Beispiel #1
def continuity_form(state, test, q, ibp=IntegrateByParts.ONCE, outflow=False):

    if outflow and ibp == IntegrateByParts.NEVER:
        raise ValueError(
            "outflow is True and ibp is None are incompatible options")
    Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
    dS_ = (dS_v + dS_h) if Vu.extruded else dS
    ubar = Function(Vu)

    if ibp == IntegrateByParts.ONCE:
        L = -inner(grad(test), outer(q, ubar)) * dx
        L = inner(test, div(outer(q, ubar))) * dx

    if ibp != IntegrateByParts.NEVER:
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        un = 0.5 * (dot(ubar, n) + abs(dot(ubar, n)))

        L += dot(jump(test), (un('+') * q('+') - un('-') * q('-'))) * dS_

        if ibp == IntegrateByParts.TWICE:
            L -= (inner(test('+'),
                        dot(ubar('+'), n('+')) * q('+')) +
                        dot(ubar('-'), n('-')) * q('-'))) * dS_

    if outflow:
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        un = 0.5 * (dot(ubar, n) + abs(dot(ubar, n)))
        L += test * un * q * (ds_v + ds_t + ds_b)

    form = transporting_velocity(L, ubar)

    return ibp_label(transport(form, TransportEquationType.conservative), ibp)
Beispiel #2
def interior_penalty_diffusion_form(state, test, q, parameters):
    Interior penalty diffusion form

    :arg state: :class:`.State` object.
    :arg V: Function space of diffused field
    :arg direction: list containing directions in which function space
    :arg: mu: the penalty weighting function, which is
    :recommended to be proportional to 1/dx
    :arg: kappa: strength of diffusion


    dS_ = (dS_v + dS_h) if state.mesh.extruded else dS
    kappa = parameters.kappa
    mu =

    n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

    form = inner(grad(test), grad(q)*kappa)*dx

    def get_flux_form(dS, M):

        fluxes = (
            -inner(2*avg(outer(q, n)), avg(grad(test)*M))
            - inner(avg(grad(q)*M), 2*avg(outer(test, n)))
            + mu*inner(2*avg(outer(q, n)), 2*avg(outer(test, n)*kappa))
        return fluxes

    form += get_flux_form(dS_, kappa)

    return diffusion(form)
    def add_dirichlet(self, g, surface):
        Adds dirichlet boundary conditions to the problem.

            g (Function, int, or float):
                The function to apply on the boundary.
            surface (int or list of int):
                The index of the boundary to apply the condition to.
        # Explicitly check against False as None should not be caught here.
        if self._has_boundary is False:
            raise AttributeError('Cannot add boundary after declaring that '
                                 'there are no boundaries')
        norm = FacetNormal(self.mesh)

        if isinstance(g, (float, int)):
            g = Constant(g)

        integrand = -1 * self.v * dot(self.q, norm)

        if surface == 'all':
            dbc = DirichletBC(V=self.V, g=g, sub_domain="on_boundary")
            self.a += integrand * ds
            dbc = DirichletBC(V=self.V, g=g, sub_domain=surface)
                self.a += sum(integrand * ds(s) for s in surface)
            except TypeError:
                self.a += integrand * ds(surface)

        self._has_boundary = True
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, state, V, kappa, mu, bcs=None):
        super(InteriorPenalty, self).__init__(state)

        dt = state.timestepping.dt
        gamma = TestFunction(V)
        phi = TrialFunction(V)
        self.phi1 = Function(V)
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        a = inner(gamma, phi) * dx + dt * inner(grad(gamma),
                                                grad(phi) * kappa) * dx

        def get_flux_form(dS, M):

            fluxes = (-inner(2 * avg(outer(phi, n)), avg(grad(gamma) * M)) -
                      inner(avg(grad(phi) * M), 2 * avg(outer(gamma, n))) +
                      mu * inner(2 * avg(outer(phi, n)),
                                 2 * avg(outer(gamma, n) * kappa))) * dS
            return fluxes

        a += dt * get_flux_form(dS_v, kappa)
        a += dt * get_flux_form(dS_h, kappa)
        L = inner(gamma, phi) * dx
        problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a,
                                           action(L, self.phi1),
        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem)
Beispiel #5
        def __init__(self, A, pyt_grad_op, pyt_op, actx, kappa):
            :arg kappa: The wave number

            self.actx = actx
            self.k = kappa
            self.pyt_op = pyt_op
            self.pyt_grad_op = pyt_grad_op
            self.A = A
            self.meshmode_src_connection = meshmode_src_connection

            # {{{ Create some functions needed for multing
            self.x_fntn = Function(fspace)

            # CG
            self.potential_int = Function(fspace)
  [:] = 0.0
            self.grad_potential_int = Function(vfspace)
  [:] = 0.0
            self.pyt_result = Function(fspace)

            self.n = FacetNormal(mesh)
            self.v = TestFunction(fspace)

            # some meshmode ones
            self.x_mm_fntn = self.meshmode_src_connection.discr.empty(
                self.actx, dtype='c')
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, mesh, conditions, timestepping, params, output, solver_params):

        self.timestepping = timestepping
        self.timestep = timestepping.timestep
        self.timescale = timestepping.timescale
        self.params = params
        if output is None:
            raise RuntimeError("You must provide a directory name for dumping results")
            self.output = output
        self.outfile = File(output.dirname)
        self.dump_count = 0
        self.dump_freq = output.dumpfreq
        self.solver_params = solver_params
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.conditions = conditions

        if conditions.steady_state == True:
            self.ind = 1
            self.ind = 1
        family =
        self.x, self.y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
        self.n = FacetNormal(mesh)
        self.V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, family, conditions.order + 1)
        self.U = FunctionSpace(mesh, family, conditions.order + 1)
        self.U1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', conditions.order)
        self.S = TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', conditions.order)
        self.D = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0)
        self.W1 = MixedFunctionSpace([self.V, self.S])
        self.W2 = MixedFunctionSpace([self.V, self.U1, self.U1])
        self.W3 = MixedFunctionSpace([self.V, self.S, self.U1, self.U1])
Beispiel #7
def eady_initial_v(state, p0, v):
    f = state.parameters.f
    x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(state.mesh)

    # get pressure gradient
    Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
    g = TrialFunction(Vu)
    wg = TestFunction(Vu)

    n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

    a = inner(wg, g)*dx
    L = -div(wg)*p0*dx + inner(wg, n)*p0*ds_tb
    pgrad = Function(Vu)
    solve(a == L, pgrad)

    # get initial v
    Vp = p0.function_space()
    phi = TestFunction(Vp)
    m = TrialFunction(Vp)

    a = f*phi*m*dx
    L = phi*pgrad[0]*dx
    solve(a == L, v)

    return v
Beispiel #8
def compressible_eady_initial_v(state, theta0, rho0, v):
    f = state.parameters.f
    cp = state.parameters.cp

    # exner function
    Vr = rho0.function_space()
    Pi = Function(Vr).interpolate(thermodynamics.pi(state.parameters, rho0, theta0))

    # get Pi gradient
    Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
    g = TrialFunction(Vu)
    wg = TestFunction(Vu)

    n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

    a = inner(wg, g)*dx
    L = -div(wg)*Pi*dx + inner(wg, n)*Pi*ds_tb
    pgrad = Function(Vu)
    solve(a == L, pgrad)

    # get initial v
    m = TrialFunction(Vr)
    phi = TestFunction(Vr)

    a = phi*f*m*dx
    L = phi*cp*theta0*pgrad[0]*dx
    solve(a == L, v)

    return v
Beispiel #9
    def setup(self, state):
        if not self._initialised:
            space = state.spaces("Vv")
            super().setup(state, space=space)
            rho = state.fields("rho")
            rhobar = state.fields("rhobar")
            theta = state.fields("theta")
            thetabar = state.fields("thetabar")
            pi = thermodynamics.pi(state.parameters, rho, theta)
            pibar = thermodynamics.pi(state.parameters, rhobar, thetabar)

            cp = Constant(state.parameters.cp)
            n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)

            F = TrialFunction(space)
            w = TestFunction(space)
            a = inner(w, F)*dx
            L = (- cp*div((theta-thetabar)*w)*pibar*dx
                 + cp*jump((theta-thetabar)*w, n)*avg(pibar)*dS_v
                 - cp*div(thetabar*w)*(pi-pibar)*dx
                 + cp*jump(thetabar*w, n)*avg(pi-pibar)*dS_v)

            bcs = [DirichletBC(space, 0.0, "bottom"),
                   DirichletBC(space, 0.0, "top")]

            imbalanceproblem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.field, bcs=bcs)
            self.imbalance_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(imbalanceproblem)
 def setUp(self):
     Prepare for tests.
     self.mesh = UnitCubeMesh(10, 10, 10)
     self.V = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, 'CG', 1)
     self.problem = MockProblem(self.mesh, self.V)
     self.norm = FacetNormal(self.mesh)
Beispiel #11
    def advection_term(self, q):

        if self.continuity:
            n = FacetNormal(self.state.mesh)
            L = (-dot(grad(self.test), self.ubar) * self.qbar * dx +
                 jump(self.ubar * self.test, n) * avg(self.qbar) * self.dS)
            L = self.test * dot(self.ubar, self.state.k) * dot(
                self.state.k, grad(self.qbar)) * dx
        return L
Beispiel #12
    def topography_term(self):
        g = self.state.parameters.g
        u0, _ = split(self.x0)
        b = self.state.fields("topography")
        n = FacetNormal(self.state.mesh)
        un = 0.5 * (dot(u0, n) + abs(dot(u0, n)))

        L = g * div(self.test) * b * dx - g * inner(
            jump(self.test, n),
            un('+') * b('+') - un('-') * b('-')) * dS
        return L
Beispiel #13
    def pressure_gradient_term(self):

        g = self.state.parameters.g
        u0, D0 = split(self.x0)
        n = FacetNormal(self.state.mesh)
        un = 0.5 * (dot(u0, n) + abs(dot(u0, n)))

        L = g * (div(self.test) * D0 * dx -
                 inner(jump(self.test, n),
                       un('+') * D0('+') - un('-') * D0('-')) * dS)
        return L
Beispiel #14
    def advection_term(self, q):

        if self.continuity:
            if self.ibp == IntegrateByParts.ONCE:
                L = -inner(grad(self.test), outer(q, self.ubar)) * dx
                L = inner(self.test, div(outer(q, self.ubar))) * dx
            if self.ibp == IntegrateByParts.ONCE:
                L = -inner(div(outer(self.test, self.ubar)), q) * dx
                L = inner(outer(self.test, self.ubar), grad(q)) * dx

        if self.dS is not None and self.ibp != IntegrateByParts.NEVER:
            n = FacetNormal(self.state.mesh)
            un = 0.5 * (dot(self.ubar, n) + abs(dot(self.ubar, n)))

            L += dot(jump(self.test),
                     (un('+') * q('+') - un('-') * q('-'))) * self.dS

            if self.ibp == IntegrateByParts.TWICE:
                L -= (inner(self.test('+'),
                            dot(self.ubar('+'), n('+')) * q('+')) +
                            dot(self.ubar('-'), n('-')) * q('-'))) * self.dS

        if self.outflow:
            n = FacetNormal(self.state.mesh)
            un = 0.5 * (dot(self.ubar, n) + abs(dot(self.ubar, n)))
            L += self.test * un * q * (ds_v + ds_t + ds_b)

        if self.vector_manifold:
            n = FacetNormal(self.state.mesh)
            w = self.test
            dS = self.dS
            u = q
            L += un('+') * inner(w('-'),
                                 n('+') + n('-')) * inner(u('+'), n('+')) * dS
            L += un('-') * inner(w('+'),
                                 n('+') + n('-')) * inner(u('-'), n('-')) * dS
        return L
Beispiel #15
 def __init__(self):
     X = self.X
     # volume and boundary integrals = "LevelSet Example 3"
     V = FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "CG", 1)
     u = interpolate(sin(X[0]) * cos(X[1])**2, V)
     n = FacetNormal(self.mesh)
     self.J = (sin(X[0]) * cos(X[1]) * dx +
               pow(1.3 + X[0], 4.2) * pow(1.4 + X[1], 3.3) * dx +
               exp(sin(X[0]) + cos(X[1])) * dx +
               ln(5 + sin(X[0]) + cos(X[1])) * ds + inner(grad(u), n) * ds)
Beispiel #16
def vector_invariant_form(state, test, q, ibp=IntegrateByParts.ONCE):

    Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
    dS_ = (dS_v + dS_h) if Vu.extruded else dS
    ubar = Function(Vu)
    n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
    Upwind = 0.5 * (sign(dot(ubar, n)) + 1)

    if state.mesh.topological_dimension() == 3:

        if ibp != IntegrateByParts.ONCE:
            raise NotImplementedError

        # <w,curl(u) cross ubar + grad( u.ubar)>
        # =<curl(u),ubar cross w> - <div(w), u.ubar>
        # =<u,curl(ubar cross w)> -
        #      <<u_upwind, [[n cross(ubar cross w)cross]]>>

        both = lambda u: 2 * avg(u)

        L = (inner(q, curl(cross(ubar, test))) * dx -
             inner(both(Upwind * q), both(cross(n, cross(ubar, test)))) * dS_)


        perp = state.perp
        if state.on_sphere:
            outward_normals = CellNormal(state.mesh)
            perp_u_upwind = lambda q: Upwind('+') * cross(
                outward_normals('+'), q('+')) + Upwind('-') * cross(
                    outward_normals('-'), q('-'))
            perp_u_upwind = lambda q: Upwind('+') * perp(q('+')) + Upwind(
                '-') * perp(q('-'))

        if ibp == IntegrateByParts.ONCE:
            L = (-inner(perp(grad(inner(test, perp(ubar)))), q) * dx -
                 inner(jump(inner(test, perp(ubar)), n), perp_u_upwind(q)) *
            L = ((-inner(test,
                         div(perp(q)) * perp(ubar))) * dx -
                 inner(jump(inner(test, perp(ubar)), n), perp_u_upwind(q)) *
                 dS_ + jump(inner(test, perp(ubar)) * perp(q), n) * dS_)

    L -= 0.5 * div(test) * inner(q, ubar) * dx

    form = transporting_velocity(L, ubar)

    return transport(form, TransportEquationType.vector_invariant)
    def set_no_boundary(self):
        Declare that the problem will have no boundaries.

            AttributeError: If boundaries have already been added.
        # Explicitly check for True to be consistent with other method.
        if self._has_boundary is True:
            raise AttributeError('Cannot set no boundary after boundaries have'
                                 ' been set')

        norm = FacetNormal(self.mesh)
        self.a += -1 * self.v * dot(self.q, norm) * ds
        self._has_boundary = False
Beispiel #18
    def __init__(self, state, V, *, ibp="once", solver_params=None):
        self.state = state
        self.V = V
        self.ibp = ibp

        # set up functions required for forms
        self.ubar = Function(state.spaces("HDiv"))
        self.test = TestFunction(V)
        self.trial = TrialFunction(V)

        # find out if we are CG
        nvertex = V.ufl_domain().ufl_cell().num_vertices()
        entity_dofs = V.finat_element.entity_dofs()
        # If there are as many dofs on vertices as there are vertices,
        # assume a continuous space.
            self.is_cg = sum(map(len, entity_dofs[0].values())) == nvertex
        except KeyError:
            self.is_cg = sum(map(len, entity_dofs[(0, 0)].values())) == nvertex

        # DG, embedded DG and hybrid SUPG methods need surface measures,
        # n and un
        if self.is_cg:
            self.dS = None
            self.ds = None
            if V.extruded:
                self.dS = (dS_h + dS_v)
                self.ds = (ds_b + ds_t + ds_v)
                self.dS = dS
                self.ds = ds
            self.n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
            self.un = 0.5 * (dot(self.ubar, self.n) +
                             abs(dot(self.ubar, self.n)))

        if solver_params:
            self.solver_parameters = solver_params

        # default solver options
            self.solver_parameters = {
                'ksp_type': 'cg',
                'pc_type': 'bjacobi',
                'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'
        if state.output.log_level == DEBUG:
            self.solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = True
Beispiel #19
def linear_continuity_form(state, test, qbar, facet_term=False):

    Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
    ubar = Function(Vu)

    L = qbar * test * div(ubar) * dx

    if facet_term:
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
        dS_ = (dS_v + dS_h) if Vu.extruded else dS
        L += jump(ubar * test, n) * avg(qbar) * dS_

    form = transporting_velocity(L, ubar)

    return transport(form, TransportEquationType.conservative)
Beispiel #20
    def advection_term(self, q):

        n = FacetNormal(self.state.mesh)
        Upwind = 0.5 * (sign(dot(self.ubar, n)) + 1)

        if self.state.mesh.topological_dimension() == 3:
            # <w,curl(u) cross ubar + grad( u.ubar)>
            # =<curl(u),ubar cross w> - <div(w), u.ubar>
            # =<u,curl(ubar cross w)> -
            #      <<u_upwind, [[n cross(ubar cross w)cross]]>>

            both = lambda u: 2 * avg(u)

            L = (inner(q, curl(cross(self.ubar, self.test))) * dx -
                 inner(both(Upwind * q),
                       both(cross(n, cross(self.ubar, self.test)))) * self.dS)


            perp = self.state.perp
            if self.state.on_sphere:
                outward_normals = CellNormal(self.state.mesh)
                perp_u_upwind = lambda q: Upwind('+') * cross(
                    outward_normals('+'), q('+')) + Upwind('-') * cross(
                        outward_normals('-'), q('-'))
                perp_u_upwind = lambda q: Upwind('+') * perp(q('+')) + Upwind(
                    '-') * perp(q('-'))

            if self.ibp == IntegrateByParts.ONCE:
                L = (-inner(perp(grad(inner(self.test, perp(self.ubar)))), q) *
                     dx - inner(jump(inner(self.test, perp(self.ubar)), n),
                                perp_u_upwind(q)) * self.dS)
                L = ((-inner(self.test,
                             div(perp(q)) * perp(self.ubar))) * dx -
                     inner(jump(inner(self.test, perp(self.ubar)), n),
                           perp_u_upwind(q)) * self.dS +
                     jump(inner(self.test, perp(self.ubar)) * perp(q), n) *

        L -= 0.5 * div(self.test) * inner(q, self.ubar) * dx

        return L
Beispiel #21
def vector_manifold_advection_form(state,

    L = advection_form(state, test, q, ibp, outflow)

    Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
    dS_ = (dS_v + dS_h) if Vu.extruded else dS
    ubar = Function(Vu)
    n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
    un = 0.5 * (dot(ubar, n) + abs(dot(ubar, n)))
    L += un('+') * inner(test('-'),
                         n('+') + n('-')) * inner(q('+'), n('+')) * dS_
    L += un('-') * inner(test('+'),
                         n('+') + n('-')) * inner(q('-'), n('-')) * dS_

    return L
Beispiel #22
    def setup(self, state):
        if not self._initialised:
            mesh_dim = state.mesh.geometric_dimension()
                field_dim = state.fields(self.fname).ufl_shape[0]
            except IndexError:
                field_dim = 1
            shape = (mesh_dim, ) * field_dim
            space = TensorFunctionSpace(state.mesh, "CG", 1, shape=shape)
            super().setup(state, space=space)

        f = state.fields(self.fname)
        test = TestFunction(space)
        trial = TrialFunction(space)
        n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
        a = inner(test, trial)*dx
        L = -inner(div(test), f)*dx
        if space.extruded:
            L += dot(dot(test, n), f)*(ds_t + ds_b)
        prob = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.field)
        self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(prob)
Beispiel #23
def central_facet_flux(F, v):
    r"""Create the weak form of the central numerical flux through cell facets

    This numerical flux, by itself, is unstable. The full right-hand side of
    the problem requires an additional facet flux term for stability.

    F : ufl.Expr
        A symbolic expression for the flux
    v : firedrake.TestFunction
        A test function from the state space

    f : firedrake.Form
        A 1-form that discretizes the residual of the flux
    mesh = v.ufl_domain()
    n = FacetNormal(mesh)
    return inner(avg(F), outer(v('+'), n('+')) + outer(v('-'), n('-'))) * dS
Beispiel #24
def vector_manifold_continuity_form(state,

    L = continuity_form(state, test, q, ibp, outflow)

    Vu = state.spaces("HDiv")
    dS_ = (dS_v + dS_h) if Vu.extruded else dS
    ubar = Function(Vu)
    n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
    un = 0.5 * (dot(ubar, n) + abs(dot(ubar, n)))
    L += un('+') * inner(test('-'),
                         n('+') + n('-')) * inner(q('+'), n('+')) * dS_
    L += un('-') * inner(test('+'),
                         n('+') + n('-')) * inner(q('-'), n('-')) * dS_

    form = transporting_velocity(L, ubar)

    return transport(form)
Beispiel #25
    def __init__(self, rho, solution):
        self.rho = rho
        self.solution = solution

        self.fs = self.solution.function_space()
        self.mesh = self.fs.mesh()
        self.n = FacetNormal(self.mesh)

        test = TestFunction(self.fs)
        tri = TrialFunction(self.fs)
        vert_dim = self.mesh.geometric_dimension() - 1

        a = test * tri * dx
        L = -Dx(test, vert_dim) * self.rho * dx + test * self.n[
            vert_dim] * self.rho * ds_tb  #+ avg(rho) * jump(gradrho_test, n[dim]) * dS_h (this is zero because jump(phi,n) = 0 for continuous P1 test function!)

        prob = LinearVariationalProblem(a,
        self.weak_grad_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
            prob)  # #, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)
        def __init__(self, A, pyt_grad_op, pyt_op, queue, kappa):
            :arg kappa: The wave number

            self.queue = queue
            self.k = kappa
            self.pyt_op = pyt_op
            self.pyt_grad_op = pyt_grad_op
            self.A = A

            # {{{ Create some functions needed for multing
            self.x_fntn = Function(fspace)

            self.potential_int = Function(fspace)
  [:] = 0.0
            self.grad_potential_int = Function(vfspace)
  [:] = 0.0
            self.pyt_result = Function(fspace)

            self.n = FacetNormal(mesh)
            self.v = TestFunction(fspace)
Beispiel #27
    def pressure_gradient_term(self):

        u0, rho0, theta0 = split(self.x0)
        cp = self.state.parameters.cp
        n = FacetNormal(self.state.mesh)
        Vtheta = self.state.spaces("HDiv_v")

        # introduce new theta so it can be changed by moisture
        theta = theta0

        # add effect of density of water upon theta
        if self.moisture is not None:
            water_t = Function(Vtheta).assign(0.0)
            for water in self.moisture:
                water_t += self.state.fields(water)
            theta = theta / (1 + water_t)

        pi = thermodynamics.pi(self.state.parameters, rho0, theta0)

        L = (+cp * div(theta * self.test) * pi * dx -
             cp * jump(self.test * theta, n) * avg(pi) * dS_v)
        return L
Beispiel #28
def create_dirichlet_bounds(mesh, V, T, v, k, g, boundary=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]):
    Create the dirichlet boundary conditions:
    u = g on boundary

    mesh: Mesh, The mesh to define the bound for
    V: FunctionSpace, The function space for the boundary
    T: Function, The function to be calculated
    v: Function, The test function
    k: Function, The conductivity of the problem
    g: float, Used in above formula

    Returns: bcs, R and b, the defining functions of the bound
    Type: list<DirichletBC>, Function, Function
    norm = FacetNormal(mesh)

    bcs = [DirichletBC(V, g, boundary)]
    R = 0
    b = k*v*dot(grad(T), norm)*ds

    return bcs, R, b
Beispiel #29
    def advection(self):
        n = FacetNormal(self.mesh)
        if len(self.wind) > 1:
            element = self.V._ufl_element

            degree =
            space_type = repr(element)[0]
            element_type =

            mesh = self.V.mesh()
            V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, element_type, degree)
            V = self.V
        if self.opt['form'] == 'linear':
            w_ = Expression(self.wind, V)
            u_ = self.sol
        elif self.opt['form'] == 'bilinear':
            w_ = Expression(self.wind, V)
            u_ = self.u
        elif self.opt['form'] == 'nonlinear':
            w_ = self.sol
            u_ = self.sol
        return inner(dot(w_, nabla_grad(u_)), self.v) * dx
Beispiel #30
    def setup(self, state):
        if not self._initialised:
            space = state.spaces("DG0", state.mesh, "DG", 0)
            super().setup(state, space=space)

            rain = state.fields('rain')
            rho = state.fields('rho')
            v = state.fields('rainfall_velocity')
            self.phi = TestFunction(space)
            flux = TrialFunction(space)
            n = FacetNormal(state.mesh)
            un = 0.5 * (dot(v, n) + abs(dot(v, n)))
            self.flux = Function(space)

            a = self.phi * flux * dx
            L = self.phi * rain * un * rho
            if space.extruded:
                L = L * (ds_b + ds_t + ds_v)
                L = L * ds

            # setup solver
            problem = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.flux)
            self.solver = LinearVariationalSolver(problem)