Beispiel #1
def create_circular_mesh(radius, cellSize):
    Function creates circular 2D mesh


    -   radius   =   Radius of mesh
    -   cellSize    =   Size of unit cell

    *Note* : No support for 3D meshes currently and **requires GMSH**

    mesh = Gmsh2D('''
                     cellSize = %g;
                     radius = %g;
                     Point(1) = {0, 0, 0, cellSize};
                     Point(2) = {-radius, 0, 0, cellSize};
                     Point(3) = {0, radius, 0, cellSize};
                     Point(4) = {radius, 0, 0, cellSize};
                     Point(5) = {0, -radius, 0, cellSize};
                     Circle(6) = {2, 1, 3};

                    Circle(7) = {3, 1, 4};
                    Circle(8) = {4, 1, 5};
                    Circle(9) = {5, 1, 2};
                    Line Loop(10) = {6, 7, 8, 9};
                    Plane Surface(11) = {10};

       ''' % (cellSize, radius))  # doctest: +GMSH

    return (mesh)
Beispiel #2
Circle(13) = {15, 12, 14};
Circle(14) = {14, 12, 13};
Line Loop(1) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
Line Loop(2) = {7, 8, 9, 10};
Line Loop(3) = {11, 12, 13, 14};
Plane Surface(1) = {1, 2, 3};
Plane Surface(2) = {2};
Plane Surface(3) = {3};

Physical Line("Ground") = {4, 5, 6};
Physical Surface("Field") = {1};
Physical Surface("Anode") = {2};
Physical Surface("Cathode") = {3};
for refinement in range(10):
    mesh = Gmsh2D(geo, background=monitor)

    charge = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name=r"$\rho$", value=0.)
    charge.setValue(+1, where=mesh.physicalCells["Anode"])
    charge.setValue(-1, where=mesh.physicalCells["Cathode"])

    potential = CellVariable(mesh=mesh, name=r"$\psi$")
    potential.constrain(0., where=mesh.physicalFaces["Ground"])

    eq = DiffusionTerm(coeff=1.) == -charge

    res0 = eq.sweep(var=potential)

    res = eq.justResidualVector(var=potential)

    res1 = numerix.L2norm(res)
logLevel = 'INFO'
logFilename = 'convectionTestProblem2D_01.log'
                    format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
del logLevel, logFilename

R_outer = 2e-6  #SETTING  must match what is in .geo file
R_inner = 1e-6  #SETTING  must match what is in .geo file
cellSize = .05 * (R_outer - R_inner)  #SETTING  must match what is in .geo file

#run gmsh gui to produce this mesh (.msh file)
#gmsh infiniteCylinder01.geo
filename = 'infiniteCylinder01.msh'
mesh = Gmsh2D(filename, communicator=serialComm)
del filename

T_initial = 425.08  #deg K
T_infinity = 293.15  #deg K  #SETTING

var = CellVariable(mesh=mesh,
                   value=T_initial - T_infinity)  #let var be T-T_infinity

rho = 6980.  #kg/m^3
cp = 227.  #J/kg/K
k = 59.6  #W/m/K
D_thermal = k / rho / cp

X_faces, Y_faces = mesh.faceCenters
Beispiel #4
#Solve a two-dimensional diffusion problem in a square domain.
#This example solves a diffusion problem and demonstrates the use of
#applying boundary condition patches.
#.. index:: Grid2D
from fipy import CellVariable, Grid2D, Viewer, TransientTerm, DiffusionTerm
from import numerix
import random

doBlob = True
doCirc = False

if doBlob:
    from fipy import Gmsh2D

    mesh = Gmsh2D("meshed.msh")

elif doCirc:
    from fipy import Gmsh2D

    cellSize = 0.05
    radius = 1.

    mesh = Gmsh2D('''
               cellSize = %(cellSize)g;
               radius = %(radius)g;
               Point(1) = {0, 0, 0, cellSize};
               Point(2) = {-radius, 0, 0, cellSize};
               Point(3) = {0, radius, 0, cellSize};
               Point(4) = {radius, 0, 0, cellSize};
               Point(5) = {0, -radius, 0, cellSize};
Beispiel #5
Line(12) = {{3,4}};
Line(13) = {{4,5}};
Line(14) = {{5,1}};

Line Loop(15) = {{10,11,12,13,14}};
Plane Surface(16) = {{15}};

Physical Line("outer") = {{14}};
Physical Line("inner") = {{11, 12}};
Physical Surface("surface") = {{16}};
'''.format(cellSize, l1, l2,
           math.tan(beta) * (l2 - l1), l3,
           math.tan(alpha) * l3)

#mesh = Gmsh2D("C:\\Users\\muel_hd\\Desktop\\test.geo")
mesh = Gmsh2D(geometryTemplate)

phi = CellVariable(name="Temperature", mesh=mesh, value=T0)

# Die Waermeleitungsgleichung
equation = TransientTerm() == DiffusionTerm(coeff=D)

# boundry conditions ----------------------------------------------------------

phi.constrain(Ti, where=mesh.physicalFaces["inner"])
phi.constrain(Te, where=mesh.physicalFaces["outer"])

# Viewer mit Limits entsprechend den Werten initialisieren
viewer = Viewer(vars=phi, datamin=0., datamax=Te * 1.1)

if steady_state:
    def create_mesh(self): # TODO save and re-load mesh!
        print("Creating mesh")
        cellSize = self.parameter.cellSize
        radius = 0.1  # Not actually important without curved surfaces
        splines_flag = False  # Splines caused issues with sharp boundaries

        # get region data
        coordinates = self.region_coordinates

        # setup the base string
        g_str = '''cellSize = %(cellSize)g;

        # Loop through coordinates and create the gmsh input file

        count = itertools.count(1)  # counter to label the points
        line_loop_list = []  # list to keep track of the line loops
        if splines_flag:
            for point_list in coordinates:  # loop through each of the sublists of points
                current_point_list = []  # keep track of the points in the current list

                for points in point_list:  # loop through the point coordinates
                    current_point = next(count)  # update point number
                    current_point_list.append(current_point)  # add point number to current list
                    g_str = g_str + 'Point(' + str(current_point) + ') = {' + str(points[0]) + ', ' + \
                        str(points[1]) + ', 0, cellSize};\n'  # add the point to the string

                spline_number = next(count)  # label current spline
                g_str = g_str + 'Spline(' + str(spline_number) + ') = {'  # add spline number

                # loop through the points and add them to the current spline
                for point in current_point_list:
                    g_str = g_str + str(point) + ','
                g_str = g_str + str(current_point_list[0]) + '};\n'  # add the first point again to complete the loop

                # add the line loop
                line_loop_number = next(count)
                g_str = g_str + 'Line Loop (' + str(line_loop_number) + ') = {' + str(spline_number) + '};\n'

            surface_number = next(count)  # define surface number
            g_str = g_str + 'Plane Surface(' + str(surface_number) + ') = {'  # add surface number to string

            # loop through the line loops and add to the string (up to the final one, which doesn't need a comma).
            for line_loop in line_loop_list[:-1]:
                g_str = g_str + str(line_loop) + ','
            g_str = g_str + str(line_loop_list[-1]) + '};\n'  # add the final line loop and close brackets
            for point_list in coordinates:  # loop through each of the sublists of points
                current_point_list = []  # keep track of the points in the current list

                for points in point_list:  # loop through the point coordinates
                    current_point = next(count)  # update point number
                    current_point_list.append(current_point)  # add point number to current list
                    g_str = g_str + 'Point(' + str(current_point) + ') = {' + str(points[0]) + ', ' + \
                        str(points[1]) + ', 0, cellSize};\n'  # add the point to the string

                current_line_list = []
                for point1, point2 in zip(current_point_list, current_point_list[1:] + [current_point_list[0]]):
                    current_line = next(count)
                    g_str = g_str + 'Line(' + str(current_line) + ') = {' + str(point1) + ',' + str(point2) + '};\n'

                # add the line loop
                line_loop_number = next(count)
                g_str = g_str + 'Line Loop (' + str(line_loop_number) + ') = {'
                for line_number in current_line_list[:-1]:
                    g_str = g_str + str(line_number) + ','
                g_str = g_str + str(current_line_list[-1]) + '};\n'

            surface_number = next(count)  # define surface number
            g_str = g_str + 'Plane Surface(' + str(surface_number) + ') = {'  # add surface number to string

            # loop through the line loops and add to the string (up to the final one, which doesn't need a comma).
            for line_loop in line_loop_list[:-1]:
                g_str = g_str + str(line_loop) + ','
            g_str = g_str + str(line_loop_list[-1]) + '};\n'  # add the final line loop and close brackets

        mesh = Gmsh2D(g_str % locals())  # define mesh

        x = mesh.cellCenters.value[0]
        print("Mesh created with {x} points".format(x=len(x)))
        return mesh