class SceneGeometryActionClient(EventState):
    Actionlib_comm_state is an actionlib state that will make a call to an action server.
    This is intended to serve as a template for future states that need to communicate with 
    action server. Currently this is set up to communicate with the data collection action 
    server and doesnt do anything other than return true or false.
    TODO: Proper error checking
    <= continue             All actions completed, data collection started
    <= failed               Data control failed to initialize or call something TODO: Proper error checking          


    def __init__(self, instruction):
        # See for basic explanations.
        super(SceneGeometryActionClient, self).__init__(outcomes = ['completed', 'failed'])

        self._topic = 'scene_constraint_as'
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: SceneConstraintAction})
        self._instruction = instruction
		# It may happen that the action client fails to send the action goal.
        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # Check if the client failed to send the goal.
        if self._error:
            return 'failed'

        #otherwise get the result and perform next steps
            result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)
            status = result.constraint_result
            if(status == True):
                print("returned True")
                return 'completed'
                print("returned False")
                return 'failed'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        #Creating the goal to send
        goal = SceneConstraintGoal()
        goal.constraint_request = self._instruction

        #error checking in case communication cant be established
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the start data collection command:\n%s' % str(e))
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
		# Makes sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
class StageActionClient(EventState):
    stage_ac_state is an action client state that will make a call to an action server.
    This is intended to serve as a template for future states that need to communicate with 
    action server. The topic given should correspond to an action server and it right now only 
    works for StageAction action messages but in the future it will have any custom messages needed
    once they are more finalized. Currently just sends true or false to an action server and
    either returns complete or failed based on the response.
    TODO: Proper error checking other custom messages
    <= continue             All actions completed, data collection started
    <= failed               Data control failed to initialize or call something TODO: Proper error checking          

    def __init__(self, topic):
        # See for basic explanations.
              self).__init__(outcomes=['completed', 'failed'])

        self._topic = topic
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: StageAction})

        # It may happen that the action client fails to send the action goal.
        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # Check if the client failed to send the goal.
        if self._error:
            return 'failed'

        #otherwise get the result and perform next steps
        if (self._client.has_result(self._topic)):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)
            status = result.result
            if (status == 0):
                print("Completed Succesfully")
                return 'completed'
                print("Error Thrown")
                return 'failed'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        #Creating the goal to send
        goal = StageGoal()
        goal.start = 0

        #error checking in case communication cant be established
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
                'Failed to send the start data collection command:\n%s' %
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # Makes sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
Beispiel #3
class TestRendezvousState(EventState):
    This is a test actionlib state used for the rendezvous behavior  

    -- goal_distance    double    The distance 

    ># start                      Determin if the state should start from the beginning r if it needs to wait.

    <= continue                   If a result is recieved from the actionlib server
    <= failed                     Not really used at this point
    def __init__(self, goal_distance):
        # Declaring outcomes, input keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
              self).__init__(outcomes=['continue', 'failed'])

        # Pass the topic the actionlib server is listening on
        self._topic = 'test_rendezvous'
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: rendezvousAction})

        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # Check if the client failed to send the goal.
        if self._error:
            return 'failed'

        # Check if the action has been completed
        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)

            Logger.loginfo('Rendezvous has talked')

            return 'continue'

        # If the action has not yet finished, no outcome will ne returned and will stay active.

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # When entering this state, we send the actoionlin server the goal once and then sit back and hope for the best

        # Create the goal msg.
        goal = rendezvousGoal()
        goal.goal_dist = 1

        # Send the goal msg
        self._error = False
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the goal msg to server:\n%s' %

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # Make sure that the action is not running when leabing this state.
        # A situation where the action would still be active is for example when the operator manually triggers an outcome.

        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Loger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
class MetricSweepState(EventState):
	Robot performs a metric sweep at its current location.

	-- sweep_type	string 	Type of the sweep to do (select one of the provided options).

	<= sweeped 		Sweep has been completed.
	<= failed		There has been an error when sweeping.


	COMPLETE = 'complete'
	MEDIUM = 'medium'
	SHORT = 'short'
	SHORTEST = 'shortest'

	def __init__(self, sweep_type):
		super(MetricSweepState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['sweeped', 'failed'])

		self._sweep_type = sweep_type

		self._topic = '/do_sweep'
		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: SweepAction})

		self._error = False

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._error:
			return 'failed'

		if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
			result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)

			if result.success:
				return 'sweeped'
				return 'failed'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		goal = SweepGoal()
		goal.type = self._sweep_type

		self._error = False
			self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the Sweep command:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._error = True

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
			Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
Beispiel #5
class MoveCameraState(EventState):
	Moves the camera.

	># pan 		float 	Pan angle [-180, 180)
	># tilt 	float 	Tilt angle [-41, 41]

	<= done			Moved the camera.
	<= failed		Cannot send the action goal.


	def __init__(self):
		# See for basic explanations.
		super(MoveCameraState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'failed'],
												 input_keys = ['pan', 'tilt'])

		self._topic = 'SetPTUState'
		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: PtuGotoAction})

		self._error = False

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._error:
			return 'failed'

		if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
			return 'done'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		goal = PtuGotoGoal()
		goal.pan = userdata.pan
		goal.tilt = userdata.tilt
		goal.pan_vel = 60
		goal.tilt_vel = 60

		self._error = False
			self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the camera movement command:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._error = True

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		# Make sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
		# A situation where the action would still be active is for example when the operator manually triggers an outcome.

		if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
			Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
Beispiel #6
class MetricSweepState(EventState):
	Robot performs a metric sweep at its current location.

	-- sweep_type	string 	Type of the sweep to do (select one of the provided options).

	<= sweeped 		Sweep has been completed.
	<= failed		There has been an error when sweeping.


    COMPLETE = 'complete'
    MEDIUM = 'medium'
    SHORT = 'short'
    SHORTEST = 'shortest'

    def __init__(self, sweep_type):
        super(MetricSweepState, self).__init__(outcomes=['sweeped', 'failed'])

        self._sweep_type = sweep_type

        self._topic = '/do_sweep'
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: SweepAction})

        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._error:
            return 'failed'

        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)

            if result.success:
                return 'sweeped'
                return 'failed'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        goal = SweepGoal()
        goal.type = self._sweep_type

        self._error = False
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the Sweep command:\n%s' % str(e))
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
class SpeechOutputEnglishParamTextState(EventState):
		Lets the robot speak the string, set in Behaviour Parameters 
        variable or inplace in the state GUI.

        -- text_to_speak          string    The text to be spoken. 

		<= done 			Speaking has finished.
		<= failed 			Failed to execute speaking.
    def __init__(self, text_to_speak="Hello World!"):
              self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'])

        self._topic = '/sound_play'
        self._text_to_speak = text_to_speak
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: SoundRequestAction})

        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._error:
            return 'failed'

        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            return 'done'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        Logger.loginfo('Speech output, talking')
        goal = SoundRequestGoal()
        goal.sound_request.arg = self._text_to_speak
        goal.sound_request.command = SoundRequest.PLAY_ONCE
        goal.sound_request.sound = SoundRequest.SAY
        goal.sound_request.volume = 1.0

        self._error = False
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
            # Logger.logwarn('V try')
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the Speech command:\n%s' % str(e))
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
class SpeechOutputState(EventState):
	Lets the robot speak the given input string.

	># text 	string 	Text to output.

	<= done 			Speaking has finished.
	<= failed 			Failed to execute speaking.


	def __init__(self):
		super(SpeechOutputState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'failed'],
												input_keys = ['text'])

		self._topic = '/speak'
		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: maryttsAction})

		self._error = False

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._error:
			return 'failed'

		if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
			return 'done'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		goal = maryttsGoal()
		goal.text = userdata.text
		print 'speech_output_state: say : ', goal.text

		self._error = False
			self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the Sweep command:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._error = True

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
			Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
class SpeechOutputState(EventState):
	Lets the robot speak the given input string.

	># text 	string 	Text to output.

	<= done 			Speaking has finished.
	<= failed 			Failed to execute speaking.


	def __init__(self):
		super(SpeechOutputState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'failed'],
												input_keys = ['text'])

		self._topic = '/speak'
		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: maryttsAction})

		self._error = False

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._error:
			return 'failed'

		if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
			return 'done'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		goal = maryttsGoal()
		goal.text = userdata.text

		self._error = False
			self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the Sweep command:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._error = True

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
			Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
Beispiel #10
class SpeechOutputViaSoundPlayState(EventState):
		Lets the robot speak the given input string.
		># text_IN 	string 	Text to output.
		<= done 			Speaking has finished.
		<= failed 			Failed to execute speaking.
    def __init__(self):
              self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'],

        self._topic = '/sound_play'
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: SoundRequestAction})

        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._error:
            return 'failed'

        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            return 'done'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        Logger.loginfo('Speech output, talking')
        goal = SoundRequestGoal()
        goal.sound_request.arg = userdata.text_IN
        goal.sound_request.command = SoundRequest.PLAY_ONCE
        goal.sound_request.sound = SoundRequest.SAY
        goal.sound_request.volume = 1.0

        self._error = False
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
            # Logger.logwarn('V try')
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the Speech command:\n%s' % str(e))
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
Beispiel #11
class NavigateState(EventState):
    Navigate to waypoints.

    ># target_pose Dict[str,float]   Pose to navigate to, a dictionary with the keys 'x', 'y', and 'frame_id'

    <= ok              Navigation complete with no errors
    <= err             Navigation errors were encountered

    def __init__(self):
        super(NavigateState, self).__init__(outcomes=['ok', 'err'],
        self._topic = 'move_base'
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: MoveBaseAction})
        self._error = False

    def execute(self, ud):
        if self._error:
            return 'err'

        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            status = self._client.get_state(self._topic)  # type: GoalStatus
            return 'ok' if status == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED else 'err'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        goal = MoveBaseGoal()
        goal.target_pose = PoseStamped()
        goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = userdata.target_pose['frame_id']
        goal.target_pose.pose.position.x = userdata.target_pose['x']
        goal.target_pose.pose.position.y = userdata.target_pose['y']
        goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0

        self._error = False
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
        except Exception as err:
                'Could not send nav goal to move_base:\n{}'.format(err))
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
class SpeechOutputState(EventState):
	Lets the robot speak the given input string.

	># text 	string 	Text to output.

	<= done 			Speaking has finished.
	<= failed 			Failed to execute speaking.


    def __init__(self):
        super(SpeechOutputState, self).__init__(outcomes=["done", "failed"], input_keys=["text"])

        self._topic = "/speak"
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: maryttsAction})

        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._error:
            return "failed"

        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            return "done"

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        goal = maryttsGoal()
        goal.text = userdata.text
        Logger.loginfo("Speech output, saying:\n%s" % goal.text)

        self._error = False
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn("Failed to send the Sweep command:\n%s" % str(e))
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
    def test_action_client(self):
        t1 = '/action_1'
        server = None

        def execute_cb(goal):
            if server.is_preempt_requested():

        server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(t1,

        client = ProxyActionClient({t1: BehaviorExecutionAction})
        client.send_goal(t1, BehaviorExecutionGoal())

        rate = rospy.Rate(20)
        for i in range(20):
            self.assertTrue(client.is_active(t1) or client.has_result(t1))

        result = client.get_result(t1)
        self.assertEqual(result.outcome, 'ok')

        client.send_goal(t1, BehaviorExecutionGoal())


        client = ProxyActionClient({'/invalid': BehaviorExecutionAction},
Beispiel #14
class BrickGraspingActionState(EventState):
    """ brick grasping results """
    """ brick grasping object types """
    OBJECT_RED = 1
    WALL = 5
    """ result ids """

    def __init__(self, return_altitude):
        # See for basic explanations.
              self).__init__(outcomes=['grasped', 'grasping_error'],

        self._topic = 'brick_grasping'
        self._client = ProxyActionClient(
             GraspingAction})  # pass required clients as dict (topic: type)
        self._return_altitude = return_altitude
        Logger.loginfo('[GraspingAction]: Client initialized')
        # It may happen that the action client fails to send the action goal.
        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # While this state is active, check if the action has been finished and evaluate the result.

        # Check if the client failed to send the goal.
        if self._error:
            return 'grasping_error'

        # Check if the action has been finished
        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)
            Logger.loginfo("[GraspingAction]: ended %s" % str(result.message))
            # In this example, we also provide the amount of cleaned dishes as output key.
            if result.success:
                return 'grasped'
                return 'grasping_error'
        """feedback params are"""
        feedback = self._client.get_feedback(self._topic)
        if feedback is not None:
                5, "[GraspingAction]: Current feedback msg: %s" %

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # When entering this state, we send the action goal once to let the robot start its work.

        brick_type = userdata.brick_type

        # Create the goal.
        goal = GraspingGoal()

        #fill the goal
        Logger.loginfo("[GraspingAction]: want to grasp brick type %s" %
        goal.goal = brick_type
        goal.return_altitude = self._return_altitude  #where to return after grasping

        # Send the goal.
        self._error = False  # make sure to reset the error state since a previous state execution might have failed
            Logger.loginfo("[GraspingAction]: sending goal %s to topic %s" %
                           (str(goal), str(self._topic)))
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            # Since a state failure not necessarily causes a behavior failure, it is recommended to only print warnings, not errors.
            # Using a linebreak before appending the error log enables the operator to collapse details in the GUI.
                '[GraspingAction]: Failed to send the GraspingAction command:\n%s'
                % str(e))
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # Make sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
        # A situation where the action would still be active is for example when the operator manually triggers an outcome.

        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('[GraspingAction]: Cancelled active action goal.')
class TweetPictureState(EventState):
    State for tweeting a picture and text

    def __init__(self):
        # See for basic explanations.
        super(TweetPictureState, self).__init__(
            outcomes=['picture_tweeted', 'tweeting_failed', 'command_error'],
            input_keys=['picture_path', 'tweet_text'])

        # Create the action client when building the behavior.
        # This will cause the behavior to wait for the client before starting execution
        # and will trigger a timeout error if it is not available.
        # Using the proxy client provides asynchronous access to the result and status
        # and makes sure only one client is used, no matter how often this state is used in a behavior.
        self._topic = 'strands_tweets'
        self._client = ProxyActionClient(
             SendTweetAction})  # pass required clients as dict (topic: type)

        # It may happen that the action client fails to send the action goal.
        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # While this state is active, check if the action has been finished and evaluate the result.

        # Check if the client failed to send the goal.
        if self._error:
            return 'command_error'

        # Check if the action has been finished
        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)

            if result.success:
                return 'picture_tweeted'

                return 'tweeting_failed'

        # If the action has not yet finished, no outcome will be returned and the state stays active.

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # When entering this state, we send the action goal once to let the robot start its work.

        # As documented above, we get the specification of which dishwasher to use as input key.
        # This enables a previous state to make this decision during runtime and provide the ID as its own output key.

        # Create the goal.
        tweet = SendTweetGoal()
        tweet.text = userdata.tweet_text

        if len(userdata.tweet_text) > 140:
            tweet.text = '#LAMoR15 #ECMR15 I just told a too looong joke, stupid tweet length!'

        tweet.with_photo = True
        img = cv2.imread(userdata.picture_path)

        bridge = CvBridge()
        image_message = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, encoding="bgr8") = image_message

            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, tweet)
        except Exception as e:
            # Since a state failure not necessarily causes a behavior failure, it is recommended to only print warnings, not errors.
            # Using a linebreak before appending the error log enables the operator to collapse details in the GUI.
                'Failed to send the TweetPictureState command:\n%s' % str(e))
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # Make sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
        # A situation where the action would still be active is for example when the operator manually triggers an outcome.

        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
class TestActionState(EventState):
        This is a test actionlib state to see how to actually make our own actionlib states that call an actionlib server using the state as a client. I will try to keep documentation but no promises. 
        This state takes doesn't take any input and just goes to finish once it recieves the goal from the server.

	<= communicated_with_server              Was able to connect and communicate with the actionlib server.

        <= no_communication_with_server          Was not able to connect and communicate with the actionlib server. 

    def __init__(self):
        # See for basic explanations.
        super(TestActionState, self).__init__(outcomes=[
            'communicated_with_server', 'no_communication_with_server'

        # Create the action client when building the behavior.
        # This will cause the behavior to wait for the client before starting execution
        # and will trigger a timeout error if it is not available.
        # Using the proxy client provides asynchronous access to the result and status
        # and makes sure only one client is used, no matter how often this state is used in a behavior.
        self._topic = 'test_action'
        self._client = ProxyActionClient(
             testAction})  # pass required clients as dict (topic: type)

        # It may happen that the action client fails to send the action goal.
        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # Check if the client failed to send the goal.
        if self._error:
            return 'no_communication_with_server'

        # Check if the action has been finished
        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)

            Logger.loginfo('the result is %s' % result)

            return 'communicated_with_server'

        # If the action has not yet finished, no outcome will be returned and the state stays active.

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # When entering this state, we send the action goal once to let the robot start its work.

        # Create the goal.
        goal = testGoal()
        goal.test_goal = "test test"

        # Send the goal.
        self._error = False  # make sure to reset the error state since a previous state execution might have failed
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            # Since a state failure not necessarily causes a behavior failure, it is recommended to only print warnings, not errors.
            # Using a linebreak before appending the error log enables the operator to collapse details in the GUI.
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the test_goal command:\n%s' %
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # Make sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
        # A situation where the action would still be active is for example when the operator manually triggers an outcome.

        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
class MoveBaseState(EventState):
    Navigates a robot to a desired position and orientation using move_base.

    ># waypoint     Pose2D      Target waypoint for navigation.

    <= arrived                  Navigation to target pose succeeded.
    <= failed                   Navigation to target pose failed.
    def __init__(self):

        super(MoveBaseState, self).__init__(outcomes=['arrived', 'failed'],

        self._action_topic = "/move_base"

        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveBaseAction})

        self._arrived = False
        self._failed = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        """Wait for action result and return outcome accordingly"""

        if self._arrived:
            return 'arrived'
        if self._failed:
            return 'failed'

        if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            status = self._client.get_state(self._action_topic)
            if status == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
                self._arrived = True
                return 'arrived'
            elif status in [
                    GoalStatus.PREEMPTED, GoalStatus.REJECTED,
                    GoalStatus.RECALLED, GoalStatus.ABORTED
                Logger.logwarn('Navigation failed: %s' % str(status))
                self._failed = True
                return 'failed'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        """Create and send action goal"""

        self._arrived = False
        self._failed = False

        # Create and populate action goal
        goal = MoveBaseGoal()

        pt = Point(x=userdata.waypoint.x, y=userdata.waypoint.y)
        qt = transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0,

        goal.target_pose.pose = Pose(position=pt, orientation=Quaternion(*qt))

        goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "odom"
        # goal.target_pose.header.stamp.secs = 5.0

        # Send the action goal for execution
            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn("Unable to send navigation action goal:\n%s" %
            self._failed = True

    def cancel_active_goals(self):
        if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic):
            if self._client.is_active(self._action_topic):
                if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
                    Logger.loginfo('Cancelled move_base active action goal.')

    def on_exit(self, userdata):

    def on_stop(self):
class SaraFollow(EventState):
    Make Sara follow an entity using move_base.
    -- Distance     float       distance to keep between sara and the entity
    -- ReplanPeriod   float       Time in seconds between each replanning for movebase

    ># ID     int      entity ID.

    def __init__(self, distance=1, ReplanPeriod=0.5):

        super(SaraFollow, self).__init__(outcomes=['failed'],

        # Prepare the action client for move_base
        self._action_topic = "/move_base"
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveBaseAction})

        # Initialise the subscribers
        self.entities_topic = "/entities"
        self._pose_topic = "/robot_pose"
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({
            self._pose_topic: Pose,
            self.entities_topic: Entities

        # Get the parameters
        self.targetDistance = distance
        self.ReplanPeriod = ReplanPeriod

        # Initialise the status variables
        self.MyPose = None
        self.lastPlanTime = 0

    def execute(self, userdata):
        """Wait for action result and return outcome accordingly"""

        # Initialise the Entity
        Entity = None

        # Get my last position
        if self._sub.has_msg(self._pose_topic):
            self.MyPose = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._pose_topic)

        # Get the entity's position
        if self._sub.has_msg(self.entities_topic):
            message = self._sub.get_last_msg(self.entities_topic)
            for entity in message.entities:
                if entity.ID == userdata.ID:
                    Entity = entity

        # If both my pose and the entyties are known, we start following.
        if self.MyPose and Entity:
            # Calculate a new goal if the desired period has passed.
            if self.lastPlanTime + self.ReplanPeriod < rospy.get_time():
                self.lastPlanTime = rospy.get_time()
                    self.generateGoal(self.MyPose.position, Entity.position))

            # Check if movebase can reach the goal
            if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
                status = self._client.get_state(self._action_topic)
                if status in [
                        GoalStatus.PREEMPTED, GoalStatus.REJECTED,
                        GoalStatus.RECALLED, GoalStatus.ABORTED
                    Logger.logwarn('Navigation failed: %s' % str(status))
                    return 'failed'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        """Clean the costmap"""
        serv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/move_base/clear_costmaps', Empty)
        self.MyPose = None
        self.Entity = None
        self.Counter = 0

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')

    def on_pause(self):
        pose = self._client.get_feedback(self._action_topic)

    def generateGoal(self, MyPosition, EntityPosition):
        # Calculate the safe distance to reach
        GoalPose = Pose()

        # Calculate the diference in position
        dx = EntityPosition.x - MyPosition.x
        dy = EntityPosition.y - MyPosition.y

        # Calculate the desired distance to the person.
        # If the person is too close, the robot must not go backward.
        distanceToPerson = max(self.targetDistance, (dx**2 + dy**2)**0.5)

        # Calculate the desired position to reach.
        GoalPose.position.x = EntityPosition.x - dx / distanceToPerson * self.targetDistance
        GoalPose.position.y = EntityPosition.y - dy / distanceToPerson * self.targetDistance

        # Calculate the desired direction.
        angle = math.atan2(dy, dx)
        qt = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, angle)
        GoalPose.orientation.w = qt[3]
        GoalPose.orientation.x = qt[0]
        GoalPose.orientation.y = qt[1]
        GoalPose.orientation.z = qt[2]

        return GoalPose

    def setGoal(self, pose):

        # Generate the goal
        goal = MoveBaseGoal()
        goal.target_pose.pose = pose
        goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "map"

        # Send the action goal for execution
            Logger.loginfo("sending goal" + str(goal))
            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn("Unable to send navigation action goal:\n%s" %
            self._failed = True
class MoveToWaypointState(EventState):
	Lets the robot move to a given waypoint.

	># waypoint		PoseStamped		Specifies the waypoint to which the robot should move.
	># victim		string			object_id of detected object
	># speed					Speed of the robot

	<= reached 					Robot is now located at the specified waypoint.
	<= failed 					Failed to send a motion request to the action server.
	<= update					Update the pose of current waypoint

	def __init__(self):
		super(MoveToWaypointState, self).__init__(outcomes=['reached', 'failed', 'update'],
		self._action_topic = '/move_base'
		self._move_client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveBaseAction})
		self.set_tolerance = rospy.ServiceProxy('/controller/set_alternative_tolerances', SetAlternativeTolerance)
		self._failed = False
		self._reached = False
	def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
		if self._failed:
			return 'failed'
		if self._reached:
			return 'reached'

		if self._move_client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			result = self._move_client.get_result(self._action_topic)
			if result.result == 1:
				self._reached = True
				return 'reached'
				self._failed = True
				Logger.logwarn('Failed to reach waypoint!')
				return 'failed'

		self._currentTime =
		if self._currentTime.secs - self._startTime.secs >= 10:
			return 'update'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):

		self._startTime =

		self._failed = False
		self._reached = False
		goal_id = GoalID() = 'abcd'
		goal_id.stamp =

		action_goal = MoveBaseGoal()
		action_goal.target_pose = userdata.waypoint
		action_goal.speed = userdata.speed

		if action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id == "":
			action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "world"

			self._move_client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
			resp = self.set_tolerance(goal_id, 0.2, 1.55)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send motion request to waypoint (%(x).3f, %(y).3f):\n%(err)s' % {
				'err': str(e),
				'x': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.x,
				'y': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.y
			self._failed = True
		Logger.loginfo('Driving to next waypoint')

	def on_stop(self):
			if self._move_client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
			and not self._move_client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			# client already closed

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
			if self._move_client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
			and not self._move_client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			# client already closed

	def on_pause(self):

	def on_resume(self, userdata):
Beispiel #20
class SrdfStateToMoveit(EventState):
        State to look up a pre-defined joint configuration from the SRDF file loaded in the parameter server (/robot_description_semantic)
        and send it to MoveIt to plan and move.

        -- config_name          string              Name of the joint configuration of interest.

        -- move_group           string              Name of the move group to be used for planning.

        -- action_topic         string              Topic on which MoveIt is listening for action calls.

        -- robot_name           string              Optional name of the robot to be used.
                                                                If left empty, the first one found will be used
                                                                (only required if multiple robots are specified in the same file).

        ># joint_values         float[]             Target configuration of the joints.
                                                                        Same order as their corresponding names in joint_names.

        <= reached                                  Target joint configuration has been reached.
        <= planning_failed                          Failed to find a plan to the given joint configuration.
        <= control_failed                           Failed to move the arm along the planned trajectory.

    def __init__(self,
                  'reached', 'planning_failed', 'control_failed', 'param_error'
                                 'config_name', 'move_group', 'robot_name',
                                 'action_topic', 'joint_values', 'joint_names'

        self._config_name = config_name
        self._move_group = move_group
        self._robot_name = robot_name
        self._action_topic = action_topic
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveGroupAction})

        self._planning_failed = False
        self._control_failed = False
        self._success = False

        self._srdf_param = None
        if rospy.has_param("/robot_description_semantic"):
            self._srdf_param = rospy.get_param("/robot_description_semantic")
                'Unable to get parameter: /robot_description_semantic')

        self._param_error = False
        self._srdf = None

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._param_error:
            return 'param_error'
                Execute this state
        if self._planning_failed:
            return 'planning_failed'
        if self._control_failed:
            return 'control_failed'
        if self._success:
            return 'reached'

        if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)

            if result.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.CONTROL_FAILED:
                    'Control failed for move action of group: %s (error code: %s)'
                    % (self._move_group, str(result.error_code)))
                self._control_failed = True
                return 'control_failed'
            elif result.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
                    'Move action failed with result error code: %s' %
                self._planning_failed = True
                return 'planning_failed'
                self._success = True
                return 'reached'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self._param_error = False
        self._planning_failed = False
        self._control_failed = False
        self._success = False

        #Parameter check
        if self._srdf_param is None:
            self._param_error = True

            self._srdf = ET.fromstring(self._srdf_param)
        except Exception as e:
                'Unable to parse given SRDF parameter: /robot_description_semantic'
            self._param_error = True

        if not self._param_error:

            robot = None
            for r in self._srdf.iter('robot'):
                if self._robot_name == '' or self._robot_name == r.attrib[
                    robot = r
                    userdata.robot_name = robot  # Save robot name to output key
            if robot is None:
                Logger.logwarn('Did not find robot name in SRDF: %s' %
                return 'param_error'

            config = None
            for c in robot.iter('group_state'):
                if (self._move_group == '' or self._move_group == c.attrib['group']) \
                and c.attrib['name'] == self._config_name:
                    config = c
                    self._move_group = c.attrib[
                        'group']  # Set move group name in case it was not defined
                    userdata.config_name = config  # Save configuration name to output key
                    userdata.move_group = self._move_group  # Save move_group to output key
            if config is None:
                Logger.logwarn('Did not find config name in SRDF: %s' %
                return 'param_error'

                self._joint_config = [
                    float(j.attrib['value']) for j in config.iter('joint')
                self._joint_names = [
                    str(j.attrib['name']) for j in config.iter('joint')
                userdata.joint_values = self._joint_config  # Save joint configuration to output key
                userdata.joint_names = self._joint_names  # Save joint names to output key
            except Exception as e:
                Logger.logwarn('Unable to parse joint values from SRDF:\n%s' %
                return 'param_error'

            # Action Initialization
            action_goal = MoveGroupGoal()
            action_goal.request.group_name = self._move_group
            action_goal.request.allowed_planning_time = 1.0
            goal_constraints = Constraints()
            for i in range(len(self._joint_names)):

                self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
                userdata.action_topic = self._action_topic  # Save action topic to output key
            except Exception as e:
                Logger.logwarn('Failed to send action goal for group: %s\n%s' %
                               (self._move_group, str(e)))
                self._planning_failed = True

    def on_stop(self):
            if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
            and not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            # client already closed

    def on_pause(self):

    def on_resume(self, userdata):
class MotionServiceState(EventState):
    """Implements a state where a certain motion is performed.
    This state can be used to execute motions created by the motion editor.

    -- motion_key 	string 	Reference to the motion to be executed.
    -- time_factor	float	Factor to multiply with the default execution time of the specified motion.
                            For example, 2 will result in a motion twice as long, thus executed at half speed.

    <= done 				Indicates that the expected execution time of the motion has passed.
                            The motion service provides no way to check if a motion has actually finished.
    <= failed               Indicates that the requested motion doesn't exist and therefore wasn't executed

    def __init__(self, motion_key, time_factor=1):
        super(MotionServiceState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'])

        self.motion_key = motion_key
        self.time_factor = time_factor
        self._finish_time = None
        self._motion_goal_ns = '/motion_service/motion_goal'

        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._motion_goal_ns: ExecuteMotionAction})

        self._failed = False
        self._done = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        Execute this state
        if self._failed:
            return 'failed'
        if self._done:
            return 'done'

        if self._client.has_result(self._motion_goal_ns):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._motion_goal_ns)
            if result is None:  # Bug in actionlib, sometimes returns None instead of result
                # Operator decision needed
                Logger.logwarn("Failed to execute the motion '%s':\nAction result is None" % self.motion_key)
                self._failed = True
                return 'failed'
            if result.error_string is None or len(result.error_code) == 0:
                Logger.logwarn("Failed to execute the motion '%s':\nAction result is None" % self.motion_key)
                self._failed = True
                return 'failed'

            success = all(lambda x: x == 0, result.error_code)

            if success:
                rospy.loginfo('Trajectory finished successfully.') # dont need to send this to the operator
                self._done = True
                return 'done'
                Logger.logwarn("Failed to execute the motion '%s':\n%s" % (self.motion_key, str(result.error_code)))
                self._failed = True
                return 'failed'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self._failed = False
        self._done = False

        # build goal
        goal = ExecuteMotionGoal()
        goal.motion_name = self.motion_key
        goal.time_factor = self.time_factor

            self._client.send_goal(self._motion_goal_ns, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn("Failed sending motion goal for '%s':\n%s" % (self.motion_key, str(e)))

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        if not self._client.has_result(self._motion_goal_ns):
            Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active motion goal.")
class MoveBaseState(EventState):
    Navigates a robot to a desired position and orientation using move_base.

    ># waypoint     Pose2D      Target waypoint for navigation.

    <= arrived                  Navigation to target pose succeeded.
    <= failed                   Navigation to target pose failed.

    def __init__(self):

        super(MoveBaseState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['arrived', 'failed'],
                                            input_keys = ['waypoint'])

        self._action_topic = "/move_base"

        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveBaseAction})

        self._arrived = False
        self._failed = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        """Wait for action result and return outcome accordingly"""

        if self._arrived:
            return 'arrived'
        if self._failed:
            return 'failed'

        if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            status = self._client.get_state(self._action_topic)
            if status == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
                self._arrived = True
                return 'arrived'
            elif status in [GoalStatus.PREEMPTED, GoalStatus.REJECTED,
                            GoalStatus.RECALLED, GoalStatus.ABORTED]:
                Logger.logwarn('Navigation failed: %s' % str(status))
                self._failed = True
                return 'failed'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        """Create and send action goal"""

        self._arrived = False
        self._failed = False

        # Create and populate action goal
        goal = MoveBaseGoal()

        pt = Point(x = userdata.waypoint.x, y = userdata.waypoint.y)
        qt = transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, userdata.waypoint.theta)

        goal.target_pose.pose = Pose(position = pt,
                                     orientation = Quaternion(*qt))

        goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "odom"
        # goal.target_pose.header.stamp.secs = 5.0

        # Send the action goal for execution
            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn("Unable to send navigation action goal:\n%s" % str(e))
            self._failed = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
class ExampleActionState(EventState):
	Actionlib actions are the most common basis for state implementations
	since they provide a non-blocking, high-level interface for robot capabilities.
	The example is based on the DoDishes-example of actionlib (see
	This time we have input and output keys in order to specify the goal and possibly further evaluate the result in a later state.

	-- dishes_to_do int 	Expected amount of dishes to be cleaned.

	># dishwasher 	int 	ID of the dishwasher to be used.

	#> cleaned 		int 	Amount of cleaned dishes.

	<= cleaned_some 		Only a few dishes have been cleaned.
	<= cleaned_enough		Cleaned a lot of dishes.
	<= command_error		Cannot send the action goal.


    def __init__(self, dishes_to_do):
        # See for basic explanations.
        super(ExampleActionState, self).__init__(
            outcomes=["cleaned_some", "cleaned_enough", "command_error"],

        self._dishes_to_do = dishes_to_do

        # Create the action client when building the behavior.
        # This will cause the behavior to wait for the client before starting execution
        # and will trigger a timeout error if it is not available.
        # Using the proxy client provides asynchronous access to the result and status
        # and makes sure only one client is used, no matter how often this state is used in a behavior.
        self._topic = "do_dishes"
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: DoDishesAction})  # pass required clients as dict (topic: type)

        # It may happen that the action client fails to send the action goal.
        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # While this state is active, check if the action has been finished and evaluate the result.

        # Check if the client failed to send the goal.
        if self._error:
            return "command_error"

            # Check if the action has been finished
        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)
            dishes_cleaned = result.total_dishes_cleaned

            # In this example, we also provide the amount of cleaned dishes as output key.
            userdata.cleaned = dishes_cleaned

            # Based on the result, decide which outcome to trigger.
            if dishes_cleaned > self._dishes_to_do:
                return "cleaned_enough"
                return "cleaned_some"

                # If the action has not yet finished, no outcome will be returned and the state stays active.

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # When entering this state, we send the action goal once to let the robot start its work.

        # As documented above, we get the specification of which dishwasher to use as input key.
        # This enables a previous state to make this decision during runtime and provide the ID as its own output key.
        dishwasher_id = userdata.dishwasher

        # Create the goal.
        goal = DoDishesGoal()
        goal.dishwasher_id = dishwasher_id

        # Send the goal.
        self._error = False  # make sure to reset the error state since a previous state execution might have failed
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            # Since a state failure not necessarily causes a behavior failure, it is recommended to only print warnings, not errors.
            # Using a linebreak before appending the error log enables the operator to collapse details in the GUI.
            Logger.logwarn("Failed to send the DoDishes command:\n%s" % str(e))
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # Make sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
        # A situation where the action would still be active is for example when the operator manually triggers an outcome.

        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
class GripperCommandState(EventState):
    Executes a custom trajectory.

    -- gripper_cmd      int     Identifier of the pre-defined commands.
                                The state's class variables can be used here.
    -- time             float   Relative time in seconds from starting
                                the execution to when the corresponding
                                target gripper state should be reached.

    <= done                     Gripper command was successfully executed.
    <= failed                   Failed to send or execute gripper command.


    def __init__(self, gripper_cmd, time=5.0):

        super(GripperCommandState, self).__init__(outcomes=["done", "failed"])

        self._joint_names = ["gripper_finger_joint_l", "gripper_finger_joint_r"]

        self._gripper_joint_positions = {
            #  gripper_finger_joint_l, gripper_finger_joint_r
            0: [0.001, 0.001],
            1: [0.010, 0.010],  # NOTE: 0.011 results in goal tolerance violation

        self._gripper_cmd = gripper_cmd
        self._time = time

        self._action_topic = "/arm_1/gripper_controller/follow_joint_trajectory"

        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: FollowJointTrajectoryAction})

        self._done = False
        self._failed = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        """Wait for action result and return outcome accordingly"""

        if self._done:
            return "done"
        if self._failed:
            return "failed"

        if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)
            if result.error_code == FollowJointTrajectoryResult.SUCCESSFUL:
                self._done = True
                return "done"
            elif result.error_code == FollowJointTrajectoryResult.GOAL_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED:
                Logger.logwarn("Probably done, but goal tolerances violated (%d)" % result.error_code)
                self._done = True
                return "done"
                    "Gripper trajectory failed to execute: (%d) %s" % (result.error_code, result.error_string)
                self._failed = True
                return "failed"

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        """Create and send action goal"""

        self._done = False
        self._failed = False

        # Create and populate action goal
        goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
        goal.trajectory.joint_names = self._joint_names

        target_joint_positions = self._gripper_joint_positions[self._gripper_cmd]

        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        point.positions = target_joint_positions
        point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(self._time)

        # Send the action goal for execution
            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn("Unable to send follow joint trajectory action goal:\n%s" % str(e))
            self._failed = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
class LookAtWaypoint(EventState):
	Lets the robot move to a given waypoint.

	># waypoint		PoseStamped		Specifies the waypoint to which the robot should move.

	<= reached 						Robot is now located at the specified waypoint.
	<= failed 						Failed to send a motion request to the action server.


    def __init__(self):
        super(LookAtWaypoint, self).__init__(outcomes=["reached", "failed"], input_keys=["waypoint"])

        self._action_topic = "/pan_tilt_sensor_head_joint_control/look_at"
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: hector_perception_msgs.msg.LookAtAction})

        self._failed = False
        self._reached = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
        # if self._failed:
        # return 'failed'
        if self._reached:
            return "reached"

            # if self._move_client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            # result = self._move_client.get_result(self._action_topic)
            # if result.result == 1:
            # self._reached = True
            # return 'reached'
            # else:
            # self._failed = True
            # Logger.logwarn('Failed to look at waypoint!')
            # return 'failed'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self._failed = False
        self._reached = False

        action_goal = hector_perception_msgs.msg.LookAtGoal()
        action_goal.look_at_target.target_point.point = userdata.waypoint.pose.position
        if action_goal.look_at_target.target_point.header.frame_id == "":
            action_goal.look_at_target.target_point.header.frame_id = "map"

            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
        except Exception as e:
                "Failed to send LookAt request to waypoint (%(x).3f, %(y).3f):\n%(err)s"
                % {"err": str(e), "x": userdata.waypoint.pose.position.x, "y": userdata.waypoint.pose.position.y}
            self._failed = True

        Logger.loginfo("Looking at next waypoint")
        self._reached = True

    def on_stop(self):
            if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic) and not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            # client already closed

    def on_pause(self):

    def on_resume(self, userdata):
class PipeDetectionState(EventState):
	Triggers pipe detection to find the location of the pipes

	-- max_attempts 	int 			Maximum number of re-running attempts.
										0 means unlimitied.

	<= found 							Found the pipe location.
	<= unknown 							Did not detect any pipes.


    def __init__(self, max_attempts=1):
        super(PipeDetectionState, self).__init__(outcomes=["found", "unknown"])

        self._action_topic = "/hector_five_pipes_detection_node/detect"
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: DetectObjectAction})

        self._max_attempts = max_attempts
        self._success = False
        self._failed = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
        if self._failed:
            return "unknown"

        if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)

            if result.detection_success:
                return "found"
            elif self._max_attempts == 0:
                Logger.loginfo("Did not detect pipes, trying again (unlimited)...")
            elif self._max_attempts > 1:
                self._max_attempts -= 1
                Logger.loginfo("Did not detect pipes, trying again (%d more times)..." % self._max_attempts)
                return "unknown"

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self._failed = False

        action_goal = DetectObjectGoal()

            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn("Failed to send pipe detection request:\n%s" % str(e))
            self._failed = True

    def on_stop(self):
            if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic) and not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            # client already closed

    def on_pause(self):

    def on_resume(self, userdata):
class MoveToFixedWaypoint(EventState):
	Lets the robot move to a given waypoint.

	-- allow_backwards 	Boolean 	Allow the robot to drive backwards when approaching the given waypoint.

	># waypoint		PoseStamped		Specifies the waypoint to which the robot should move.
	># speed					Speed of the robot

	<= reached 					Robot is now located at the specified waypoint.
	<= failed 					Failed to send a motion request to the action server.

	def __init__(self, allow_backwards = False):
		super(MoveToFixedWaypoint, self).__init__(outcomes=['reached', 'failed'],
		self._action_topic = '/move_base'
		self._move_client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveBaseAction})
		#self.set_tolerance = rospy.ServiceProxy('/controller/set_alternative_tolerances', SetAlternativeTolerance)
		self._dynrec = Client("/vehicle_controller", timeout = 10)
		self._defaultspeed = 0.1

		self._allow_backwards = allow_backwards

		self._failed = False
		self._reached = False
	def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
		if self._failed:
			return 'failed'
		if self._reached:
			return 'reached'

		if self._move_client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			result = self._move_client.get_result(self._action_topic)
			if result.result == 1:
				self._reached = True
				return 'reached'
				self._failed = True
				Logger.logwarn('Failed to reach waypoint!')
				return 'failed'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):

		speedValue = self._dynrec.get_configuration(timeout = 0.5)
		if speedValue is not None:
			self._defaultspeed = speedValue['speed']	

		self._startTime =

		self._failed = False
		self._reached = False
		#goal_id = GoalID() = 'abcd'
		#goal_id.stamp =

		action_goal = MoveBaseGoal()
		action_goal.target_pose = userdata.waypoint
		action_goal.speed = userdata.speed
		action_goal.reverse_allowed = self._allow_backwards

		if action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id == "":
			action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "world"

			self._move_client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
			#resp = self.set_tolerance(goal_id, 0.2, 1.55)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send motion request to waypoint (%(x).3f, %(y).3f):\n%(err)s' % {
				'err': str(e),
				'x': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.x,
				'y': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.y
			self._failed = True
		Logger.loginfo('Driving to next waypoint')

	def on_stop(self):
			if self._move_client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
			and not self._move_client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			# client already closed

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
			if self._move_client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
			and not self._move_client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			# client already closed

	def on_pause(self):

	def on_resume(self, userdata):
class CreateStepGoalState(EventState):
	Creates a footstep goal from a desired pose.

	-- pose_is_pelvis 	boolean 		Set this to True if the pose is given
										as pelvis pose and not on the ground.

	># target_pose 		PoseStamped 	Pose to which the robot should walk.

	#> step_goal 		Feet 			Desired feet pose.

	<= done 							Successfully created a step goal.
	<= failed 							Failed to create a plan.

    def __init__(self, pose_is_pelvis=False):

        super(CreateStepGoalState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'],

        self._action_topic = "/vigir/footstep_manager/generate_feet_pose"

        self._client = ProxyActionClient(
            {self._action_topic: GenerateFeetPoseAction})

        self._pose_is_pelvis = pose_is_pelvis

        self._done = False
        self._failed = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        '''Execute this state'''

        if self._failed:
            return 'failed'
        if self._done:
            return 'done'

        if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)

            if result.status.error == ErrorStatus.NO_ERROR:
                userdata.step_goal = result.feet
                self._done = True
                return 'done'
                Logger.logwarn('Step goal creation failed:\n%s' %
                self._failed = True
                return 'failed'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        '''Upon entering the state, request the feet pose.'''

        self._done = False
        self._failed = False

        # Create request msg and action goal
        request = FeetPoseRequest()
        request.header = userdata.target_pose.header
        request.header.stamp =  # timestamp used to track goal
        request.pose = userdata.target_pose.pose
        request.flags = FeetPoseRequest.FLAG_PELVIS_FRAME if self._pose_is_pelvis else 0

        action_goal = GenerateFeetPoseGoal(request=request)

        # Send action goal
            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send step goal request')
            self._failed = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):

        if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
class MoveArmState(EventState):
	Lets the robot move its arm.

	># joint_config		float[]		Target joint configuration of the arm.

	<= reached 						Target joint configuration has been reached.
	<= planning_failed 						Failed to find a plan to the given joint configuration.
	<= control_failed 						Failed to move the arm along the planned trajectory.


	def __init__(self):
		super(MoveArmState, self).__init__(outcomes=['reached', 'planning_failed', 'control_failed'],
											input_keys=['joint_config', 'group_name'])
		self._action_topic = '/move_group'
		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveGroupAction})

		self._joint_names = ['arm_joint_0', 'arm_joint_1', 'arm_joint_2', 'arm_joint_3']

		self._planning_failed = False
		self._control_failed = False
		self._success = False
	def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
		if self._planning_failed:
			return 'planning_failed'
		if self._control_failed:
			return 'control_failed'
		if self._success:
			return 'reached'

		if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)
			if result.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.CONTROL_FAILED:
				Logger.logwarn('Move Action failed with result error code: %s' % str(result.error_code))
				self._control_failed = True
				return 'control_failed'
			elif result.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
				Logger.logwarn('Move Action failed with result error code: %s' % str(result.error_code))
				self._planning_failed = True
				return 'planning_failed'
				self._success = True
				return 'reached'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		self._planning_failed = False
		self._control_failed = False
		self._success = False

		action_goal = MoveGroupGoal()
		action_goal.request.group_name = userdata.group_name
		goal_constraints = Constraints()
		for i in range(len(self._joint_names)):
			goal_constraints.joint_constraints.append(JointConstraint(joint_name=self._joint_names[i], position=userdata.joint_config[i]))

			self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send move group goal for arm motion:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._planning_failed = True

	def on_stop(self):
			if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
			and not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			# client already closed

	def on_pause(self):

	def on_resume(self, userdata):
class Explore(EventState):
	Starts the Exploration Task via /move_base

	># speed			Speed of the robot

	<= succeeded			Exploration Task was successful
	<= failed 			Exploration Task failed


	def __init__(self):
		super(Explore, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded', 'failed'], input_keys =['speed'])
		self._action_topic = '/move_base'
		self._move_client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveBaseAction})
		self._dynrec = Client("/vehicle_controller", timeout = 10)
		self._defaultspeed = 0.1
		self._succeeded = False
		self._failed = False

	def execute(self, userdata):

		if self._move_client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			result = self._move_client.get_result(self._action_topic)
			if result.result == 1:
				self._reached = True
				Logger.loginfo('Exploration succeeded')
				return 'succeeded'
				self._failed = True
				Logger.logwarn('Exploration failed!')
				return 'failed'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		speedValue = self._dynrec.get_configuration(timeout = 0.5)
		if speedValue is not None:
			self._defaultspeed = speedValue['speed']	
		self._succeeded = False
		self._failed = False
		action_goal = MoveBaseGoal()
		action_goal.exploration = True
		action_goal.speed = userdata.speed

		if action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id == "":
			action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "world"

			if self._move_client.is_active(self._action_topic):
			self._move_client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to start Exploration' % {
				'err': str(e),
				'x': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.x,
				'y': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.y
			self._failed = True

	def on_exit(self, userdata):

	def on_start(self):

	def on_stop(self):
class MoveArmDynState(EventState):
	Lets the robot move its arm.

	># object_pose		PoseStamped		Pose of the object to observe.
	># object_type		string			Object type.
	># object_id		string			ID of the object.

	<= reached 						Target joint configuration has been reached.
	<= sampling_failed				Failed to find any valid and promising camera pose.
	<= planning_failed 				Failed to find a plan to move the arm to a desired camera pose.
	<= control_failed 				Failed to move the arm along the planned trajectory.


	def __init__(self):
		super(MoveArmDynState, self).__init__(outcomes=['reached', 'sampling_failed', 'planning_failed', 'control_failed'],
											input_keys=['object_pose', 'object_type', 'object_id'])

		self._action_topic = '/combined_planner'
		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: ArgoCombinedPlanAction})
		# rotations for different object types to get z-axis aligned with optical axis
		self._rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_about_axis(-0.5*math.pi, (0,1,0))

		self._sampling_failed = False
		self._planning_failed = False
		self._control_failed = False
		self._success = False

	def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
		if self._sampling_failed:
			return 'sampling_failed'
		if self._planning_failed:
			return 'planning_failed'
		if self._control_failed:
			return 'control_failed'
		if self._success:
			return 'reached'

		if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)

			if result.success.val == ErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
				self._success = True
				return 'reached'
			elif result.success.val == ErrorCodes.SAMPLING_FAILED:
				Logger.logwarn('Sampling failed when attempting to move the arm')
				self._sampling_failed = True
				return 'sampling_failed'	
			elif result.success.val == ErrorCodes.PLANNING_FAILED:
				Logger.logwarn('Planning failed when attempting to move the arm')
				self._planning_failed = True
				return 'planning_failed'
				Logger.logwarn('Control failed when attempting to move the arm')
				self._control_failed = True
				return 'control_failed'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		self._sampling_failed = False
		self._planning_failed = False
		self._control_failed = False
		self._success = False

		action_goal = ArgoCombinedPlanGoal() = deepcopy(userdata.object_pose)
		type_map = {
			'dial_gauge': ObjectTypes.DIAL_GAUGE,
			'level_gauge': ObjectTypes.LEVEL_GAUGE,
			'valve': ObjectTypes.VALVE,
			'hotspot': ObjectTypes.HOTSPOT,
			'pipes' : ObjectTypes.PIPES,
			'victim' : ObjectTypes.VICTIM
		object_type = type_map.get(userdata.object_type, ObjectTypes.UNKNOWN)
		q = [,,, ]
		q = tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply(q, self._rot) = Quaternion(*q) = userdata.object_id
		action_goal.object_type.val = object_type
		action_goal.action_type.val = ActionCodes.SAMPLE_MOVE_ARM

		Logger.loginfo('Position arm to look at %s object' % str(userdata.object_type))
			self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send move group goal for arm motion:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._control_failed = True

	def on_stop(self):
			if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
			and not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			# client already closed

	def on_pause(self):

	def on_resume(self, userdata):
class ParameterActionClient(EventState):
    parameter_ac is an action client state that will make a call to an action server.
    This is intended to serve as a template for future states that need to communicate with 
    action server. The topic given should correspond to an action server and it right now only 
    works for StageAction action messages but in the future it will have any custom messages needed
    once they are more finalized. Currently just sends true or false to an action server and
    either returns complete or failed based on the response.
    TODO: Proper error checking other custom messages
    <= continue             All actions completed, data collection started
    <= failed               Data control failed to initialize or call something TODO: Proper error checking          

    def __init__(self, topic):
        # See for basic explanations.
              self).__init__(outcomes=['completed', 'failed'],

        self._topic = topic
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: TestParametersAction})
        self._apparatus = None

        # It may happen that the action client fails to send the action goal.
        self._error = False

        #temporary user interface for inputting test parameters
        # self.trial_count = 0
        # self.test_count = 0
        # self.read_csv = False
        # self.tests = []
        # self.params = {
        #         "object" : 0,
        #         "angle" : 0,
        #         "trials" : 0
        #         }

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # Check if the client failed to send the goal.
        if self._error:
            return 'failed'

        #otherwise get the result and perform next steps
        if (self._client.has_result(self._topic)):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)
            status = result.result
            if (status == 0):
                print("Completed Succesfully")
                return 'completed'
                print("Error Thrown")
                return 'failed'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        rospy.loginfo(" --------------------- {}".format(userdata))
        #Creating the goal to send for testing
        goal = TestParametersGoal()
        goal.parameters = userdata.trial_params
        # find which apparatus is being used
        # if self._apparatus == None:
        #     if rosnode.rosnode_ping("testbed_controller", max_count=10):
        #         self._apparatus = "testbed"
        #     else:
        #         self._apparatus = "door/drawer"

        # #for testbed. Name of file to be read: parameters.csv
        # self.trial_count = self.trial_count + 1
        # if self._apparatus == "testbed":
        #     if(not self.read_csv):
        #         with open('/home/testbed-tower/infrastructure_system/parameters.csv', mode='r') as f:
        #             reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
        #             for row in reader:
        #                 parsed_row = row[0].split(",")
        #                 self.params["object"] = float(parsed_row[0])
        #                 self.params["angle"] = float(parsed_row[1])
        #                 self.params["trials"] = float(parsed_row[2])
        #                 self.tests.append(copy.deepcopy(self.params))
        #         self.read_csv = True
        #     current_test = self.tests[self.test_count]
        #     if(self.trial_count == current_test["trials"]):
        #         self.test_count = self.test_count + 1
        #         self.trial_count = 0
        #     goal.parameters = [current_test["object"], current_test["angle"]]

        # #for door/drawer
        # else:
        #     goal.parameters = [1,2,3]

        #error checking in case communication cant be established
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
                'Failed to send the start data collection command:\n%s' %
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # Makes sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
class TweetPictureState(EventState):
    State for tweeting a picture and text


    def __init__(self):
        # See for basic explanations.
        super(TweetPictureState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['picture_tweeted', 'tweeting_failed','command_error'], input_keys = ['picture_path', 'tweet_text'])

        # Create the action client when building the behavior.
        # This will cause the behavior to wait for the client before starting execution
        # and will trigger a timeout error if it is not available.
        # Using the proxy client provides asynchronous access to the result and status
        # and makes sure only one client is used, no matter how often this state is used in a behavior.
        self._topic = 'strands_tweets'
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: SendTweetAction}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type)

        # It may happen that the action client fails to send the action goal.
        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # While this state is active, check if the action has been finished and evaluate the result.

        # Check if the client failed to send the goal.
        if self._error:
            return 'command_error'

        # Check if the action has been finished
        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)

            if result.success:
                return 'picture_tweeted'

                return 'tweeting_failed'

        # If the action has not yet finished, no outcome will be returned and the state stays active.

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # When entering this state, we send the action goal once to let the robot start its work.

        # As documented above, we get the specification of which dishwasher to use as input key.
        # This enables a previous state to make this decision during runtime and provide the ID as its own output key.

        # Create the goal.
        tweet = SendTweetGoal() 
        tweet.text = userdata.tweet_text
        if len(userdata.tweet_text) > 140:
            tweet.text = '#LAMoR15 #ECMR15 I just told a too looong joke, stupid tweet length!'

        tweet.with_photo = True
        img = cv2.imread(userdata.picture_path)

        bridge = CvBridge()
        image_message = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, encoding="bgr8") = image_message

            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, tweet)
        except Exception as e:
                # Since a state failure not necessarily causes a behavior failure, it is recommended to only print warnings, not errors.
                # Using a linebreak before appending the error log enables the operator to collapse details in the GUI.
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the TweetPictureState command:\n%s' % str(e))
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # Make sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
        # A situation where the action would still be active is for example when the operator manually triggers an outcome.

        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
class GotoSingleArmJointConfigState(EventState):
	Directly commands the trajectory/joint controllers to move a 
	single joint to the desired configuration.

	-- target_config 	int 		Identifier of the pre-defined pose to be used.
	-- arm_side			string		Arm side {left, right}
	># current_config 	dict		The current arm joint positions
									joint_names string[] : joint_values[]

	<= done 						Successfully executed the motion.
	<= failed 						Failed to execute the motion.


    # Wrists
    WRIST_CCW = 11
    WRIST_CW = 12

    # Forearms
    # ...

    def __init__(self, arm_side, target_config, time=2.0):
        super(GotoSingleArmJointConfigState, self).__init__(outcomes=["done", "failed"], input_keys=["current_config"])

        if not rospy.has_param("behavior/robot_namespace"):
            Logger.logerr("Need to specify parameter behavior/robot_namespace at the parameter server")

        self._robot = rospy.get_param("behavior/robot_namespace")

        if not rospy.has_param("behavior/joint_controllers_name"):
            Logger.logerr("Need to specify parameter behavior/joint_controllers_name at the parameter server")

        controller_namespace = rospy.get_param("behavior/joint_controllers_name")

        ################################ ATLAS ################################
        self._configs = dict()
        self._configs["flor"] = dict()
        self._configs["flor"]["left"] = {
            11: {"joint_name": "l_arm_wry2", "joint_value": -2.5},
            12: {"joint_name": "l_arm_wry2", "joint_value": +2.5},
        self._configs["flor"]["right"] = {
            11: {"joint_name": "r_arm_wry2", "joint_value": +2.5},
            12: {"joint_name": "r_arm_wry2", "joint_value": -2.5},
        ################################ THOR #################################
        self._configs["thor_mang"] = dict()
        self._configs["thor_mang"]["left"] = {
            11: {"joint_name": "l_wrist_yaw2", "joint_value": 3.84},
            12: {"joint_name": "l_wrist_yaw2", "joint_value": -3.84},
        self._configs["thor_mang"]["right"] = {
            11: {"joint_name": "r_wrist_yaw2", "joint_value": -3.84},
            12: {"joint_name": "r_wrist_yaw2", "joint_value": 3.84},

        self._joint_name = self._configs[self._robot][arm_side][target_config]["joint_name"]
        self._joint_value = self._configs[self._robot][arm_side][target_config]["joint_value"]
        self._time = time

        self._action_topic = (
            "/" + controller_namespace + "/" + arm_side + "_arm_traj_controller" + "/follow_joint_trajectory"

        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: FollowJointTrajectoryAction})

        self._failed = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        """Execute this state"""

        if self._failed:
            return "failed"

        if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)
            if result:
                if result.error_code == FollowJointTrajectoryResult.SUCCESSFUL:
                    return "done"
                        "Joint trajectory failed to execute (%d). Reason: %s" % (result.error_code, result.error_string)
                    self._failed = True
                    return "failed"
                Logger.logwarn("Wait for result returned True even though the result is %s" % str(result))
                self._failed = True
                return "failed"

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        """On enter, create and send the follow joint trajectory action goal."""

        self._failed = False

        current_config = userdata.current_config

        # Get the index of the joint whose value will be replaced
        index_of_joint = current_config["joint_names"].index(self._joint_name)

        # Replace the old joint value with the target_config's one
        new_values = current_config["joint_values"]
        new_values[index_of_joint] = self._joint_value

        # Create trajectory point out of the revised joint values
        point = JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=new_values, time_from_start=rospy.Duration.from_sec(self._time))

        # Create trajectory message
        trajectory = JointTrajectory(joint_names=current_config["joint_names"], points=[point])

        action_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal(trajectory=trajectory)

        # execute the motion
            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn("Failed to send trajectory action goal:\n%s" % str(e))
            self._failed = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
class MoveToWaypointState(EventState):
	Lets the robot move to a given waypoint.

	># waypoint		PoseStamped		Specifies the waypoint to which the robot should move.

	<= reached 						Robot is now located at the specified waypoint.
	<= failed 						Failed to send a motion request to the action server.


	def __init__(self):
		super(MoveToWaypointState, self).__init__(outcomes=['reached', 'failed'],
		self._action_topic = '/move_base'
		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveBaseAction})

		self._failed = False
		self._reached = False
	def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
		if self._failed:
			return 'failed'
		if self._reached:
			return 'reached'

		if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)
			if result.result == 1:
				self._reached = True
				return 'reached'
				self._failed = True
				Logger.logwarn('Failed to reach waypoint!')
				return 'failed'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		self._failed = False
		self._reached = False

		action_goal = MoveBaseGoal()
		action_goal.target_pose = userdata.waypoint
		if action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id == "":
			action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "world"

			self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send motion request to waypoint (%(x).3f, %(y).3f):\n%(err)s' % {
				'err': str(e),
				'x': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.x,
				'y': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.y
			self._failed = True
		Logger.loginfo('Driving to next waypoint')

	def on_stop(self):
			if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
			and not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			# client already closed

	def on_pause(self):

	def on_resume(self, userdata):
class ApproachPersonState(EventState):
	Actionlib actions are the most common basis for state implementations
	since they provide a non-blocking, high-level interface for robot capabilities.
	The example is based on the DoDishes-example of actionlib (see
	This time we have input and output keys in order to specify the goal and possibly further evaluate the result in a later state.

	-- dishes_to_do int 	Expected amount of dishes to be cleaned.

	># dishwasher 	int 	ID of the dishwasher to be used.

	#> cleaned 		int 	Amount of cleaned dishes.

	<= cleaned_some 		Only a few dishes have been cleaned.
	<= cleaned_enough		Cleaned a lot of dishes.
	<= command_error		Cannot send the action goal.


	def __init__(self):
		# See for basic explanations.
		super(ApproachPersonState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['goal_reached', 'goal_failed','command_error'], input_keys = ['person_pose'])

		# Create the action client when building the behavior.
		# This will cause the behavior to wait for the client before starting execution
		# and will trigger a timeout error if it is not available.
		# Using the proxy client provides asynchronous access to the result and status
		# and makes sure only one client is used, no matter how often this state is used in a behavior.
		self._topic = 'stalk_pose'
		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: StalkPoseAction}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type)
		self._timeoutTime = None

		self._personTopic = '/upper_body_detector/closest_bounding_box_centre'

		# It may happen that the action client fails to send the action goal.
		self._error = False

	def execute(self, userdata):
		# While this state is active, check if the action has been finished and evaluate the result.
		print 'approach_person_state: returning goal_reached'
		return 'goal_reached'
		# Check if the client failed to send the goal.
		if self._error:
			return 'command_error'

		if > self._timeoutTime:
			return 'goal_failed'

		# Check if the action has been finished
		if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
			result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)

			if result.success:
				return 'goal_reached'

				return 'goal_failed'

		# If the action has not yet finished, no outcome will be returned and the state stays active.

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		# When entering this state, we send the action goal once to let the robot start its work.

		# As documented above, we get the specification of which dishwasher to use as input key.
		# This enables a previous state to make this decision during runtime and provide the ID as its own output key.

		# Create the goal.
		goal = StalkPoseGoal() 

		goal.runtime_sec = 60
		goal.topic_name = self._personTopic = userdata.person_pose
		self._error = False

		self._timeoutTime = + rospy.Duration(20)

		#	self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
		#except Exception as e:
				# Since a state failure not necessarily causes a behavior failure, it is recommended to only print warnings, not errors.
				# Using a linebreak before appending the error log enables the operator to collapse details in the GUI.
		#	Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the ApproachPerson command:\n%s' % str(e))
		#	self._error = True

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		# Make sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
		# A situation where the action would still be active is for example when the operator manually triggers an outcome.

		if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
			Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
class LookAtPattern(EventState):
	Specify a pattern for the robots camera to follow

	># pattern		string				The pattern to follow

	<= succeeded 						Camera follows the pattern
	<= failed 						Failed to set pattern


	def __init__(self):
		super(LookAtPattern, self).__init__(outcomes=['succeeded', 'failed'],
		self._action_topic = '/pan_tilt_sensor_head_joint_control/look_at'
		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: hector_perception_msgs.msg.LookAtAction})

		self._failed = False
		self._succeeded = False
	def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
		if self._failed:
			return 'failed'
		if self._succeeded:
			return 'succeeded'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		self._failed = False
		self._succeeded = False

		action_goal = hector_perception_msgs.msg.LookAtGoal()
		action_goal.look_at_target.pattern = userdata.pattern

			self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send LookAt request with pattern %(pat)s\n%(err)s' % {
				'pat': userdata.pattern,
				'err': str(e)
			self._failed = True
		Logger.loginfo('Pattern %(pat)s loaded' % { 'pat': userdata.pattern })
		self._succeeded = True

	def on_stop(self):
			if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
			and not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			# client already closed

	def on_pause(self):

	def on_resume(self, userdata):
class GripperRollState(EventState):
	Open or close the gripper.

	-- rotation 	float 	Rotation of the joint, use HORIZONTAL for horizontal pose (0).
	-- duration 	float 	Time (sec) for executing the motion.

	<= done 				Trajectory has successfully finished its execution.
	<= failed 				Failed to execute trajectory.



    def __init__(self, rotation, duration=1.0):
        super(GripperRollState, self).__init__(outcomes=["done", "failed"])

        self._action_topic = "/gripper_control/gripper_roll_traj_controller/follow_joint_trajectory"
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: FollowJointTrajectoryAction})

        self._failed = False
        self._duration = duration
        self._target_joint_value = rotation

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._failed:
            return "failed"

        if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)
            if result:
                if result.error_code == FollowJointTrajectoryResult.SUCCESSFUL:
                    return "done"
                        "Joint trajectory request failed to execute (%d). Reason: %s"
                        % (result.error_code, result.error_string)
                    self._failed = True
                    return "failed"
                Logger.logwarn("Wait for result returned True even though the result is %s" % str(result))
                self._failed = True
                return "failed"

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self._failed = False

        # create point
        endpoint = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        endpoint.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.2 + self._duration)

        # create goal
        goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
        goal.trajectory.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.2)

        # execute the motion
            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn("Was unable to execute joint trajectory:\n%s" % str(e))
            self._failed = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
class GripperState(EventState):
	Open or close the gripper.

	-- close_fraction 	float 	OPEN, CLOSE or any value in [0,1].
	-- duration 		float 	Time (sec) for executing the motion.

	<= done 					Trajectory has successfully finished its execution.
	<= failed 					Failed to execute trajectory.

	OPEN = 0
	CLOSE = 1

	def __init__(self, action, duration = 1.0):
		super(GripperState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'])

		self._action_topic = "/gripper_control/gripper_grasp_traj_controller/follow_joint_trajectory"
		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: FollowJointTrajectoryAction})

		self._failed = False
		self._duration = duration
		self._target_joint_value = action * 1.89

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._failed:
			return 'failed'

		if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)
			if result:
				if result.error_code == FollowJointTrajectoryResult.SUCCESSFUL:
					return 'done'
					Logger.logwarn('Joint trajectory request failed to execute (%d). Reason: %s' % (result.error_code, result.error_string))
					self._failed = True
					return 'failed'
				Logger.logwarn('Wait for result returned True even though the result is %s' % str(result))
				self._failed = True
				return 'failed'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		self._failed = False

		# create point
		endpoint = JointTrajectoryPoint()
		endpoint.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.2 + self._duration)

		# create goal
		goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
		goal.trajectory.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.2)

		# execute the motion
			self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Was unable to execute joint trajectory:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._failed = True

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
class PlanFootstepsState(EventState):
	Creates a footstep plan to reach the desired feet pose via the OBFSM.

	-- mode 			string 		One of the available planning modes (class constants).

	># step_goal 		Feet 		Desired feet pose.

	#> plan_header 		Header 		The header of the footstep plan.

	<= planned 						Successfully created a plan.
	<= failed 						Failed to create a plan.


    MODE_STEP_NO_COLLISION = 'drc_step_no_collision'
    MODE_STEP_2D = 'drc_step_2D'
    MODE_STEP_3D = 'drc_step_3D'
    MODE_WALK = 'drc_walk'

    def __init__(self, mode):
              self).__init__(outcomes=['planned', 'failed'],

        self._action_topic = "/vigir/footstep_manager/step_plan_request"

        self._client = ProxyActionClient(
            {self._action_topic: StepPlanRequestAction})

        self._mode = mode

        self._done = False
        self._failed = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state

        if self._failed:
            userdata.plan_header = None
            return 'failed'
        if self._done:
            return 'planned'

        if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)
            if result.status.warning != ErrorStatus.NO_WARNING:
                Logger.logwarn('Planning footsteps warning:\n%s' %

            if result.status.error == ErrorStatus.NO_ERROR:
                userdata.plan_header = result.step_plan.header

                num_steps = len(result.step_plan.steps)
                Logger.loginfo('Received plan with %d steps' % num_steps)

                self._done = True
                return 'planned'
                userdata.plan_header = None
                Logger.logerr('Planning footsteps failed:\n%s' %
                self._failed = True
                return 'failed'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        '''Upon entering the state, send the footstep plan request.'''

        self._failed = False
        self._done = False

        # Create request msg and action goal
        request = StepPlanRequest()
        request.header = userdata.step_goal.header
        request.max_planning_time = 10.0
        request.parameter_set_name = String(self._mode)

        action_goal = StepPlanRequestGoal(plan_request=request)

            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send footstep plan request:\n%s' %
            self._failed = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):

        if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
class ExecuteTrajectoryState(EventState):
	Executes a given joint trajectory message.

	-- controller       	string      		Namespace of the joint trajectory controller.
												The part of the topic name before /follow_joint_trajectory.

	># joint_trajectory 	JointTrajectory		Trajectory to be executed, containing all required information.

	<= done 									Trajectory has successfully finished its execution.
	<= failed 									Failed to execute trajectory.


	def __init__(self, controller):
		super(ExecuteTrajectoryState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'],

		self._action_topic = controller + "/follow_joint_trajectory"
		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: FollowJointTrajectoryAction})

		self._failed = False

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._failed:
			return 'failed'

		if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)
			if result:
				if result.error_code == FollowJointTrajectoryResult.SUCCESSFUL:
					return 'done'
					Logger.logwarn('Joint trajectory request failed to execute (%d). Reason: %s' % (result.error_code, result.error_string))
					self._failed = True
					return 'failed'
				Logger.logwarn('Wait for result returned True even though the result is %s' % str(result))
				self._failed = True
				return 'failed'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		self._failed = False

		# create goal
		goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
		goal.trajectory = userdata.joint_trajectory
		goal.trajectory.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.2)

		# execute the motion
			self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Was unable to execute joint trajectory:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._failed = True

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
class ExampleActionState(EventState):
	Actionlib actions are the most common basis for state implementations
	since they provide a non-blocking, high-level interface for robot capabilities.
	The example is based on the DoDishes-example of actionlib (see
	This time we have input and output keys in order to specify the goal and possibly further evaluate the result in a later state.

	-- dishes_to_do int 	Expected amount of dishes to be cleaned.

	># dishwasher 	int 	ID of the dishwasher to be used.

	#> cleaned 		int 	Amount of cleaned dishes.

	<= cleaned_some 		Only a few dishes have been cleaned.
	<= cleaned_enough		Cleaned a lot of dishes.
	<= command_error		Cannot send the action goal.

    def __init__(self, dishes_to_do):
        # See for basic explanations.
        super(ExampleActionState, self).__init__(
            outcomes=['cleaned_some', 'cleaned_enough', 'command_error'],

        self._dishes_to_do = dishes_to_do

        # Create the action client when building the behavior.
        # This will cause the behavior to wait for the client before starting execution
        # and will trigger a timeout error if it is not available.
        # Using the proxy client provides asynchronous access to the result and status
        # and makes sure only one client is used, no matter how often this state is used in a behavior.
        self._topic = 'do_dishes'
        self._client = ProxyActionClient(
             DoDishesAction})  # pass required clients as dict (topic: type)

        # It may happen that the action client fails to send the action goal.
        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # While this state is active, check if the action has been finished and evaluate the result.

        # Check if the client failed to send the goal.
        if self._error:
            return 'command_error'

        # Check if the action has been finished
        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)
            dishes_cleaned = result.total_dishes_cleaned

            # In this example, we also provide the amount of cleaned dishes as output key.
            userdata.cleaned = dishes_cleaned

            # Based on the result, decide which outcome to trigger.
            if dishes_cleaned > self._dishes_to_do:
                return 'cleaned_enough'
                return 'cleaned_some'

        # If the action has not yet finished, no outcome will be returned and the state stays active.

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # When entering this state, we send the action goal once to let the robot start its work.

        # As documented above, we get the specification of which dishwasher to use as input key.
        # This enables a previous state to make this decision during runtime and provide the ID as its own output key.
        dishwasher_id = userdata.dishwasher

        # Create the goal.
        goal = DoDishesGoal()
        goal.dishwasher_id = dishwasher_id

        # Send the goal.
        self._error = False  # make sure to reset the error state since a previous state execution might have failed
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            # Since a state failure not necessarily causes a behavior failure, it is recommended to only print warnings, not errors.
            # Using a linebreak before appending the error log enables the operator to collapse details in the GUI.
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the DoDishes command:\n%s' % str(e))
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # Make sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
        # A situation where the action would still be active is for example when the operator manually triggers an outcome.

        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
class HandTrajectoryState(EventState):
	Executes a given hand trajectory, i.e., a request to open or close the fingers.

	-- hand_type			string 			Type of hand (e.g. 'robotiq')

	># finger_trajectory 	JointTrajectory	A single joint trajectory for the hand joints.
	># hand_side			string 			Which hand side the trajectory refers to (e.g. 'left')

	<= done 								The trajectory was successfully executed.
	<= failed 								Failed to execute trajectory.


	def __init__(self, hand_type):
		super(HandTrajectoryState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'],
												  input_keys=['finger_trajectory', 'hand_side'])

		if not rospy.has_param("behavior/hand_controllers_name"):
			Logger.logerr("Need to specify parameter behavior/hand_controllers_name at the parameter server")

		controller_namespace = rospy.get_param("behavior/hand_controllers_name")

		if not rospy.has_param("behavior/hand_type_prefix"):
			Logger.logerr("Need to specify parameter behavior/hand_type_prefix at the parameter server")

		hand_type_prefix = rospy.get_param("behavior/hand_type_prefix")

		# Determine which hand types and sides have been sourced
		self._hands_in_use = list()

		LEFT_HAND  = os.environ[hand_type_prefix + 'LEFT_HAND_TYPE']
		RIGHT_HAND = os.environ[hand_type_prefix + 'RIGHT_HAND_TYPE']

		if LEFT_HAND == 'l_' + hand_type:
		if RIGHT_HAND == 'r_' + hand_type:

		if len(self._hands_in_use) == 0:
			Logger.logerr('No %s hands seem to be in use:\nLEFT_HAND = %s\nRIGHT_HAND = %s' % (hand_type, LEFT_HAND, RIGHT_HAND))

		# Initialize the action clients corresponding to the hands in use
		self._client_topics = dict()
		self._active_topic = None
		self._client = ProxyActionClient()
		for hand_side in self._hands_in_use:
			action_topic = ("/%s/%s_hand_traj_controller/follow_joint_trajectory" % (controller_namespace, hand_side))
			self._client.setupClient(action_topic, FollowJointTrajectoryAction)
			self._client_topics[hand_side] = action_topic

		self._failed = False
	def execute(self, userdata):
		'''During execution of the state, keep checking for action servers response'''

		if self._failed:
			return 'failed'

		if self._client.has_result(self._active_topic):
			result = self._client.get_result(self._active_topic)
			# Logger.loginfo('Action server says: %s' % result.error_code)
			if result.error_code == FollowJointTrajectoryResult.SUCCESSFUL:
				return 'done'
				Logger.logwarn('Hand trajectory request failed to execute: %s (%d)' % (result.error_string, result.error_code))
				self._failed = True
				return 'failed'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		'''Upon entering the state, create and send the action goal message'''

		self._failed = False

		if userdata.hand_side not in self._hands_in_use:
			Logger.logerr('Hand side from userdata (%s) does not match hands in use: %s' % (userdata.hand_side, self._hands_in_use))
			self._failed = True

		# Create goal message
		goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
		goal.trajectory = userdata.finger_trajectory

		# Send goal to action server for execution
			self._active_topic = self._client_topics[userdata.hand_side]
			self._client.send_goal(self._active_topic, goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send follow (hand) joint trajectory action goal:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._failed = True

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		if not self._client.has_result(self._active_topic):
			Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
class MoveitToJointsState(EventState):
	Uses MoveIt to plan and move the specified joints to the target configuration.

	-- move_group		string		Name of the move group to be used for planning.
									Specified joint names need to exist in the given group.
	-- joint_names		string[]	Names of the joints to set.
									Does not need to specify all joints.
	-- action_topic 	string 		Topic on which MoveIt is listening for action calls.

	># joint_config		float[]		Target configuration of the joints.
									Same order as their corresponding names in joint_names.

	<= reached 						Target joint configuration has been reached.
	<= planning_failed 				Failed to find a plan to the given joint configuration.
	<= control_failed 				Failed to move the arm along the planned trajectory.

    def __init__(self, move_group, joint_names, action_topic='/move_group'):
        super(MoveitToJointsState, self).__init__(
            outcomes=['reached', 'planning_failed', 'control_failed'],

        self._action_topic = action_topic
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveGroupAction})

        self._move_group = move_group
        self._joint_names = joint_names

        self._planning_failed = False
        self._control_failed = False
        self._success = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
        if self._planning_failed:
            return 'planning_failed'
        if self._control_failed:
            return 'control_failed'
        if self._success:
            return 'reached'

        if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)

            if result.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.CONTROL_FAILED:
                    'Control failed for move action of group: %s (error code: %s)'
                    % (self._move_group, str(result.error_code)))
                self._control_failed = True
                return 'control_failed'
            elif result.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
                    'Move action failed with result error code: %s' %
                self._planning_failed = True
                return 'planning_failed'
                self._success = True
                return 'reached'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self._planning_failed = False
        self._control_failed = False
        self._success = False

        action_goal = MoveGroupGoal()
        action_goal.request.group_name = self._move_group
        goal_constraints = Constraints()
        for i in range(len(self._joint_names)):

            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send action goal for group: %s\n%s' %
                           (self._move_group, str(e)))
            self._planning_failed = True

    def on_stop(self):
            if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
            and not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            # client already closed

    def on_pause(self):

    def on_resume(self, userdata):
class MoveitToPose(EventState):
	Uses MoveIt to plan and move the move group to the target pose. 
	`move_group` node and `robot_description` parameter must present in current namespace.
	State depends only on `move_group` action interface.

	NOTE: sometimes lower tolerance values (e.g. 0.01 m and 0.1 rad) may cause planner to fail.

	-- move_group				string		Name of the move group to be used for planning.
        -- plan_only                            boolean         Do not perform any movements. Only plan trajectory.
	-- position_tolerance		        float		Target positon tolerance in meters (default: 0.001 m).
	-- orientation_tolerance	        float		Target orientation tolerance in radians (deafult: 0.1 (6 degree))

	># pose						object		Desired pose as geomery_msgs.msg.PoseStamped message.

	<= reached 					Target configuration has been reached (or can be reaced).
	<= planning_failed 				Failed to find a plan to the given configuration.
	<= control_failed 				Failed to move along the planned trajectory.

    def __init__(self,
        super(MoveitToPose, self).__init__(
            outcomes=['reached', 'planning_failed', 'control_failed'],
        # store parameters and get end effector
        self._move_group = move_group
        self._position_tolerance = position_tolerance
        self._orientation_tolerance = orientation_tolerance
        self._plan_only = plan_only
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({'move_group': MoveGroupAction})

        # get end effector link
        self._end_effector = None
        srdf_param = rospy.get_param("robot_description_semantic")
        srdf = ET.fromstring(srdf_param)
        for ee in srdf.iter('end_effector'):
            if ee.attrib['group'] == move_group:
                self._end_effector = ee.attrib['parent_link']
        if not self._end_effector:
                'MoveitToPose: Unable to determine end effector for group `%s`.'
                % self._move_group)
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Unable to determine end effector for group `%s`.' %

        self._planning_failed = False
        self._control_failed = False
        self._success = False

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self._planning_failed = False
        self._control_failed = False
        self._success = False

        # TODO check userdata
        # if not isinstance(userdata.pose, PoseStamped):
        #Logger.logwarn('userdata.pose must be geomery_msgs.msg.PoseStamped. `%s` received' % str(type(userdata.pose)))
        #self._planning_failed = True
        check_type('pose', 'geometry_msgs/PoseStamped', userdata.pose)

        # request planing and execution
        action_goal = MoveGroupGoal()
        # set palnning options
        action_goal.planning_options.plan_only = self._plan_only
        action_goal.planning_options.replan = False
        #		action_goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True
        #		action_goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True
        # setup request
        action_goal.request.group_name = self._move_group
        action_goal.request.num_planning_attempts = 3
        action_goal.request.allowed_planning_time = 1.0
        action_goal.request.max_velocity_scaling_factor = 1.0
        action_goal.request.max_acceleration_scaling_factor = 1.0
        # start pose
        action_goal.request.start_state.is_diff = True
        # pose constraint
        goal_constraint = Constraints(name='')
        # set target position
        constraint = PositionConstraint()
        constraint.header = Header(frame_id=userdata.pose.header.frame_id)
        constraint.link_name = self._end_effector
        constraint.constraint_region = BoundingVolume()
        constraint.constraint_region.primitives = [
        constraint.constraint_region.primitive_poses = [
        constraint.weight = 1.0
        # set target orientation
        constraint = OrientationConstraint()
        constraint.header = Header(frame_id=userdata.pose.header.frame_id)
        constraint.link_name = self._end_effector
        constraint.orientation = userdata.pose.pose.orientation
        constraint.absolute_x_axis_tolerance = self._orientation_tolerance
        constraint.absolute_y_axis_tolerance = self._orientation_tolerance
        constraint.absolute_z_axis_tolerance = self._orientation_tolerance
        constraint.weight = 0.1
        # add goal_constraint
            self._client.send_goal('move_group', action_goal)
        except Exception as e:
                'MoveitToPose: Failed to send MoveGroupAction goal for group: %s\n%s'
                % (self._move_group, str(e)))
            self._planning_failed = True

    def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
        if self._planning_failed:
            return 'planning_failed'
        if self._control_failed:
            return 'control_failed'
        if self._success:
            return 'reached'

        if self._client.has_result('move_group'):
            result = self._client.get_result('move_group')

            if result.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.CONTROL_FAILED:
                    'MoveitToPose: Control failed for MoveGroupAction of group: %s (error code: %s)'
                    % (self._move_group, str(result.error_code)))
                self._control_failed = True
                return 'control_failed'
            elif result.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
                    'MoveitToPose: Move action failed with result error code: %s'
                    % str(result.error_code))
                self._planning_failed = True
                return 'planning_failed'
                self._success = True
                return 'reached'

    def on_stop(self):
            if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
              and not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            # client already closed

    def on_pause(self):

    def on_resume(self, userdata):
class TiltHeadState(EventState):
	Executes a given joint trajectory message.

	-- desired_tilt 	float 	Degrees (positive is down, negative is up).
						Class variables are available (UP, DOWN, STRAIGHT).

	<= done 			The head was successfully tilted.
	<= failed 			Failed to execute neck trajectory.


	UP_40 	 = -40.0 # max -40 degrees
	UP_20 	 = -20.0
	STRAIGHT = +0.00
	DOWN_30  = +20.0
	DOWN_45  = +40.0
	DOWN_60	 = +60.0 # max +60 degrees

	# UP_40    = 1 
	# UP_20    = 2
	# DOWN_30  = 3
	# DOWN_45  = 4
	# DOWN_60  = 5 

	def __init__(self, desired_tilt):

		super(TiltHeadState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'])

		if not rospy.has_param("behavior/joint_controllers_name"):
			Logger.logerr("Need to specify parameter behavior/joint_controllers_name at the parameter server")

		controller_namespace = rospy.get_param("behavior/joint_controllers_name")

		# self._configs['flor']['same'] =  {
		# 	20: {'joint_name': 'neck_ry', 'joint_values': [+0.00], 'controller': 'neck_traj_controller'}, # max -40 degrees
		# 	21: {'joint_name': 'neck_ry', 'joint_values': [-40.0], 'controller': 'neck_traj_controller'},
		# 	22: {'joint_name': 'neck_ry', 'joint_values': [-20.0], 'controller': 'neck_traj_controller'},
		# 	23: {'joint_name': 'neck_ry', 'joint_values': [+20.0], 'controller': 'neck_traj_controller'},
		# 	24: {'joint_name': 'neck_ry', 'joint_values': [+40.0], 'controller': 'neck_traj_controller'},
		# 	25: {'joint_name': 'neck_ry', 'joint_values': [+60.0], 'controller': 'neck_traj_controller'}  # max +60 degrees
		# }

		self._action_topic = "/" + controller_namespace + \
							 "/neck_traj_controller" + "/follow_joint_trajectory"

		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: FollowJointTrajectoryAction})

		# Convert desired position to radians
		self._desired_tilt = math.radians(desired_tilt)

		self._failed = False

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._failed:
			return 'failed'

		if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)
			if result:
				if result.error_code == FollowJointTrajectoryResult.SUCCESSFUL:
					return 'done'
					Logger.logwarn('Joint trajectory request failed to execute: (%d) %s' % (result.error_code, result.error_string))
					self._failed = True
					return 'failed'
				Logger.logwarn('Wait for result returned True even though the result is %s' % str(result))
				self._failed = True
				return 'failed'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		'''Upon entering, create a neck trajectory and send the action goal.'''

		self._failed = False

		# Create neck point
		neck_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
		neck_point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(1.0)

		# Create neck trajectory
		neck_trajectory = JointTrajectory()
		neck_trajectory.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.2)
		neck_trajectory.joint_names = ['neck_ry']

		# Create action goal
		action_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal(trajectory = neck_trajectory)

		# execute the motion
			self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send neck trajectory goal:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._failed = True

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
Beispiel #47
class WallFollowingActionState(EventState):
    State for calling wall_following action server.

    def __init__(self, action_server_name, desired_yaw, desired_speed, desired_wall_distance):
        # See for basic explanations.
        super(WallFollowingActionState, self).__init__( outcomes = ['successed', 'aborted', 'preempted'])

        self._topic = action_server_name
        self._desired_yaw = desired_yaw
        self._desired_speed = desired_speed
        self._desired_wall_distance = desired_wall_distance
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._topic: FollowingAction}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type)
        Logger.loginfo('[WallFollowing]: Action client initialized')
        # It may happen that the action client fails to send the action goal.
        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # While this state is active, check if the action has been finished and evaluate the result.

        # Check if the client failed to send the goal.
        if self._error:
            return 'aborted'

        # Check if the action has been finished
        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            status = self._client.get_state(self._topic)
            result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)
            if status == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
                Logger.loginfo("[WallFollowing]: %s" % str(result.message))
                return 'successed'
            elif status == GoalStatus.PREEMPTED:
                Logger.logwarn('[WallFollowing]: Action preempted')
                return 'preempted'
            elif status in [GoalStatus.REJECTED, GoalStatus.RECALLED, GoalStatus.ABORTED]:
                Logger.logerr('[WallFollowing]: Action failed: %s' % str(result.message))
                return 'aborted'

        """feedback params are"""
        feedback = self._client.get_feedback(self._topic)
        if feedback is not None:
            Logger.loginfo("[WallFollowing]: Current feedback msg: %s" % feedback.message)

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # When entering this state, we send the action goal once to let the robot start its work.

        # Create the goal.
        goal = FollowingGoal()

        #fill the goal
        goal.yaw = self._desired_yaw
        goal.wall_distance = self._desired_wall_distance
        goal.speed = self._desired_speed

        # Send the goal.
        self._error = False # make sure to reset the error state since a previous state execution might have failed
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            # Since a state failure not necessarily causes a behavior failure, it is recommended to only print warnings, not errors.
            # Using a linebreak before appending the error log enables the operator to collapse details in the GUI.
            Logger.logerr('[WallFollowing]: Failed to send the goal:\n%s' % str(e))
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # Make sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
        # A situation where the action would still be active is for example when the operator manually triggers an outcome.

        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('[WallFollowing]: Cancelled active action goal.')
class ExecuteStepPlanActionState(EventState):
	Implements a state to execute a step plan of the footstep planner via the OBFSM.
	This state will change the control mode of the robot to STEP during execution and expects to be in STAND when entered.

	># plan_header 	Header 		Header of the footstep plan to be executed.
								Use one of the footstep planning states to calculate such a plan.

	<= finished 				Finished walking.
								Control mode will be changed back to STAND, but this can take some time.
								If you need to be in STAND for the next state, add a CheckCurrentControlModeState.
	<= failed 					Failed to completely execute the plan. Plan might have been executed partially.


	def __init__(self):
		super(ExecuteStepPlanActionState , self).__init__(outcomes=['finished','failed'],

		self._action_topic = "/vigir/footstep_manager/execute_step_plan"
		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: ExecuteStepPlanAction})

		self._failed = False

	def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
		if self._failed:
			return 'failed'

		if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)
			if (result is not None and 
				result.status.status == FootstepExecutionStatus.REACHED_GOAL):
				return 'finished'
				if result is None:
					Logger.logwarn("Got None as result")
					Logger.logwarn("Result status %d" % result.status.status)
				self._failed = True
				return 'failed'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		'''Upon entering the state, request step plan execution from OBFSM'''
		execution_request = StepPlan(header = userdata.plan_header)

		action_goal = ExecuteStepPlanGoal(step_plan = execution_request)
			self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Unable to execute step plan')
			self._failed = True

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
class MoveitToJointsDynState(EventState):
	Uses MoveIt to plan and move the specified joints to the target configuration.

	-- move_group		string		Name of the move group to be used for planning.
									Specified joint names need to exist in the given group.
	-- action_topic 	string 		Topic on which MoveIt is listening for action calls.

	># joint_names		string[]	Names of the joints to set.
									Does not need to specify all joints.
	># joint_values		float[]		Target configuration of the joints.
									Same order as their corresponding names in joint_names.

	<= reached 						Target joint configuration has been reached.
	<= planning_failed 				Failed to find a plan to the given joint configuration.
	<= control_failed 				Failed to move the arm along the planned trajectory.


	def __init__(self, move_group, action_topic = '/move_group'):
		super(MoveitToJointsDynState, self).__init__(
			outcomes=['reached', 'planning_failed', 'control_failed'],
			input_keys=['joint_values', 'joint_names'])
		self._action_topic = action_topic
		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveGroupAction})

		self._move_group = move_group
		self._joint_names = None

		self._planning_failed = False
		self._control_failed = False
		self._success = False
	def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
		if self._planning_failed:
			return 'planning_failed'
		if self._control_failed:
			return 'control_failed'
		if self._success:
			return 'reached'

		if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)
			if result.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.CONTROL_FAILED:
				Logger.logwarn('Control failed for move action of group: %s (error code: %s)' % (self._move_group, str(result.error_code)))
				self._control_failed = True
				return 'control_failed'
			elif result.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
				Logger.logwarn('Move action failed with result error code: %s' % str(result.error_code))
				self._planning_failed = True
				return 'planning_failed'
				self._success = True
				return 'reached'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		self._planning_failed = False
		self._control_failed = False
		self._success = False

		self._joint_names = userdata.joint_names

		action_goal = MoveGroupGoal()
		action_goal.request.group_name = self._move_group
		goal_constraints = Constraints()
		for i in range(len(self._joint_names)):
			goal_constraints.joint_constraints.append(JointConstraint(joint_name=self._joint_names[i], position=userdata.joint_values[i]))

			self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send action goal for group: %s\n%s' % (self._move_group, str(e)))
			self._planning_failed = True

	def on_stop(self):
			if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
			and not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			# client already closed

	def on_pause(self):

	def on_resume(self, userdata):
class CreateStepGoalState(EventState):
	Creates a footstep goal from a desired pose.

	-- pose_is_pelvis 	boolean 		Set this to True if the pose is given
										as pelvis pose and not on the ground.

	># target_pose 		PoseStamped 	Pose to which the robot should walk.

	#> step_goal 		Feet 			Desired feet pose.

	<= done 							Successfully created a step goal.
	<= failed 							Failed to create a plan.


	def __init__(self, pose_is_pelvis = False):

		super(CreateStepGoalState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'failed'],
												  input_keys = ['target_pose'],
												  output_keys = ['step_goal'])

		self._action_topic = "/vigir/footstep_manager/generate_feet_pose"

		self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: GenerateFeetPoseAction})

		self._pose_is_pelvis = pose_is_pelvis

		self._done   = False
		self._failed = False

	def execute(self, userdata):
		'''Execute this state'''
		if self._failed:
			return 'failed'
		if self._done:
			return 'done'

		if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)

			if result.status.error == ErrorStatus.NO_ERROR:
				userdata.step_goal = result.feet
				self._done = True
				return 'done'
				Logger.logwarn('Step goal creation failed:\n%s' % result.status.error_msg)
				self._failed = True
				return 'failed'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		'''Upon entering the state, request the feet pose.'''
		self._done   = False
		self._failed = False

		# Create request msg and action goal
		request = FeetPoseRequest()
		request.header = userdata.target_pose.header
		request.header.stamp = # timestamp used to track goal
		request.pose   = userdata.target_pose.pose
		request.flags  = FeetPoseRequest.FLAG_PELVIS_FRAME if self._pose_is_pelvis else 0

		action_goal = GenerateFeetPoseGoal(request = request)

		# Send action goal
			self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send step goal request')
			self._failed = True

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
			Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
Beispiel #51
class MoveitToJointsDynState(EventState):
	Uses MoveIt to plan and move the specified joints to the target configuration.

	-- move_group		string		Name of the move group to be used for planning.
									Specified joint names need to exist in the given group.

	-- offset			float		Some offset
	-- tool_link		string		e.g. "vacuum_gripper1_suction_cup"

	-- action_topic 	string 		Topic on which MoveIt is listening for action calls.

	># joint_names		string[]	Names of the joints to set.
									Does not need to specify all joints.
	># joint_values		float[]		Target configuration of the joints.
									Same order as their corresponding names in joint_names.

	<= reached 						Target joint configuration has been reached.
	<= planning_failed 				Failed to find a plan to the given joint configuration.
	<= control_failed 				Failed to move the arm along the planned trajectory.

    def __init__(self,
        super(MoveitToJointsDynState, self).__init__(
            outcomes=['reached', 'planning_failed', 'control_failed'],
            input_keys=['joint_values', 'joint_names'])

        self._offset = offset
        self._tool_link = tool_link

        self._action_topic = action_topic
        self._fk_srv_topic = '/compute_fk'
        self._cartesian_srv_topic = '/compute_cartesian_path'
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveGroupAction})
        self._fk_srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._fk_srv_topic: GetPositionFK})
        self._cartesian_srv = ProxyServiceCaller(
            {self._cartesian_srv_topic: GetCartesianPath})

        self._current_group_name = move_group
        self._joint_names = None

        self._planning_failed = False
        self._control_failed = False
        self._success = False

        self._traj_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
            'execute_trajectory', moveit_msgs.msg.ExecuteTrajectoryAction)
        self._traj_exec_result = None

    def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
        if self._planning_failed:
            return 'planning_failed'
        if self._control_failed:
            return 'control_failed'
        if self._success:
            return 'reached'

        if self._traj_exec_result:
            # look at our cached 'execute_trajectory' result to see whether
            # execution was successful
            result = self._traj_exec_result

            if result.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.CONTROL_FAILED:
                    'Control failed for move action of group: %s (error code: %s)'
                    % (self._current_group_name, str(result.error_code)))
                self._control_failed = True
                return 'control_failed'
            elif result.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
                    'Move action failed with result error code: %s' %
                self._planning_failed = True
                return 'planning_failed'
                self._success = True
                return 'reached'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self._planning_failed = False
        self._control_failed = False
        self._success = False

        self._joint_names = userdata.joint_names

        self._initial_state = RobotState()
        self._initial_state.joint_state.position = copy.deepcopy(
            userdata.joint_values) = copy.deepcopy(self._joint_names)
        #print self._initial_state.joint_state.position

        self._srv_req = GetPositionFKRequest()
        self._srv_req.robot_state = self._initial_state
        self._srv_req.header.stamp =
        self._srv_req.header.frame_id = "world"
        self._srv_req.fk_link_names = [self._tool_link]

            srv_result =, self._srv_req)
            self._failed = False

        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Could not call FK: ' + str(e))
            self._planning_failed = True

        grasp_pose = srv_result.pose_stamped[0].pose
        grasp_pose_stamped = srv_result.pose_stamped[0]

        # Create a pre-grasp approach pose with an offset of 0.3
        pre_grasp_approach_pose = copy.deepcopy(grasp_pose_stamped)
        pre_grasp_approach_pose.pose.position.z += self._offset + 0.3

        # Create an object to MoveGroupInterface for the current robot.
        self._mgi_active_robot = MoveGroupInterface(
            self._current_group_name, self._current_group_name +
            '_base_link')  # TODO: clean up in on_exit


        # Use cartesian motions to pick the object.
        cartesian_service_req = GetCartesianPathRequest()
        cartesian_service_req.start_state.joint_state = rospy.wait_for_message(
            self._current_group_name + '/joint_states',
        cartesian_service_req.header.stamp =
        cartesian_service_req.header.frame_id = "world"
        cartesian_service_req.link_name = self._tool_link
        cartesian_service_req.group_name = self._current_group_name
        cartesian_service_req.max_step = 0.01
        cartesian_service_req.jump_threshold = 0
        cartesian_service_req.avoid_collisions = True
        grasp_pose.position.z += self._offset + 0.16  # this is basically the toolframe (with the box as the tool)

            cartesian_srv_result =
                self._cartesian_srv_topic, cartesian_service_req)
            self._failed = False

        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Could not call Cartesian: ' + str(e))
            self._planning_failed = True

        if cartesian_srv_result.fraction < 1.0:
            Logger.logwarn('Cartesian failed. fraction: ' +
            self._planning_failed = True

        traj_goal = moveit_msgs.msg.ExecuteTrajectoryGoal()
        traj_goal.trajectory = cartesian_srv_result.solution

        self._traj_exec_result = self._traj_client.get_result()

    def on_exit(self, userdata):

    def on_stop(self):
            if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
            and not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            # client already closed

    def on_pause(self):

    def on_resume(self, userdata):
Beispiel #52
class hsr_MoveitToPoseGoalActionNew(EventState):
    Uses MoveIt to plan and move the specified joints to the target configuration.

    -- move_group            string     Name of the move group to be used for planning.Specified joint names need to exist in the given group.

    -- action_topic          string     Topic on which MoveIt is listening for action calls.

    -- orien_tolerance            bool       Default: True

    ># pose_goal             pose       Target configuration of the joints.

    ># plan_num              int        plan_num

    #> move_status           string     move_status

    <= reached               Target joint configuration has been reached.

    <= planning_failed       Failed to find a plan to the given joint configuration.

    <= control_failed        Failed to move the arm along the planned trajectory.


    def __init__(self, move_group='whole_body', action_topic = '/move_group', orien_tolerance=True):
        super(hsr_MoveitToPoseGoalActionNew, self).__init__(outcomes=['reached', 'planning_failed', 'control_failed'], output_keys=['move_status'], input_keys=['pose_goal','plan_num'])

        self._action_topic = action_topic
        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveGroupAction})
        self.orien_tolerance = orien_tolerance

        self._move_group = move_group
        self._planning_failed = False
        self._control_failed = False
        self._success = False

        self.count_num = None

        self._tolerance = 0.01
        robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander()
        group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(self._move_group)
        self.planning_frame = group.get_planning_frame()
        self.planning_frame = '/map'
        self.eef_link = group.get_end_effector_link()
        group_names = robot.get_group_names()
        scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface()

    def execute(self, userdata):
        Execute this state
        if self._planning_failed:
            userdata.move_status = 'fail_plan'
            return 'planning_failed'
        if self._control_failed:
            return 'control_failed'
        if self._success:
            return 'reached'

        if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)

            if result.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.CONTROL_FAILED:
                Logger.logwarn('Control failed for move action of group: %s (error code: %s)' % (self._move_group, str(result.error_code)))
                self._control_failed = True
                return 'control_failed'
            elif result.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
                Logger.logwarn('Move action failed with result error code: %s' % str(result.error_code))
                self._planning_failed = True
                return 'planning_failed'
                self._success = True
                return 'reached'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self.count_num = userdata.plan_num
        self._planning_failed = False
        self._control_failed = False
        self._success = False

        print('planning_frame:', self.planning_frame)
        print('eef_link:', self.eef_link)
        exec_pose = userdata.pose_goal

        action_goal = make_default_action_goal(self, exec_pose, orientation=self.orien_tolerance)
        action_goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True
        action_goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True
        action_goal.planning_options.plan_only = False
            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send action goal for group: %s\n%s' % (self._move_group, str(e)))
            self._planning_failed = True

    def on_stop(self):
            if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
            and not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            # client already closed

    def on_pause(self):

    def on_resume(self, userdata):
Beispiel #53
class FollowPathState(EventState):
    Follows a plan to reach the desired goal point.

    -- topic        String    The node to communicate with

    ># plan         Path      Desired Path to follow

    <= done         Successfully reached the goal
    <= failed       Failed to generate or follow a plan
    <= preempted    The state was preempted

    def __init__(self, topic):
              self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed', 'preempted'],

        self._action_topic = topic
        self._client = ProxyActionClient(
            {self._action_topic: FollowPathAction})

    def execute(self, userdata):
        Execute this state

        if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)
                _action_topic] = None  # Clear to avoid spam if blocked by low autonomy level
            if result.code == 0:
                Logger.loginfo('%s   Success!' % (
                self._return = 'done'
            elif result.code == 1:
                Logger.logerr('%s   Failure' % (
                self._return = 'failed'
            elif result.code == 2:
                Logger.logerr('%s   Preempted' % (
                self._return = 'preempted'
                Logger.logerr('%s   Unknown error' % (
                self._return = 'failed'

        # Return prior value if blocked
        return self._return

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        On enter, send action goal
        self._return = None
        result = FollowPathGoal(path=userdata.plan)

            Logger.loginfo('%s   Following the path to victory!' % (
            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, result)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('%s   Failed to follow path: %s' %
                           (, str(e)))
            return 'failed'

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        if self._action_topic in ProxyActionClient._result:
            ProxyActionClient._result[self._action_topic] = None

        if self._client.is_active(self._action_topic):
            Logger.logerr('%s   Canceling active goal' % (
class GetPlanningSceneState(EventState):
    State to get planning scene using GetPlanningSceneAction.

    -- components           uint32                  Bitfield defining the relevant parts of planning scene that are of interest.
                                                            (default: 1023 - send everything )
    -- timeout              double                  How long to wait for planning scene.
                                                            (default: 5 seconds)
    -- wait_duration        double                  How long to wait for action server (seconds) (0.0 waits indefinitely)
    -- action_topic         string                  Topic name for the ApplyPlanningScene action server.
                                                        (default: None --> Use user data)

    ># action_topic         string                 Topic name for the ApplyPlanningScene action server (if None )

    #> scene                PlanningScene          Output scene

    <= done                                        Planning scene was successfully applied.
    <= failed                                      Applying planning scene failed.


    def __init__(self, components=1023, timeout=5.0, wait_duration=2.0, action_topic=None):
        super(GetPlanningSceneState, self).__init__(
            outcomes=['done', 'failed'],
            output_keys=['scene'] )

        self.client = None
        self.components  = components

        self.timeout_duration = rospy.Duration(timeout)
        self.wait_duration = wait_duration
        self.given_action_topic  = action_topic
        if (self.given_action_topic is not None) and (len(self.given_action_topic) > 0):
            # If topic is defined, set the client up on startup
            self.client = ProxyActionClient({self.given_action_topic: GetPlanningSceneAction},
            self.given_action_topic = None

        self.current_action_topic = self.given_action_topic

        self.scene = list()

        self.return_code = None

    def execute(self, userdata):
        Execute this state
        if self.return_code is not None:
            # Return any previously assigned return code if we are in pause
            userdata.scene = self.scene
            return self.return_code

        if self.client.has_result(self.current_action_topic):
            result = self.client.get_result(self.current_action_topic)
            self.scene = result.scene
            self.return_code = 'done'
            userdata.scene = self.scene
            Logger.loginfo("GetPlanningScene - %s request succeeded." % (
            return self.return_code
        elif self.client.get_state(self.current_action_topic) == GoalStatus.ABORTED:
            # No result returned is returned for this action, so go by the client state
            Logger.logwarn("GetPlanningScene - %s request aborted by get planning scene action server" % (
            self.return_code = 'failed'
            return self.return_code
        elif self.client.get_state(self.current_action_topic) == GoalStatus.REJECTED:
            # No result returned is returned for this action, so go by the client state
            Logger.logwarn("GetPlanningScene - %s request rejected by get planning scene action server" % (
            self.return_code = 'failed'
            return self.return_code
        elif (self.timeout_target is not None) and ( > self.timeout_target):
            Logger.logwarn("GetPlanningScene - timeout waiting for %s to get planning scene (%f > %f (%f))" % (,, self.timeout_target.to_sec(), self.timeout_duration.to_sec()))
            self.return_code = 'failed'
            return self.return_code

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self.return_code = None
        self.scene = None
        # Retrieve the relevant data
        try :
            if (self.given_action_topic is None):
                self.current_action_topic    = userdata.action_topic

        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to set up the action client for %s - invalid user data parameters\n%s' % (self.current_action_topic, str(e)))
            self.return_code = 'failed'

            if (self.client is None):
                self.client = ProxyActionClient({self.current_action_topic: GetPlanningSceneAction},
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to set up the action client for %s\n%s' % (self.current_action_topic, str(e)))
            self.return_code = 'failed'

            if not self.client.is_available(self.current_action_topic):
                self.client.setup_action_client(self.current_action_topic, GetPlanningSceneAction, self.wait_duration)
                if not self.setup_action_client.is_available(self.current_action_topic):
                    Logger.logerr( 'Action client is not available for %s' % (self.current_action_topic))
                    self.return_code = 'failed'
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to setup the action client for %s\n%s' % (, str(e)))
            self.return_code = 'failed'

            # Action Initialization
            action_goal = GetPlanningSceneGoal()
            action_goal.components = PlanningSceneComponents()
            action_goal.components.components = self.components

            if (self.timeout_duration > rospy.Duration(0.0)):
                self.timeout_target = + self.timeout_duration
                self.timeout_target = None

            self.client.send_goal(self.current_action_topic, action_goal)

        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send action goal for group - %s\n%s' % (, str(e)))
            self.return_code = 'failed'

    def on_stop(self):
                if ( self.client.is_available(self.current_action_topic) \
                     and not self.client.has_result(self.current_action_topic) ):
                    # Cancel any active goals
            except Exception as e:
                # client already closed
                Logger.logwarn('Action client already closed - %s\n%s' % (self.current_action_topic, str(e)))

    def on_resume(self, userdata):
        # If paused during state execution, then re-send the clear command
class PlanFootstepsState(EventState):
	Creates a footstep plan to reach the desired feet pose via the OBFSM.

	-- mode 			string 		One of the available planning modes (class constants).

	># step_goal 		Feet 		Desired feet pose.

	#> plan_header 		Header 		The header of the footstep plan.

	<= planned 						Successfully created a plan.
	<= failed 						Failed to create a plan.


    MODE_STEP_NO_COLLISION = "drc_step_no_collision"
    MODE_STEP_2D = "drc_step_2D"
    MODE_STEP_3D = "drc_step_3D"
    MODE_WALK = "drc_walk"

    def __init__(self, mode):
        super(PlanFootstepsState, self).__init__(
            outcomes=["planned", "failed"], input_keys=["step_goal"], output_keys=["plan_header"]

        self._action_topic = "/vigir/footstep_manager/step_plan_request"

        self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: StepPlanRequestAction})

        self._mode = mode

        self._done = False
        self._failed = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state

        if self._failed:
            userdata.plan_header = None
            return "failed"
        if self._done:
            return "planned"

        if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)
            if result.status.warning != ErrorStatus.NO_WARNING:
                Logger.logwarn("Planning footsteps warning:\n%s" % result.status.warning_msg)

            if result.status.error == ErrorStatus.NO_ERROR:
                userdata.plan_header = result.step_plan.header

                num_steps = len(result.step_plan.steps)
                Logger.loginfo("Received plan with %d steps" % num_steps)

                self._done = True
                return "planned"
                userdata.plan_header = None
                Logger.logerr("Planning footsteps failed:\n%s" % result.status.error_msg)
                self._failed = True
                return "failed"

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        """Upon entering the state, send the footstep plan request."""

        self._failed = False
        self._done = False

        # Create request msg and action goal
        request = StepPlanRequest()
        request.header = userdata.step_goal.header
        request.max_planning_time = 10.0
        request.parameter_set_name = String(self._mode)

        action_goal = StepPlanRequestGoal(plan_request=request)

            self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.logwarn("Failed to send footstep plan request:\n%s" % str(e))
            self._failed = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):

        if not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
            Logger.loginfo("Cancelled active action goal.")
Beispiel #56
class AlignGateState(EventState):
	Actionlib actions are the most common basis for state implementations
	since they provide a non-blocking, high-level interface for robot capabilities.
	The example is based on the DoDishes-example of actionlib (see
	This time we have input and output keys in order to specify the goal and possibly further evaluate the result in a later state.


    def __init__(self):
        # See for basic explanations.
              self).__init__(outcomes=['success', 'command_error'])

        # Create the action client when building the behavior.
        # This will cause the behavior to wait for the client before starting execution
        # and will trigger a timeout error if it is not available.
        # Using the proxy client provides asynchronous access to the result and status
        # and makes sure only one client is used, no matter how often this state is used in a behavior.
        self._topic = 'align'
        self._client = ProxyActionClient(
             AlignAction})  # pass required clients as dict (topic: type)

        # It may happen that the action client fails to send the action goal.
        self._error = False

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # While this state is active, check if the action has been finished and evaluate the result.

        # Check if the client failed to send the goal.
        if self._error:
            return 'command_error'

        # Check if the action has been finished
        if self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            self.result = self._client.get_result(self._topic)

    if self.result:
        return 'success'

    # If the action has not yet finished, no outcome will be returned and the state stays active.

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # When entering this state, we send the action goal once to let the robot start its work.

        # As documented above, we get the specification of which dishwasher to use as input key.
        # This enables a previous state to make this decision during runtime and provide the ID as its own output key.
        objectName = userdata.object

        # Create the goal.
        goal = getObjectAlignment()
        goal.object = objectName

        # Send the goal.
        self._error = False  # make sure to reset the error state since a previous state execution might have failed
            self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal)
        except Exception as e:
            # Since a state failure not necessarily causes a behavior failure, it is recommended to only print warnings, not errors.
            # Using a linebreak before appending the error log enables the operator to collapse details in the GUI.
            Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the Align command:\n%s' % str(e))
            self._error = True

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # Make sure that the action is not running when leaving this state.
        # A situation where the action would still be active is for example when the operator manually triggers an outcome.

        if not self._client.has_result(self._topic):
            Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
class SrdfStateToMoveit(EventState):
        State to look up a pre-defined joint configuration from the SRDF file loaded in the parameter server (/robot_description_semantic)
        and send it to MoveIt to plan and move.

        -- config_name          string              Name of the joint configuration of interest.

        -- move_group           string              Name of the move group to be used for planning.

        -- action_topic         string              Topic on which MoveIt is listening for action calls.

        -- robot_name           string              Optional name of the robot to be used.
                                                                If left empty, the first one found will be used
                                                                (only required if multiple robots are specified in the same file).

        ># joint_config         float[]             Target configuration of the joints.
                                                                        Same order as their corresponding names in joint_names.

        <= reached                                  Target joint configuration has been reached.
        <= planning_failed                          Failed to find a plan to the given joint configuration.
        <= control_failed                           Failed to move the arm along the planned trajectory.


        def __init__(self, config_name, move_group="", action_topic = '/move_group', robot_name=""):
                super(SrdfStateToMoveit, self).__init__(outcomes=['reached', 'planning_failed', 'control_failed', 'param_error'])

                self._config_name  = config_name
                self._move_group   = move_group
                self._robot_name   = robot_name
                self._action_topic = action_topic
                self._client       = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveGroupAction})

                self._planning_failed = False
                self._control_failed = False
                self._success = False

                self._srdf_param = None
                if rospy.has_param("/robot_description_semantic"):
                        self._srdf_param = rospy.get_param("/robot_description_semantic")
                        Logger.logerror('Unable to get parameter: /robot_description_semantic')

                self._param_error = False
                self._srdf = None

        def execute(self, userdata):
                if self._param_error:
                        return 'param_error'
                Execute this state
                if self._planning_failed:
                        return 'planning_failed'
                if self._control_failed:
                        return 'control_failed'
                if self._success:
                        return 'reached'

                if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
                        result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic)

                        if result.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.CONTROL_FAILED:
                                Logger.logwarn('Control failed for move action of group: %s (error code: %s)' % (self._move_group, str(result.error_code)))
                                self._control_failed = True
                                return 'control_failed'
                        elif result.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
                                Logger.logwarn('Move action failed with result error code: %s' % str(result.error_code))
                                self._planning_failed = True
                                return 'planning_failed'
                                self._success = True
                                return 'reached'

        def on_enter(self, userdata):
                self._param_error     = False
                self._planning_failed = False
                self._control_failed  = False
                self._success         = False

                #Parameter check
                if self._srdf_param is None:
                        self._param_error = True

                        self._srdf = ET.fromstring(self._srdf_param)
                except Exception as e:
                        Logger.logwarn('Unable to parse given SRDF parameter: /robot_description_semantic')
                        self._param_error = True

                if not self._param_error:

                        robot = None
                        for r in self._srdf.iter('robot'):
                                if self._robot_name == '' or self._robot_name == r.attrib['name']:
                                        robot = r
                        if robot is None:
                                Logger.logwarn('Did not find robot name in SRDF: %s' % self._robot_name)
                                return 'param_error'

                        config = None
                        for c in robot.iter('group_state'):
                                if (self._move_group == '' or self._move_group == c.attrib['group']) \
                                and c.attrib['name'] == self._config_name:
                                        config = c
                                        self._move_group = c.attrib['group'] #Set move group name in case it was not defined
                        if config is None:
                                Logger.logwarn('Did not find config name in SRDF: %s' % self._config_name)
                                return 'param_error'

                                self._joint_config = [float(j.attrib['value']) for j in config.iter('joint')]
                                self._joint_names  = [str(j.attrib['name']) for j in config.iter('joint')]
                        except Exception as e:
                                Logger.logwarn('Unable to parse joint values from SRDF:\n%s' % str(e))
                                return 'param_error'

                        #Action Initialization
                        action_goal = MoveGroupGoal()
                        action_goal.request.group_name = self._move_group
                        goal_constraints = Constraints()
                        for i in range(len(self._joint_names)):
                                goal_constraints.joint_constraints.append(JointConstraint(joint_name=self._joint_names[i], position=self._joint_config[i]))

                                self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal)
                        except Exception as e:
                                Logger.logwarn('Failed to send action goal for group: %s\n%s' % (self._move_group, str(e)))
                                self._planning_failed = True

        def on_stop(self):
                        if self._client.is_available(self._action_topic) \
                        and not self._client.has_result(self._action_topic):
                        # client already closed

        def on_pause(self):

        def on_resume(self, userdata):