def test_handler(monkeypatch, lambda_module, context, apigateway_event, payment_token, total):
    Test handler()

    def validate_payment_token(pt: str, a: int) -> bool:
        assert pt == payment_token
        assert a == total
        return True

    monkeypatch.setattr(lambda_module, "validate_payment_token", validate_payment_token)

    event = apigateway_event(
            "paymentToken": payment_token,
            "total": total

    response = lambda_module.handler(event, context)

    assert response["statusCode"] == 200
    assert "body" in response
    body = json.loads(response["body"])
    assert "ok" in body
    assert body["ok"] == True
Beispiel #2
def test_handler(monkeypatch, lambda_module, context, apigateway_event):
    Test handler()

    connection_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    event = apigateway_event()
    event["requestContext"] = {"connectionId": connection_id}

    calls = {
        "delete_id": 0,
        "disable_rule": 0

    def delete_id(connection_id_req: str):
        calls["delete_id"] += 1
        assert connection_id_req == connection_id
    monkeypatch.setattr(lambda_module, "delete_id", delete_id)

    def disable_rule():
        calls["disable_rule"] += 1
    monkeypatch.setattr(lambda_module, "disable_rule", disable_rule)

    result = lambda_module.handler(event, context)

    assert result["statusCode"] == 200
    assert calls["delete_id"] == 1
    assert calls["disable_rule"] == 1
def test_handler_missing_total(monkeypatch, lambda_module, context, apigateway_event, payment_token, total):
    Test handler() with a missing total

    def validate_payment_token(payment_token: str, total: int) -> bool:
        # This should never be called
        assert False
        return True

    monkeypatch.setattr(lambda_module, "validate_payment_token", validate_payment_token)

    event = apigateway_event(
            "paymentToken": payment_token,

    response = lambda_module.handler(event, context)

    assert response["statusCode"] == 400
    assert "body" in response
    body = json.loads(response["body"])
    assert "ok" not in body
    assert "message" in body
    assert isinstance(body["message"], str)
    assert "total" in body["message"]
def test_handler_no_id(monkeypatch, lambda_module, context, apigateway_event):
    Test handler() without connectionId

    connection_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
    service_name = "ecommerce.test"

    event = apigateway_event()
    event["body"] = json.dumps({"serviceName": service_name})

    calls = {
        "register_service": 0

    def register_service(connection_id_req: str, service_name_req: str):
        calls["register_service"] += 1
        assert connection_id_req == connection_id
        assert service_name_req == service_name
    monkeypatch.setattr(lambda_module, "register_service", register_service)

    result = lambda_module.handler(event, context)

    assert result["statusCode"] == 400
    assert calls["register_service"] == 0
def test_handler_invalid_body(monkeypatch, lambda_module, context, apigateway_event):
    Test handler() without a correct JSON body

    connection_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
    service_name = "ecommerce.test"

    event = apigateway_event()
    event["requestContext"] = {"connectionId": connection_id}
    event["body"] = "{"

    calls = {
        "register_service": 0

    def register_service(connection_id_req: str, service_name_req: str):
        calls["register_service"] += 1
        assert connection_id_req == connection_id
        assert service_name_req == service_name
    monkeypatch.setattr(lambda_module, "register_service", register_service)

    result = lambda_module.handler(event, context)

    assert result["statusCode"] == 400
    assert calls["register_service"] == 0
def test_handler_missing_products(monkeypatch, lambda_module, apigateway_event, context, product):
    Test the function handler with missing 'products' in request body

    def validate_products(products):
        assert False # This should never be called

    monkeypatch.setattr(lambda_module, "validate_products", validate_products)

    # Create request
    event = apigateway_event(

    # Parse request
    response = lambda_module.handler(event, context)

    # Check response
    assert response["statusCode"] == 400

    # There should be a reason in the response body
    response_body = json.loads(response["body"])
    assert "message" in response_body
    assert isinstance(response_body["message"], str)
def test_handler_correct(monkeypatch, lambda_module, apigateway_event, context, product):
    Test the function handler against an incorrect product

    def validate_products(products):
        return [], ""

    monkeypatch.setattr(lambda_module, "validate_products", validate_products)

    # Create request
    event = apigateway_event(
        body=json.dumps({"products": [product]})

    # Parse request
    response = lambda_module.handler(event, context)

    # Check response
    assert response["statusCode"] == 200

    # There should be 1 item in the response body
    response_body = json.loads(response["body"])
    assert "message" in response_body
    assert isinstance(response_body["message"], str)
    assert "products" not in response_body
Beispiel #8
def test_handler(monkeypatch, lambda_module, context, apigateway_event, order):
    Test handler()

    event = apigateway_event(iam="USER_ARN",
                                 "products": order["products"],
                                 "address": order["address"]

    def get_pricing(products: List[dict], address: dict) -> int:
        assert products == order["products"]
        assert address == order["address"]

        return 1000

    monkeypatch.setattr(lambda_module, "get_pricing", get_pricing)

    retval = lambda_module.handler(event, context)

    assert "statusCode" in retval
    assert retval["statusCode"] == 200
    assert "body" in retval

    body = json.loads(retval["body"])
    assert "pricing" in body
    assert body["pricing"] == 1000
Beispiel #9
def test_handler_no_id(monkeypatch, lambda_module, context, apigateway_event):
    Test handler()

    connection_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

    event = apigateway_event()

    calls = {"store_id": 0, "enable_rule": 0}

    def store_id(connection_id_req: str):
        calls["store_id"] += 1
        assert connection_id_req == connection_id

    monkeypatch.setattr(lambda_module, "store_id", store_id)

    def enable_rule():
        calls["enable_rule"] += 1

    monkeypatch.setattr(lambda_module, "enable_rule", enable_rule)

    result = lambda_module.handler(event, context)

    assert result["statusCode"] == 400
    assert calls["store_id"] == 0
    assert calls["enable_rule"] == 0
Beispiel #10
def test_handler_no_address(lambda_module, context, apigateway_event, order):
    Test handler() with no IAM credentials

    event = apigateway_event(iam="USER_ARN",
                             body=json.dumps({"products": order["products"]}))

    retval = lambda_module.handler(event, context)

    assert "statusCode" in retval
    assert retval["statusCode"] == 400
    assert "body" in retval
    body = json.loads(retval["body"])
    assert "message" in body
Beispiel #11
def test_handler_incorrect(lambda_module, apigateway_event, context, product):
    Test the function handler against an incorrect product

    product_incorrect = copy.deepcopy(product)
    product_incorrect["price"] += 200

    # Create request
    event = apigateway_event(
        body=json.dumps({"products": [product_incorrect]})

    # Stub boto3
    table = stub.Stubber(lambda_module.table.meta.client)
    response = {
        "Item": {k: TypeSerializer().serialize(v) for k, v in product.items()}
    expected_params = {
        "Key": {"productId": product["productId"]},
        "ProjectionExpression": stub.ANY,
        "ExpressionAttributeNames": stub.ANY,
        "TableName": lambda_module.TABLE_NAME
    table.add_response("get_item", response, expected_params)

    # Parse request
    response = lambda_module.handler(event, context)

    # Remove stub

    # Check response
    assert response["statusCode"] == 200

    # There should be 1 item in the response body
    response_body = json.loads(response["body"])
    assert "message" in response_body
    assert isinstance(response_body["message"], str)
    assert "products" in response_body
    assert len(response_body["products"]) == 1
Beispiel #12
def test_handler_missing_products(lambda_module, apigateway_event, context, product):
    Test the function handler with missing 'products' in request body

    # Create request
    event = apigateway_event(

    # Parse request
    response = lambda_module.handler(event, context)

    # Check response
    assert response["statusCode"] == 400

    # There should be a reason in the response body
    response_body = json.loads(response["body"])
    assert "message" in response_body
    assert isinstance(response_body["message"], str)