def testCreateDefault(self):
        """Simply create a default object."""
        n = FixedPoint();
        self.assertEquals(n.get_precision(), DEFAULT_PRECISION)
        self.assertEquals(long(n), 0)

        n = SonOfFixedPoint();
        self.assertEquals(n.get_precision(), DEFAULT_PRECISION)
        self.assertEquals(long(n), 0)
    def testSetAndGetPrecision(self):
        """Change and retrieve the precision of an existin object"""
        # try a floating point number with a negative exponent
        n = FixedPoint(42.3e-1);
        self.assertEquals(n.get_precision(), DEFAULT_PRECISION)
        self.assertEquals(n.precision, DEFAULT_PRECISION)
        self.assertEquals(n.n, 423L)

        n = SonOfFixedPoint(42.3e-1);
        self.assertEquals(n.get_precision(), DEFAULT_PRECISION)
        self.assertEquals(n.precision, DEFAULT_PRECISION)
        self.assertEquals(n.n, 423L)

        # try something that's not a number
        self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, n.set_precision, object);
        self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, n.precision, object);

        # try a negative number
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, n.set_precision, -3);

        # try a precision greater than we started with
        newprecision = DEFAULT_PRECISION + 1
        self.assertEquals(n.get_precision(), newprecision)
        self.assertEquals(n.n, 4230L)

        precision = n.precision + 1
        n.precision += 1
        self.assertEquals(n.precision, precision)

        # try a precision less than we started with
        newprecision = DEFAULT_PRECISION - 1
        self.assertEquals(n.get_precision(), newprecision)
        self.assertEquals(n.n, 42)
    def test__repr__(self):
        """test representation"""

        REPR_FORMAT = "FixedPoint('%s', %d)"

        # try the default
        n = FixedPoint()
        self.assertEquals(repr(n), REPR_FORMAT % (str(n), n.get_precision()))
        # try a floating point number with a negative exponent
        n = FixedPoint(42.3e-1);
        self.assertEquals(repr(n), REPR_FORMAT % (str(n), n.get_precision()))
        # try a negative floating point number
        n = FixedPoint(-4.23);
        self.assertEquals(repr(n), REPR_FORMAT % (str(n), n.get_precision()))

        # try an int
        n = FixedPoint(1, 0);
        self.assertEquals(repr(n), REPR_FORMAT % (str(n), n.get_precision()))
        SON_OF_FORMAT = "SonOfFixedPoint('%s', %d)"

        # try the default
        n = SonOfFixedPoint()
        self.assertEquals(repr(n), SON_OF_FORMAT % (str(n), n.get_precision()))
        # try a floating point number with a negative exponent
        n = SonOfFixedPoint(42.3e-1);
        self.assertEquals(repr(n), SON_OF_FORMAT % (str(n), n.get_precision()))
        # try a negative floating point number
        n = SonOfFixedPoint(-4.23);
        self.assertEquals(repr(n), SON_OF_FORMAT % (str(n), n.get_precision()))

        # try an int
        n = SonOfFixedPoint(1, 0);
        self.assertEquals(repr(n), SON_OF_FORMAT % (str(n), n.get_precision()))