Beispiel #1
def find_first(prod) :

  list_first_production = []

  bool_epsilon = True

  list_elem_prod = first.segment_production_into_terminals_and_non_terminals(prod)

  for elem in list_elem_prod :
    print elem + ' ---- '
    list_first_production += []

    list_first_production += first_table[elem]

    if not '@' in list_first_production :
      bool_epsilon = False
  # end for

  firsts = list(set(list_first_production))
  #print firsts

  if '@' in firsts : 
    return firsts.remove('@'), bool_epsilon
  else :
    return firsts, bool_epsilon
Beispiel #2
def generate_follow_variables() :
  global graph

  augmented_dic = {}

  for elem in graph :
    for prod in graph[elem] :

      segmented_production = first.segment_production_into_terminals_and_non_terminals(prod)

      len_of_production = len(segmented_production)

      for i in range(len_of_production - 1) :
        if segmented_production[i] in augmented_dic :
          augmented_dic[segmented_production[i]] += [update_aug(segmented_production[i + 1:] + [elem])]
        else :
          augmented_dic[segmented_production[i]] = [update_aug(segmented_production[i + 1:] + [elem])]
      #end loop

      #linking last element to the BOSS
      if segmented_production[len_of_production - 1] in augmented_dic :
        augmented_dic[segmented_production[len_of_production - 1]] += [update_aug([elem])]
      else :
        augmented_dic[segmented_production[len_of_production - 1]] = [update_aug([elem])]

    #end 2nd inner loop
  #end outer loop

  return augmented_dic
Beispiel #3
def generate_follow_variables():
    global graph, set_terminal, set_non_terminal

    augmented_dic = {}

    for elem in graph:
        for prod in graph[elem]:

            segmented_production = first.segment_production_into_terminals_and_non_terminals(

            len_of_production = len(segmented_production)

            for i in range(len_of_production - 1):
                if segmented_production[i] in augmented_dic:
                    augmented_dic[segmented_production[i]] += [
                        update_aug(segmented_production[i + 1:] + [elem])
                    augmented_dic[segmented_production[i]] = [
                        update_aug(segmented_production[i + 1:] + [elem])
            #end loop

            #linking last element to the BOSS
            if segmented_production[len_of_production - 1] in augmented_dic:
                augmented_dic[segmented_production[len_of_production -
                                                   1]] += [update_aug([elem])]
                augmented_dic[segmented_production[len_of_production -
                                                   1]] = [update_aug([elem])]

        #end 2nd inner loop
    #end outer loop

    for elem in set_non_terminal:
        #print elem
        if not elem in augmented_dic:
            print "yes"
            augmented_dic[elem] = [[]]
    #covering the loop hole

    #print augmented_dic
    #print "--Augmented dic----"

    return augmented_dic