Beispiel #1
    def _get_onu_info(self, serial_number):
        Parse through available xPON information for ONU configuration settings
        :param serial_number: (string) Decoded (not base64) serial number string
        :return: (dict) onu config data or None on lookup failure
            from flow.demo_data import get_tconts, get_gem_ports

            if self.activation_method == "autoactivate":
                onu_id = self.get_next_onu_id()
                enabled = True
                channel_speed = 0

            elif self.activation_method == "autodiscovery":
                if self.authentication_method == 'serial-number':
                    gpon_info = self.olt.get_xpon_info(self.pon_id)

                        vont_info = next(
                            for _, info in gpon_info['v_ont_anis'].items()
                            if info.get(
                                'expected-serial-number') == serial_number)

                        onu_id = vont_info['onu-id']
                        enabled = vont_info['enabled']
                        channel_speed = vont_info['upstream-channel-speed']

                    except StopIteration:
                        return None
                    return None
                return None

            onu_info = {
                'serial-number': serial_number,
                'xpon-name': None,
                'pon': self,
                'onu-id': onu_id,
                'enabled': enabled,
                'upstream-channel-speed': channel_speed,
                'password': Onu.DEFAULT_PASSWORD,
                't-conts': get_tconts(self.pon_id, serial_number, onu_id),
                'gem-ports': get_gem_ports(self.pon_id, serial_number, onu_id),
                'onu-vid': self.olt.get_channel_id(self._pon_id, onu_id)
            return onu_info

        except Exception as e:
            self.log.exception('get-onu-info', e=e)
            return None
Beispiel #2
    def _get_onu_info(self, serial_number):
        Parse through available xPON information for ONU configuration settings
        :param serial_number: (string) Decoded (not base64) serial number string
        :return: (dict) onu config data or None on lookup failure
            from flow.demo_data import get_tconts, get_gem_ports, get_onu_id

            if self.activation_method == "autoactivate":
                # This is currently just for 'DEMO' mode
                onu_id = get_onu_id(serial_number)
                if onu_id is None:
                    onu_id = self.get_next_onu_id()
                enabled = True
                channel_speed = 8500000000
                tconts = get_tconts(serial_number, onu_id)
                gem_ports = get_gem_ports(serial_number, onu_id)
                vont_ani = None
                xpon_name = None
                upstream_fec_enabled = True

            elif self.activation_method == "autodiscovery":
                if self.authentication_method == 'serial-number':
                    gpon_info = self.olt.get_xpon_info(self.pon_id)

                        # TODO: Change iteration to itervalues below
                        vont_info = next(info for _, info in gpon_info['vont-anis'].items()
                                         if info.get('expected-serial-number') == serial_number)

                        ont_info = next(info for _, info in gpon_info['ont-anis'].items()
                                        if info.get('name') == vont_info['name'])

                        vont_ani = vont_info['data']
                        onu_id = vont_info['onu-id']
                        enabled = vont_info['enabled']
                        channel_speed = vont_info['upstream-channel-speed']
                        xpon_name = ont_info['name']
                        upstream_fec_enabled = ont_info.get('upstream-fec', False)

                        tconts = {key: val for key, val in gpon_info['tconts'].iteritems()
                                  if val.vont_ani == vont_info['name']}

                        gem_ports = {key: val for key, val in gpon_info['gem-ports'].iteritems()
                                     if val.tcont_ref in tconts.keys()}

                    except StopIteration:
                        # Can happen if vont-ani or ont-ani has not yet been configured
                        return None

                    except Exception as e:
                        self.log.exception('autodiscovery', e=e)
                    return None
                return None

            onu_info = {
                'device-id': self.olt.device_id,
                'serial-number': serial_number,
                'xpon-name': xpon_name,
                'pon': self,
                'onu-id': onu_id,
                'enabled': enabled,
                'upstream-channel-speed': channel_speed,
                'upstream-fec': upstream_fec_enabled,
                'password': Onu.DEFAULT_PASSWORD,
                't-conts': tconts,
                'gem-ports': gem_ports,
                'onu-vid': self.olt.get_channel_id(self._pon_id, onu_id),
                'channel-id': self.olt.get_channel_id(self._pon_id, onu_id),
                'vont-ani': vont_ani
            # Hold off ONU activation until at least one GEM Port is defined.
            self.log.debug('onu-info', gem_ports=gem_ports)

            return onu_info
            # return onu_info if len(gem_ports) > 0 else None

        except Exception as e:
            self.log.exception('get-onu-info', e=e)
            return None
Beispiel #3
    def _get_onu_info(self, serial_number):
        Parse through available xPON information for ONU configuration settings
        :param serial_number: (string) Decoded (not base64) serial number string
        :return: (dict) onu config data or None on lookup failure
            from flow.demo_data import get_tconts, get_gem_ports, get_onu_id
            if self.activation_method == "autoactivate":
                onu_id = get_onu_id(serial_number)
                if onu_id is None:
                    onu_id = self.get_next_onu_id()
                enabled = True
                channel_speed = 0
                tconts = get_tconts(serial_number, onu_id)
                gem_ports = get_gem_ports(serial_number, onu_id)
                vont_ani = None

            elif self.activation_method == "autodiscovery":
                if self.authentication_method == 'serial-number':
                    gpon_info = self.olt.get_xpon_info(self.pon_id)

                        # TODO: Change iteration to itervalues below
                        vont_info = next(info for _, info in gpon_info['v-ont-anis'].items()
                                         if info.get('expected-serial-number') == serial_number)
                        vont_ani = vont_info['data']

                        onu_id = vont_info['onu-id']
                        enabled = vont_info['enabled']
                        channel_speed = vont_info['upstream-channel-speed']

                        tconts = {key: val for key, val in gpon_info['tconts'].iteritems()
                                  if val.vont_ani == vont_info['name']}
                        tcont_names = set(tconts.keys())

                        gem_ports = {key: val for key, val in gpon_info['gem-ports'].iteritems()
                                     if val.tconf_ref in tcont_names}

                    except StopIteration:
                        return None     # Can happen if vont-ani/serial-number has not yet been configured
                    return None
                return None

            onu_info = {
                'device-id': self.olt.device_id,
                'serial-number': serial_number,
                'xpon-name': None,
                'pon': self,
                'onu-id': onu_id,
                'enabled': enabled,
                'upstream-channel-speed': channel_speed,
                'password': Onu.DEFAULT_PASSWORD,
                't-conts': tconts,
                'gem-ports': gem_ports,
                'onu-vid': self.olt.get_channel_id(self._pon_id, onu_id),
                'channel-id': self.olt.get_channel_id(self._pon_id, onu_id),
                'vont-ani': vont_ani
            # Hold off ONU activation until at least one GEM Port is defined.
            self.log.debug('onu-info', gem_ports=gem_ports)

            return onu_info
            # return onu_info if len(gem_ports) > 0 else None

        except Exception as e:
            self.log.exception('get-onu-info', e=e)
            return None