Beispiel #1
def _convert_models(
    view_kwargs: dict,
    url_param_names_to_models: dict,
) -> dict:
    for url_param_name, model_mapping in url_param_names_to_models.items():
        arg_name = None
        model = model_mapping
        if isinstance(model_mapping, dict):
            arg_name, model = list(model_mapping.items())[0]

        if not (inspect.isclass(model) and issubclass(model, Model)):

        if not arg_name:
            arg_name = camel_to_snake_case(model.__name__)

        filter_by = url_param_name.replace(
            camel_to_snake_case(model.__name__) + '_', '')
        instance = model.query.filter_by(
                filter_by: view_kwargs.pop(url_param_name),

        if not instance:

        view_kwargs[arg_name] = instance

    return view_kwargs
 def _get_endpoint(self, view_func, endpoint=None, plural=False):
     if endpoint:
         assert '.' not in endpoint, 'Api endpoints should not contain dots'
     elif isinstance(view_func, MethodViewType):
         endpoint = camel_to_snake_case(view_func.__name__)
         if hasattr(view_func, 'model') and plural:
             plural_model = camel_to_snake_case(view_func.model.__plural__)
             endpoint = f'{plural_model}_resource'
         endpoint = view_func.__name__
     return f'{}.{endpoint}'
Beispiel #3
def _convert_models(view_kwargs: dict,
                    url_param_names_to_models: dict,
                    ) -> dict:
    for url_param_name, model_mapping in url_param_names_to_models.items():
        arg_name = None
        model = model_mapping
        if isinstance(model_mapping, dict):
            arg_name, model = list(model_mapping.items())[0]

        if not (inspect.isclass(model) and issubclass(model, Model)):

        if not arg_name:
            arg_name = camel_to_snake_case(model.__name__)

        extra_params = url_param_names_to_models[url_param_name]

        if isinstance(extra_params, dict):
            param_value = view_kwargs.get(url_param_name)
            validations = extra_params.pop('validations', []) or []
            for validation in validations:
                validation_message = Validator.is_invalid(
                    param_value, **validation)
                if validation_message:
                        jsonify(message=validation_message), HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST))

        filter_by = url_param_name.replace(
            camel_to_snake_case(model.__name__) + '_', '')
        instance = model.query.filter_by(**{
            filter_by: view_kwargs.pop(url_param_name),

        if isinstance(extra_params, dict) and extra_params.get('is_list'):
            instance = instance.all()
            instance = instance.first()
            if not instance:

        view_kwargs[arg_name] = instance

    return view_kwargs
Beispiel #4
def foreign_key(model_or_table_name,
    """Helper method to add a foreign key Column to a model.

    For example::

        class Post(Model):
            category_id = foreign_key('Category')
            category = relationship('Category', back_populates='posts')

    Is equivalent to::

        class Post(Model):
            category_id = Column(BigInteger, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False)
            category = relationship('Category', back_populates='posts')

    :param deferrable:
    :param nullable:
    :param model_or_table_name: the model or table name to link to

        If given a lowercase string, it's treated as an explicit table name.

        If there are any uppercase characters, it's assumed to be a model name,
        and will be converted to snake case using the same automatic conversion
        as Flask-SQLAlchemy does itself.

        If given an instance of :class:`flask_sqlalchemy.Model`, use its
        :attr:`__tablename__` attribute.

    :param str fk_col: column name of the primary key (defaults to "id")
    :param bool primary_key: Whether or not this Column is a primary key
    :param dict kwargs: any other kwargs to pass the Column constructor
    if foreign_key_args is None:
        foreign_key_args = {}
    model = model_or_table_name
    table_name = model_or_table_name
    fk_col = fk_col or 'id'
    if inspect.isclass(model) and issubclass(model, db.Model):
        table_name = model_or_table_name.__tablename__
    elif table_name != table_name.lower():
        table_name = camel_to_snake_case(table_name)
    return Column(db.BigInteger,
Beispiel #5
 def handle_error(self, error, data):
     """Customize the error messages for required/not-null validators with
     dynamically generated field names. This is definitely a little hacky
     (it mutates state, uses hardcoded strings), but unsure how better to do it
     required_messages = ('Missing data for required field.',
                          'Field may not be null.')
     for field_name in error.field_names:
         for i, msg in enumerate(error.messages[field_name]):
             if msg in required_messages:
                 label = camel_to_snake_case(field_name).replace(
                     '_', ' ').title()
                 error.messages[field_name][i] = f'{label} is required.'
Beispiel #6
    def save_fixture(self):
        from sqlalchemy import inspect

        def get_row_dic(row):
            return {
                c.key: getattr(row, c.key)
                for c in inspect(row).mapper.column_attrs

        return {
            "table": camel_to_snake_case(self.__class__.__name__),
            "records": [get_row_dic(row) for row in self.all()]
Beispiel #7
def can_access_field(source, info, **kwargs):
    """Checks if the requested field can be accessed by the user

    :type info: graphql.execution.base.ResolveInfo
    session = get_session(info)
    user = get_current_user(info)
    permissions = permissions_config().get(str(info.parent_type))
    if permissions is None:
        return False
    field_name = camel_to_snake_case(info.field_name)
    permission = permissions.get(field_name)
    if all_permissions.get(permission, deny)(session, user, source,
                                             path=info.path, **kwargs):
        return True
    return False
def title_case(string):
    return camel_to_snake_case(string).replace('_', ' ').title()
def test_camel_to_snake_case(name, expect):
    assert camel_to_snake_case(name) == expect