Beispiel #1
 def testFirstDirection(self):
     Test the first derivatives in the first direction.
     x = numpy.empty([1, 100])
     x[0, :] = numpy.linspace(0, 2*numpy.pi, 100)
     dx = x[0, 1] - x[0, 0]
     y = numpy.sin(x)
     y_prime_exact = numpy.cos(x)
     y_prime_2 = first_der.differentiateSecondOrderFiniteDifference(y, dx, 0, 0, True, 1, 'C')
     y_prime_4 = first_der.differentiateFourthOrderFiniteDifference(y, dx, 0, 0, True, 1, 'C')
     y_prime_6 = first_der.differentiateSixthOrderFiniteDifference(y, dx, 0, 0, True, 1, 'C')
     error_2 = numpy.linalg.norm(y_prime_exact[0, :] - y_prime_2[:])
     error_4 = numpy.linalg.norm(y_prime_exact[0, :] - y_prime_4[:])
     error_6 = numpy.linalg.norm(y_prime_exact[0, :] - y_prime_6[:])
     self.assertLess(error_2, 1.0e-2, "Incorrect derivative in first direction for second order finite difference!")
     self.assertLess(error_4, 1.0e-5, "Incorrect derivative in first direction for fourth order finite difference!")
     self.assertLess(error_6, 1.0e-7, "Incorrect derivative in first direction for sixth order finite difference!")
def plot_set1(tsteps, tvec, path, plot_reshock):
    reader = mgdr.MovingGridDataReader(path)
    print("Domain Size: {} ".format(reader._domain_size))
    print("Variables available: {}".format(reader._var_names))
    Nx, Ny, Nz = reader._domain_size

    middle_selection = 0.12  #select middle 25% of domain in x
    middle_offset = 0.016
    x1 = int(Nx / 2 - middle_selection / 2 * Nx + middle_offset * Nx)
    x2 = int(Nx / 2 + middle_selection / 2 * Nx + middle_offset * Nx)
    reader.setSubDomain(((x1, 0, 0), (x2, Ny - 1, Nz - 1)))

    # Get coordinates based on subdomain
    x, y, z = reader.readCoordinates()
    x_center = np.mean(x[:, 0, 0])
    nx, ny, nz = reader._subdomain_hi - reader._subdomain_lo + 1

    Ma_t_IMZ = np.zeros(len(tsteps))
    At_e_IMZ = np.zeros(len(tsteps))
    At_e_centerplane = np.zeros(len(tsteps))
    W = np.zeros(len(tsteps))
    Theta = np.zeros(len(tsteps))
    TKE_int = np.zeros(len(tsteps))
    Diss_int = np.zeros(len(tsteps))
    Enstrophy_int = np.zeros(len(tsteps))
    b11_IMZ = np.zeros(len(tsteps))

    for tind, step in enumerate(tsteps):

        #Reading in
        print("reading in Mass Fraction at step {}.".format(step))
        YHeavy = np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('mass fraction 0')))
        print("reading in density at step {}.".format(step))
        density = np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('density')))
        print("reading in pressure at step {}.".format(step))
        pressure = np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('pressure')))

        #Calculating Stats
        print("Computing Diffusion Properties")
        rho_bar = np.mean(np.mean(density, axis=2), axis=1)

        Cp = YHeavy * Cp_Heavy + (1 - YHeavy) * Cp_air
        Cv = YHeavy * Cv_Heavy + (1 - YHeavy) * Cv_air
        gamma = Cp / Cv
        del Cp, Cv

        c = (gamma * pressure / density)**0.5

        del gamma

        M = (YHeavy / M_Heavy + (1 - YHeavy) / M_air)**(-1)
        T = M * pressure / (density * Ru)
        Tij = T / eps_ij
        Omega_D = A * Tij**B + C * np.exp(D * Tij) + E * np.exp(
            F * Tij) + G * np.exp(H * Tij)
        D_binary = (0.0266 / Omega_D) * (T**1.5) / (sigma_ij**2 * pressure *

        del Tij, Omega_D, pressure, T

        # Compute Integrated Scalar Dissipation Rate
        print("Computing Dissipation")
        dx = x[1, 0, 0] - x[0, 0, 0]
        dy = y[0, 1, 0] - y[0, 0, 0]
        dz = z[0, 0, 1] - z[0, 0, 0]
        dYdx = first_der.differentiateSixthOrderFiniteDifference(
            YHeavy, dx, 0, None, True, 3, 'C')
        dYdy = first_der.differentiateSixthOrderFiniteDifference(
            YHeavy, dy, 1, None, True, 3, 'C')
        dYdz = first_der.differentiateSixthOrderFiniteDifference(
            YHeavy, dz, 2, None, True, 3, 'C')

        Diss = D_binary * (dYdx**2 + dYdy**2 + dYdz**2)
        Diss_int[tind] = integrate.simps(integrate.simps(integrate.simps(
            Diss, z[0, 0, :], axis=2),
                                                         y[0, :, 0],
                                         x[:, 0, 0],

        del dYdx, dYdy, dYdz, Diss, D_binary

        #Find inner mixing zone (IMZ)
        IMZ_thresh = 0.9
        XHeavy = M / M_Heavy * YHeavy
        XHeavy_bar = np.mean(np.mean(XHeavy, axis=2), axis=1)
        IMZ_crit = 4 * XHeavy_bar * (1 - XHeavy_bar) - IMZ_thresh

        del M

        for ind in range(len(IMZ_crit)):
            if IMZ_crit[ind] >= 0:
                IMZ_lo = ind

        for ind in range(len(IMZ_crit)):
            ind2 = nx - ind - 1
            if IMZ_crit[ind2] >= 0:
                IMZ_hi = ind2

        IMZ_mid = np.argmax(IMZ_crit)

        # Compute Mixing Width
        print("Computing Mixing Width and Mixedness")
        integrand = 4 * XHeavy_bar * (1 - XHeavy_bar)
        W[tind] = integrate.simps(integrand, x[:, 0, 0])

        # Compute Mixedness
        integrand = XHeavy * (1 - XHeavy)
        integrand = np.mean(np.mean(integrand, axis=2), axis=1)
        numer = integrate.simps(integrand, x[:, 0, 0])

        denom = W[tind] / 4.0
        Theta[tind] = numer / denom

        xstar = (x[:, 0, 0] - x[IMZ_mid, 0, 0]) / W[tind]

        del XHeavy

        #Compute Turbulent Mach Number
        print("reading in velocity at step {}.".format(step))
        print("Computing Turbulent Mach Number")
        velocity = np.squeeze(np.array(reader.readData('velocity')))
        u_tilde = np.mean(np.mean(velocity[0, :, :, :] * density, axis=2),
                          axis=1) / np.mean(np.mean(density, axis=2), axis=1)
        v_tilde = np.mean(np.mean(velocity[1, :, :, :] * density, axis=2),
                          axis=1) / np.mean(np.mean(density, axis=2), axis=1)
        w_tilde = np.mean(np.mean(velocity[2, :, :, :] * density, axis=2),
                          axis=1) / np.mean(np.mean(density, axis=2), axis=1)

        u_doubleprime = velocity[0, :, :, :] - u_tilde.reshape((nx, 1, 1))
        v_doubleprime = velocity[1, :, :, :] - v_tilde.reshape((nx, 1, 1))
        w_doubleprime = velocity[2, :, :, :] - w_tilde.reshape((nx, 1, 1))

        del u_tilde, v_tilde, w_tilde

        TKE = 0.5 * density * (u_doubleprime**2 + v_doubleprime**2 +

        # Compute Integrated TKE
        TKE_int[tind] = integrate.simps(integrate.simps(integrate.simps(
            TKE, z[0, 0, :], axis=2),
                                                        y[0, :, 0],
                                        x[:, 0, 0],

        #Anisotropy (23 and 24)
        R11 = np.mean(np.mean(density * u_doubleprime**2, axis=2),
                      axis=1) / np.mean(np.mean(density, axis=2), axis=1)
        Rkk = np.mean(np.mean(2 * TKE, axis=2), axis=1) / np.mean(
            np.mean(density, axis=2), axis=1)
        b11 = R11 / Rkk - 1.0 / 3.0
        b11_IMZ[tind] = np.mean(b11[IMZ_lo:IMZ_hi + 1])

        Ma_t = (((np.mean(np.mean(2 * TKE / density, axis=2), axis=1))**0.5) /
                np.mean(np.mean(c, axis=2), axis=1))

        Ma_t_IMZ[tind] = np.mean(Ma_t[IMZ_lo:IMZ_hi + 1])

        del u_doubleprime, v_doubleprime, w_doubleprime, TKE

        #Compute Effective Atwood Number
        rho_prime = density - rho_bar.reshape((nx, 1, 1))

        At_e = (
            (np.mean(np.mean(rho_prime**2, axis=2), axis=1))**0.5) / rho_bar
        At_e_IMZ[tind] = np.mean(At_e[IMZ_lo:IMZ_hi + 1])
        At_e_centerplane[tind] = At_e[IMZ_mid]

        del rho_prime

        # Compute Integrated Enstrophy
        print("Computing Enstrophy")
        Enstrophy = 0
        dwdy = first_der.differentiateSixthOrderFiniteDifference(
            velocity[2, :, :, :], dy, 1, None, True, 3, 'C')
        dvdx = first_der.differentiateSixthOrderFiniteDifference(
            velocity[1, :, :, :], dx, 0, None, True, 3, 'C')
        Enstrophy += density * (dwdy - dvdx)**2
        del dwdy, dvdx

        dudz = first_der.differentiateSixthOrderFiniteDifference(
            velocity[0, :, :, :], dz, 2, None, True, 3, 'C')
        dwdx = first_der.differentiateSixthOrderFiniteDifference(
            velocity[2, :, :, :], dx, 0, None, True, 3, 'C')
        Enstrophy += density * (dudz - dwdx)**2
        del dudz, dwdx

        dvdx = first_der.differentiateSixthOrderFiniteDifference(
            velocity[1, :, :, :], dx, 0, None, True, 3, 'C')
        dudy = first_der.differentiateSixthOrderFiniteDifference(
            velocity[0, :, :, :], dy, 1, None, True, 3, 'C')
        Enstrophy += density * (dvdx - dudy)**2

        del dvdx, dudy, velocity

        Enstrophy_int[tind] = integrate.simps(integrate.simps(integrate.simps(
            Enstrophy, z[0, 0, :], axis=2),
                                                              y[0, :, 0],
                                              x[:, 0, 0],

        del Enstrophy, density, YHeavy

    xline = np.array([1.15, 1.15])

    plt.plot(tvec * 1000, W * 1000, '-o')
    plt.ylabel('W [mm]')
    plt.xlabel('time [ms]')
    if plot_reshock:
        var = W * 1000
        yline = np.array([np.min(var), np.max(var)])
        plt.plot(xline, yline, 'k--')

    plt.plot(tvec * 1000, Theta, '-o')
    plt.ylabel('Mixedness [-]')
    plt.xlabel('time [ms]')
    if plot_reshock:
        var = Theta
        yline = np.array([np.min(var), np.max(var)])
        plt.plot(xline, yline, 'k--')

    plt.semilogy(tvec * 1000, TKE_int, '-o')
    plt.ylabel('Int. TKE [kg m2 s-2]')
    plt.xlabel('time [ms]')
    if plot_reshock:
        var = TKE_int
        yline = np.array([np.min(var), np.max(var)])
        plt.plot(xline, yline, 'k--')

    plt.semilogy(tvec * 1000, Diss_int, '-o')
    plt.ylabel('Int. Dissipation Rate [m3 s-1]')
    plt.xlabel('time [ms]')
    if plot_reshock:
        var = Diss_int
        yline = np.array([np.min(var), np.max(var)])
        plt.plot(xline, yline, 'k--')

    plt.semilogy(tvec * 1000, Enstrophy_int, '-o')
    plt.ylabel(r'Int. Enstrophy [kg s-2]')
    plt.xlabel('time [ms]')
    if plot_reshock:
        var = Enstrophy_int
        yline = np.array([np.min(var), np.max(var)])
        plt.plot(xline, yline, 'k--')

    plt.plot(tvec * 1000, Ma_t_IMZ, '-o')
    plt.ylabel('Turbulent Ma')
    plt.xlabel('time [ms]')
    if plot_reshock:
        var = Ma_t_IMZ
        yline = np.array([np.min(var), np.max(var)])
        plt.plot(xline, yline, 'k--')

    plt.plot(tvec * 1000, At_e_IMZ, '-o')
    plt.ylabel('Effective At')
    plt.xlabel('time [ms]')
    if plot_reshock:
        var = At_e_IMZ
        yline = np.array([np.min(var), np.max(var)])
        plt.plot(xline, yline, 'k--')

    plt.plot(tvec * 1000, b11_IMZ, '-o')
    plt.xlabel('time [ms]')
    if plot_reshock:
        var = b11_IMZ
        yline = np.array([np.min(var), np.max(var)])
        plt.plot(xline, yline, 'k--')

    return None
Beispiel #3
        # Compute Integrated TKE
        TKE_int[tind] = integrate.simps(integrate.simps(integrate.simps(
            TKE, z[0, 0, :], axis=2),
                                                        y[0, :, 0],
                                        x[:, 0, 0],

        del TKE

        # Compute Integrated Scalar Dissipation Rate
        dx = x[1, 0, 0] - x[0, 0, 0]
        dy = y[0, 1, 0] - y[0, 0, 0]
        dz = z[0, 0, 1] - z[0, 0, 0]
        dYdx = first_der.differentiateSixthOrderFiniteDifference(
            YHeavy, dx, 0, None, True, 3, 'C')
        dYdy = first_der.differentiateSixthOrderFiniteDifference(
            YHeavy, dy, 1, None, True, 3, 'C')
        dYdz = first_der.differentiateSixthOrderFiniteDifference(
            YHeavy, dz, 2, None, True, 3, 'C')

        Diss = D_binary * (dYdx**2 + dYdy**2 + dYdz**2)
        Diss_int[tind] = integrate.simps(integrate.simps(integrate.simps(
            Diss, z[0, 0, :], axis=2),
                                                         y[0, :, 0],
                                         x[:, 0, 0],

        del dYdx, dYdy, dYdz, Diss