Beispiel #1
def oauth(request, service):
        uri = 'www:profile'
        if 'redirect' in request.session:
            uri = request.session['redirect']
            del request.session['redirect']

        logging_in = uri == 'www:profile'
        if request.GET.get('code'):
            auth_code = request.GET['code']

            auth = Authentication(request)
            return auth.login_step_2(auth_code, reverse(uri), logging_in)

    except FIRSTAuthError as e:
        if 'registered' in str(e):
            return HttpResponse(('Error: {}<br /><a href="/">Register to use '

        return HttpResponse(('Error: {}<br /><a href="/">Try logging in '

    except RuntimeError as e:
        return redirect('www:profile')

    return redirect('www:index')
Beispiel #2
def login(request, service=None):

    #   Check for errors
    if request.GET.get('error'):
        return 'Access Denied'

    auth = Authentication(request)
    if auth.is_logged_in:
        return redirect('www:profile')

    if None == service:
        return redirect('www:index')

    request.session['redirect'] = 'www:profile'

        return auth.login_step_1(
                reverse('www:oauth', kwargs={'service': service})))

    except FIRSTAuthError as e:
        return HttpResponse(('Error: {}<br /><a href="/#login">Try logging '
                             'in again</a>').format(e))
Beispiel #3
def register(request):
    Required: handle
    Get name and email from sign in service

    #   Check for errors
    if 'error' in request.GET:
        return HttpResponse('Access Denied')

    auth = Authentication(request)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if not request.POST.get('service') or not request.POST.get('handle'):
            return redirect('www:index', _anchor='registration')

        #   TODO: Input Validation
        request.session['redirect'] = 'www:register'
        if not re.match('^[A-Za-z_\d]+$', request.POST.get('handle')):
            return HttpResponse('Invalid handle')

        request.session['handle'] = request.POST.get('handle')
        service = request.POST.get('service')

            return auth.login_step_1(
                service, reverse('www:oauth', kwargs={'service': service}))

        except FIRSTAuthError as e:
            return HttpResponse(
                ('Error: {}<br /><a href="/#login">Try logging '
                 'in again</a>').format(e))

        return HttpResponse('No post data provided')

    if request.method == 'GET':
        if auth.is_logged_in:
            if ('info' not in request.session
                    or 'email' not in request.session['info']):
                raise FIRSTAuthError('Email not set')

            user = Authentication.get_user_data(
            if not user:
                if 'handle' in request.session:
                    user = auth.register_user()
                    if not user:
                        return HttpResponse('Error creating user')

                return redirect(reverse('www:profile'))

            return HttpResponse('User already exists')

        return HttpResponse('Not logged in')
Beispiel #4
def profile(request):
    Should show the user's name, email, ranking and API key
    if 'info' not in request.session:
        return redirect(reverse('www:login'))

    info = request.session['info']
    user = Authentication.get_user_data(info['email'])

    if not user:
        return redirect(reverse('www:index'))

    count = Function.objects.filter(metadata__user=user).count()
    data = {
        'title': 'Profile',
        'user': user.dump(True),
        'metadata_count': count
    return render(request, 'www/profile.html', data)