def interpolate(frame, field):
    # read coordinate of nodes
    fl = flac.Flac()
    xx, zz = fl.read_mesh(frame)
    x, z = flac.make_uniform_grid(xmin, xmax, zmin, zmax, dx, dz)

    if field == 'phase':
        ## phase
        # read marker location, age and phase
        mx, mz, mage, mphase, mid = fl.read_markers(frame)
        mx, mz, mphase = excluding(mx, mz, mphase, xmin-dx, xmax+dx, zmin-dz, zmax+dz)
        ph = flac.nearest_neighbor_interpolation2d(mx, mz, mphase, x, z)
        f = ph.astype(np.float32)
    elif field in ('temperature', 'aps', 'density', 'eII', 'sII',
                   'sxx', 'szz', 'sxz', 'srII', 'pres', 'diss', 'visc'):
        # read field
        cf = getattr(fl, 'read_'+field)(frame)
        cx, cz = flac.elem_coord(xx, zz)
        cx, cz, cf = excluding(cx, cz, cf, xmin-dx, xmax+dx, zmin-dz, zmax+dz)
        f = flac.gaussian_interpolation2d(cx, cz, cf, x, z)
        raise RuntimeError('unknown field %s' % field)

    f = clip_topo(x, z, f, xx, zz)
    return x, z, f
def get_maxarcT(time):

    arc_phase = [14]

    arcT = []
    time = np.reshape(time, (-1, 1))
    for folderk in range(len(foldername)):
        path = inputpath + foldername[folderk]

        import flac
        fl = flac.Flac()

        arcthickness = [0]
        frame = time2vts(time[folderk], path)
        if frame != 1:
            phase = fl.read_phase(frame)
            x, z = fl.read_mesh(frame)
            #imax = zz.argmax() #the highest point = arc peak

            for kk1 in range(0, fl.nx - 1):
                if phase[kk1, 0] in arc_phase:
                    for kk2 in range(
                        if phase[kk1, kk2] not in arc_phase:
                    arcthickness.append(z[kk1, 0] - z[kk1, kk2])

            arcT.append(round(max(arcthickness), 2))
    arcT = np.reshape(arcT, arraysize)
    return arcT
def main(path, start=1, end=-1):

    # changing directory

    fl = flac.Flac()
    if end == -1:
        end = fl.nrec

    for i in range(start, end + 1):
        x, z, age, temp, tempmax, coolingrate, phase, ID, chronage, chronif, chrontemp = fl.read_markers(
        if filtering:
            x, z, age,temp,tempmax,coolingrate, phase, ID,chronage,chronif,chrontemp  = \
            filter_marker(x, z, age,temp,tempmax,coolingrate, phase, ID, chronage,chronif,chrontemp)
        nmarkers = len(x)

        print('Writing record #%d, model time=%.3e, %d markers' %
              (i, fl.time[i - 1], nmarkers))
        fvtp = open('flacmarker.%06d.vtp' % i, 'w')
        vtp_header(fvtp, nmarkers)

        # point-based data
        fvtp.write('  <PointData>\n')
        vts_dataarray(fvtp, age, 'age', 1)
        vts_dataarray(fvtp, temp, 'temp', 1)
        vts_dataarray(fvtp, tempmax, 'tempmax', 1)
        vts_dataarray(fvtp, coolingrate, 'cooling rate', 1)
        vts_dataarray(fvtp, phase.astype(np.int32), 'phase', 1)
        for j in range(fl.chron.size):
            vts_dataarray(fvtp, chronage[j], fl.chron[j] + ' age', 1)
            vts_dataarray(fvtp, chronif[j].astype(np.int32),
                          fl.chron[j] + ' if', 1)
            vts_dataarray(fvtp, chrontemp[j], fl.chron[j] + ' Temp.', 1)
        vts_dataarray(fvtp, ID.astype(np.int32), 'ID', 1)
        fvtp.write('  </PointData>\n')

        # point coordinates

        # VTK requires vector field (velocity, coordinate) has 3 components.
        # Allocating a 3-vector tmp array for VTK data output.
        tmp = np.zeros((nmarkers, 3), dtype=x.dtype)
        tmp[:, 0] = x
        tmp[:, 1] = z
        fvtp.write('  <Points>\n')
        vts_dataarray(fvtp, tmp, '', 3)
        fvtp.write('  </Points>\n')

Beispiel #4
def main(path, start=1, end=-1):

    # changing directory

    fl = flac.Flac()
    if end == -1:
        end = fl.nrec

    if start == -1:
        vtplist = sorted(glob.glob('flacmarker.*.vtp'))
        lastframe = int(vtplist[-1][11:-4]) if vtplist else 0
        start = lastframe + 1

    for i in range(start, end + 1):
        x, z, age, phase, ID = fl.read_markers(i)
        if filtering:
            x, z, age, phase, ID = filter_marker(x, z, age, phase, ID)
        nmarkers = len(x)

        print('Writing record #%d, model time=%.3e, %d markers' %
              (i, fl.time[i - 1], nmarkers),
        fvtp = open('flacmarker.%06d.vtp' % i, 'w')
        vtp_header(fvtp, nmarkers, fl.time[i - 1], fl.steps[i - 1])

        # point-based data
        fvtp.write('  <PointData>\n')
        vts_dataarray(fvtp, age, 'age', 1)
        vts_dataarray(fvtp, phase.astype(np.int32), 'phase', 1)
        vts_dataarray(fvtp, ID.astype(np.int32), 'ID', 1)
        fvtp.write('  </PointData>\n')

        # point coordinates

        # VTK requires vector field (velocity, coordinate) has 3 components.
        # Allocating a 3-vector tmp array for VTK data output.
        tmp = np.zeros((nmarkers, 3), dtype=x.dtype)
        tmp[:, 0] = x
        tmp[:, 1] = z
        fvtp.write('  <Points>\n')
        vts_dataarray(fvtp, tmp, '', 3)
        fvtp.write('  </Points>\n')

def read_slab_dip(frame, depth1, depth2):

    import flac
    fl = flac.Flac()
    import math
    import function_ReadData as rd

    # read the dip of dip between depth1 and depth2(as the input parameters)
    xmesh, zmesh = fl.read_mesh(frame)
    x_len, z_len = xmesh.shape
    phase = fl.read_phase(frame)

    temp = 0  # when here's no slab between depth1 and depth2, both two depth will be shallower
    depth2_temp = depth2 + 5
    while temp <= 0:
        depth2_temp = depth2_temp - 5
        for kk in range(0, z_len - 1):
            # find z-index in depth2 -> j2
            if (rd.read_depth(zmesh, 0, kk) > depth2_temp):
                j2 = kk
        for kk in range(0, x_len - 1):
            if phase[kk, j2] in rd.slab_phase:
                i2 = kk
                temp = 5
    if (depth2_temp - 20) <= depth1:
        depth1_temp = depth2_temp - 20
        depth1_temp = depth1
    for kk in range(0, z_len - 1):
        # find z-index in depth2 -> j2
        if (rd.read_depth(zmesh, 0, kk) < depth1_temp):
            j1 = kk
        # find x-index of surface of slab in depth2 -> i2
        for kk in range(0, x_len - 1):
            if phase[kk, j1] in rd.slab_phase:
                i1 = kk
    detla_x = abs(xmesh[i1, j1] - xmesh[i2, j2])
    detla_z = abs(zmesh[i1, j1] - zmesh[i2, j2])
    di = math.degrees(math.atan(detla_z / detla_x))

    return di
def get_magmaP(time):

    magmaP = []
    time = np.reshape(time, (-1, 1))
    for folderk in range(len(foldername)):
        path = inputpath + foldername[folderk]

        import flac
        fl = flac.Flac()

        frame = time2vts(time[folderk], path)
        if frame != 1:
            production = 0
            for framek in range(frame - 10, frame + 10):
                countmarker = fl.read_countmarker(framek)
                meltingmarker = fl.read_meltingmarker(framek)
                x, z = fl.read_mesh(framek)

                mi = ip.read_data('D_melt', path, 5)
                mj = ip.read_data('D_melt', path, 6)
                mt = ip.read_data('D_melt', path, 4)

                for tkk in range(len(mt) - 1):
                    if mt[tkk] > fl.time[framek] and mt[tkk] < fl.time[framek +
                                      mj[tkk]] = meltingmarker[mi[tkk],
                                                               mj[tkk]] + 1

                for xk in range(fl.nx - 1):
                    for zk in range( - 1):
                        production = production + (
                            0.25 *
                            (meltingmarker[xk, zk] / countmarker[xk, zk]) *
                            read_area(x, z, xk, zk))
            deltaT = fl.time[frame + 10] - fl.time[frame - 10]  #in Myrs
            magmaP.append(production / deltaT)
    magmaP = np.reshape(magmaP, arraysize)
    return magmaP
def get_magmaP(frame):

    frame = frame + 1
    import flac
    fl = flac.Flac()

    time = fl.time[frame]

    if frame > 10:
        production = 0

        for framek in range(frame - 5, frame + 5):
            x, z = fl.read_mesh(framek)
            countmarker = fl.read_countmarker(framek)
            meltingmarker = fl.read_meltingmarker(framek)

            mi = ip.read_data('D_melt', path, 5)
            mj = ip.read_data('D_melt', path, 6)
            mt = ip.read_data('D_melt', path, 4)

            for tkk in range(len(mt) - 1):
                if mt[tkk] > fl.time[framek] and mt[tkk] < fl.time[framek + 1]:
                                  mj[tkk]] = meltingmarker[mi[tkk],
                                                           mj[tkk]] + 1

            for xk in range(1, fl.nx - 1):
                for zk in range(1, - 1):
                    production = production + (
                        0.25 * (meltingmarker[xk, zk] / countmarker[xk, zk]) *
                        read_area(x, z, xk, zk))
        deltaT = fl.time[frame + 5] - fl.time[frame - 5]  #in Myrs
        magmaP = production / deltaT
        magmaP = 0

    return magmaP, time
Beispiel #8
    # resolution in km
    fi.dx = dx = dz

    xx, zz, dens = fi.interpolate(frame, 'density')
    return xx, zz, dens


frame = int(sys.argv[1])
left2 = int(sys.argv[2])
rigth2 = left2 + 200

fl = flac.Flac()
x, z = fl.read_mesh(frame)
itrench = find_trench_index(z)
xtrench = x[itrench, 0]
print('trench =', itrench)
print('trench location =', xtrench)

# get interpolated phase either from previous run or from original data
phasefile = 'intp3-phase.%d' % frame
if not os.path.exists(phasefile):
    xx, zz, ph = interpolate_phase(frame, xtrench, 1)
    f = open(phasefile, 'w')
    f.write('%d %d\n' % xx.shape)
    flac.printing(xx, zz, ph, stream=f)
Beispiel #9
def main(path, start=1, end=-1):

    # changing directory

    fl = flac.Flac()

    nex = fl.nx - 1
    nez = - 1
    if end == -1:
        end = fl.nrec

    for i in range(start, end+1):
        print ('Writing record #%d, model time=%.3e' % (i, fl.time[i-1]), end='\r')
        fvts = open('flac.%06d.vts' % i, 'w')
        vts_header(fvts, nex, nez, fl.time[i-1], fl.steps[i-1])

        # node-based field
        fvts.write('  <PointData>\n')

        vx, vz = fl.read_vel(i)
        # VTK requires vector field (velocity, coordinate) has 3 components.
        # Allocating a 3-vector tmp array for VTK data output.
        tmp = np.zeros((fl.nx,, 3), dtype=vx.dtype)
        tmp[:,:,0] = vx
        tmp[:,:,1] = vz
        # vts requires x-axis increment fastest, swap axes order
        vts_dataarray(fvts, tmp.swapaxes(0,1), 'Velocity', 3)

        a = fl.read_temperature(i)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'Temperature')

        fvts.write('  </PointData>\n')

        # element-based field
        fvts.write('  <CellData>\n')

        # logrithm of strain rate 2nd invariant
        a = fl.read_srII(i)
        srat = a
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'Strain rate')

        a = fl.read_eII(i)
        eii = a
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'eII')

        a = fl.read_density(i)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'Density')

        a = fl.read_chamber(i)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'Melting history')

        a = fl.read_countmarker(i)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'Count of markers')

        a = fl.read_meltingmarker(i)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'Melting marker')

        exx, ezz, exz = fl.read_strain(i)
        e1 = compute_p_axis(exx, ezz, exz)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, e1.swapaxes(0,1), 'Strain 1-axis', 3)

        a = fl.read_aps(i)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'Plastic strain')

        a = fl.read_sII(i)
        sii = a
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'Stress')

        sxx = fl.read_sxx(i)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, sxx.swapaxes(0,1), 'Sxx')

        szz = fl.read_szz(i)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, szz.swapaxes(0,1), 'Szz')

        sxz = fl.read_sxz(i)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, sxz.swapaxes(0,1), 'Sxz')

        pressure = fl.read_pres(i)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, pressure.swapaxes(0,1), 'Pressure')

        # compression axis of stress
        a = compute_p_axis(sxx, szz, sxz)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'P-axis', 3)

        a = fl.read_diss(i)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'Dissipation')

        # logrithm of effective viscosity
        eff_visc = np.log10(a + 1e-45) + 8 - srat
        vts_dataarray(fvts, eff_visc.swapaxes(0,1), 'Eff. Visc')

        a = fl.read_visc(i)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'Viscosity')

        a = fl.read_phase(i)
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'Phase')

        # Work done by stress
        a = sii * 1e8 * eii
        vts_dataarray(fvts, a.swapaxes(0,1), 'Work')

        fvts.write('  </CellData>\n')

        # coordinate
        x, z = fl.read_mesh(i)
        tmp[:,:,0] = x
        tmp[:,:,1] = z
        fvts.write('  <Points>\n')
        vts_dataarray(fvts, tmp.swapaxes(0,1), '', 3)
        fvts.write('  </Points>\n')

Beispiel #10
def compute_gravity(frame):
    ## read data
    fl = flac.Flac()
    x, z = fl.read_mesh(frame)  # in km
    x *= 1e3
    z *= 1e3

    # surface coordinates
    xx = x[:,0]
    zz = z[:,0]
    xmin = x[0,0]
    xmax = x[-1,0]

    # center of elements
    cx, cz = flac.elem_coord(x, z)

    # area of elements = 0.5 * | AC x BD | = 0.5 * |xdiag1*zdiag2 - xdiag2*zdiag1|
    #  A -- D
    #  |    |
    #  B -- C
    xdiag1 = x[0:-1, 0:-1] - x[1:, 1:]
    zdiag1 = z[0:-1, 0:-1] - z[1:, 1:]
    xdiag2 = x[1:, 0:-1] - x[0:-1, 1:]
    zdiag2 = z[1:, 0:-1] - z[0:-1, 1:]
    area = 0.5 * np.abs(xdiag1*zdiag2 - xdiag2*zdiag1)

    rho = fl.read_density(frame)  # in kg/m^3

    # anything above sea level is removed
    rho[cz > 0] = 0

    ## benchmark case: infinite-long cylinder with radius R
    ## buried at depth D
    #R = 10e3
    #D = -150e3
    #drho = 1000
    #rho = np.zeros(cx.shape)
    #midx = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax)
    #midz = 0.5 * z.min()
    #dist2 = (x - midx)**2 + (z - D)**2
    #rho[dist2 < R**2] = drho
    #ocean_density = 0

    mass = rho * area

    ## calculate gravity at these points
    # px in uniform spacing
    px = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, num=5*fl.nx)
    # pz is a few km above the highest topography to avoid high frequency oscillation
    pz_height = max(0, np.max(zz)) + 4e3
    print ('gravity evaluated at %f km' % pz_height)
    pz = np.ones(px.shape) * pz_height

    # original topography defined in px grid
    topo = np.interp(px, x[:,0], z[:,0])

    ## contribution of material inside the model
    grav = np.empty(px.shape)
    for i in range(len(grav)):
        dx = px[i] - cx
        dz = pz[i] - cz
        dist2 = (dx**2 + dz**2)
        # downward component of gravity of an infinite long line source of density anomaly
        # see Turcotte & Schubert, 1st Ed., Eq 5-104
        grav[i] = 2 * gn * np.sum(mass * dz / dist2)

    ## contribution of sedimentary basin, only to the right of trench
    peaks = find_peaks(zz)
    itrench = find_trench_index(zz)
    basin_depth = -2000
    sed_density = 2200
    sed_thickness = np.zeros(fl.nx)

    for ii in range(len(peaks)-1):
        fill_height = min((basin_depth, zz[peaks[ii]], zz[peaks[ii+1]]))
        for i in range(peaks[ii], peaks[ii+1]):
            if zz[i] < fill_height:
                sed_thickness[i] = fill_height - zz[i]
                zz[i] = fill_height

    for i in range(itrench, fl.nx-1):
        sedz = 0.5 * (sed_thickness[i] + sed_thickness[i+1])
        if sedz > 0:
            midz = 0.5 * (zz[i] + zz[i+1])
            midx = 0.5 * (xx[i] + xx[i+1])
            m = (xx[i+1] - xx[i]) * sedz * sed_density
            dx = px - midx
            dz = pz - midz
            dist2 = (dx**2 + dz**2)
            grav += 2 * gn * m * dz / dist2

    ## contribution of ocean
    for i in range(fl.nx-1):
        midz = 0.5 * (zz[i] + zz[i+1])
        if midz < 0:
            midx = 0.5 * (xx[i] + xx[i+1])
            m = (xx[i+1] - xx[i]) * -midz * ocean_density
            dx = px - midx
            dz = pz - midz
            dist2 = (dx**2 + dz**2)
            grav += 2 * gn * m * dz / dist2

    # contribution of material outside left boundary
    # assuming the leftmost element extend to negative infinity
    # see Turcotte & Schubert, 1st Ed., Eq 5-106
    for i in range(
        sigma = rho[0,i] * (z[0,i] - z[0,i+1])
        dx = px - xmin
        dz = pz - 0.5 * (z[0,i] + z[0,i+1])
        angle = np.arctan2(dx, dz)
        grav += 2 * gn * sigma * (0.5*np.pi - angle)

    if zz[0] < 0:
        sigma = ocean_density * -zz[0]
        dx = px - xmin
        dz = pz - 0.5 * zz[0]
        angle = np.arctan2(dx, dz)
        grav += 2 * gn * sigma * (0.5*np.pi - angle)

    # ditto for right boundary
    for i in range(
        sigma = rho[-1,i] * (z[-1,i] - z[-1,i+1])
        dx = xmax - px
        dz = pz - 0.5 * (z[-1,i] + z[-1,i+1])
        angle = np.arctan2(dx, dz)
        grav += 2 * gn * sigma * (0.5*np.pi - angle)

    if zz[-1] < 0:
        sigma = ocean_density * -zz[-1]
        dx = xmax - px
        dz = pz - 0.5 * zz[-1]
        angle = np.arctan2(dx, dz)
        grav += 2 * gn * sigma * (0.5*np.pi - angle)

    ## set reference gravity
    ## far right gravity to 0
    grav -= grav[-1]

    return px, topo, grav
Beispiel #11
olddir = 'orig/'
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    olddir = sys.argv[2] + '/'

curdir = os.getcwd()
newdir = './'

# name holder
old = 0
new = 0

    # read old and new results

    flo = flac.Flac()
    old = read_data(flo, frame)

    os.chdir('../' + newdir)
    fln = flac.Flac()
    new = read_data(fln, frame)

    # compare results
    print('Relative difference (max, stddev) of frame =', frame,
          ' step =', int(flo.steps[frame]))
    compare(old, new)

    # restort to original directory