def generator(rail: GridTransitionMap, num_agents: int, hints: Any = None, num_resets: int = 0,
                  np_random: RandomState = None) -> Schedule:
        _runtime_seed = seed + num_resets

        valid_positions = []
        for r in range(rail.height):
            for c in range(rail.width):
                if rail.get_full_transitions(r, c) > 0:
                    valid_positions.append((r, c))
        if len(valid_positions) == 0:
            return Schedule(agent_positions=[], agent_directions=[],
                            agent_targets=[], agent_speeds=[], agent_malfunction_rates=None, max_episode_steps=0)

        if len(valid_positions) < num_agents:
            warnings.warn("schedule_generators: len(valid_positions) < num_agents")
            return Schedule(agent_positions=[], agent_directions=[],
                            agent_targets=[], agent_speeds=[], agent_malfunction_rates=None, max_episode_steps=0)

        agents_position_idx = [i for i in np_random.choice(len(valid_positions), num_agents, replace=False)]
        agents_position = [valid_positions[agents_position_idx[i]] for i in range(num_agents)]
        agents_target_idx = [i for i in np_random.choice(len(valid_positions), num_agents, replace=False)]
        agents_target = [valid_positions[agents_target_idx[i]] for i in range(num_agents)]
        update_agents = np.zeros(num_agents)

        re_generate = True
        cnt = 0
        while re_generate:
            cnt += 1
            if cnt > 1:
                print("re_generate cnt={}".format(cnt))
            if cnt > 1000:
                raise Exception("After 1000 re_generates still not success, giving up.")
            # update position
            for i in range(num_agents):
                if update_agents[i] == 1:
                    x = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(valid_positions)), agents_position_idx)
                    agents_position_idx[i] = np_random.choice(x)
                    agents_position[i] = valid_positions[agents_position_idx[i]]
                    x = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(len(valid_positions)), agents_target_idx)
                    agents_target_idx[i] = np_random.choice(x)
                    agents_target[i] = valid_positions[agents_target_idx[i]]
            update_agents = np.zeros(num_agents)

            # agents_direction must be a direction for which a solution is
            # guaranteed.
            agents_direction = [0] * num_agents
            re_generate = False
            for i in range(num_agents):
                valid_movements = []
                for direction in range(4):
                    position = agents_position[i]
                    moves = rail.get_transitions(position[0], position[1], direction)
                    for move_index in range(4):
                        if moves[move_index]:
                            valid_movements.append((direction, move_index))

                valid_starting_directions = []
                for m in valid_movements:
                    new_position = get_new_position(agents_position[i], m[1])
                    if m[0] not in valid_starting_directions and rail.check_path_exists(new_position, m[1],

                if len(valid_starting_directions) == 0:
                    update_agents[i] = 1
                        "reset position for agent[{}]: {} -> {}".format(i, agents_position[i], agents_target[i]))
                    re_generate = True
                    agents_direction[i] = valid_starting_directions[
                        np_random.choice(len(valid_starting_directions), 1)[0]]

        agents_speed = speed_initialization_helper(num_agents, speed_ratio_map, seed=_runtime_seed, np_random=np_random)

        # Compute max number of steps with given schedule
        extra_time_factor = 1.5  # Factor to allow for more then minimal time
        max_episode_steps = int(extra_time_factor * rail.height * rail.width)

        return Schedule(agent_positions=agents_position, agent_directions=agents_direction,
                        agent_targets=agents_target, agent_speeds=agents_speed, agent_malfunction_rates=None,
    def generator(rail: GridTransitionMap, num_agents: int, hints: Any = None, num_resets: int = 0,
                  np_random: RandomState = None) -> Schedule:

        The generator that assigns tasks to all the agents
        :param rail: Rail infrastructure given by the rail_generator
        :param num_agents: Number of agents to include in the schedule
        :param hints: Hints provided by the rail_generator These include positions of start/target positions
        :param num_resets: How often the generator has been reset.
        :return: Returns the generator to the rail constructor

        _runtime_seed = seed + num_resets

        train_stations = hints['train_stations']
        city_positions = hints['city_positions']
        city_orientation = hints['city_orientations']
        max_num_agents = hints['num_agents']
        city_orientations = hints['city_orientations']
        if num_agents > max_num_agents:
            num_agents = max_num_agents
            warnings.warn("Too many agents! Changes number of agents.")
        # Place agents and targets within available train stations
        agents_position = []
        agents_target = []
        agents_direction = []

        for agent_idx in range(num_agents):
            infeasible_agent = True
            tries = 0
            while infeasible_agent:
                tries += 1
                infeasible_agent = False
                # Set target for agent
                city_idx = np_random.choice(len(city_positions), 2, replace=False)
                start_city = city_idx[0]
                target_city = city_idx[1]

                start_idx = np_random.choice(np.arange(len(train_stations[start_city])))
                target_idx = np_random.choice(np.arange(len(train_stations[target_city])))
                start = train_stations[start_city][start_idx]
                target = train_stations[target_city][target_idx]

                while start[1] % 2 != 0:
                    start_idx = np_random.choice(np.arange(len(train_stations[start_city])))
                    start = train_stations[start_city][start_idx]
                while target[1] % 2 != 1:
                    target_idx = np_random.choice(np.arange(len(train_stations[target_city])))
                    target = train_stations[target_city][target_idx]
                possible_orientations = [city_orientation[start_city],
                                         (city_orientation[start_city] + 2) % 4]
                agent_orientation = np_random.choice(possible_orientations)
                if not rail.check_path_exists(start[0], agent_orientation, target[0]):
                    agent_orientation = (agent_orientation + 2) % 4
                if not (rail.check_path_exists(start[0], agent_orientation, target[0])):
                    infeasible_agent = True
                if tries >= 100:
                    warnings.warn("Did not find any possible path, check your parameters!!!")
            agents_position.append((start[0][0], start[0][1]))
            agents_target.append((target[0][0], target[0][1]))

            # Orient the agent correctly

        if speed_ratio_map:
            speeds = speed_initialization_helper(num_agents, speed_ratio_map, seed=_runtime_seed, np_random=np_random)
            speeds = [1.0] * len(agents_position)

        # We add multiply factors to the max number of time steps to simplify task in Flatland challenge.
        # These factors might change in the future.
        timedelay_factor = 4
        alpha = 2
        max_episode_steps = int(
            timedelay_factor * alpha * (rail.width + rail.height + num_agents / len(city_positions)))

        return Schedule(agent_positions=agents_position, agent_directions=agents_direction,
                        agent_targets=agents_target, agent_speeds=speeds, agent_malfunction_rates=None,
Beispiel #3
    def generator(rail: GridTransitionMap, num_agents: int, hints: Any = None, num_resets: int = 0) -> Schedule:

        The generator that assigns tasks to all the agents
        :param rail: Rail infrastructure given by the rail_generator
        :param num_agents: Number of agents to include in the schedule
        :param hints: Hints provided by the rail_generator These include positions of start/target positions
        :param num_resets: How often the generator has been reset.
        :return: Returns the generator to the rail constructor

        _runtime_seed = seed + num_resets

        train_stations = hints['train_stations']
        city_positions = hints['city_positions']
        city_orientation = hints['city_orientations']
        max_num_agents = hints['num_agents']
        city_orientations = hints['city_orientations']
        if num_agents > max_num_agents:
            num_agents = max_num_agents
            warnings.warn("Too many agents! Changes number of agents.")
        # Place agents and targets within available train stations
        agents_position = []
        agents_target = []
        agents_direction = []

        for agent_idx in range(num_agents):
            infeasible_agent = True
            tries = 0
            while infeasible_agent:
                tries += 1
                infeasible_agent = False
                # Set target for agent
                # random choose 2 cities from the length of city_positions
                # 随机选择两个城市作为出发和终点
                city_idx = np.random.choice(len(city_positions), 2, replace=False)
                start_city = city_idx[0]
                target_city = city_idx[1]

                # train_stations is a 2D list, includes [start_city][start_idx]
                start_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(train_stations[start_city])))
                target_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(train_stations[target_city])))
                start = train_stations[start_city][start_idx]
                target = train_stations[target_city][target_idx]

                while start[1] % 2 != 0:
                    start_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(train_stations[start_city])))
                    start = train_stations[start_city][start_idx]
                while target[1] % 2 != 1:
                    target_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(train_stations[target_city])))
                    target = train_stations[target_city][target_idx]
                # 可能的初始方向
                possible_orientations = [city_orientation[start_city],
                                         (city_orientation[start_city] + 2) % 4]
                # agent orientation is choosen randomly based on orientations the start city has                         
                agent_orientation = np.random.choice(possible_orientations)
                if not rail.check_path_exists(start[0], agent_orientation, target[0]):
                    agent_orientation = (agent_orientation + 2) % 4
                if not (rail.check_path_exists(start[0], agent_orientation, target[0])):
                    infeasible_agent = True
                if tries >= 100:
                    warnings.warn("Did not find any possible path, check your parameters!!!")
            # 初始城市和目标城市是随机的
            agents_position.append((start[0][0], start[0][1]))
            agents_target.append((target[0][0], target[0][1]))
            # 出发方向即城市方向,每个城市都有一个初始方向
            # Orient the agent correctly

        if speed_ratio_map:
            speeds = speed_initialization_helper(num_agents, speed_ratio_map, seed=_runtime_seed)
            speeds = [1.0] * len(agents_position)

        return Schedule(agent_positions=agents_position, agent_directions=agents_direction,
                        agent_targets=agents_target, agent_speeds=speeds, agent_malfunction_rates=None)