class UserRegisterForm(wtf.Form): username = wtf.TextField( 'Username', validators=[ wtf.Required(), wtf.Length(min=2, max=50), wtf.Regexp( '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$', message= ('Username must only contain a to z, 0 to 9, and underscores.' )) ], description=( 'Your username is public and used as part of your project name.')) email = wtf.TextField('Email', validators=[wtf.Required(), wtf.validators.Email()]) password = wtf.PasswordField('Password', validators=[ wtf.Required(), wtf.Length(5), wtf.EqualTo('confirm', 'Passwords do not match.'), ]) confirm = wtf.PasswordField('Confirm Password') def validate_username(form, field): from notifico.views.account import _reserved username = if username in _reserved or User.username_exists(username): raise wtf.ValidationError('Sorry, but that username is taken.')
class UserPasswordForm(wtf.Form): password = wtf.PasswordField('Password', validators=[ wtf.Required(), wtf.Length(5), wtf.EqualTo('confirm', 'Passwords do not match.'), ]) confirm = wtf.PasswordField('Confirm Password')
class UserDeleteForm(wtf.Form): password = wtf.PasswordField('Password', validators=[ wtf.Required(), wtf.Length(5), wtf.EqualTo('confirm', 'Passwords do not match.'), ]) confirm = wtf.PasswordField('Confirm Password') def validate_password(form, field): if not User.login(g.user.username, raise wtf.ValidationError('Password is incorrect.')