Beispiel #1
 def test_get_bootsector_copy(self, testfs_ntfs_stable1):
     """ Tests for the bootsector copy """
     with open(testfs_ntfs_stable1[0], 'rb') as fs:
         ntfs = NTFS(fs)
         bootsector = ntfs.get_bootsector_copy()
         assert bootsector.oem_name == b'NTFS    '
         assert bootsector.eos_marker == b'\x55\xaa'
Beispiel #2
 def test_record_position(self, testfs_ntfs_stable1):
     Tests if the record returned is of the requested position
     with open(testfs_ntfs_stable1[0], 'rb') as fs:
         ntfs = NTFS(fs)
         assert ntfs.get_record(0)[0xf2:0xfa].decode('utf-16') == '$MFT'
         assert ntfs.get_record(1)[0xf2:0x0102].decode('utf-16') == '$MFTMirr'
         assert ntfs.get_record(8)[0xf2:0x0102].decode('utf-16') == '$BadClus'
Beispiel #3
 def test_record_alignment(self, testfs_ntfs_stable1):
     Tests if the records start with the correct value
     with open(testfs_ntfs_stable1[0], 'rb') as fs:
         ntfs = NTFS(fs)
         assert ntfs.get_record(0)[0:4] == b'FILE'
         assert ntfs.get_record(25)[0:4] == b'FILE'
         assert ntfs.get_record(50)[0:4] == b'FILE'
         assert ntfs.get_record(100)[0:4] == b'FILE'
Beispiel #4
 def test_mft_info(self, testfs_ntfs_stable1):
     Tests the information about the mft itself
     with open(testfs_ntfs_stable1[0], 'rb') as fs:
         ntfs = NTFS(fs)
         assert ntfs.mft_runs == [{'length': 77824, 'offset': 16384}]
Beispiel #5
 def test_parse_bootsector(self, testfs_ntfs_stable1):
     Tests if the necessary information from the bootsector
     is parsed correctly
     with open(testfs_ntfs_stable1[0], 'rb') as fs:
         ntfs = NTFS(fs)
         assert ntfs.cluster_size == 4096
         assert ntfs.record_size == 1024
         assert ntfs.mft_offset == 16384
Beispiel #6
 def test_get_record_of_file(self, testfs_ntfs_stable1):
     Tests if the correct record is returned for
     the supplied name
     with open(testfs_ntfs_stable1[0], 'rb') as fs:
         ntfs = NTFS(fs)
         assert ntfs.get_record_of_file('$MFT') == 0
         assert ntfs.get_record_of_file('$MFTMirr') == 1
         assert ntfs.get_record_of_file('$BadClus') == 8
         assert ntfs.get_record_of_file('$Extend/$Reparse') == 26
         assert ntfs.get_record_of_file('onedirectory/nested_directory/royce.txt') == 72
         assert ntfs.get_record_of_file('notexisting') == None
Beispiel #7
 def test_get_data(self, testfs_ntfs_stable1):
     Tests if the correct data is returned
     with open(testfs_ntfs_stable1[0], 'rb') as fs:
         ntfs = NTFS(fs)
         record_another = ntfs.get_record_of_file('another')
         record_long_file = ntfs.get_record_of_file('long_file.txt')
         assert ntfs.get_data(record_another) == b'222\n'
         assert ntfs.get_data(record_long_file) == b'1'*8000 + b'\n'