # ta.run_strategy_returns_stats(model, engine='pyfolio')

        # model.plot_strategy_group_benchmark_annualised_pnl()

    # create a FX CTA strategy, then examine how P&L changes with different vol targeting
    # and later transaction costs
    if True:
        strategy = TradingModelFXTrend_Example()

        from finmarketpy.backtest import TradeAnalysis

        ta = TradeAnalysis()
        ta.run_strategy_returns_stats(model, engine='finmarketpy')

        # which backtesting parameters to change
from findatapy.timeseries import Calculations
from findatapy.util.loggermanager import LoggerManager

ta = TradeAnalysis()
calc = Calculations()
logger = LoggerManager().getLogger(__name__)

chart = Chart(engine='matplotlib')

market = Market(market_data_generator=MarketDataGenerator())

# Choose run_example = 0 for everything
# run_example = 1 - use PyFolio to analyse gold's return properties

run_example = 0

###### Use PyFolio to analyse gold's return properties
if run_example == 1 or run_example == 0:
    md_request = MarketDataRequest(
        start_date="01 Jan 1996",  # start date
        data_source='bloomberg',  # use Bloomberg as data source
        fields=['close'],  # which fields to download
        vendor_tickers=['XAUUSD Curncy'],  # ticker (Bloomberg)
        vendor_fields=['PX_LAST'],  # which Bloomberg fields to download
        cache_algo='internet_load_return')  # how to return data

    df = market.fetch_market(md_request)

    ta.run_strategy_returns_stats(None, index=df, engine='pyfolio')