class ProfileForm(Form): multipart = True next = HiddenField() email = EmailField(u'Email', [Required(), Email()]) # Don't use the same name as model because we are going to use populate_obj(). avatar_file = FileField(u"Avatar", [Optional()]) sex_code = RadioField(u"Sex", [AnyOf([str(val) for val in SEX_TYPE.keys()])], choices=[(str(val), label) for val, label in SEX_TYPE.items()]) age = IntegerField(u'Age', [Optional(), NumberRange(AGE_MIN, AGE_MAX)]) phone = TelField(u'Phone', [Length(max=64)]) url = URLField(u'URL', [Optional(), URL()]) deposit = DecimalField( u'Deposit', [Optional(), NumberRange(DEPOSIT_MIN, DEPOSIT_MAX)]) location = TextField(u'Location', [Length(max=64)]) bio = TextAreaField(u'Bio', [Length(max=1024)]) submit = SubmitField(u'Save') def validate_name(form, field): user = User.get_by_id( if not user.check_name( raise ValidationError("Please pick another name.") def validate_avatar_file(form, field): if and not allowed_file( raise ValidationError("Please upload files with extensions: %s" % "/".join(ALLOWED_AVATAR_EXTENSIONS))
class SettingForm(BaseForm): screen_name = TextField(_('Display Name'), validators=[Length(max=80)]) website = URLField(_('Website'), validators=[URL(), Optional()]) city = TextField(_('City'), description=_('Where are you living')) description = TextAreaField(_('Description'), validators=[Optional(), Length(max=400)], description=_('Markdown is supported.'))
class ProfileForm(Form): next = HiddenField() name = TextField( label = _("Username"), validators = [ Required(), Length(USERNAME_LEN_MIN, USERNAME_LEN_MAX), ], description = u"Combination of letters/digits/underscore, at least %s characters." % USERNAME_LEN_MIN, ) email = EmailField( label = _('Email'), validators = [Email()], ) created_time = DateField( label = _('Created time'), ) role_id = RadioField( label = "Role", validators = [AnyOf([str(val) for val in USER_ROLE.keys()])], choices = [(str(val), label) for val, label in USER_ROLE.items()], ) status_id = RadioField( label = "Status", validators = [AnyOf([str(val) for val in USER_STATUS.keys()])], choices = [(str(val), label) for val, label in USER_STATUS.items()], ) real_name = TextField( label = _('Real name'), validators = [ Length(REALNAME_LEN_MIN, REALNAME_LEN_MAX), ] ) age = IntegerField( label = _('Age'), validators = [NumberRange(AGE_MIN, AGE_MAX)], ) phone = TelField( label = _('Phone'), ) url = URLField( label = _('URL'), validators = [URL()], ) deposit = DecimalField( label = _('Deposit'), validators = [NumberRange(DEPOSIT_MIN, DEPOSIT_MAX)], ) location = TextField( label = _('Location'), validators = [Length(max=50)] ) bio = TextAreaField( label = _('Bio'), validators = [Length(max=1024)] ) submit = SubmitField(_('Save'))
class URLForm(Form): url = TextField( 'URL', [Required(), Length(max=255), URL()], widget=XXLargeTextInput()) slug = TextField('Slug', [Optional(), Length(max=30), Regexp(RE_SLUG)], widget=TextInput()) submit = SubmitField('shorten')
class HotelForm(Form): id = TextField("Id", validators=[Length(min=36, max=36)]) name = TextField("Name", validators=[Length(max=40)]) butterfly_url = URLField("Butterfly URL", validators=[URL()]) butterfly_user = TextField("Butterfly user", validators=[Length(max=10)]) butterfly_token = TextField("Butterfly token", validators=[Length(40)]) shorthand = TextField("Shorthand", validators=[Length(max=5)]) cups_address = TextField("Cups IP address", validators=[Length(max=200)]) cups_password = TextField("Cups password", validators=[Length(max=200)])
class BookmarkForm(Form): url = TextField("URL", [Required(), URL(require_tld=True)]) title = TextField("Title", [Required()]) description = TextAreaField('Description') tags = SelectMultipleField('Tags') public = BooleanField('Public?') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BookmarkForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.tags.choices = [(, for t in Tag.query.all()]
def optional_url(form, field): """ Validate URL only if present. """ if not return else: if ':' not in = 'http://' + validator = URL( message="Invalid URL. URLs must begin with http:// or https://") return validator(form, field)
class HttpAddForm(AddForm): base_url = TextField("Base URL", validators = [Required(), URL(False) ]) login = TextField("Login", validators = [Required() ]) password = PasswordField("Password", validators = []) extension = TextField("Extension", validators = [], description = "If required, provide an extension (e.g., .php) to the HTTP API") mode = SelectField("Mode", choices=[('json', 'Pure JSON requests and responses'), ('json+form', 'JSON for responses, HTML forms for requests')], default = "json") def __init__(self, add_or_edit, *args, **kwargs): super(HttpAddForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def process_configuration(old_configuration, new_configuration): return new_configuration
class AddForm(AddForm): remote_login = TextField("Login", validators=[Required()]) password = PasswordField("Password") base_url = TextField("Base URL", validators=[Required(), URL()]) mappings = TextField("Mappings", validators=[Required()], default="{}") def __init__(self, add_or_edit, *args, **kwargs): super(AddForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.add_or_edit = add_or_edit @staticmethod def process_configuration(old_configuration, new_configuration): old_configuration_dict = json.loads(old_configuration) new_configuration_dict = json.loads(new_configuration) if new_configuration_dict.get('password', '') == '': new_configuration_dict['password'] = old_configuration_dict.get( 'password', '') return json.dumps(new_configuration_dict) def validate_password(form, field): if form.add_or_edit and == '': raise ValidationError("This field is required.") def validate_mappings(form, field): try: content = json.loads( except: raise ValidationError("Invalid json content") if not isinstance(content, dict): raise ValidationError("Dictionary expected") for key in content: if not isinstance(key, basestring): raise ValidationError("Keys must be strings") if '@' not in key: raise ValidationError( "Key format: experiment_name@experiment_category ") value = content[key] if not isinstance(value, basestring): raise ValidationError("Values must be strings") if '@' not in value: raise ValidationError( "Value format: experiment_name@experiment_category ")
class VirtualAddForm(AddForm): web = TextField("Web", validators=[Required(), URL()]) web_name = TextField("Web name", validators=[Required()]) height = TextField("Height") translation_url = TextField( "Translations URL", description= "List of translations for this lab in a particular JSON format, if available" ) def __init__(self, add_or_edit, *args, **kwargs): super(VirtualAddForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def process_configuration(old_configuration, new_configuration): return new_configuration
class SettingsForm(Form): username = TextField( u'用户名', validators=[Required(), Length(min=4, max=32), Regexp(re_username)]) #nickname = TextField(u'昵称', validators=[Optional(), Length(max=32)]) city = TextField(u'城市', validators=[Optional(), Length(max=40)]) province = TextField(u'省份', validators=[Optional(), Length(max=40)]) birthday = DateField(u'出生年月日', validators=[Optional()], widget=DatePickerWidget(),, 1, 1)) blog = TextField(u'博客', validators=[Optional(), URL(), Length(max=100)]) descp = TextAreaField(u'个人介绍', validators=[Optional(), Length(max=500)]) signature = TextAreaField(u'签名', validators=[Optional(), Length(max=200)]) realname = TextField(u'真实姓名', validators=[Optional(), Length(max=80)]) idcard = TextField(u'身份证', validators=[Optional(), Length(max=32)])
class Deal_Form(Form): title = TextField("title", validators=[Required(message='This is required')]) categories = SelectField(u'Group', choices=[(category.title(), category) for category in cats]) location = TextField("location", validators=[ Length(max=300, message="location can't be longer than 300 characters"), URL(message="Doesn't look like a valid link. Valid links should start with http://") ]) description = TextAreaField('description', validators=[ Length(max=5000, message="Description can't be longer than 5000 characters") ]) submit = SubmitField("Submit") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Form.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def validate(self): rv = Form.validate(self) if not rv: # Hack - if the is "", the URL validator # will raise an invalid URL error. But the length validator should # raise no errors since "" has length < 300. # # Therefore, if is None, we can assume that # there is only 1 location error, and the error is invalid URL. # Since we want to allow the user to NOT enter a URL, we will # to pop the invalid URL error from self.location.error if == "": self.location.errors.pop() if len( > 128: num = len( - 128 message = "This is too long by {num} characters"\ .format(num=num) self.title.errors.append(message) if self.title.errors or self.categories.errors or \ self.location.errors or self.description.errors: return False return True
class ProfileForm(Form): multipart = True next = HiddenField() email = EmailField(_('Email'), [Required(), Email()]) # Don't use the same name as model because we are going to use populate_obj(). avatar_file = FileField(_("Avatar"), [Optional()]) sex_code = RadioField(_("Sex"), [AnyOf([str(val) for val in SEX_TYPE.keys()])], choices=[(str(val), label) for val, label in SEX_TYPE.items()]) age = IntegerField(_('Age'), [Optional(), NumberRange(AGE_MIN, AGE_MAX)]) phone = TelField(_('Phone'), [Length(max=64)]) url = URLField(_('URL'), [Optional(), URL()]) deposit = DecimalField( _('Deposit'), [Optional(), NumberRange(DEPOSIT_MIN, DEPOSIT_MAX)]) location = TextField(_('Location'), [Length(max=64)]) bio = TextAreaField(_('Bio'), [Length(max=1024)]) submit = SubmitField(_('Save')) def validate_name(form, field): user = User.get_by_id( if not user.check_name( raise ValidationError(_("Please pick another name.")) def validate_avatar_file(form, field): if and not allowed_file( raise ValidationError( _("Please upload files with extensions:") + " %s" % "/".join(ALLOWED_AVATAR_EXTENSIONS)) def create_profile(self, request, user): if upload_file = request.files[] if upload_file and allowed_file(upload_file.filename): # Don't trust any input, we use a random string as filename. # or use secure_filename: # user_upload_dir = os.path.join( current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], "user_%s" % current_app.logger.debug(user_upload_dir) make_dir(user_upload_dir) root, ext = os.path.splitext(upload_file.filename) today ='_%Y-%m-%d') # Hash file content as filename. hash_filename = hashlib.sha1( + "_" + today + ext user.avatar = hash_filename avatar_ab_path = os.path.join(user_upload_dir, user.avatar) # Reset file curso since we used read() self.populate_obj(user) self.populate_obj(user.user_detail) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit()
class EntryAddScreenshot(Form): url = TextField("URL", validators=[Required(), URL()]) caption = TextField("Caption", validators=[Required()])
class ProfileForm(Form): first_name = TextField( label=_('First Name'), validators=[ Length( min=FIRSTNAME_LEN_MIN, max=FIRSTNAME_LEN_MAX, ), ], ) last_name = TextField( label=_('Last Name'), validators=[ Length( min=LASTNAME_LEN_MIN, max=LASTNAME_LEN_MAX, ), ], ) username = TextField( label=_('Username'), validators=[ Required(), Length( min=USERNAME_LEN_MIN, max=USERNAME_LEN_MAX, ), ], description=_(u"Combination of letters/digits/underscore, at least %s characters." % USERNAME_LEN_MIN), ) email = EmailField( label=_('Email'), validators=[Email( message=_("Doesn't look like a valid email.") )], ) """ TODO role_id = RadioField( label=_('Role'), validators=[ validators.AnyOf(USER_ROLE.keys()) ], choices=USER_ROLE.items(), )""" gender = SelectField( label=_('Gender'), choices=[ ('male', 'Male'), ('female', 'Female') ] ) dob = DateField( label=_('Date of Birth') ) phone = TelField( label=_('Phone Number'), ) bio = TextAreaField( label=_('Biography'), validators=[ Length( max=1024, ), ] ) url = URLField( label=_('Website'), validators=[ URL(), ], ) submit = SubmitField(_('Save'))
class NewLinkForm(Form): url = TextField('URL', validators=[Required(), URL()]) title = TextField('Title', validators=[Required()]) description = TextAreaField('Description', validators=[Required()]) image = FileField('Image', validators=[Required()])