Beispiel #1
class Room:
    """A room, which has not yet been drawn.  Performs some light randomization
    of the room shape.
    MINIMUM_SIZE = Size(5, 5)

    def __init__(self, region):
        self.region = region
        self.size = Size(
            random_normal_range(self.MINIMUM_SIZE.width, region.width),
            random_normal_range(self.MINIMUM_SIZE.height, region.height),
        left = region.left + random.randint(0, region.width - self.size.width)
        top = + random.randint(0, region.height - self.size.height)
        self.rect = Rectangle(Point(left, top), self.size)

    def draw_to_canvas(self, canvas):
        assert self.rect in canvas.rect

        for point in self.rect.iter_points():
            canvas.set_architecture(point, e.Floor)

        # Top and bottom
        for x in self.rect.range_width():
            canvas.set_architecture(Point(x,, Wall)
            canvas.set_architecture(Point(x, self.rect.bottom), Wall)

        # Left and right (will hit corners again, whatever)
        for y in self.rect.range_height():
            canvas.set_architecture(Point(self.rect.left, y), Wall)
            canvas.set_architecture(Point(self.rect.right, y), Wall)
Beispiel #2
def test_blob_math_contain():
    # These rectangles look like this:
    # xxxxx
    # x###x
    # x###x
    # x###x
    # xxxxx
    rect1 = Rectangle(origin=Point(0, 0), size=Size(5, 5))
    rect2 = Rectangle(origin=Point(1, 1), size=Size(3, 3))
    blob1 = Blob.from_rectangle(rect1)
    blob2 = Blob.from_rectangle(rect2)

    union_blob = blob1 + blob2
    assert union_blob.area == blob1.area
    assert union_blob.height == blob1.height

    left_blob = blob1 - blob2
    assert left_blob.area == 16
    assert left_blob.height == 5
    assert left_blob.spans == {
        0: (Span(0, 4), ),
        1: (Span(0, 0), Span(4, 4)),
        2: (Span(0, 0), Span(4, 4)),
        3: (Span(0, 0), Span(4, 4)),
        4: (Span(0, 4), ),

    right_blob = blob2 - blob1
    assert right_blob.area == 0
    assert right_blob.height == 0
    assert right_blob.spans == {}
Beispiel #3
def test_blob_math_overlap():
    # These rectangles look like this:
    # xxx
    # x##x
    # x##x
    #  xxx
    rect1 = Rectangle(origin=Point(0, 0), size=Size(3, 3))
    rect2 = Rectangle(origin=Point(1, 1), size=Size(3, 3))
    blob1 = Blob.from_rectangle(rect1)
    blob2 = Blob.from_rectangle(rect2)

    union_blob = blob1 + blob2
    assert union_blob.area == 14

    left_blob = blob1 - blob2
    assert left_blob.area == 5
    assert left_blob.height == 3
    assert left_blob.spans == {
        0: (Span(0, 2), ),
        1: (Span(0, 0), ),
        2: (Span(0, 0), ),

    right_blob = blob2 - blob1
    assert right_blob.area == 5
    assert right_blob.height == 3
    assert right_blob.spans == {
        1: (Span(3, 3), ),
        2: (Span(3, 3), ),
        3: (Span(1, 3), ),
Beispiel #4
def test_blob_math_disjoint():
    # These rectangles look like this:
    # xxx
    # xxx
    # xxx   xxx
    #       xxx
    #       xxx
    rect1 = Rectangle(origin=Point(0, 0), size=Size(3, 3))
    rect2 = Rectangle(origin=Point(6, 2), size=Size(3, 3))
    blob1 = Blob.from_rectangle(rect1)
    blob2 = Blob.from_rectangle(rect2)

    union_blob = blob1 + blob2
    assert union_blob.area == blob1.area + blob2.area
    assert union_blob.area == rect1.area + rect2.area
    assert union_blob.height == 5

    left_blob = blob1 - blob2
    from pprint import pprint
    assert left_blob.area == blob1.area
    assert left_blob == blob1

    right_blob = blob2 - blob1
    from pprint import pprint
    assert right_blob.area == blob2.area
    assert right_blob == blob2
Beispiel #5
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        size = Size(*size)
        map =
        map_rect = map.rect
        player_position = map.find(

        if not self.viewport:
            # Let's pretend the map itself is the viewport, and the below logic
            # can adjust it as necessary.
            self.viewport =

        horizontal = self._adjust_viewport(
            self.viewport.horizontal_span, size.width, player_position.x, map.rect.horizontal_span
        vertical = self._adjust_viewport(
            self.viewport.vertical_span, size.height, player_position.y, map.rect.vertical_span

        self.viewport = Rectangle.from_spans(horizontal=horizontal, vertical=vertical)

        # viewport is from the pov of the map; negate it to get how much space
        # is added or removed around the map
        pad_left = -self.viewport.left
        pad_top =
        pad_right = (size.width - pad_left) - map_rect.width
        pad_bottom = (size.height - pad_top) - map_rect.height

        # TODO it's unclear when you're near the edge of the map, which i hate.
        # should either show a clear border past the map edge, or show some
        # kinda fade or whatever along a cut-off edge
        map_canvas = urwid.CompositeCanvas(CellCanvas(map))
        map_canvas.pad_trim_left_right(pad_left, pad_right)
        map_canvas.pad_trim_top_bottom(pad_top, pad_bottom)
        return map_canvas
Beispiel #6
 def __init__(self, region):
     self.region = region
     self.size = Size(
         random_normal_range(self.MINIMUM_SIZE.width, region.width),
         random_normal_range(self.MINIMUM_SIZE.height, region.height),
     left = region.left + random.randint(0, region.width - self.size.width)
     top = + random.randint(0, region.height - self.size.height)
     self.rect = Rectangle(Point(left, top), self.size)
Beispiel #7
    def randomize(cls, region, *, minimum_size=Size(5, 5)):
        """Place a room randomly in a region, randomizing its size and position.
        # TODO need to guarantee the region is big enough
        size = Size(
            random_normal_range(minimum_size.width, region.width),
            random_normal_range(minimum_size.height, region.height),
        left = region.left + random.randint(0, region.width - size.width)
        top = + random.randint(0, region.height - size.height)
        rect = Rectangle(Point(left, top), size)

        return cls(rect)
Beispiel #8
Datei: Projekt: twik/flax
    def render(self, size, focus=False):
        size = Size(*size)
        map =
        map_rect = map.rect
        player_position = map.find(

        if not self.viewport:
            # Let's pretend the map itself is the viewport, and the below logic
            # can adjust it as necessary.
            self.viewport =

        horizontal = self._adjust_viewport(
        vertical = self._adjust_viewport(

        self.viewport = Rectangle.from_spans(horizontal=horizontal,

        # viewport is from the pov of the map; negate it to get how much space
        # is added or removed around the map
        pad_left = -self.viewport.left
        pad_top =
        pad_right = (size.width - pad_left) - map_rect.width
        pad_bottom = (size.height - pad_top) - map_rect.height

        # TODO it's unclear when you're near the edge of the map, which i hate.
        # should either show a clear border past the map edge, or show some
        # kinda fade or whatever along a cut-off edge
        map_canvas = urwid.CompositeCanvas(CellCanvas(map))
        map_canvas.pad_trim_left_right(pad_left, pad_right)
        map_canvas.pad_trim_top_bottom(pad_top, pad_bottom)
        return map_canvas
Beispiel #9
    def generate(self):

        # First create a bunch of hallways and rooms.
        # For now, just carve a big area, run a hallway through the middle, and
        # divide either side into rooms.
        area = Room.randomize(self.region, minimum_size=self.region.size // 2)

        center =
        y0 = center.y - 2
        y1 = center.y + 2
        hallway = Rectangle(origin=Point(area.rect.left, center.y - 2), size=Size(area.rect.width, 5))

        top_space = area.rect.replace(
        bottom_space = area.rect.replace(top=hallway.bottom)

        rooms = []
        for orig_space in (top_space, bottom_space):
            space = orig_space
            # This includes walls!
            minimum_width = 7
            # Note that the rooms overlap where they touch, so we subtract one
            # from both the total width and the minimum width, in effect
            # ignoring all the walls on one side
            maximum_rooms = (space.width - 1) // (minimum_width - 1)
            # The maximum number of rooms that will fit also affects how much
            # wiggle room we're willing to have.  For example, if at most 3 rooms
            # will fit, then generating 2 rooms is also reasonable.  But if 10
            # rooms will fit, generating 2 rooms is a bit silly.  We'll arbitrarily
            # use 1/3 the maximum as the minimum.  (Plus 1, to avoid rounding down
            # to zero.)
            minimum_rooms = maximum_rooms // 6 + 1
            num_rooms = random_normal_range(minimum_rooms, maximum_rooms)

            # TODO normal distribution doesn't have good results here.  think
            # more about how people use rooms -- often many of similar size,
            # with some exceptions.  also different shapes, bathrooms or
            # closets nestled together, etc.
            while num_rooms > 1:
                # Now we want to divide a given amount of space into n chunks, where
                # the size of each chunk is normally-distributed.  I have no idea how
                # to do this in any strict mathematical sense, so instead we'll just
                # carve out one room at a time and hope for the best.
                min_width = minimum_width
                avg_width = (space.width - 1) // num_rooms + 1
                max_width = space.width - (minimum_width - 1) * (num_rooms - 1)
                room_width = random_normal_int(avg_width, min(max_width - avg_width, avg_width - min_width) // 3)

                room = space.replace(right=space.left + room_width - 1)
                space = space.replace(left=room.right)
                num_rooms -= 1


        for rect in rooms:

        from flax.component import Lockable

        # Add some doors for funsies.
        locked_room = random.choice(rooms)
        for rect in rooms:
            x = random.randrange(rect.left + 1, rect.right - 1)
            if >
                side = Direction.down
                side = Direction.up
            point = rect.edge_point(side.opposite, x, 0)
            door = e.Door(Lockable(locked=rect is locked_room))
            self.map_canvas.set_architecture(point, door)

        self.hallway_area = Blob.from_rectangle(hallway)
        self.locked_area = Blob.from_rectangle(locked_room)
        self.rooms_area = reduce(operator.add, (Blob.from_rectangle(rect) for rect in rooms if rect is not locked_room))
Beispiel #10
    def generate(self):

        # So what I want here is to have a cave system with a room in the
        # middle, then decay the room.
        # Some constraints:
        # - the room must have a wall where the entrance could go, which faces
        # empty space
        # - a wall near the entrance must be destroyed
        # - the player must start in a part of the cave connected to the
        # destroyed entrance
        # - none of the decay applied to the room may block off any of its
        # interesting features

        # TODO it would be nice if i could really write all this without ever
        # having to hardcode a specific direction, so the logic could always be
        # rotated freely
        side = random.choice([Direction.left, Direction.right])

        # TODO assert region is big enough
        room_size = Size(
            random_normal_range(9, int(self.region.width * 0.4)),
            random_normal_range(9, int(self.region.height * 0.4)),

        room_position = - room_size // 2
        room_position += Point(
            random_normal_int(0, self.region.width * 0.1),
            random_normal_int(0, self.region.height * 0.1),

        room_rect = Rectangle(room_position, room_size)
        self.room_region = room_rect

        room = Room(room_rect)

        cave_area = (
            - Blob.from_rectangle(room_rect)
        self.cave_region = cave_area
        walls = [point for (point, _) in self.region.iter_border()]
        floors = []
        for point, edge in room_rect.iter_border():
            if edge is side or edge.adjacent_to(side):
                floors.append(point + side)
            self.map_canvas, cave_area, CaveWall,
            force_walls=walls, force_floors=floors,


        # OK, now draw a gate in the middle of the side wall
        if side is Direction.left:
            x = room_rect.left
            x = room_rect.right
        mid_y = + room_rect.height // 2
        if room_rect.height % 2 == 1:
            min_y = mid_y - 1
            max_y = mid_y + 1
            min_y = mid_y - 2
            max_y = mid_y + 1
        for y in range(min_y, max_y + 1):
            self.map_canvas.set_architecture(Point(x, y), KadathGate)

        # Beat up the border of the room near the gate
        y = random.choice(
            tuple(range(, min_y))
            + tuple(range(max_y + 1, room_rect.bottom))
        for dx in range(-2, 3):
            for dy in range(-2, 3):
                point = Point(x + dx, y + dy)
                # TODO i think what i may want is to have the cave be a
                # "Feature", where i can check whether it has already claimed a
                # tile, or draw it later, or whatever.
                if self.map_canvas._arch_grid[point] is not CaveWall:
                    distance = abs(dx) + abs(dy)
                    ruination = random_normal_range(0, 0.2) + distance * 0.2
                        point, e.Rubble(Breakable(ruination)))

        # And apply some light ruination to the inside of the room
        border = list(room_rect.iter_border())
        # TODO don't do this infinitely; give up after x tries
        while True:
            point, edge = random.choice(border)
            if self.map_canvas._arch_grid[point + edge] is CaveWall:
        self.map_canvas.set_architecture(point, CaveWall)
        self.map_canvas.set_architecture(point - edge, CaveWall)
        # TODO this would be neater if it were a slightly more random pattern
        for direction in (
                Direction.up, Direction.down, Direction.left, Direction.right):
                point - edge + direction, CaveWall)
Beispiel #11
def test_blob_create():
    rect = Rectangle(origin=Point(0, 0), size=Size(5, 5))
    blob = Blob.from_rectangle(rect)

    assert blob.area == rect.area
    assert blob.height == rect.height