Beispiel #1
def optimize_modifier(values, projections, geometry, samp = [1, 1, 1], key = 'axs_tan', metric = 'correlation', update = True, preview = False):  
    Optimize a geometry modifier using a particular sampling of the projection array.
    maxiter = values.size
    # Valuse of the objective function:
    func_values = numpy.zeros(maxiter)    
    print('Starting a full search from: %0.3f' % values.min(), 'to %0.3f'% values.max())
    time.sleep(0.3) # To print TQDM properly
    ii = 0
    for val in tqdm(values, unit = 'point'):
        func_values[ii] = _modifier_l2cost_(projections, geometry, samp, val, key, metric = metric, preview = preview)
        ii += 1          
    min_index = func_values.argmin()    
    display.plot2d(values, func_values, title = 'Objective: ' + key)
    guess = _parabolic_min_(func_values, min_index, values)  
    if update:
        geometry[key] = guess
    print('Optimum found at %3.3f' % guess)
    return guess
Beispiel #2
def equivalent_density(projections, geometry, energy, spectr, compound, density, preview = False):
    Transfrom intensity values to projected density for a single material array
    # Assuming that we have log array!

    print('Generating the transfer function.')
    if preview:
        display.plot2d(energy, spectr, semilogy=False, title = 'Spectrum')
    # Attenuation of 1 mm:
    mu = model.linear_attenuation(energy, compound, density)
    # Make thickness range that is sufficient for interpolation:
    #m = (geometry['src2obj'] + geometry['det2obj']) / geometry['src2obj']
    #img_pix = geometry['det_pixel'] / m
    img_pix = geometry['img_pixel']

    thickness_min = 0
    thickness_max = max(projections.shape) * img_pix * 2
    print('Assuming thickness range:', [thickness_min, thickness_max])
    thickness = numpy.linspace(thickness_min, thickness_max, max(projections.shape))
    exp_matrix = numpy.exp(-numpy.outer(thickness, mu))
    synth_counts =
    #flexUtil.plot(thickness, title = 'thickness')
    #flexUtil.plot(mu, title = 'mu')
    #flexUtil.plot(synth_counts, title = 'synth_counts')
    if preview:
        display.plot2d(thickness,synth_counts, semilogy=True, title = 'Attenuation v.s. thickness [mm].')
    synth_counts = -numpy.log(synth_counts)
    print('Callibration attenuation range:', [synth_counts[0], synth_counts[-1]])
    print('array attenuation range:', [projections.min(), projections.max()])

    print('Applying transfer function.')    
    time.sleep(0.5) # Give time to print messages before the progress is created
    for ii in tqdm(range(projections.shape[1]), unit = 'img'):
        projections[:, ii, :] = numpy.array(numpy.interp(projections[:, ii, :], synth_counts, thickness * density), dtype = 'float32') 
    return projections
Beispiel #3
def SIRT( projections, volume, geometry, iterations):
    Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique.
    ss = settings
    preview = ss.preview    
    bounds = ss.bounds
    logger.print('Feeling SIRTy...')
    # Residual norms:    
    rnorms = []
    # Progress bar:
    pbar = _pbar_start_(iterations, 'iterations')
    for ii in range(iterations):
        # L2 update:
        norm = l2_update(projections, volume, geometry)
        if norm:
        # Apply bounds
        if bounds:
            numpy.clip(volume, a_min = bounds[0], a_max = bounds[1], out = volume)    
        if preview:
            display.slice(volume, dim = 1, title = 'Preview')

    # Stop progress bar    
    if rnorms:   
         display.plot2d(rnorms, semilogy = True, title = 'Resudual L2')